Yoona's idea of ​​"all beings being equal" has been declared a failure before it was implemented.

Because when she tried to step forward to support Li Shungui, the woman actually changed the target: "The two eldest sisters here are talking, do you, the second maknae, have the right to interrupt?"

These words really chilled Yoona's heart. She came here to help her, and she risked being resented by Kim Taeyeon.

In the end, this is how she treated herself? Who in the dormitory will dare to stand behind her in the future? Can't she let go of this unnecessary big sister style?

Lee Soon Kyu said that it is impossible to let go of it. Even this can make Kim Taeyeon and the two of them temporarily put aside their conflicts and speak out unanimously!

Yoona inexplicably resolved the quarrel between the two, but the process did not satisfy her. She had no intention of sacrificing herself to help others. She was not that great.

But the result of the facts does not depend on her will. Can she still go ahead and stir up trouble now? Those two women didn't look like they could be fooled again.

So Yoona is really feeling aggrieved. Why is she always the one who gets hurt?

This question is destined to have no answer. Yoona will probably spend a long time looking for it. The key is that he may not be able to find it yet, which is very annoying!

Yoona brought this attitude into her work. No matter what the two women said, she would unconditionally object.

Although this rebellious behavior can be easily punished, Yoona is holding it in so much that she is desperate to let it out.

Maybe it was because of the conscience of these two women that they did not choose to take action this time, but decisively drove Yoona out.

Standing alone at the door, there was no one on the entire third floor, which made her feel even more lonely, as if she had been abandoned.

These women might as well beat her up. What's the point of engaging in cold violence?

Yoona tried to break in again, but the door was locked very tightly. Considering the overall sound insulation effect of the recording studio, she gave up the urge to continue banging on the door.

She can no longer stay on the third floor. Although there are many rooms where she can rest, what Yoona needs now is companionship, not an empty room.

Fortunately, apart from them, there are many lively places in the company.

Yoona's first choice was naturally the second floor. Xu Xian and Li Menglong were there, and they would always comfort her.

After hesitating at the door for a long time, Yoona still didn't go in.

Everyone inside was really too focused. She would look out of place when she entered, and she might even be despised by them.

As a sensible child, Yoona could only walk downstairs again. Fortunately, it was not so busy on the first floor.

Moreover, this group of people were extremely happy about her appearance. Yoona was still not used to this feeling of being surrounded by stars. It seemed that she was not that annoying!

"Why did you come down alone? Do you want to go back first? I'll arrange for someone to drive you there?"

Although he is not their agent, he has worked in the same venue for so long and has learned many details.

So when Li Menglong is unable to perform his duties, the landlady doesn't mind helping. As for the gas expenses and so on, he can ask the other party to reimburse him twice as much.

But Yoona has no intention of leaving. If she leaves now, she will look like a lonely loser, and she will be laughed at when she returns home.

So she would rather stay on the first floor than believe that those people could really stay up all night!

"You are free, I have no intention of driving you away. It's not too late to like you."

The boss lady responded with a smile, these words are not adulterated at all, would anyone hate Yoona? Anyway, she couldn't think of any reason to hate Yoona.

The little girl is not only beautiful, but also has a sweet mouth. The most important thing is that with her arrival, the business will be inexplicably better, which makes the landlady even more happy.

In other words, Yoona is doing her job too well, otherwise the boss lady would really want to poach her.

You don’t have to do anything else every day, just stand in front of the cashier and collect money. I guess you will gain a reputation as a fried chicken beauty in a few days!

Although she knew that the possibility of Yoona changing jobs was almost zero, especially this kind of job-hopping across industries and with a significant reduction in salary, the boss lady still said it in a joking tone, what if Yoona had a brain twitch?

After all, this little girl doesn't look that smart at the moment, but a little silly.

Yoona just looks stupid, it's just a protective color on the outside, but she is actually smart on the inside.

