The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2828 It’s early

Peace was the main theme throughout the afternoon. No one had a more serious confrontation, whether it was the girls or Li Menglong.

This was naturally good news for Li Menglong, but he still didn't know how much dissatisfaction the girls had endured.

You went so far as to bully Yoona behind their backs, did you really think they were dead? You know, this is their second maknae!

Even if it was bullying, only they could bully them. Why did Li Menglong get involved?

At least in the early days, that's what the girls thought. If the situation were different, they might fight with Li Menglong.

But this isn't in the company, they have to consider Li Menglong's face.

But as time passed, the girls instinctively sensed something was wrong.

Yoona's words are too one-sided. Besides, she didn't add any details. Why should everyone believe her? Is it based on her character?

The girls did not express their inner suspicions, mainly because they did not have any channels for verification.

He went down to bother Li Menglong about something like this. If everything was true, it would be easier to say. He didn't dare to say anything more.

But once the matter is false, their appearance will be too embarrassing, and even apologizing to Li Menglong on the spot cannot make up for it.

In order to avoid this situation from happening, the girls decided to be calm, endure their restless hearts, and wait until after get off work to go over to seek confirmation.

In this way, Yoona gained a rare buffer time, but this time hung over her head like a countdown.

This is clearly the countdown to Lin Yoona's death!

As for how Yoona can see through the hearts of these women, is that still interesting? Do those women dare to be more obvious?

The simplest thing is that even if Yoona goes to the bathroom, someone from the gang will have to follow her.

They said they were afraid that Yoona would be harassed again, so they decided to use personal protection to ensure Yoona's safety.

But this kind of statement is just to deceive outsiders. It's not the first day that she, Lin Yoona, met them. Can they be more honest with each other?

They were obviously afraid that they would never come back. The people they sent were just watching over her. She was a prisoner!

As for the time when she was finally executed, if nothing else happened, it should be the moment she got off work.

Once these people get together with Li Menglong, the lies that Yoona made up will be self-defeating. She, the person involved, knows this very well.

So what else is there to say? Yoona has no mind to work at all, all she can think about is how to escape.

Although she knew that running like this would not bring any good results, there was nothing she could do about it.

If you want her to stay here and wait for death, she will definitely not agree!

Even if she died, she would have to go through a painful struggle first, so that she could at least convince herself that she had tried hard!

However, under the strict defense of the girls, it was not so easy to come up with a solution.

Yoona couldn't help but yawn while thinking about it. It was still so long before she got off work. It seemed like she could take a rest first?

Her eyes slowly closed. Although she knew it was wrong, Yoona really couldn't bear it anymore. The pressure she was carrying was too great.

Fortunately, she didn't sleep for that long, and she was on guard, fearing that it would be time to get off work when she opened her eyes again.

In fact, Yoona thinks highly of herself. Lunch break has just ended. Is it possible that she can still sleep here for a few hours?

First, she secretly glanced at her phone. She had only slept for an hour despite her full schedule. She controlled her time quite well.

And her sleeping behavior also has a deep meaning. She wants to use this to paralyze the girls. They shouldn't be guarding against her now, right?

In order not to attract the attention of these women, Yoona did not dare to look at them. After all, these women were very sensitive to gazes.

She slowly crawled from the sofa to the door, doing so as slowly as possible, trying not to make a sound.

With perfect control of her muscles, Yoona actually managed to do it. Although her muscles were a little sore, looking at the door so close, it was all worth it.

It wasn't until she was about to open the door that Yoona glanced at the group of women for the first time out of the corner of her eye. They were currently wearing headphones and looking at the screen to appreciate something. No wonder there was no reaction.

This is really a God-given opportunity. Yoona has no intention of delaying it any longer. As long as she can run out of this room, the vast world outside will be hers!

There was still no obstacle to her next move. The door opened a gap silently. She wanted to squeeze out of here by relying on her slender figure.

As her calves gathered strength, Yoona's whole body was like a spring, bouncing out from the crack in the door.

But the end result was not so smooth. She managed to pop out halfway, but then fell back into the room.

It wasn't that there was something wrong with her movements, but that she bumped into someone. There was someone at the door of the recording studio?

Yoona really didn't consider this, so she was sitting on the ground quite speechless at this moment.

She was obviously so careful, but in the end she fell short. The girls have already sent her condolences.

At this moment, Yoona just wanted to see who was standing outside the door. Even if the other person didn't mean it, Yoona still planned to fight to the death with the other person.

But when she really raised her head, Yoona was completely panicked. She was not sure whether what she had done before had been discovered.

Could it be that these people started arranging all this from the moment she fell asleep, right?

But that doesn't make sense. Li Menglong would not be so cooperative. His time is not cheap enough to play with the girls here.

So this is all a coincidence? Is it just an accident that Li Menglong appears here?

Although he didn't know the complicated thoughts in Yoona's heart, Li Menglong took the initiative to explain: "I didn't mean it, you took the initiative to bump into me.

Yoona was not curious at all about Li Menglong's quibbles. At this moment, with her head raised and her face blank, she just wanted to know why Li Menglong was here.

"Xiaoxian asked me to come here. He said that if you have anything to do with me, please don't say that this is the so-called reason. I came here just to bump into you?"

Li Menglong's explanation left Yoona quite speechless. He didn't think that he bumped into her on purpose, right?

She, Lin Yoona, is not that boring. Besides, what is she trying to do, to let the girls catch her successfully?

If anything, Li Menglong is more suspicious. Could he have done it on purpose?

Both of them felt that they were very innocent. In fact, they did not have any bad intentions.

Overall, this can only be regarded as a not-so-good accident.

