The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2742 Premium Fees

Li Menglong quickly confirmed his previous inner thoughts. These women were indeed disgusting with him.

In order to cause trouble for him, they were shameless and openly surrounded him in the company. Did they think too much?

They are only allowed to be shameless, but are they not allowed to do the same to Li Menglong?

In terms of being shameless, Li Menglong really has never been afraid of anyone.

Don’t girls just know this? If they know it and do it again, it means that they have a back-up plan.

Li Menglong soon realized their plan, and this time they hit him seven inches.

This group of women was surrounding her at the moment. Although they didn't do anything, they didn't let him do anything extra.

Whenever he wants to touch the computer or write, these women will make trouble in all kinds of ways, which makes people very worried.

But he was the only one who was unhappy, and the people around him were so envious that they were drooling with envy. Why didn't such a good thing happen to them?

"What do you mean? Can you give me a good time?"

"It's not interesting. I just want to have dinner with you, for free."

Li Menglong himself often plays rogue, so he is well aware of the effect of this method. At this moment, he really has no other method except compromise.

After all, the threat to the girls is already here, unless Li Menglong doesn't work and keeps messing around with them here.

Otherwise, it would be better for everyone to go out for lunch together. Of course, the prerequisite is that Li Menglong treats him.

Even the girls are not afraid of him running away. After all, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple. They were forced to come to work by Li Menglong, and they will spend a lot of time together in the future.

Li Menglong has caused a big trouble for himself.

"It's just this once, it won't be the same next time!" Li Menglong said in preparation for a rainy day.

But Jessica and the others did not make any promises, and they did not dare to guarantee what would happen in the future.

And he doesn't think they are really willing to go to dinner with him, does he?

It's not that I dislike Li Menglong, but if he treats me, although it's hard to say what to eat, the unit price will definitely not be high.

Maybe cheap food will be delicious, but the probability is not that high after all. They would rather eat more expensive food.

But don't ask for too much, otherwise Li Menglong would really dare to break up, and he would be relieved.

Girls need to master a certain level that can stimulate Li Menglong from time to time without causing him to take risks. This is a test of emotional intelligence. Fortunately, girls are all lacking in this.

Jessica and others achieved a temporary victory, and they did not forget to share it with their sisters. However, when they looked back for Xu Xian, they could not see the little girl anywhere.

"Where's the maknae? This is..."

Although Jessica was full of doubts, she didn't say the following words. Is it possible that Xu Xian didn't want to eat with them?

The others were also thinking secretly, but Li Menglong had no such worries. As long as he could make these women unhappy, he would do anything.

"Do you still have doubts? It means I didn't see you at first, otherwise I would have run away. Only the devil would be willing to eat with you!"

Li Menglong said words to sow discord, but these words were too contrary to the facts.

Not many people are willing to eat with the girls? It should be the other way around. People who might not want to eat with the girls are here.

Needless to say, Li Menglong had to pay. As long as this was involved, he would not be in a good mood.

But Xu Xian's running away is indeed debatable. Li Menglong couldn't find a specific reason in his heart for a while. He couldn't be as afraid of spending money as he was, right?

This is at least possible on a practical level. After all, Li Menglong is always used to playing with Xu Xian.

But this little girl shouldn't be so stingy, so the fact is that she doesn't want to eat with these women!

"You fart! Is our relationship something that an outsider like you can guess?"

"We want to be good enough to sleep together, can you?"

"It's obvious that I'm tired of you, and you still insist on pouring dirty water on us!"

In fact, the girls really wronged Li Menglong this time. Although his words were somewhat exaggerated, they were essentially correct.

Xu Xian was really trying to avoid the girls, at least this time.

She really didn't want to get involved in the fights between these people anymore. The key was that she, the maknae, had to end it every time, and she was very tired.

So she made up her mind that even if they fought directly in the restaurant, she would not come forward.

In order to achieve this, it would be more appropriate not to meet at all and just eat separately. She even saved one portion for Li Menglong.

Although Xu Xian's presence is missing, this does not affect the girls' good mood because Li Menglong is still there.

If they sigh, they are not following his wishes, and they will not be so stupid: "Where are you taking us? We have already gone a long way."

It means that the person leading the way is Li Menglong, otherwise they would really doubt each other's purpose.

Although it was daytime, Li Menglong couldn't help but always led them to the path. What was he doing? A crime?

"If you don't want to eat, go back. Did I beg you to come?"

Li Menglong didn't even look back, he was so rude, how could he have a good temper when he thought about his wallet that was about to dry up.

The girls didn't take it too seriously, it was his attitude that they wanted.

They even planned that even if the food tasted a little unpalatable, they would try to eat it as sweetly as possible, just to see Li Menglong's angry look.

Fortunately, the final location was not that remote, but why did it end up in a community? Whose home is this?

Isn't it because he wants to save money, so he wants to bring them with him to eat together?

Don't blame the girls for thinking too much. This is indeed something Li Menglong can do, but it is a bit shameless.

The girls were pretending to be thick-skinned, but they were not really shameless. They subconsciously wanted to stop Li Menglong and ask him clearly.

But before they could speak, Li Menglong got into the nearby shop with familiarity.

Although it is said to be a shop, it is only on the first floor of the community. There is not even a sign. If it were not for the fact that there were some tables and chairs inside, the girls would not dare to confirm it.

But we have come here. If we give up halfway now, it will not be in vain to give Li Menglong an advantage. Besides, they can also smell the aroma of the food. What is sold here?

"Boss, please bring five portions of pig's trotter rice and pour some soup on top."

Li Menglong ordered the order very familiarly, but was questioned by the girls behind him: "Why don't you ask us what we want to eat? Don't always order the cheapest for us!"