So facing the boss lady's invitation, she couldn't be more proud to smile!

You must know that she was kicked out by Kim Taeyeon's gang, and they seemed to dislike her. However, she received a new job invitation backhand. This was an affirmation of Lin Yoona!

Just because of the timing and sincerity of speaking to the landlady, Yoona wanted to give her this face: "No problem, it's settled, I will follow you from now on!"

"It's okay, no need to apologize, I know you..." The boss lady said the prepared words subconsciously, but she realized halfway through that Yoona actually agreed!

I'm afraid this kid is really crazy, otherwise how could he agree to such an invitation?

Even if she really didn't want to be an artist, she wouldn't come to work as a cashier. It's not that the position is superior, it's just a waste.

With Yoona's quality and experience, she can definitely shine in a position that is more suitable for her, and she doesn't have to be forced to work in this small fried chicken restaurant.

"How could you say that about yourself, Ernie? What happened to the fried chicken restaurant? The two of us will work together to open a hundred branches within this year, expand our business globally within two years, and in three years we will go to New York to ring the bell for listing!" "

Listening to the vision that Yoona had weaved for her, the boss lady had no intention of being moved at all, because the cake was so big that she thought it was fake when she heard it!

Even taking into account Yoona's financial resources and her own influence, it is still beyond their ability to expand the fried chicken restaurant to this extent.

But Yoona was unmoved. She had already started planning the business after the company went public.

After all, it is a global fried chicken chain brand. Its business cannot be limited to fried chicken, it must be diversified.

And what she, Lin Yoona, is most familiar with is the entertainment industry. Not to mention anything else, she backhand signed the girls first.

At that time, she was the boss of this group of women. Who dared to look down on her, even if they came over to serve tea and water?

She didn't do this for pure revenge, she had a plan, she was very cold-blooded!

At that time, a dozen itineraries were arranged for the girls a day, and they would make money for themselves. The money they earned would be invested in making movies!

At that time, the director could choose whoever he wanted. Even if Li Menglong came and begged her on his knees, she would not even look at him.

As for who the heroine is, there is no need to ask. She is responsible for all the investments. If she doesn't insert herself into it, how can she show her prestige as an investor?

In just a few minutes, Yoona has planned the development of the fried chicken restaurant for the next ten years, and now she is waiting for the approval of the landlady.

But this person was timid, and he was very thorough: "I just said that casually, there is no shortage of people in the store for the time being, don't take it seriously!"

"How can we not be serious? If there are too many people, we will lay them off. What level of talent am I? I don't believe that anyone can be better than me!"

What Yoona said is self-confidence, and she does have the capital to be confident. She is the prettiest among all the cashiers, the best in singing and dancing, and her acting skills...

But after Yoona said so much, the landlady pointed out the most important point: "Can you settle accounts?"

"Who are you looking down on? People with IQs over 20 can do just pressing a calculator!"

"What if the calculator breaks down? Can you calculate addition and subtraction within one hundred thousand in one second?"

Faced with the additional conditions imposed by the landlady, Yoona remained silent!

Although the money is usually in round numbers, once the time is limited, it becomes a bit difficult. What if she makes a mistake?

Yoona met and even exceeded all the cashier's standards, but she was lacking in the most important aspect, which made her very frustrated.

"Don't be discouraged. Even though you are not suitable for this, you can still be an idol. Come on!"

The landlady said comforting words, but she quickly ran away. She was really frightened by Yoona, for fear that this little girl would say something sensational again.

Without the company of the landlady, Yoona quickly became bored on the first floor.

It's not that no one wants to chat with her, but those people look at her with admiration, which makes Yoona feel like an idol.

It’s hard to show the side that’s in front of Lee Meng Yong and Kim Taeyeon. What if the fans get sad?

Fortunately, her embarrassment did not last long, because someone who could let her let herself go appeared: "Unnie, why did you come here at this time?"

