The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2704 Midnight Dinner

Pani hesitated whether to call the police. After all, she still had a lot of money in her card. The only good news was that she put the money in different cards. She was lucky among misfortunes.

But soon she panicked again, because several more text messages came immediately after. Although the amount of consumption was not much, it covered almost all her cards.

This time the situation became more serious, and Pani was really panicked.

But when she subconsciously dug out her wallet, she immediately realized something was wrong.

She originally thought that her bank card had been stolen online, but now even the card itself has disappeared. Those people couldn't have come to her room first and stolen a lot of things before going to spend money. ?

Even if Pani's mind is not bright, he can still realize what happened. After all, the clues are here.

The disappearing bank cards, the passwords for multiple cards, and the small purchases taken in turns, all together clearly point to Li Menglong's name.

This bastard actually stole his card without knowing when, and he didn't have any cards left. Why did he take so many of them?

One card is enough for him to spend money. He has to divide it into so many cards to pay. This is too obvious for him to be angry.

After realizing that it was Li Menglong who was acting as a monster, Pani obviously calmed down a lot, because the most serious consequence would be that he would give him some money. Isn't this difficult to accept?

Although there is indeed a small complaint in the relationship, it is just a little bit, and it is not because I feel sorry for money.

Based on their relationship, they really don't need to be so clear about money. Otherwise, how could she dare to accept such an expensive gift from Li Menglong?

The reason why my mood is slightly worse now is mainly because I feel that I have been tricked by Li Menglong, but there is no chance for revenge.

She could go to the first floor and search out Li Menglong's card, but what about after that? Also use his card to make purchases?

If the two sides really get serious, it will definitely not be Li Menglong who loses. After all, how much money does he have in his card?

After losing the desire for revenge, Pani didn't care so much. There was no need for so much desire to win or lose among family members.

Now she feels a little more at ease. Li Menglong holds so many of her cards in his hand, so he is not afraid of him living on the street.

And by spending her money, he was forgiven in disguise?

In short, the small conflict between the two people has been completely resolved, at least that's what Pani thinks.

What else is there to say now? After completely relaxing his mind, Pani yawned heavily again, covered himself with a quilt and planned to catch up on his sleep.

But her rest time tonight is destined to not be so quiet, because she is not the only one who received the text message.

Almost all the girls received text messages one after another, but there was just a time difference, and some of them were even too lazy to click on them.

However, everyone who saw it also had different emotions. Some of them were as calm as Pani. Xu Xian, Xiaoyuan and others did not make any sound.

In response, Kim Taeyeon and Yoona's rooms exploded.

You must know that Kim Taeyeon and Yoona still feel a little guilty. After all, they have to bear part of the responsibility for forcing Li Menglong away, even though they don't admit it.

As a result, just when they were feeling anxious, they received this kind of text message inexplicably. In total, they all felt guilty and worried for nothing?

With so many cards in his hand, Li Menglong can really do whatever he wants outside. Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about whether he has food or clothing.

But has he considered their feelings? Can't you just say hello in advance? Believe it or not, they should call the police now. Is this Li Menglong's theft?

The crime was indeed established, and judging from the number of cards in Li Menglong's hand and the amount of consumption, it is likely that the punishment will be increased.

But will the two of them call the police?

This feeling of being helpless against Li Menglong is really terrible. The two women desperately need comfort, and it would be best if they can scold Li Menglong severely together.

As a result, the entire second floor became lively, and Pani was forcibly pulled up from his sleep: "What's wrong? Do you want to have breakfast?"

"Eat, eat, eat. What else do you know besides eating?"

"I still know how to sleep, so can you let me lie down for a while?"

For Pani's lazy attitude of doing nothing but eating and sleeping, Kim Taeyeon will naturally give her a just punishment. Young people must be energetic.

"You might be bankrupt early tomorrow morning, and you're still thinking about eating?"

"How come, I didn't go stock trading!" Pani muttered with his eyes closed.

