The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2896 Pointing people

Fortunately, Yuli didn't say her thoughts out loud, otherwise Li Menglong would have been frightened.

How could he dare to sleep next to Yuli? Is he worthy?

Although the proposal itself is quite tempting, Li Menglong also needs to consider the subsequent impact.

Besides, the most important thing is that there is no room for him to lie down at all. Even Jessica was squeezed out. How can he have room for such a big man?

So he could only decline Pani's kindness. After seeing that no one woke up, he quietly slipped into his room.

Of course, before leaving, he didn't forget to thank Yuli again. This time, he really didn't say anything because he didn't dare to speak at all.

So he could only pull Yuli's hand. The other party should understand what he meant, right?

When he came to his room again, Li Menglong suddenly relaxed a lot. As expected, he still had to sleep in a familiar place to feel safe.

But what surprised him was that there was no one in the room. What was going on? Trap?

You know, his room on the first floor is more attractive than the floor.

Unless the group of women disliked him, they didn't notice it on weekdays. Instead, they would often come over to compete with him for the right to use the bed.

According to Li Menglong's estimation, there should be at least one person lying here, and there is a high probability that it may be Kim Taeyeon. This is due to her status in the team.

He touched one side carefully and found that there was indeed no one hiding there, which made him feel a little disappointed.

Fortunately, he cleared up this emotion in time. He should be happy when no one was around, because he didn't have to sleep under the bed.

Although there is a possibility of being discovered in this way, does he still care about this now?

Half the team knows about his existence, so we can't treat him differently. It doesn't matter if more people know about him.

But just when he was about to lie down, someone walked over from a distance.

For a moment, Li Menglong couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly, so he could only stay in place in a rather awkward posture, as if his acupuncture points were being tapped.

I originally thought that this person was going to the bathroom, but who knew that he went straight to the bed and came over? What was he doing?

Could these women have been negotiated? If you scare him one by one, can't you give him a happy one?

But this time he was obviously overthinking it. How could there be so many coincidences?

"There's no room outside. Can you give me a bed? Just a small one."

Yuli said it very politely, without any intention of using secrets to pressure her.

This attitude alone was worthy of Li Menglong doing something: "I'll give it all to you, you can sleep on your own bed."

Yuli was not very bright at the moment, so she thought Li Menglong was angry. Is sleeping with her an irritating thing?

Although she felt that this logic made no sense, she still chose to apologize: "Sorry, I'll go back upstairs."

As she spoke, Youli was about to bow and exit. Li Menglong hurriedly grabbed a handful and then stopped the little girl.

"Why are you going back? You can sleep here and cover for me."

Li Menglong may have realized the problem, but he didn't bother to explain. He just got under the bed in front of Yuli.

This scene really makes Yuli unable to handle it. What does this mean? What will she do now?

At Li Menglong's urging, Youli lay down anyway. She was obviously sleepy, but she couldn't fall asleep.

Because I always feel like there is an extra pair of eyes under my body looking at me. This seems to be a scene that only appears in horror movies.

After tossing and turning for a long time, Yuli finally wanted to talk to Li Menglong, or should they change positions?

But when she lay on the bed and stretched out her upper body, what she heard was Li Menglong's snoring. Was this person already asleep?

This is unfair. I feel uneasy because of the other person's existence, but the other person doesn't care at all?

He didn't want to think about who was sleeping on his head? You can touch her through a layer of wood. Can this kind of temptation make people want to sleep?

That is to say, Li Menglong fell asleep at this moment, otherwise he would severely criticize Yuli's unhealthy thoughts.

According to Yuli's theory, he doesn't have to sleep every day, because there is a whole floor above him with the whole team of girls.

If this theory is even more exaggerated, then everyone in the world will not have to sleep, because in theory everyone is breathing the air they have breathed. Isn't this too romantic?

Although she didn't realize this, Li Menglong's behavior did make Yuli feel at ease a lot.

Now that the other party doesn't care so much, can she be more free and easy?

Separated by a layer of wood and a layer of mattress, she was still wearing pajamas and covered with a quilt. How could Li Menglong take advantage of her?

Unless Li Menglong has the ability to see through things, but if he really does, then there is no point in hiding.

So it's better to sleep peacefully, but wouldn't it be less safe to sleep here?

Regarding this point, Yuli almost thought of a solution at the last second before falling asleep, and that was to ask questions.

She didn't know where Li Menglong was, and whatever the girls discovered had nothing to do with her. She was just a simple innocent victim.

If the girls need it, she can even provide a good excuse for these women. This is evidence that Li Menglong has ulterior motives!

After having a plan to deal with it, Yuli slept more peacefully, and the next accident was slowly brewing.

The girls generally slept soundly, and Xu Xian overslept was the best proof.

Speaking of which, this rarely happened to her, and every time it was enough to make her panic.

So to be precise, Xu Xian was the one who woke up first, and the rest of the people were woken up by Xu Xian.

"What's the matter? Those who are shocked are all grown up girls. They need to be more ladylike."

"What I'm saying is, don't point your butt at me. I always want to slap you when you look at it."

"Ah, maknae, what's going on? Is Li Menglong back?"

Xu Xian ignored all the teasing from the girls. She had a lot to do now.

Let’s not talk about washing up or anything else. She needs to wake up Li Menglong quickly.

Originally, she wanted to wake up Li Menglong in advance and leave, but now it was too late. She hoped that the man had left on his own.

Seeing Xu Xian running upstairs in a hurry, Pani and Yoona, who were still in a haze, immediately shuddered.

Although they were a step slower than Xu Xian thought, they were not so slow yet.

The key is that they don't know that Xu Xian has already learned everything, so they are still defensive about Xu Xian.

They were afraid that Xu Xian would bump into Li Menglong directly, which would really be the end of the world.