If we had to find a culprit, Xu Xian might be more suitable. After all, she was the one who called Li Menglong here at a specific time.

It's just that it's unrealistic to say that Xu Xian did it intentionally. How could she control the time so accurately.

This scene is as if Seohyun is directing from behind. Are Lee Menglong and Yoona her puppets?

In the end, this matter had to be left alone. At least as far as the sinner was concerned, no one specifically responsible could be found.

But now is not the time to dwell on this. Li Menglong is still waiting for an explanation, and the girls also need an answer.

Both parties looked at Yoona in unison, which made Yoona very confused. She also wanted an explanation, but who would pay attention to her?

Considering the superior force of the gang at the scene, Yoona didn't even dare to complain, she just wanted to send them away quickly.

Logically speaking, Li Menglong should be dealt with first, because his situation here is relatively simple.

But what kind of brain does Yoona have? Once Li Menglong leaves, will those women let her go?

Although this group of people would not care about Li Menglong's existence, it would have some positive effect. Seeing Lin Yoona being bullied, Li Menglong didn't come to help her?

Of course, Yoona is taking certain risks. Once Li Menglong breaks the bottom line and joins the interaction of mixed doubles, Yoona will cry.

Fortunately, the most pessimistic situation did not happen, and Li Menglong was still reliable at critical moments.

Yoona's explanation to the girls was extremely simple. She accidentally fell down from the sofa while sleeping.

As for the exact position in which they could roll all the way from the sofa to the door, that was what they had to figure out.

Although Yoona should have been recast as the protagonist, she used the excuse that she couldn't remember anything in her sleep and tried to muddle through.

Girls can't tolerate sand in their eyes. Besides, Yoona's excuse is too crude. Couldn't she be more careful?

Seeing them forcing Yoona into a corner, even though Li Menglong didn't want to get involved, he couldn't just watch Yoona being bullied, right?

Besides, this little girl looked at him with pitiful eyes the whole time. That little expression really reached the pinnacle of her acting skills.

Li Menglong was also furious. If Yoona couldn't show off her acting skills during filming later, he would really curse her.

"Stop swearing, you can just beat me to death when the time comes!"

In order to survive at this moment, Yoona is also risking her life, and she really dares to say anything.

Of course, this is also YoonA's confidence in her acting skills. Why can't the acting skills she can show in life be replicated on the set?

This doesn't make sense in principle. As a talented actor and a future actress, how could Yoona allow herself to be questioned in this regard?

Especially since the object of this suspicion was a big director she planned to work with many times, Yoona did not allow herself to leave such an impression on him.

So the swearing and swearing at this moment are not all to cope with the present, she also has her own pride.

Naturally, Li Menglong can only encourage this. He can't just pour cold water on his heroine before the filming of the movie has started, right?

Now that he has decided to intervene, Li Menglong will naturally not stop at the superficial level. If he wants to help, he must help to the end. This is the wisdom of life!

With this understanding, Li Menglong undoubtedly acted more decisively: "Stop, what are you doing?"

Li Menglong's question was so abrupt that Kim Taeyeon and others didn't react for a while: "Do we still need to report to you what we are doing?"

Kim Taeyeon's response was already a bit provocative. You must know that there is still a large amount of debt between them that has not yet been settled. Is he sure he wants to settle it in advance?

Li Menglong naturally didn't want to cause trouble for them. He preferred peaceful means, such as asking the opposite group to fulfill their morning bet.

In order to let these women calm down, he has not come to harass them for a long time. The cooling time must have passed, right?

Yoona had overslept in the morning, so she didn't understand the dirty relationship between them at all.

So when she saw Li Menglong's tough attitude at the moment, she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

She felt that she was a little hasty, why did she drag Li Menglong in just because her head was hot?

Originally, for the mistakes she had made, the most she could do was to be taught a lesson by these women, which was not that difficult.

As a result, Li Menglong came up with a super double now. Is it necessary to decide life and death at the moment?

If Li Menglong wants to die, can he not take her Lin Yuner with him? It would not be bad for him to die at his age, but she, Lin Yuner, still has a lot of good years waiting for her to waste.

She really didn't want to have to count her first seven days because of Li Menglong's impulsiveness. This would be too unlucky.

In order to allow fans to see herself for a longer time, Yoona felt that she must do something at this moment.

So without waiting for the girls to reply, Yoona took advantage of the gap between the two parties and jumped out: "Unnies, all Li Menglong's actions have nothing to do with me. I am on your side!"

They all say that the bridge must be demolished, but Yoona temporarily saw the possibility of drowning, so she couldn't survive the bridge, so she decided to demolish it now!

Yoona's escapade made Li Menglong not a human being inside and outside. He was clearly out for Yoona, but in the end he encountered "immortal jumping"!

Li Menglong had enough reasons to suspect that all of this was discussed in advance between Yoona and those women, and maybe Xu Xian was also involved.

Now he just feels that people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. He is such an honest person, but he is surrounded by a bunch of female liars. Does he want to find a place to cry?

However, compared to his sentimental heart, the emotions of the girls were not too generous.

Mainly because the two people changed each other so fast that they couldn't react.

Wasn't it Li Menglong who was trying to excuse Yoona before? Now, if I understand correctly, the two of them have broken up?

It’s just that they can’t figure out what happened between the two of them. Now it’s really testing how they cope.

They wanted to stand by Yoona, but they didn't know how to do it.

So they could only tentatively say: "If we don't agree, what do you want to do to us?"

The girls' response really made Yoona feel chilled. What about their momentum? Take them all out!

This soft response was too condescending. Could it be that they really had something in Li Menglong's hands?

So her "bridge" has been demolished too early?

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