The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2895 Dawn Crisis

Xu Xian's guess was quite accurate, after all, she really understood these women.

Li Menglong slept extremely peacefully all night, and no one came to disturb him at all.

But after daybreak, it would be hard to say, especially since everyone was asleep. Even if some accidents did happen, no one could stop them in time.

The first accident happened very early, basically just after dawn, Jessica walked up from downstairs.

Speaking of which, she was very confused at the moment. She chatted for too long last night, which caused her to wake up thirsty at this time.

This method of awakening was a little painful, but she couldn't find anyone to vent to, so she could only admit that she was unlucky.

Fortunately, everyone participated in the chat, so she couldn't be the only one unlucky, right?

Sure enough, she soon found the evidence in the kitchen. One liter of mineral water had been almost drunk.

I don’t know if she drank it alone or if several people took it in relay, but she wouldn’t choose to pick up what was left by these women. Wouldn’t it be difficult to open another bottle?

But after a few seconds, she had to walk back angrily, pick up the bottle of water again and drink it, not intending to leave even a drop of it for the women.

There is only this bottle of water left at home, which is very troublesome.

Logically speaking, someone should be replenishing this kind of stuff at any time. When you drink the last box, don't you know how to buy some new ones?

If it had been when they first stayed together, it might have been because everyone was short of money, but now wouldn't anyone still be short of money for these boxes of water?

So it can only be explained by carelessness or even deliberateness. She plans to work with everyone to find this person tomorrow, otherwise she will be sorry for the broken promise she just made.

As for what to do with people who want to drink water later, it is not her responsibility. Anyway, there is a faucet over there. Drinking a little occasionally will not cause any problems.

Thinking of the faces of the girls at that time, she couldn't help but feel very happy. Unfortunately, she couldn't stay here to see that scene happen.

But when she was about to go back and lie down again, she didn't realize where she was. Was it because she was dazzled?

Rubbing her eyes vigorously, Jessica looked carefully. The spot she had previously vacated had indeed disappeared out of thin air.

Is this hell? Isn't this damn method too ordinary?

After thinking carefully, Jessica found her two temporary "roommates" through the scattered memories of last night.

And the one lying in the middle now seems to be Yoona? How did this little girl get here?

She had the intention to go over and get the little girl away, but felt that it was too much to make a fuss about. In the end, she simply decided to go up and rest.

It’s packed down there anyway, so I might as well go to my own bed and have a good sleep.

She herself felt proud of this decision, especially after discovering that many of the others were lying here, she looked at this group of people as if they were fools.

Satisfied, she walked up and was ready to pounce directly on her bed, but she noticed something was wrong after opening the door.

This is not because Jessica has some strange sixth sense, but if she can't find it again, she should go to the ophthalmologist.

There is someone lying on Yoona's bed, which is a bit strange.

If she remembered correctly, it was Yoona who had taken her place below, and she had also checked the remaining number of people.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anyone else upstairs, unless they can teleport.

But as far as she knows, no one among the girls should have similar abilities. Otherwise, would they still be just a little star here?

So this person's identity is obvious, especially with the other person's strong figure and snoring from time to time.

As a very calm person, Jessica was not as panicked as Pani and Yoona before. Of course, this was also because she didn't seem to have any intention of waking up at the moment.

She can choose to quit and call someone directly. I believe the whole process will be extremely exciting.

But considering the sleeping state of the group of women downstairs, combined with the recent grudge between himself and Li Menglong, it seems that they will not be so unrelenting.

As for how this person hid upstairs and who helped him, she was not that curious.

To be precise, she just wants to lie down and rest now, so can Li Menglong get out?

This is already the most appropriate way that Jessica can think of to deal with it, but how to wake the other party up?

In order to prevent Li Menglong from making any big noise, Jessica chose to use a method that had only been seen in TV dramas.

She grabbed the pillow beside her and pressed it hard against Li Menglong's cheek.

Normally, this move would suffocate the other person to death, but Jessica was not that vicious. Besides, why did she kill Li Menglong? Did she want to go to prison to experience life?

So this is just her front-end action, and the core method is behind it.

As Jessica raised her fist and smashed it against the pillow, Li Menglong finally reacted, but the sound was well blocked by the pillow.

Sure enough, this hand played its due role. The key was that it didn't hurt Li Menglong. She was really too gentle.

Li Menglong said it was impossible not to be angry when he was beaten with his head covered in his sleep.

But Jessica didn't say anything. She just pointed to the door and motioned for him to go out and think about it slowly, so as not to stay here and disturb her rest.

And Li Menglong figured it out very quickly. After all, the surrounding layout was obviously not his room, and what happened last night had not been forgotten by him.

In this case, what is there to say? It is inappropriate to occupy the other party's room without the other party's permission.

And Jessica didn't react too much after discovering his existence, which was a huge favor, especially compared to the philistine Yoona and Pani last night.

If the situation didn't allow it, he would have wanted to hold the other person's hand and thank him profusely.

But looking at Jessica falling asleep in seconds, it seemed that it was too late to say thank you, and even if she did, the other party probably wouldn't hear it.

So all he could do was keep this gratitude in his heart, close the door for the other party, and bow to the door outside.

It's just that this action seemed a little unlucky, but fortunately no one else saw it.

Li Menglong yawned heavily. After being driven out of the room, he seemed to be thinking about his next plan.

The easiest option is naturally to find a room to rest, but there is still a risk of being discovered.

He didn't dare to bet that every girl was as easy to talk to as Jessica.

Even Jessica probably just wanted to sleep too much, otherwise how could she let him go so easily.

So he should leave while it's still a safe time?

