The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2743 Split in half

If possible, Li Menglong wanted to cover his ears at this moment, because what the people on the other side said was definitely not what he wanted to hear.

There is something wrong with what Jessica said. Not to mention that they also provide food delivery services. Even if they stand here and ask people to pay directly, some people will be willing to pay.

There are not too many people who are willing to support the girls. Li Menglong is an individual minority.

Sure enough, as Jessica asked questions, the people on the other side immediately went crazy. The specific manifestation was that they took out their wallets and tried to give them to them.

The meaning is already very obvious, they can take as much as they want!

But Jessica wasn't that poor yet, so she just looked at Li Menglong proudly, should he say something?

If you really have nothing to say, just kneel down and kowtow, and she won't stop you.

Who made Li Menglong lose, and it was a complete defeat. If Jessica had been in the past, she would not have been able to be as unfazed as Li Menglong is now.

Li Menglong was used to it. These women could always surprise him from time to time. As for the group in front of him, they were accomplices.

"What are you doing around the door? There's no work to do. Do you want me to find some for you?"

Li Menglong's attitude seems a bit angry. It's obviously lunch break, but he still forces everyone to work?

"What's wrong with the lunch break? Progressive people don't need to be forced by me, they will take the initiative to work during their breaks, so that they can stay one step ahead of others!"

This kind of talk already belongs to the category of success studies. If it had been a few years ago, when this kind of literature had just come out, maybe everyone would still be able to do this bowl of chicken soup.

But now is the era of information explosion. Don’t read too much of this kind of talk on the Internet. If anyone really believes it, it only means that he hasn’t drank enough chicken soup.

As for Li Menglong's so-called improvement, can there be any better gains? It can't be the appreciation from Li Menglong, right?

If that's all, then everyone would rather not have it.

Seeing that no one listened to his words, Li Menglong was also convinced. What kind of corporate culture is this in his own company? Is it interesting to argue with the president?

Even this group of people felt that it was not enough, and took the initiative: "Can you give us the lunch box? We have worked hard today, do you need a tip?"

Who do you think he is, Li Menglong? Will he ask for a tip?

"How much can you give? Let's agree first. I won't be happy if you give me less!"

Li Menglong perfectly explained how despicable people can be in front of money. Jessica could not help but shake her head when she saw it. How shameful!

And they are actually quarreling with this kind of person. Does this mean that they are also on the same level as Li Menglong?

The moment they had this idea, several people involuntarily distanced themselves from Li Menglong. We were still not that familiar with each other, so it was better to keep some distance.

Xu Xian was very surprised by this move, and she was ready to persuade him. After all, it would only be embarrassing to start a quarrel in front of the company, but once someone posted it online, the joke would be bigger.

As if sensing her thoughts, these women actually took a step back, which was beyond her expectation.

This doesn't seem like something they can do at all, as if an old mother suddenly discovered that her child had grown up overnight.

Xu Xian felt quite happy at the moment, but the expression he showed was questionable. Anyway, the girls looked a little chilly.

Li Menglong and Xu Xian's pincer attack made several people instantly lose the desire to stay, so they should go back upstairs honestly, even if they were going to work.

After handing over all the lunch boxes in their hands to everyone, they did not dare to stay downstairs any longer, as passers-by had already gathered around them.

Even Xu Xian also walked up. If she stayed, she would be attracting firepower for the girls. She was not that stupid.

But Li Menglong was not in a hurry to go up. He still wanted to collect money. As for the tip he agreed upon, don't keep your promise.

The girls were out of sight and out of mind, and just let Li Menglong embarrass himself down there. They were career-oriented women.

Looking at the girl who was working hard, Xu Xian felt extremely happy in her heart. She wanted to hug these people and kiss them hard.

However, the wishes of Jessica and others must be taken into consideration. Even if Xu Xian comes to do this, it may still be annoying, and it is not impossible to get beaten up.

So Xu Xian chose to hide behind quietly, but she soon discovered the difference.

