The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2770 Like-minded

Surrounded by two beauties, Li Menglong said he was not panic at all!

One is his girlfriend and the other is his sister, just holding an arm. Isn't this too much?

As for the looks from the people on the roadside, let them be envious. Besides, when he was bullied by the girls, these people didn't know either!

So this is what Lee Meng Yong deserves, but can Lee Soon Kyu stop sticking so closely, it’s very hot!

Li Menglong didn't mean to be polite and chose to break away, but this move made Li Shunkyu a little injured.

She came to rescue the two of them, but Li Menglong didn't appreciate it and even tried to humiliate her. How did she deal with this?

As a result, the two got entangled. Li Menglong was at a disadvantage because he only had one hand.

No matter how hard he struggled, his arms did not escape Lee Soon Kyu's control. The interaction between the two looked very interesting.

It’s just that the pushing and shoving between the two quickly escalated. I don’t know if it was intentional. In short, Li Menglong grabbed Li Soonkyu’s hair and gently pulled it back.

"Yeah, take advantage of me to talk and let go of my hair!"

What kind of temper did Li Soonkyu have? She had already taken action while speaking, because she was sure that only words could not "move" Li Menglong, and she had to use more direct methods.

She almost used her hands and feet together, first hitting Li Menglong's ribs with her elbow, and then raised her leg and stepped heavily on his toes with her heel.

Li Menglong should be lucky that Li Shunkyu was not wearing high heels at this moment, otherwise he might have a bleeding hole on his feet.

Although there was no blood, Lee Soon Kyu's two consecutive blows successfully stopped Lee Mong Ryong.

He took a deep breath on the spot, mainly to determine his pain level, and then naturally wanted to return with the same revenge.

I have to say that it makes sense for women to always pull their hair when they fight. Not to mention, they can also control the opponent's movements, which is perfect.

Although Li Menglong didn't have much experience in pulling hair, he was still able to exert force backwards, which directly made Li Soonkyu look up at the sky.

Both people were hurt, but in this case no one wanted to ask for mercy, which shows their strong character.

It's just that the two of them can be focused on nothing and treat the people around them as nothing, but the girls following them can't.

How can Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun care about the dirty things between them? Compared with Lee Soonkyu, their affairs are not worth mentioning.

If anything these two people do, it will be on the news tomorrow, and there may even be rumors of a change of heart or a breakup.

Although the impact of this kind of news is limited, reading too much will eventually have side effects, and it should be avoided if possible.

Besides, the interaction between the two of them is just daily banter. Although it seems that they are not serious or serious, it does not affect their emotional progress.

It's just that it's hard to explain this to outsiders, so if there's anything else to say, just pull the two of them apart.

Because Xu Xian was right next to her, she was the first to pounce. Her target was very clear, and that was Li Menglong's hand.

At this moment, the most misunderstood thing in the picture is this hand. Fighting is easy to talk about, but why is Li Menglong pulling people's hair? Do you dare to be more effeminate?

So she almost used up all her strength to open Li Menglong's fingers one by one: "Oppa, please let go quickly, others will scold you if they see you!"

"Scold me? Then just stop scolding me. I am the victim. If you lift up my clothes and take a look, there must be a big bruise on it!"

"You farted, you were the one who did it first, otherwise would I have reacted so violently? Bah..."

Seeing that they could not convince each other, the two began to spit at each other childishly.

Xu Xian can testify in this matter. It was indeed Lee Soon Kyu who spoke first, but this was not the reason for Lee Mong Ryong to fight back with the same method.

Xu Xian was really unlucky for eight lifetimes in the center. The two of them used her as a cover, spitting and constantly trying to use her to dodge.

As a result, Xu Xian, who was shielding, became the unlucky one. She could even smell what the two of them had eaten before.

If they weren't at the door of the company and there were so many outsiders around, then it wouldn't be a war between the two of them at this moment. Xu Xian would also be involved. It's really too much!

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon and others also caught up, and with concerted efforts, they were finally separated.

But while being pushed away by the girls, these two people still stretched their necks and continued to spit. This scene was so childish. Even kindergarten children wouldn't do this, right?