There is nothing wrong with doing this in theory, but considering the time at this moment, where is he going after he gets out? What are you going to do again?

If he had some choices last night, he really had nowhere to go in the early morning, and he was sleepy.

So the choice is easy to make. Is there anything more tempting than taking a nap in the early morning?

Now that you have made this choice, you need to carefully choose the place where you want to sleep.

Although he could sleep in the girls' room, he always felt that this was not appropriate.

Firstly, it’s a bit indecent to sleep directly with the girls without their permission; secondly, it’s not safe!

Jessica is the best example. Since she can come back early to rest, who can guarantee that the other girls will not do the same.

And if you want to avoid this, you can only do the opposite.

It is said that absorbing knowledge from TV series is definitely not just for girls. Although Li Menglong didn't watch much, he also learned some truths. For example, the most dangerous place is the safest!

If you want to rest, where is the most dangerous place?

Li Menglong soon had the result in his mind, and saw him walking down slowly on tiptoes, trying not to make any noise.

According to his idea, he wanted to see if anyone was resting in his room.

If there was someone, he would sleep directly under the bed. Anyway, he had slept there several times tonight, so it was not that unacceptable.

Although the sky was already bright, the living room was still dark due to the heavy curtains, making it difficult to see the road.

Li Menglong was afraid that he would step on something, so he took every step extremely carefully, as if he might fall into a cliff the next second.

But despite being so careful, he still alerted the girl. To be precise, she was the first to notice him.

"oppa? When did you come back?"

When he heard this sound, Li Menglong was almost frightened to death on the spot.

He clutched his chest and sat down slowly against the wall, then turned back and looked in the direction of the sound.

There was still some light in the kitchen, allowing him to barely see the figure drinking water, but why was the person standing in front of the sink?

And what surprised Li Menglong the most was how the other party recognized him? Are their eyesight that good?

Now that he was recognized, Li Menglong couldn't pretend to be dead, so he could only accept his fate and walk over.

As a result, when we arrived at the other party's side, the other party was actually very surprised: "It's really you, I didn't recognize it before!"

Regarding Yuli's statement, Li Menglong no longer intends to delve into which statement is true.

Whether the other party is teasing or trying to make peace, does it make any difference to him?

As for how he recognized Yuli, he really wanted to say that there was no one else in the house except Yuli, a woman who could blend into the night so perfectly.

However, considering the consequences of saying this, he still chose to endure it: "What are you doing here? Washing the dishes?"

Li Menglong thought he was making a little joke, but Yuli didn't realize it, and instead complained about the person who drank all the mineral water.

He had been staying upstairs the whole time, so the whole thing probably had little to do with him, as Jung Soo-yeon and Yoona could both testify.

But that's what Yuli said, and she didn't mean to delve deeper. She was more curious about how Li Menglong appeared here.

"We were chatting until very late to protect you when we came back, so you just came back?"

Li Menglong actually wanted to confess, but Yuli gave him a new reason.

Although he didn't mean to lie, now was obviously not a good opportunity to explain. He was afraid that the conversation between the two would wake up the other girls.

So he could only quickly nod in agreement with Yuli's statement, and in the end, he gained Yuli's concern.

"You are too upright. Why don't you find a place to rest early? Have you been waiting downstairs for so long?"

Youli patted his shoulder with heartache, but why was there still a touch of regret and pity in her eyes? Was this pity for Li Menglong's IQ?

Li Menglong really had the urge to have a good chat with this girl, but the girls in the distance didn't give him this chance at all.

"Who's talking? I'm so thirsty, bring me some water."

Because the voice was too hoarse, Li Menglong couldn't tell who it was for the moment, but no matter who it was, it made no difference to him.

He could only look at Yuli at the moment. Judging from the previous interaction, this little girl shouldn't shout out, right?

Yuli has lived up to his trust. Besides, her attitude is right here. Isn't it obvious enough?

He responded from a distance, and then whispered to Li Menglong to find a place to rest quickly.

There is only so much she can do to help. Once the other party is caught, Yuli is helpless.

Fortunately, this was enough. Li Menglong patted Yuli's shoulder heavily, indicating that he would not forget this kindness.

But will his kindness be a little overflowing?

From the moment he was discovered by Pani, four people had seen him one after another, not counting Xu Xian who was unaware of him.

If a few more people discover him, he seems to have no need to hide.

But now the number of people is barely over half, and he still has some room to struggle. Of course, this is his last chance.

He followed Yuli step by step to the living room. If he wanted to return to his room, he would have to pass by these women.

He was trying to be as careful as possible, but he still stepped on someone's body.

Fortunately, he had expected this in advance, and Yuli spoke up in time to take the blame for him. He owed this little girl another debt.

"Is there any water? Leave some for me, don't drink it all."

"There isn't much to begin with. You go to the kitchen and get it yourself."

"Why don't you go? Give it to me quickly!"

"Why did Yuli suddenly gain so much weight? Did she wear clothes?"

Facing the girls' inquiries, Li Menglong was holding in his breath as much as possible, for fear of causing more misunderstandings among the women.

Yuli was relatively calm at the moment, and she didn't know if it was because she was not fully awake yet: "I don't know, you may have read it wrong."

He responded very perfunctorily. Li Menglong almost thought that Yuli was giving up on herself. Can you find a more reasonable excuse?

Who knows that the more you talk at this moment, the weirder it becomes. Besides, are the two people who woke up sure they can think so much?

Sure enough, following Yuli's response, the two of them lay down and fell asleep again without thinking too much.

Yuli also yawned, so can Li Menglong let her go? Find a place to rest quickly. You don't want to sleep next to her, right?

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