Yoona's expression changed again and again in a short period of time, as if someone was controlling her facial muscles from a distance.

The main reason why this happened was that Yoona couldn't figure out the situation at the scene.

This group of people had many secrets they were hiding from her, which made her very confused when choosing a side. This one accidentally missed the mark.

Although she still didn’t know what these people were doing behind her back, Yoona could see the hesitation of the women opposite her.

In this way, Li Menglong became the stronger side, and the thigh that was originally on her side was pushed out by her.

This makes people very worried. If she tries to redeem her now, will Li Menglong accept her again?

"Haha, can you please stay away from me, Miss Lin Yuner!"

Li Menglong said it very politely, as if Yoona standing opposite was a stranger.

But this attitude is too deliberate. If it was really a stranger, he would never be so indifferent when he first met her, especially the opposite sex.

It's an exaggeration to say it, but everyone of the opposite sex wants to leave a good impression on her, and is looking forward to something happening that goes beyond friendship.

Yoona is well aware of this overly straightforward thinking, but she doesn't have any good solution except to keep herself clean.

As a result, now she took the initiative to express her closeness to Li Menglong, but the other party wanted to keep a distance. This was too deliberate, and this was not what it should be like when they first met.

"You care about me? My girlfriend is right next to me. I'm afraid she'll be jealous if we get too close!"

Li Menglong once again gave a reason, which seemed very reasonable, but this time it was Li Soonkyu who took the leap.

"Ah, what do you mean you're afraid of me being jealous? Just kidding, what am I worse than Lin Yoona? Will I be jealous of her?"

While speaking, Lee Soon Kyu looked Yoona up and down, as if he was looking for the other person's strengths, but in the end he just shook his head with regret.

Yoona can understand this Ernie's reaction, but don't step on her head.

Besides, the other party is also denying reality. Isn’t there anything she, Lin Yoon-ah, can do to make Lee Soon-gyu envious?

Not to mention anything else, just because of his height, Lee Soon Kyu is so envious that he will get red eyes, and now he is being arrogant here?

Originally, Lee Mong-ryong and Yoona were interacting, but Lee Soon-gyu joined in, which made Kim Taeyeon and Pani even more confused.

Which side are they going to stand on now? It seems like Lee Soon Kyu is theirs?

In this case, what else is there to say? The two people immediately joined Lee Soon Kyu’s camp:

"It's necessary. What man would like such a dry little girl?"

"In other words, she looks a little prettier, but who would know who she is when the lights are turned off?"

The little girl Yoona couldn't handle the "married women's" speech made by girls.

Not to mention Yoona, even Li Menglong sounded a little shy. Is it appropriate to say something so explicit?

Besides, they really don’t understand men. Good looks can really cover up many things. Besides, Yoona’s figure is not as bad as they say.

It's just that he can't stand on Yoona's side and fight back at this moment, because the words coming out of his mouth are more like teasing.

He didn't want Yoona to have an excuse to get angry. He had this little girl firmly in his hands at the moment, so it was better to let the topic return to its original track.

As if this topic had never happened, Li Menglong once again motioned to Yoona to stay away from him.

Li Menglong's intentions are good, but Yoona can't just pretend that nothing happened.

Combined with his previous words, Li Menglong's words at this moment are more like he dislikes her, which is to some extent more lethal than Kim Taeyeon and others.

A group of people close to her maliciously slandered her, how could Yoona suffer this injustice.

Although I didn't intend to cry in the first place, after all, if this trick is used too often, they will develop antibodies.

But now she doesn't care so much. She is going to ask these people to apologize to her today!

There have been countless classic moments that prove Yoona's talent in crying, and both the girls and Lee Mong-ryong deeply agree.

So when they realized that Yoona might cry, the group of people also acted subconsciously.

No one wants to face a crying Yoona, not even girls.

Because Yoona is invincible in this state, even if he knows she did it on purpose, looking at her pitiful look, he can't bear to scold her anymore.

After experiencing similar scenes too many times, not to mention how repulsive everyone is, they will no longer wait foolishly for Yoona to explode.

Although Yoona is very good at this, she is not to the point where she can shed tears casually.

This still requires a process, and what these people have to do is to respond quickly within this still safe time.

There are generally two ways to deal with it. One is to deal with Yoona directly, or to go up and block her mouth.

But this method is too rough, so they are more willing to choose the second method: Can't they afford to hide?

There was no discussion at all, and it was hard to even tell who took the lead. In short, at a certain moment, several people rushed to the door in unison.

Because several people were too united, there was even a small congestion at the door:

"Hey, Li Menglong, can't you be more gentleman? Are you going to fight for the way with a bunch of girls like us?"

"Huh, girl? Why didn't I see it, brother!"

"Fart, who is Brother You? Have you ever seen a brother with such a good figure?"

"That's right, let's call you aunt..."

While several people were bickering, it did not affect their movements. Although the doorway was a little narrow, it could not hold the girls' bodies slender enough.

So the group of people squeezed out smoothly, and the first reaction of several people after coming out was to hold the door firmly from the outside.

Now that it was safe, Yoona could just stay inside and cry alone. Anyway, the soundproofing of the recording studio was good enough, so they couldn't hear it even from the door.

After such a crisis management, it seems that Li Menglong and others can no longer argue.

Li Menglong thought that he had let a few people go. After all, they owed him something, and they couldn't deny this!

Of course, with his emotional intelligence, he would not say such words on the spot. What is needed now is a tacit understanding.

So Li Menglong chose to leave directly. In his opinion, this was the best response.

But the girls sneered at his choice. They were clearly running away. Don't make it seem like they were taking advantage.