Xu Xian controlled Li Menglong by himself, mainly because he was relatively calm and would give Xu Xian some face.

Unlike Lee Soon Kyu, it's okay to call him a mad dog, ready to pounce on him and take a bite at any time.

"Is it fun? Is it interesting? Do you want to continue?"

Xu Xian's three consecutive questions made Li Menglong show a scornful expression. When he woke up, he also felt a little embarrassed. What was he doing before?

The same action was performed by Lee Soon Kyu. It is estimated that many people will praise him for being cute and that he can do whatever he wants if he is beautiful.

But can Li Menglong do it? Comparing appearance with Lee Soon Kyu is not asking for self-humiliation, so he is really embarrassed and has no water at all.

But he also has his own advantage, that is, he doesn't care about the outside world's evaluation. Anyway, he is not an artist. It's fine if he doesn't show up.

While thinking about this, Li Menglong did not forget to carefully wipe Xu Xian's cheek with his sleeve. God knows how much saliva was stained on this face.

Xu Xian took two steps back and rejected Li Menglong's kindness, mainly because there were so many people watching around him. Is this intimate gesture because he was afraid that no one would scold him?

But she didn't take advantage of Li Menglong. She turned around and walked behind him, buried her whole face in his back, and rubbed him randomly twice.

But this random action made the people watching around exclaimed, this is the real cuteness!

Not to mention Li Menglong, even Xu Xian can't understand the thinking of these people. How cute is this action?

If they really think so, then find someone to try and have their face sprayed with saliva. It has absolutely nothing to do with cuteness.

But since the fans had said so, it was hard for Xu Xian to refuse, so he could only smile politely, and then pushed Li Menglong into the company.

As for the aftermath, it's better to leave it to the girls. With Li Menglong's mouth, no one is sure what he will say.

Therefore, the safest way is to tell him not to come forward, and to believe in the professionalism of the girls, the storm will be overcome safely.

Xu Xian escorted her all the way in. The little girl was still afraid that he would run out and talk nonsense, so she guarded the door to prevent him from slipping out.

But why is he going out? Continue to pull Lee Soon Kyu’s hair? He is not a pervert!

It was really an accident before, at least he didn't mean it at first, and his subsequent actions were all because of Lee Soon Kyu's provocation.

In short, unless Lee Soon Kyu takes the initiative to provoke him, he will never respond. Is it fun to spit at each other?

I just took this opportunity to send out the packed lunches. After all, I had never touched Kim Taeyeon before, so I only got this extra portion.

Originally, Li Menglong's plan was to keep it for himself as a midnight snack, but he didn't mind being generous: "Have you eaten yet? I brought this specially for you."

Li Menglong slapped the lunch box on the cashier and waited for the boss lady's thanks.

But did he expect too much? Why should the boss lady thank him?

You must know that this group of people used to have their meals at the company, and the boss lady made a small profit by relying on internal digging.

But everyone will get tired of eating fried chicken every day. Even if the boss lady agrees to cook for them alone, she can't win over these people.

So in the end, Li Menglong came forward and regained everyone's right to eat freely.

It's not that Li Menglong wanted to delay the boss's wife from making money, but in his opinion, this matter was clearly thankless.

Although the proprietress received money, most of it was used on the ingredients. It was really just hard-earned money.

In the end, this group of people didn't appreciate it, and of course it wasn't their problem. It can only be said that the two parties' minds failed to connect successfully.

The best result is to "break up" peacefully. After these people eat takeout and almost vomit, they can remember the boss lady.

But during this process, the landlady didn't think he was a good person, or even if she knew it in her heart, she didn't intend to say it out loud.

So I got angry when I saw this lunch box. These are her customers!

"How long ago did this happen? Can you still remember it?" Li Menglong was also convinced: "Forget it if you don't want to eat it. I can't eat it myself."

But when he wanted to take the lunch box back, he found that the lunch box didn't move at all. This wasn't because he had no strength, but because the boss's wife was holding the other half firmly.