Now the girls are divided into two teams working, and Xu Xian is the only girl who has seen both teams working at the same time.

It stands to reason that we are all on the same team, and our growth experiences, especially those related to music, are similar. At most, there are some differences in talent.

In this case, everyone's working mode should be similar, but the situation now presented to Xu Xian is a bit subtle.

If Kim Taeyeon and the others rely on inspiration and talent to create original works, then Jessica is a bit tricky here.

What they are doing now is actually receiving emails, which contain a lot of music material, and they are selecting some of the ones they are interested in.

It’s unclear where these materials come from, but they have been in the industry for so many years, and it’s not uncommon to find invitations through them.

But it's not original as promised, it seems like they are cheating.

"Who said we wanted to create something original? To be precise, did Li Menglong ask us to create something original ourselves?"

Facing the girls' rhetorical questions, Xu Xian blinked innocently. Was this a loophole taken advantage of by the girls?

Based on Xu Xian's understanding of Li Menglong, the reason why he gave the girls this job was because there was some revenge, but it was still very small. Things at work were not easy to joke about.

Therefore, I still want to cultivate the music production ability of girls, even if it is forced.

Kim Taeyeon moved forward according to Li Menglong's wishes, but it was hard to say that Jessica was betraying Li Menglong's good intentions. Xu Xian felt that he should persuade them to at least get them back on the right path.

"Why aren't we on the right track? You don't have to create music yourself. Production ability also includes pre-selection and post-production, right?"

Faced with the girls' explanations, Xu Xian wanted to say that they were quibbling, but he had to admit that what they said made sense.

Just like a singer's original ability, if you have this ability, it is naturally the best.

It's just that the vast majority of singers still let others write songs. This doesn't mean that they don't necessarily have talent in this area. It can only mean that they have specializations in the art.

There seems to be nothing wrong with letting professional people do professional things.

There seems to be nothing wrong with Jessica and the others taking the initiative to get some mature work adaptations through their connections, even though they knew that their originality was not that strong.

It can only be said that these are two working styles, but the end result is the same.

"Okay then, I respect your choice, but are you sure you don't want to tell Kim Taeyeon and the others?"

Xu Xian said slightly worriedly, not because he was afraid that Kim Taeyeon and the others would suffer, but because he was afraid that they would make a fuss after finding out about it.

No matter how you look at it, Kim Taeyeon and the others have put in more hard work.

But Jessica waved her hand, since everyone wants to compete, let's be more serious and don't act like a housewife.

Since they are not afraid, there seems to be no need for Xu Xian to stop them. Besides, if they really fight, it's hard to say who will lose.

After encouraging the girls again, Xu Xian decisively closed the door and left. Her battlefield was not here.

Besides, it’s not good for her to get involved too much, otherwise she will end up being displeased by both parties and both will consider her a traitor.

She must be neutral on this matter, and Li Menglong should have collected the tips, right?

Don't blame Xu Xian for having such realistic ideas. She is not the kind of person who runs away from battle. She is willing to bear the responsibility together with Li Menglong.

But Li Menglong often seeks his own death, especially various embarrassing moments, which Xu Xian really doesn't want to think about.

In order to maintain the friendship between the two for a long time, she could only do this.

When they arrived on the second floor, it turned out that Li Menglong was sitting in his seat and counting the cash in his hand excitedly.

Although a large part of it was the meal expenses he had paid before, there was indeed some more.

However, the money was not so much tips given voluntarily by everyone, but rather forced by Li Menglong.

He used the excuse that he didn't have any change in his hand and kept all the change, standard bully behavior.

But fortunately, the money was so little that everyone just treated it as a fee for running errands.

Although Xu Xian was not present at the scene, she vaguely guessed the whole process and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

She was also really curious, why did Li Menglong and the women in the dormitory "get sick" from time to time?

He was the only normal person in the entire dormitory, which made her feel out of place, just because she was too normal.