The girls have suffered too many times, and now they all have stress reactions, but who can blame them? It's all Li Menglong's own fault.

"This store only sells this kind of set meal, unless you don't want to eat it."

But as Li Menglong explained, the boss didn't give him any face, or he deliberately embarrassed him: "Don't listen to him, we can add meat separately here, do you want it?"

The girls first took a look at the dark red soup in the pot. The soft pig's trotters stewed inside looked very appetizing. As for the taste, the restaurants that Li Menglong frequented were generally not too bad.

So the girls all gave themselves an extra portion of pig's trotters. Only Li Menglong didn't want to part with it because it was all his money.

But he also has his own plans. The girls shouldn't be able to eat that much, right? What's left is still his.

But this time he miscalculated. Pig's trotters were obviously very appetizing to the girls, so after eating, Li Menglong even wanted to chew on the bones they had chewed.

"Yeah, please don't be so perverted, please."

Girls are very aware of their own charm, but it is only for the fans. Doesn’t Li Menglong always say that he is not their fan?

"Don't worry, I don't like yours. I just see how wasteful you are. There is so much meat attached to these bones."

The girls didn't bother to argue with Li Menglong's remarks. The pig's trotters fell off the bones almost immediately after entering the mouth. There were no so-called bones with meat anywhere.

Although Li Menglong looked pitiful, Jessica and the others showed no mercy and didn't believe that he didn't order another portion of the money.

Since you are stingy, just be aggrieved. If you are really greedy, you can just watch them eat and "taste" some of the flavor.

In the end, a few people would rather be supported themselves than leave anything to Li Menglong. It can be said that they hurt each other.

As for who is more injured, it depends on each person's perception.

The girls were burping here without any image, and even picking their teeth in front of the mirror there, as if they were at home.

It's not surprising that they were so relaxed. They even suspected that Li Menglong had booked the place. From the time they came in to eat until now, there wasn't even a single extra customer.

Although the location of this store is indeed a bit remote, the taste is nothing to mention. Li Menglong can find it, so why don't others know about it?

Li Menglong's character was on the verge of collapse at this moment. Fortunately, he stabilized himself in the end, and the store proved that Li Menglong didn't pay too much.

As for why there were so few people, the girls quickly got the answer, but the result made them not so satisfied.

It is said that after they finished eating, everyone did not relax. They looked at Li Menglong, the doorman, and the one holding the video with his mobile phone. In short, they wanted to make sure that Li Menglong paid the money.

It's just that their series of actions didn't have any effect, because Li Menglong didn't want to do these little tricks this time, or it could be said that when he came here, it was just a little trick.

Instead of rushing to pay, Li Menglong took out his mobile phone, calculated it once and reported a set of numbers to the boss.

Then, under the surprised eyes of the girls, the boss made more than thirty takeaways. This is why there were not many people in the store. This store mainly does takeaways.

As for why Li Menglong came here, I can only say that the people in the company put in a lot of effort to find some delicious food nearby.

"You really should hire a food delivery boy. We have to send someone to pick it up every time. We need to be flexible in doing business."

Li Menglong was still complaining while helping to pack, but the boss also had something to say: "The money for hiring people is not included in the discount given to you, otherwise, why don't you give it up?"

Although the girls don't know the specific details yet, they are already aware of something.

As expected, Li Menglong paid a lot less in the end. This was regarded as a meal delivery fee to some extent.

If it were just like this, the girls would be slightly unhappy at most. After all, Li Menglong was not really "hurt".

But Li Menglong actually asked them to carry these lunch boxes. What does this mean? Do they want to earn money through their own labor?

"Don't think too highly of yourself. I didn't give you extra money before. How can your errand fees be so high!"

The group of people walked reluctantly on the road carrying takeaways. The girls were already very unhappy, but they still had to endure Li Menglong's complaints?

"We are Girls' Generation, don't you know how expensive it is for us to attend events?"

"Calm down, I'm not asking you to sing. The price for running errands and delivering food is the same. It's the same for everyone. Does it mean that the lunch you deliver should be more delicious?"

Li Menglong directly silenced the girls. Their popularity can indeed bring great bonuses in many jobs, but it definitely does not include food delivery.

Unless they cook the food themselves, the very act of delivering food will hardly improve the taste.

The girls almost thought about it all the way. They found the flaw in his words when they arrived at the door of the company: "You are just talking nonsense. You put the news about our delivery on the Internet. Many people are willing to pay more for us to deliver."

"Yes, everyone will at least be happy when they see us, and once people are happy, everything they eat will taste delicious."

"You return our premium delivery fee to us..."

Xu Xian's lunch time was quite pleasant. He ate and chatted with everyone, and escaped the possible quarrels among the girls.

Although I'm a little worried about the girls, it's time for those older sisters to mature and they can't always rely on her, the maknae, to clean up the mess.

So with a happy mood, Xu Xian was drinking coffee and chatting with everyone on the first floor, but why she vaguely heard the voices of girls, which were like quarrels.

Is this the legendary saying of thinking every day and dreaming every night?

It's just that she's not sleeping now. Could it be that she has actually taken a nap and all this happened in her dream?

Xu Xian was still numbing himself here, but the other people who heard him craned their necks and looked over. After lunch, there was still a lot of fun to watch, which was very comfortable.

Of course, there are also many people who are waiting for Li Menglong to deliver food. Everyone usually takes turns, so it is not surprising that Li Menglong took the initiative today.

But what they didn't expect was that the person delivering the food was actually Jessica Jung and the others, which made everyone overjoyed.

"Everyone has come out, they have the best say!" Jessica was too lazy to argue with Li Menglong, and instead asked everyone: "How much extra are you willing to pay for our food delivery service?"

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