She didn't say she wanted to eat it, she just wouldn't let Li Menglong take it away. What was she trying to do?

It's all about taking advantage in words, but also getting benefits in private. So what else does Li Menglong have left? Did he just come here to scold you?

Fortunately, Li Menglong was really familiar with this person and didn't bother to tease her anymore. Besides, Li Soonkyu had already come in. The two of them were enemies and were extremely jealous when they met!

If Xu Xian hadn't stood between the two with quick eyes and quick hands, the two of them would have been torn together again. Where did they get so angry?

If we have to fight, can we go to the third floor and let the two of us fight casually in the practice room? She will be there to cheer them on!

It's just that they always choose such crowded places, which makes everyone doubt their original intention. Are they sure this isn't a performance?

Only they know this kind of thing. Anyway, if the two of them don't say anything, the answer is destined to be guessed.

However, Xu Xian found a piece of supporting evidence. Although it was not direct, it could still explain some problems.

After the two people walked up, they went to their respective floors without any entanglement. It stands to reason that a fight in the corridor was not impossible, but why didn't it happen?

Xu Xian held his chin and thought for a while, intending to ask Li Menglong for clarification, but was afraid that this man would not tell the truth to her, so he was very confused for a while.

"If you're not in the right state, just go back first, otherwise it's a waste of time to stay."

Li Menglong kindly reminded from the side, but why does Xu Xian sound so awkward? Are you sure this is not a mockery of her?

The key is that even if she feels 10,000 unhappy in her heart, she still needs to express her gratitude to Li Menglong for his words at this moment. After all, she is indeed out of shape.

In order not to give Li Menglong a chance to speak again, Xu Xian could only forcefully clear his mind and fill it with work instead.

Also sharing the same fate with her were Kim Taeyeon and the others upstairs. Originally, they planned to claim credit in front of Lee Soon Kyu. After all, they successfully protected this woman.

In that critical situation, they were not afraid of the physical gap between themselves and Li Menglong at all, and rushed forward without hesitation. Is this courage not worthy of a thank you from Li Shunkyu?

"Tch, if you hadn't stopped him, he would be in the hospital now, okay? I'm not afraid of him at all!"

What Lee Soon Kyu said was a sure thing. Does she believe this lie?

Kim Taeyeon and others would rather she was joking, otherwise if they get along with Li Menglong with this mentality, then after the two go out to live alone, she must not be beaten three times a day?

After all, no matter how good-tempered Li Menglong is, he can't stand Li Shungui's hesitation all day long. If he doesn't deal with this woman, he will really be the master of the house.

In fact, if they weren't afraid of delaying Li Menglong's work, they really wouldn't mind calling Li Menglong up now. Li Shunkyu was really annoying.

They don't ask for any extravagant thanks. It's okay for everyone to be well, right?

But Lee Soon Kyu said no! She needs this group of women to praise her, otherwise it would be meaningless to enjoy herself alone.

"Please, we are here to work. If you still have this attitude, then go back to Jessica and the others. They will play with you!"

If Xu Xian hears these words, he will definitely feel familiar. Do the leaders all have similar ideas?

Faced with the same blame, Xu Xian chose to apologize and devote himself to his work.

But Lee Soon Kyu's choice is different. Does Kim Taeyeon have to leave if she asks her to? Why? Is it just because Kim Taeyeon gave birth so many months earlier?

Lee Soon Kyu's words almost made Yoona cheer loudly, because the other person said what was in her heart.

She thought from the bottom of her heart that it was really not that important to be born a year or two early. What could being older mean?

The important thing is the growth and learning. In short, Yoona thinks that she is very good. There is no problem in letting her be the captain. She will even do better than Kim Taeyeon!

Just think about it in your mind. If you actually say it, Kim Taeyeon doesn't need to do it herself. Except for Xu Xian, all the women are willing to come over and have friendly exchanges with her.

But I didn't expect that there was a like-minded friend in the team. It turned out that she was not alone!

From now on, she and Lee Soon Kyu will treat each other as equals as friends in private. I believe this person will not resist, right?

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