The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2984 Well-informed

Li Menglong, who was blocked again, could only sit down and began to listen to Yoona's story.

To be honest, he was a little worried. Although he did not do anything good, Yoona's adding insult to injury would undoubtedly make the already bad result even more terrifying.

Li Menglong really wanted to stop Yoona from speaking. Even if it didn't work, he could find someone else to explain. Xu Xian was a good candidate.

But the girls didn't give him a chance to speak at all. They had long lost trust in him.

But what should I say? The ones with the strongest attitude at the scene were the ones who came last, Lee Soon Kyu.

However, Kim Taeyeon and others, who were the victims, seemed indifferent and just watched the fun.

This attitude really made Li Shungui suddenly realize that they didn't know anything, so this could explain it.

She really wanted to see Kim Taeyeon's expression for a while, it would probably be much richer than it was now.

Following Yoona's narration, as expected by Lee Soon Kyu, Kim Taeyeon's face was like a dye shop, going from pale to red to pitch black...

As far as this face change alone is concerned, it can definitely be called a movie queen level performance. If she can maintain this level, her future development will be limitless.

But this is not realistic. After all, this requires continuous stimulation from Lee Menglong. Can he withstand Kim Taeyeon's subsequent revenge?

"Li Menglong, is everything Yoona said true?"

Kim Taeyeon asked tremblingly. She also knew Yoona's habits. How much water is there? The whole thing is fake, right?

I have to say that this is already numbing herself. Kim Taeyeon feels that even if half of what Yoona says is true, she is already close to death.

But Yoona's reaction made Kim Taeyeon even more desperate, because Yoona actually acted quite unhappy: "Who are you wronging? What I said is true. If you don't believe me, just ask..."

Yoona looked back around, wondering who could testify for her. It seemed that Li Menglong was the most suitable person. He knew the whole process.

Besides, Li Menglong didn't interrupt him during the whole process. Doesn't this show that he has a guilty conscience?

"Uh... I don't speak just because you don't let me speak. It doesn't mean that I approve your speech. There are too many false contents in it."

Li Menglong naturally wanted to actively save himself. Even if he might hurt Yoona in the process, this little girl deserved it.

Otherwise, if so many people don't speak up, why is she the only one who is so active? If you want to get the benefits, you have to take the corresponding risks.

"Benefits? You can tell me what benefits I have!"

"Kim Taeyeon's friendship, you don't think her friendship is not precious, do you?"

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. Li Menglong made Yoona jump with just a few words, and created the image of Yoona as a villain who is only interested in profit.

The key is that Yoona can't refute it. Even in her heart, Kim Taeyeon's so-called favor is indeed worthless, but can she say this? She didn't want to go to hell with Li Menglong.

As for why it’s not valuable, it’s of course because of Yoona’s status.

If she was really in danger, would Kim Taeyeon just sit back and watch without any so-called favors?

Since he will be saved no matter what, what is the meaning of this favor? Let her get beaten less often?

Yoona is not bragging, she is really used to this beating.

Seeing that Lee Mong-ryong was about to make a comeback, Lee Soon-gyu and others on the side couldn't help but applaud, just because of Lee Mong-ryong's thinking and acting skills!

What kind of director should Li Menglong be? It would be great if he could just become an actor. Maybe he could even win a Best Actor Award.

However, their small dormitory has both movie queens and movie kings gathered at the same time, so it can be regarded as a geomantic treasure, right?

But aside from the level of appreciation, Li Menglong was essentially bullying their second maknae. Isn't this inappropriate?

Even though girls usually do all sorts of things to Yoona, that is limited to themselves. If any outsider dares to do this to Yoona, they will stand up and fight to the end.

After thinking of this, Li Soonkyu slapped Xiuying's thighs hard. Don't think that only Li Menglong would drool over these two long legs.

In the girls' team, there are many people who are envious and jealous of Xiuying, and they secretly whisper, why can't she be a few centimeters shorter? How great would it be to accommodate the average height of the team!