Although Yoona was locked up inside, there would always be time to see each other, and then it would be their turn to comfort Yoona.

This is physical work, and although many fans are willing to do it, at least for girls, it is not an easy job.

In the end, Li Menglong waved his hands and was about to leave. How could such a good thing happen?

Li Menglong didn't want to agree to the "sustainment" of these women, but he did have a reason to stay.

It is said that he was tricked by Xu Xian, but he still doesn't know the specific reason.

Although there is the possibility of a prank, considering Xu Xian's character, Li Menglong is still more willing to believe that there is indeed something that requires him to come forward.

But this incident is definitely not to appease Yoona, and Seohyun does not have the ability to predict the future.

After hearing Li Menglong's inquiry, Kim Taeyeon and others were also confused. What is going on? They suspected that Li Menglong was talking nonsense.

It's just that if Li Menglong runs away now, they seem to be unable to stop him. It seems that he has no need to deceive.

So this is true? But why didn't they know that they had asked Li Menglong to come up, or that they had sent the message through Xu Xian?

The girls looked at each other and immediately realized there was something fishy going on.

Considering that Li Menglong has no need to deceive at this moment, it is obvious where the problem lies. This is what Xu Xian did in the middle.

Although they don't know Xu Xian's purpose, as members of a group and Xu Xian's sister, they have the obligation to cover up for Xu Xian.

So if there was anything else to say, I started making up reasons.

"That's indeed what happened. As for why we asked you to come up, don't you have a clue in your own mind?"

Kim Taeyeon was full of wisdom as soon as she opened her mouth. She used this rhetorical question to let Li Menglong tell the answer himself.

No matter what Li Menglong said, all they had to do was agree with it. Kim Taeyeon wanted to praise herself for being so eager to come up with such a good idea.

It's just that she has considered that her acting skills are a little bit bad. In addition, Li Menglong is still a director, so how could she not see that this was a scam?

But Li Menglong did not choose to expose it. He could add some variables to Kim Taeyeon's plan.

When it comes to brainstorming, Li Menglong really doesn’t give in to these women!

"So is this really true?"

"Well, probably."

"Are you going to use money to redeem the bet you lost this morning? Or are you going to give me hundreds of millions?"

"The enemy is...a few hundred million?"

Kim Taeyeon originally agreed casually, but her sensitivity to the amount caused her to interrupt what she was about to say.

It is not impossible to use cash to redeem conditions that are unfavorable to you.

After all, the purpose of making money is to spend it. It makes you feel better, so it makes sense to spend some money.

But the price is exaggerated. Even if they do make a lot of money, it is not such a consumption model.

Besides, Li Menglong is so virtuous that he dares to directly ask for a price of several hundred million. Why doesn't he look in the mirror and see if his face is worthy of it?

But it was this statement that convinced the girls that this guy was just joking and that he had seen through their previous plans.

There is nothing left to say now, and everyone is disgusted with each other, so why are we still here disgusting each other?

"Don't say that. You guys are so good-looking. How can I get bored of you?"

Li Menglong's words sounded nice, but it was even more believable when he could look at the faces of several people while speaking.

Even though they knew this guy was just being disgusting, the girls were still fooled and couldn't help but wave their arms and thighs.

Naturally, Li Menglong would not let them fight stupidly here. If he didn't run away now, how long would he have to wait?

You must know that it is working time now, and there are countless people on the third floor secretly observing.

Although Li Menglong didn't care so much about his image in the eyes of this group of people, he really didn't have any image to belittle.

But he still wants to maintain his final strength!

Whether he was beaten by these women in public, or he bullied these people in turn, it didn't seem to be a good choice.

So it’s better to run. Being chased by these women is not that embarrassing?

In fact, just after running a few steps, Kim Taeyeon and others realized how rude they were at this moment, which was very different from their daily image.

They have always presented themselves as gentle and intellectual, at least that's what they think.

Doesn't this behavior now mean that his true nature is exposed, which is very bad?

But now that they stopped, they seemed a little too timid. After a little hesitation, they decided to pursue it to the end.

After all, the people around us are our own people, so we shouldn’t spread them around casually, right?

Even if they take a step back and they really leak it, someone has to believe it. Their fans will never believe this kind of "gossip"!

Several people ran very fast and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight, but this did not interrupt everyone's discussion.

That is to say, it is not allowed to move around at will during working hours, otherwise they will definitely follow him to see the final outcome. How badly Li Menglong will be beaten by these people!

None of them had any doubts about the final result.

Because the fact is here, once a person with Li Menglong's physique wants to take action, the girls are no match at all.

So he responds by running away, which in itself hints at the ending.

Everyone still agrees with his approach. If he really dares to fight back, then everyone wouldn't mind stepping in to save the beauty.

Just as the army of beauties disappeared, a lost little beauty came out confusedly. Her big eyes were wet and full of spirituality.

Yoona was shy about everyone's gaze. She also knew that her image at the moment was not that good, so they should stop staring at her.

But Yoona may have some misunderstandings about her appearance. She is so beautiful at the moment that people can't take their eyes away. Naturally, Yoona couldn't say no directly, so she could only choose to disappear as soon as possible.

But before disappearing, she had to find out where the gang had gone. Locking her in a room alone was something a normal person could do?

"They ran after Li Menglong. Did he do something to you again?"

Although these words sounded like she was supporting them, why did Yoona see some envy in this person's eyes.

Are you envious of Li Menglong? Are you envious of them? Envy that they can be bullied by Li Menglong?

But she didn't dare to think about it further, otherwise she would feel like she was about to become a pervert.

"Then let's continue working. I'm sorry to disturb everyone."

Yoona bowed respectfully and apologized to everyone around her. Such a polite child is really lovable!

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