Yoona's surprise was justified. She even thought that time and space were messed up. Otherwise, why would she see Jessica and the others?

After walking up to confirm again and again, Yoona finally recognized the fact. These women really appeared in front of her. Was it because they were afraid that she would be bored, so they came here to accompany her?

Even in her dream, Yoona didn't dare to have such a dream, so should she be given an explanation so that she could wake up?

"If you don't go back, then we'll come over. We can't let you work alone!"

Jessica's tone was full of sarcasm. What Kim Taeyeon and the others did was really unreasonable.

They tricked Jessica and the others back home, while they secretly hid in the company and worked overtime. Who could see that they were working overtime?

This kind of little trick is performed in the circle almost every day, especially when they first debuted. They have experienced even more extreme things, and they are all used to it.

It's just not appropriate to bring this kind of method home, which will raise the competition between the two parties to more than one level.

So Jessica and the others came here tonight to give Kim Taeyeon a blow. At least this kind of thing is not allowed to happen again, otherwise don't blame her for being rude!

Although Yoona was driven down, it didn't mean that she wanted to surrender to the enemy. Yoona could still make a clear decision about right and wrong.

He signaled that whatever they wanted to eat on the first floor would be charged to Lin Yuner's account, while she quickly ran upstairs to report the news.

But she overlooked one thing. She couldn't knock on the door!

A ridiculous feeling suddenly emerged in her heart. She pretended to be loyal in her heart, but at the moment, it seemed that these women were not worthy of her loyalty!

What else is there to say? It’s against her mother!

Just when Yoona was doing some mental construction, the girls in the room may have sensed it, but the door was indeed pushed open.

"Why are you still here? Are you just waiting for us at the door like this?"

When Kim Taeyeon said this, she immediately stepped forward and hugged Yoona. She felt really distressed.

The thought of Yoona standing alone in the corridor, facing the closed door, waiting for her sisters' forgiveness, this scene made her want to cry!

Kim Taeyeon successfully moved herself, but Yoona felt baffled, but it seemed that there was no need to take the initiative to explain, they really should feel guilty.

But at this moment, they can no longer care about profiting from them. The enemies are coming to their doorstep, and they are about to meet them!

"What, Jessica and the others are here? Are they downstairs now?"

"Why are they here? Don't they want to fight?"

"We work overtime and they are jealous too?"

Kim Taeyeon and others talked at once, and overall their confidence seemed a bit lacking. After all, it was their little trick that they played first.

Although this method is harmless and even has legitimate reasons, will Jessica and the others listen?

At this moment, they even had the illusion that they were going on a date with an outsider behind their boyfriend's back, only to be caught by their real boyfriend. What should they do?

There is not much time left for them. Jessica and the others are not here for a late-night snack!

According to Kim Taeyeon's intention, she wanted to go to the second floor to seek help, but she was rejected by Yoona. She was not deliberately playing devil's advocate.

"We stayed here just to please Li Menglong, but if we bother him now, wouldn't everything we did before be in vain?"

Yoona's analysis is quite accurate. It's really hard to involve Li Menglong in this matter. They have to solve it alone!

Just how to do it specifically?

"I am responsible for pestering Jessica. Do you have confidence in the rest of the people?"

As the captain, Kim Taeyeon was the first to express her stance, but her words made everyone very suspicious. Why did she think she could stop Jessica?

Even though Kim Taeyeon, as a "country" girl, has a lot of brute strength, Jung Soo-yeon is a person who has been specially trained. Isn't it easy to beat her in such a wild way?

I conservatively estimate that Jung Soo-yeon needs three girls to surround her. Yoona didn't react much when she heard this. After all, it's three against one, so I have the advantage!

But why are so many people looking at her? It won't be the three of them who are going to fight Jessica, but what about Lin Yoona? She wants to fight the remaining three alone?

Yoona was so anxious that she jumped up. These women were afraid that she wouldn't die, so couldn't they leave her a way to survive?

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