You have already put in so much effort and successfully allowed Li Menglong to spend the night at home. It would be better to fail at the last moment, right?

As long as they can deliver Li Menglong completely, they will be considered successful, and they will definitely work hard again.

So the two of them ran up following Xu Xian's footsteps without saying a word.

The actions of the three of them really confused Kim Taeyeon and the others. What does this mean?

Xu Xian is in a hurry to go to work, which makes them understandable, but why are Yoona and Pani so impulsive?

It's not that they can't go to work, but they don't have mandatory working hours, so they don't have to be in such a hurry, right?

After scratching their heads, they couldn't figure it out. Don't make yourself unhappy so early in the morning. They decisively chose to give up.

Maybe there are some unknown little secrets between them. The children have grown up, and some little thoughts are what they should be.

But who mentioned Li Menglong before? This can be discussed briefly. You must know that they sleep here just to wait for him to come back, so what about others?

"Who would come back so stupidly? Most likely he has gone to the company by now, right?"

Lee Soon Kyu's muttering expressed everyone's feelings. Anyway, from their point of view, it would be incomprehensible behavior if he really came back.

The reason why I chose to sleep here last night was just an excuse to squat with him. More importantly, it was because everyone wanted to get close to each other.

As a result, it seems that someone ran away in advance, which is not appropriate.

With a simple nod of heads, it was easy to see the lack of Jessica and Yuri.

Taking into account the fighting power of the two, everyone automatically ignored Jessica and focused on finding trouble for Yuli.

But before looking for trouble, they must first find where Yuli's people are, otherwise they will lose their temper in the air?

Fortunately, this was easy to spot. A group of people moved their hands and feet. After all, they had slept all night and their hands and feet were very stiff.

They are not afraid of not being able to use their strength, but they are afraid of being unable to control their strength.

If they really beat Yuli half to death later, they will regret it, just give the little girl some caress.

Standing at the door of the room, these people were even yawning, and Yuli was lying there peacefully like a sleeping beauty.

"This little girl looks pretty good when she sleeps. You should all learn from her. Someone seemed to have kicked me last night."

"You still have the nerve to accuse us? You are the one who should learn from us the most."

"Do you think anything is wrong? Why do you always feel that something is against the law?"

Facing the last question, the girls looked over in confusion. Is there something wrong? Not found.

But as the group of people quieted down, they finally realized something. Yuli's snoring was too manly.

But they dare not point it out casually, because they are not sure what state they are in when they sleep. Is this sound normal?

Everyone looked at Xiuying. She and Yuli slept in the same room, so they should know Yuli's state at the moment.

"Well, I usually go to bed first, and my sleep quality is also very good, so..."

Xiuying said slightly embarrassed, but also somewhat admired herself. Does she sleep with this kind of sound every day?

They couldn't come up with an idea for a while, and they couldn't even point it out.

It would be better if everyone behaved like this, but if only Yuli behaved like this, then if they still joked about it, wouldn't they be poking at others' shortcomings?

They are all sisters, so they can't do this kind of thing. Even if they are joking, they have a bottom line.

So everyone automatically ignored this topic and chose to continue with their previous plans.

As for how to wake up Yuli, it is naturally the most charming way.

When you wake up, you can see several girls and feel their weight and body temperature. This is a scene that many people dream of.

But to put it simply, the girls chose to use the method of stacking Arhats to press them all up.

Before Yuli woke up, the bed was already very lively because the group of women started fighting among themselves.

The one at the top naturally had a big advantage, and correspondingly, the first one to jump up didn't seem to be much better than Yuli.

In short, when Yuli woke up, she saw this messy scene in front of her. The key was that she felt uncomfortable with so many people pressing on her.

Fortunately, the girls knew what was going on, and they quickly got over it. Everyone just focused on making fun, and didn't think about killing Yuli.

But when everyone fell on the bed panting to regain their strength, they heard Yuli's snoring again.

How is this going? Is it because the way they wake up is not sexy? Did you fall asleep again so quickly?

This is simply a provocation to the girls. They will definitely show Yuli how awesome they are, but don’t underestimate them!

But when the group turned around, what they saw was Yuli's angry expression: "What are you doing? Do you want to do it again? Dreaming!"

The girls really felt like they were dreaming, otherwise how could they explain the scene at this moment?

Yuli had obviously woken up and was talking to them, but the snoring still continued. Could it be that Yuli could ventriloquism?

If Yuli had such ability, she would have gone to a variety show to show off, and she would have stayed at home to scare them? It's overkill.

If this wasn't Yuri's new personal skill, then things would be interesting.

Seeing the girls starting to look for someone, Yuli shuddered instinctively, but then forced herself to calm down. She didn't know anything!

So as long as she stays on guard, whatever happens next has nothing to do with her.

There was only such a big place in the room, and there were even fewer places to hide a grown man, so it was inevitable that Li Menglong would be discovered.

But before they could react, there was a sound of footsteps upstairs, and Yoona and Pani ran down again.

Now that they have a trump card in their hands, Kim Taeyeon and others are not in a hurry, and can even test the possibility of cheating on some people.

The first person to bear the brunt was naturally Yuli, but her performance was considered acceptable, at least she didn't do anything suspicious.

But the same cannot be said for Yoona and Pani. These two people are a little too obvious, especially when combined with their actions last night, the suspicion is even greater.

Besides, if there was no internal response, how could Li Menglong have been sleeping until now? This is unrealistic.

So Yoona and Pani were called over, and the two of them were generally relatively calm at the moment.

Because they found out that Li Menglong had already left, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"What's wrong? Do you need my help?"

"Well, there are indeed some things that I need to hear your thoughts on. For example, where do you think Li Menglong will be at this moment?"

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