The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2705 High Consumption

While complaining about Li Menglong, he also accidentally exposed the lies he told before.

This person didn't come out voluntarily, he was clearly kicked out. The father-in-law and so on were mostly excuses. Is this another henpecked person?

But this is not a shortcoming. Generally speaking, such people are relatively honest and honest, otherwise they would not expose all this.

Besides, complaining about Li Menglong in front of so many people, his emotional intelligence cannot be said to be very high, even because Li Menglong brought so many barbecues.

But there is one thing to say, Li Menglong has a pretty good temper, and being convicted for his words will never happen to him, except for girls, of course.

Occasionally, when he was forced to have no other choice, Li Menglong could only use this almost out-of-the-box excuse to cause trouble for those women.

"Why were you kicked out? I took the initiative to express my condolences and reward everyone. All of you here are elites. If I don't comfort you, how can the company develop?"

Li Menglong's words are suspected of being flattering. Since when have elites been distinguished by overtime hours?

Isn’t it natural to make reasonable use of time, improve work efficiency, and get off work on time? He shouldn't take the initiative to bring down the company's atmosphere here.

But now, in this situation, he even dared to criticize Li Menglong in person, so it was destined to be a joke, and no one took him seriously anyway.

However, everyone still gave enthusiastic feedback to Li Menglong's praise. For a while, the table was full of people drinking and drinking, and in less than a minute, another box of soju was gone.

This made the landlady very suspicious of the thoughts of these people. Could it be that they came here to eat with their friends after hearing that the drinks were her treat?

"Don't spoil the fun, it's just a small amount of money for drinks." As Li Menglong spoke, he patted the table and stood up.

Although he was still far from drunk at the moment, his mood was already up, so his behavior was quite out of line, but it was strangely in tune with the atmosphere at the moment.

"No one can compete with me today. I will pay for all the purchases. Cheer!"

Li Menglong seemed to be afraid that these people wouldn't believe him, so he took out all the bank cards in his pocket. After all, he knew very well about his usual reputation, and was even a little complacent, and didn't think it was a derogation.

Come on, being stingy also depends on your status.

Why are those billionaires praised to the heavens when they eat at a roadside stall, while ordinary people are often criticized for being stingy when they go there for a treat?

Everyone eats the same thing and spends the same amount of money. Why do we get two results?

This is the change brought about by status. When Li Menglong has enough money, the same habit becomes a joke or even an advantage.

But this is obviously over-hyped. Can you save so much money by being frugal? It's impossible even if you think about it with your heels.

So there is no corresponding relationship at all. The reason why the rich do it is not only to build their image, but also because they are used to it. For example, being stingy can bring them happiness!

Li Menglong has always had a rather simple point of view, that is, things that cost nothing are more delicious than what he buys, and they are many times more delicious.

The girls said that this was all illness, and suggested several times that Li Menglong see a psychiatrist, who might be able to find out some other problems.

But Li Menglong refused to change, so they had no other solution. If they wanted to continue to get along, they had to change themselves.

Fortunately, with their income, it was really a piece of cake to bear Li Menglong's food and drink, and they even took some advantage.

After all, with Li Menglong's current status, he can still act as their agent for them, which is something to be grateful for.

The key is that they haven't given him a salary increase for so many years. This will really become a big news outside, and even their fans will probably side with Li Menglong.

But the girls also have something to say. Although the money Li Menglong received is indeed a little less, and even the newcomers who have recently entered the industry may have more than him, when it comes to benefits, who in the industry dares to compare with him?

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all the daily needs of ordinary people, but girls take care of them all!

In theory, Li Menglong has almost no need to spend anything. Even if it is a private treat, it is still using the girls' money.

The relationship between the two parties is really special enough that it is almost impossible to replicate it. Fortunately, both parties are quite satisfied with it and have no plans to change it for the time being.

Facing Li Menglong's pride at the moment, everyone was more concerned about the pile of cards on the table.

Although these cards are all similar, if they can tell who the owner of these cards is, there will be no second choice.

After all, apart from the girls, it would be very difficult for Li Menglong to steal so many cards in a short period of time. There might not be enough people at the scene to do it.

So Li Menglong was not only kicked out by the girls, but he also left behind his own revenge?

Now everything makes sense. They were still curious about where Li Menglong got so much beef. They thought it was the leftovers from the girls.

Now it seems that Li Menglong used their card to buy it, so they have become accomplices? Will girls come to your door soon?

The reaction of this group of people was still very different from Li Menglong's imagination. He even said that he was going to treat him. Didn't these people cheer? Is this your attitude toward your boss?

It seemed that they could see Li Menglong's dissatisfaction, and they didn't know who took the lead. In short, the group of people started to applaud one after another, and the scene looked a bit embarrassing.

This made Li Menglong feel very boring. He was still relatively realistic. Since he didn't receive the expected "reward", wouldn't he be taken advantage of if he treated him again?

But it is easy to take out the card, but it is difficult to take it back. How could the boss lady give him this opportunity?

Although she did plan to treat the guests herself before, but now that Li Menglong has given him the opportunity, if she doesn't cherish it, will she not give Li Menglong face?

Anyway, with Li Menglong's income, the landlady felt very comfortable killing him.

Li Menglong has no way to deal with this eldest sister. If he insists on taking it seriously, this girl can defeat him even more than the other girls!

After all, as long as Li Menglong is more serious about the girls, those women will probably stop, so give him some face.

But to the landlady, what does Li Menglong’s face mean? She hasn't even asked for face yet, but Li Menglong already wants it?

Fortunately, Li Menglong had enough reasons to comfort himself. Although he was not so willing to treat guests, his intention to take revenge on the girls was real.

Considering that the consumption in this round will not be particularly high, Li Menglong will not engage in those "even rain and dew" methods. It is more straightforward to directly select a lucky winner.