As for why Lee Soon Kyu wanted to take advantage of Xiuying, she certainly had her own ideas, such as sending Xiuying to solve the problem.

In the originally relatively quiet environment, Xiuying suddenly heard a proud voice, and everyone looked over subconsciously.

At this moment, Xiuying also stood in front at the right time, but why were her hands covering her buttocks? And why is the look in Lee Soon Kyu’s eyes so unkind?

Faced with Xiuying's hostility, Lee Soon Kyu just raised her eyes to the sky. If the atmosphere didn't allow it, she would even want to whistle. After all, the touch was really good.

Xiuying wanted to confront Lee Soon Kyu, but she also knew that now was not a good opportunity. Since she was thrown out, she would say a few words for Yoona.

Besides, she thinks this is a trivial matter for Yoona, at least compared to Kim Taeyeon, is this a problem?

With this idea in mind, Xiuying ignored Yoona at all, but opened up another track: "Unnie, Li Menglong did something sorry for you, I can testify to it!"

The moment he heard Xiuying's answer, Li Menglong wanted to break through the wall and escape. If he didn't run, he would have no chance.

It's just that Li Shungui and others were on guard. Naturally, they couldn't stop Li Menglong who was sprinting with all his strength, and they didn't want to try. What if they were hit and became paralyzed?

But their weak bodies can be made up for by their brains full of wisdom, so they closed the door and locked it with foresight.

Unless Li Menglong can smash them, he can only follow the steps to open the lock honestly, but will Kim Taeyeon give him that time?

"Li Menglong, please die..."

As Kim Taeyeon and others roared, the recording studio became lively again.

I should really praise the soundproofing of the room. It was almost killing people inside, but there was no sound at all outside.

But if a passing colleague hears it, it's really hard to say whether he will come in to "rescue" or hand the girls a knife.

In short, the final result ended with Xu Xian going downstairs to get Li Menglong's coat, because the clothes Li Menglong was wearing were no longer in shape.

It's not that Kim Taeyeon and others want to take advantage, but they always need a handhold when fighting, and clothes are naturally the best choice.

"Who bought these clothes? They are not strong at all. Remember to spend more money next time and don't always buy these bargains!"

Kim Taeyeon was sitting on a chair, breathing heavily. Her hair was messed up into a bird's nest, and several of the manicures on her hands were broken.

As for where to find the broken nails, I guess if you pull them off Li Menglong's body, a lot of them will fall off.

Overall, it was a fight that hurt both sides. In the later stage, Li Shungui and others did not dare to watch the fun anymore and stepped forward to stop it.

However, Li Menglong didn't appreciate the girls' coming forward at all. The main reason was that he had been beaten in the early stage. After all, he had done something wrong, so he had to express his attitude.

When he feels that his sins have been almost redeemed, he naturally refuses to be wronged.

As a result, he had just fought back a few times when several people led by Li Shunkyu came up to him.

Moreover, they were not admonishing both sides, to be precise, they were admonishing Li Menglong unilaterally. They hugged him around the waist and thighs, which seriously restricted his output.

And YoonA also has issues with girls. Why are Li Menglong's clothes so cheap? Who is the connotation of this yin and yang?

She, Lin Yoona, has never been accused of being stingy. Why would they say such things?

If she couldn't find the invoice for this dress, Yoona would have smashed the receipt or something in these women's faces to show them the price of this dress!

What kind of clothes can withstand the rough tearing by those women? Is that a quality issue with the clothes? Why don't they look for a reason in themselves?

Yoona did not dare to say a word of these inner thoughts. At this relatively sensitive moment, she must not have anything to do with Li Menglong.

Besides, the girls were not sure who gave them these clothes, so the person being blamed was not Lin Yoona. She was so confused.

A group of panting women were in the same room with a shirtless man, especially since they stared at the man with wide eyes. To be honest, it was a bit embarrassing.

Even though Li Menglong is so shameless, he can't hold it anymore. Can't these women be more reserved?