"What is Oppa doing? Stop hiding it. I've seen it all. I'll give you half of it when we meet. Isn't that too much to ask for?"

Xu Xian came up and made a request that made Li Menglong very embarrassed. Is this Xu Xian going bankrupt? Not even letting go of such a small amount of money?

"Isn't this learning from you? I have also reflected on myself. In the past, I was indeed too extravagant. Frugality is also a virtue."

Xu Xian said quite seriously, with admiration shining in his eyes. If Li Menglong was not the director, he would really be deceived.

"Yeah, you little girl, just say it if you have anything to say, don't beat around the bush with me here."

What Li Menglong said was very straightforward. Of course, it could be more straightforward, such as asking for money or life.

But Xu Xian is his most beloved sister after all. If Xu Xian can give a reasonable reason, he can barely give her some, but half of it is not enough, it is too much.

You must know that most of this was advanced by himself, so he wouldn't go bankrupt just to please Xu Xian, right?

When chasing stars, you need to be rational. The girls have repeatedly stressed this to their fans, but Li Menglong took it to heart.

However, in the face of his words, Xu Xian did not waver and still stretched out his hand to try to get money from him.

As for the reason, Xu Xian has it, but it's hard to say it out. She is "fighting fire with fire" to a certain extent.

She wants to cast a shadow on Li Menglong. When he does similar things in the future, he will think of today's scene. In this way, he will reduce similar behaviors, right?

Of course, this is just Xu Xian's most beautiful vision. In fact, she doesn't really believe it herself, but she has to give it a try.

In the end, Li Menglong didn't stop Xu Xian, and half of the money was snatched away by her. Li Menglong almost cried.

There is no such thing as bullying. What is the difference between this and openly robbing someone?

"The difference is that everyone is happy to see this scene happen. Even if you call the police, no one will testify for you."

Xu Xian said quite confidently. Li Menglong looked around with disbelief. No one dared to look at him. What are these people guilty of?

In fact, if he could get closer and take a closer look, he would find that everyone was feeling guilty. They were obviously happy, but it was difficult for Li Menglong to see them.

After all, what Xu Xian is doing to him now is what Li Menglong did to them before. This means that evil people will be punished by evil people.

But it's not quite accurate to say that. Xu Xian is not a villain. She is avenging everyone. She is everyone's goddess of revenge.

They should be grateful that Li Menglong has no intention of talking to them at the moment, otherwise he would have to catch the two people to have a good chat and let them take sides on the spot!

Seeing that there is no excitement here, everyone is playing with their mobile phones or lying on the table to rest. The lunch break has not passed yet, and they do not want to take the initiative to work.

But Li Menglong didn't think so. Since everyone had gathered upstairs and had lunch, why not use work as a post-dinner digestion activity?

That is to say, Li Menglong didn't have time to say it in the end, otherwise there would be no talk of digestion. He was afraid that everyone would not choke.

As for the one who stopped Li Menglong, of course it was Xu Xian. She couldn't see such a tragedy happening. Even she thought this behavior was too reactionary.

But it would be too harsh to stop him directly, so Xu Xian simply found an excuse: "Oppa, let me report to you."

Li Menglong pointed at himself, clearly asking Xu Xian, are you talking to him?

It's not that Li Menglong is pretending to be confused, but Xu Xian's excuse is really lame. The two of them have been working together all day, and they still report?

"There are always things you don't know, such as Ernie's music progress. Do you want to hear it?"

Xu Xian gave the reason, but he felt a little regretful after saying it, because there was nothing to say.

The current progress of the girls is approximately zero, but Xu Xian wants to blow up such a short progress, which is seriously beyond her ability.

But the words were spoken, and Li Menglong seemed to be quite interested. In order to prevent everyone around him from suffering, Xu Xian had no choice but to continue speaking.

"The Ernies started from their own styles and musical concepts, and when they couldn't agree on the same opinions, they divided into two groups, which means you have a lot of room for choice."

After Xu Xian finished speaking, he couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his head. It's so difficult to brag!

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