"Pick one, choose it with your own hands, I believe that person will be pleased too!"

While Li Menglong was talking coquettishly, he unfolded the cards in his hand like playing cards, which was a pleasure to watch.

You must know that there is money in these cards, at least the credit limit is terrifyingly large. Together, it is enough to send Li Menglong to squat there for decades.

But now he plans to drag the boss's wife into the crime. Is this a manifestation of the "closeness" of the relationship to a certain extent?

Naturally, the landlady wouldn't think so much here. If she really wanted to be questioned by the police, she would simply say that she drank too much and wouldn't remember anything. It was a snake oil answer, but it was very effective.

As for the lucky guy who was finally selected, there is nothing to say. He was just unlucky. Everyone around him can testify to this. There was no behind-the-scenes operation at all.

So while Kim Taeyeon was still trying to convince the sleepy girls, another text message notification came from her phone.

Kim Taeyeon jumped up after taking one look. This is evidence of guilt. Do these women think she is meddling? Let’s take a look now, Li Menglong’s consumption will never end!

The girls also reluctantly cheered up. The new consumption amount was not particularly large, but they had to take into account Li Menglong's previous payment method.

So when this number is multiplied by the number of bank cards, the total amount is a little scary. The key is not to know whether this is the end of Li Menglong's consumption.

As women, and women with money, fame, and pressure, they know very well how consumption makes a person feel.

That is the quagmire. When you are rational, you can get out in time, but once your rationality is not so firm, you will almost be stuck in it. This is what Li Menglong means now.

"How about we try to find him? I don't feel bad about money, I just simply care about him."

"Well, that makes sense. It's not a good idea to leave him alone outside."

Seeing these women gradually changing their minds, Kim Taeyeon felt very relieved. What she said before was not in vain, although she also knew whose credit was behind it.

But as long as the result is good, the process is not important. Kim Taeyeon firmly believes in this!

But as time went by, the girls gradually discovered a small problem. Why didn't they receive text messages for a long time?

It's fine if one bank has a problem, but all their cards combined are enough to cover almost half of the banks. It's impossible for all banks to have a problem, right?

So after eliminating all possibilities, the only thing left is the answer, even though it seems a bit ridiculous.

"So this time you didn't pay separately? But someone was randomly selected?"

Pani squinted her eyes and said in a slightly silly tone. She couldn't speak right now. After all, she was forcibly pulled from the bed by Kim Taeyeon. She was the sleepiest one.

But even in a semi-conscious state, she was keenly aware of the bad atmosphere around her. Did she say something wrong?

Pani didn't dare to open his eyes to check. At this time, it was more appropriate to pretend to be asleep. At the same time, he was secretly recalling what he was talking about.

Fortunately, Pani's alertness has nothing to do with being stupid. She soon realized how much harm these words would cause to Kim Taeyeon. Sometimes the truth can be so hurtful.

Even though it was Li Menglong who did this, and she was just relaying the facts, it didn't affect her from closing her eyes harder. She even planned to sleep in the living room tonight, so she had to pretend thoroughly.

As for the girls on the side, they were subconsciously gloating, but after seeing Kim Taeyeon's gloomy face, they immediately chose to restrain themselves.

It's not that Kim Taeyeon can't offend her in this state, but it's not necessary.

Now to offend Kim Taeyeon, wouldn't that be taking on Li Menglong's anger in disguise? They are not that stupid.

So what we have to do now is to find a suitable excuse to disappear. As for going to Li Menglong, have they ever said anything like this?

After all, Li Menglong is already such an old man. It's time for him to learn to be independent. There won't be any problems if he stays alone outside for a night. They believe in him.

"Hey, why does my stomach hurt so suddenly?"

Li Soonkyu fired the first shot of "escape". Although she was also very dissatisfied with Li Menglong tonight, a person should know how to analyze the situation.

If it weren't for Pani's words, she could still struggle. With Kim Taeyeon's years of prestige and the pity of girls for her, things like "The Emperor's New Clothes" are not impossible to happen.

But Pani is like the child who exposes the lies, making it really impossible for adults like them to continue acting.

So she could only choose to run away, and the excuse was pretty bad.

But the girls don't have any extra choices now. Even though the excuse is terrible, they still have to bite the bullet and keep up.

"Onnie, be careful, I'll help you!"

"Lee Soon Kyu has gained so much weight recently. Can he be lifted by himself? I'm here to help, too!"

"I'll go ahead and turn on the lights for you..."

Almost in an instant, they all found a relatively suitable excuse, and Pani felt a little lively, but in the end he still didn't dare to "wake up". Otherwise, how could he explain the previous "sleep talk"?

But as Pani didn't open her eyes for a long time, she found that her hearing was being infinitely amplified, and she could even reconstruct the surrounding scenes based on small sounds.

For example, Kim Taeyeon was so angry that she gritted her teeth. Later, cracks were made in the casing of her mobile phone. The most egregious thing was that the floor seemed to be crushed to pieces...

It was understandable that Pani's hearing was amplified due to the situation at the scene, but her guess about Kim Taeyeon's mood was still accurate. This woman was indeed angry.

It was such a coincidence that this text message came. Even for just a minute in the morning, Kim Taeyeon wouldn't be in such a mess.

But it's too late to say anything now. Kim Taeyeon can only put this account on Li Menglong's head.

This man not only spent his money, but also embarrassed her in front of her sisters. Was he trying to force her to get a soft meal?

Kim Taeyeon doesn't plan to go up to rest. She can't breathe the same air as those "European emperors". She doesn't deserve it.

Looking at Pani, who was tensed up on the floor, did this woman have some misunderstanding about pretending to sleep? Her acting skills are so good that even she, a third-rate actor, can't stand her in a movie.

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