I don't want to turn my head immediately, but I should at least be shy, like in the TV series, with a blushing face and glance at him from time to time.

But now the girls have come up to touch her, and they are all making critical remarks, even commenting on Li Menglong's figure.

This gave Li Menglong a rare feeling of grievance: "Ah, what do you know? Just talk here casually, do you still remember that you are a girl?"

Faced with Li Menglong's complaints, the girls behaved extremely naturally. Did Li Menglong forget their work?

They are women who have been idols for many years. To put it more exaggeratedly, what kind of men have they not seen?

They have to be good-looking and have a good figure. The key is that they also have a variety of clothes. They are also well-informed.

If they are shy just by looking at her twice, then they don't have to work. They can just go backstage and be shy every day.

Even Xu Xian is like this, not to mention the other girls, all of them are quite proud of it.

In this case, Li Menglong could only use tattered clothes to protect the private parts of his body as much as possible. Once a woman acts like a hooligan, it really has nothing to do with men.

After several minutes of suffering, Li Menglong finally waited for Xu Xian to appear. Sure enough, only Xu Xian was his little angel.

But why did Xu Xian insist on helping him get dressed? Why is there a cold little hand on my belly when I'm getting dressed?

"Oppa is maintaining a good figure, keep up the good work!"

Xu Xian smiled and cheered for Li Menglong, as if the smooth action before had never happened.

Li Menglong's confused expression completely detonated the girls present. Everyone laughed so happily. He, Li Menglong, is also today?

Amidst the laughter of many female hooligans, Li Menglong ran away. He was afraid that if he stayed, some horrific tragedy would happen. He couldn't bear it!

But the good mood of the girls did not last long. After Li Menglong left, Kim Taeyeon and others had to evaluate the impact of the whole incident. They couldn't treat it as if it never happened, right?

After simply looking around on the Internet, Kim Taeyeon was so angry that she threw her phone away.

She was hating, why did she not throw the chair over Li Menglong's head when she only punched and kicked him before?

Kim Taeyeon had only heard Yoona's narration before. Although she knew what happened, she didn't realize the impact of the whole thing.

As a result, now she saw that the clips of them singing had been edited out, and the number of listeners was terrifying.

Kim Taeyeon didn't even have the guts to click in. She could still barely remember what she had done before.

After debuting for so many years, he finally won the title of a powerful singer. This title is still very popular.

Compared with the short career of idols, Kim Taeyeon can completely transform into a lyric singer with this title.

If she happens to have a few hit singles, she can live with it for the rest of her life. When she goes on stage to sing with a head full of white hair, the other girls can only sit in wheelchairs and tremble. Applaud her!

But now it's all ruined. Several years of hard work have been ruined by Li Menglong in just a few minutes. What is she still alive for, other than dragging Li Menglong to jump off the building together.

At this moment, Lee Soon Kyu curiously clicked on the audio. She had not heard the passionate singing of Kim Taeyeon and others.

Although what Yoona described was terrifying, it turns out that human words are lacking, and the actual situation is much more serious than what Yoona said.

Li Shunkyu immediately covered her mouth. She was afraid that she would not be able to hold back her laughter.

Years of forbearance are finally coming to an end. When the team talks about the number one vocalist in the future, Lee Soon Kyu will dare to stand up and pat his chest. Who else would he do?

Kim Taeyeon covered her ears. She really didn't want to recall it again.

If she could go back in time, she would definitely take the monthly exam attitude as a trainee and put all her strength into singing.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now. How will she see anyone in the future? How will her fans see her?

"Onie, come and take a look. Everyone's feedback is very good."

Naturally, Yoona's words were not heard by her, so Yoona simply put the phone in front of Kim Taeyeon, and she was forced to read the comments under the song.

Different from the venomous abuses that Kim Taeyeon imagined, although the comments below are not that pleasant, they are mostly just ridiculing, and a few even give mindless praises as if they are "deaf".

What is going on? She is a little confused...

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