Speaking of which, girls have done very well in this regard. They have always been extremely safe when it comes to financial investments.

It’s not that they don’t have enterprising spirit, it’s just that there are too many tragic examples in the industry that they can use as a reference.

The reasons why celebrities go bankrupt, including those who have failed investments, those who have been deceived, those who have been blinded by high consumption, and those who have gone bankrupt, have all sorts of strange reasons, but the core is caused by greed.

Girls have a clear understanding of this and know that they do not have the ability, so they would rather keep their money in the bank and earn interest than invest in stocks or the like.

However, with the arrival of Li Menglong, their money gradually dispersed, and some safe investments brought them a lot of returns.

In fact, for this reason alone, Kim Taeyeon shouldn't be so irritable at the moment. Similar investment consultants will get a commission directly from the income.

But Li Menglong has never asked for this money. Compared with his current expenses, it seems that the girls have made a lot.

It's just that Kim Taeyeon doesn't think so. Things have to be looked at separately. The fact that he is committing a crime now cannot be ignored just because of his past achievements.

"Please wake up, your card has been stolen by Li Menglong, read the text messages yourself!" Kim Taeyeon opened Pani's phone and quickly pulled out the text messages for her to read.

But Pani's reaction was really too calm, so calm that even Kim Taeyeon had some self-doubt. Could it be that there was something wrong with her personally?

For example, if Li Menglong uses her card to make purchases, he is looking up to her, Kim Taeyeon!

The moment she had this idea, Kim Taeyeon gave Pani a slap in the face, without force of course: "You are not allowed to think that way, you are a member of Girls' Generation! You must be proud of yourself!"

Although Kim Taeyeon didn't use any force, Pani was still shocked by the beating. How could she be reduced to the point where she was about to be slapped in the mouth?

As for what Kim Taeyeon said, it sounded even more out of place. Kim Taeyeon knew what she was thinking better than she did? It sounds ridiculous.

It seemed that Kim Taeyeon was also aware of this, so she immediately forcibly pulled Pani up without giving her a chance to ask questions.

Then the nine girls gathered again in the living room on the first floor, but their condition was not good.

Yawning, sleepy, idle, soy sauce, in short, there are everyone.

But there aren't many people who want to cause trouble for Li Menglong. What's going on? Everyone, please be sensible!

"We must resolutely resist this kind of evil behavior. I propose to immediately notify the bank to remove the card..."

Although Kim Taeyeon spoke impassionedly, the girls' reactions were lackluster.

If she just shouts some slogans, the girls won't mind echoing her, since they're done anyway.

But her proposal was so specific, which made everyone a little embarrassed.

They admitted that what Li Menglong did was not very honest, but they could discuss how to punish him later.

If they directly stop the card now, they are not punishing Li Menglong, but punishing themselves. After all, it will be a big project to go to banks one after another to reopen it.

Since everyone has the same idea, let’s advise Kim Taeyeon together now, otherwise no one will be able to escape.

"It's so late, the bank should be closed, right?"

"We'd better wait and see. Li Menglong didn't spend much."

"They are all from my own family. Li Menglong might have picked up the wrong ones. This is also possible."

The girls' reasons were really weirder than the last, and Kim Taeyeon didn't know which one to refute. Are these women serious?

While Kim Taeyeon was thinking about how to persuade these stubborn women, Li Menglong was already sitting in the car with the packaged meat.

As for the destination, of course it can't be the dormitory. Although he came back with gifts, will those women let him go? These were all bought with their money!

So he came to a place where he could digest so much roasted meat. After all, the meat would be wasted if not eaten.

"Why did you come here at this time?"

"Why aren't you off work yet?"

Li Menglong and the proprietress "encountered" each other at the entrance of the company, but they were both surprised by each other's appearance.

The landlady thought Li Menglong was here to work overtime. He couldn't have come to eat fried chicken or misremembered the time, right?

As for Li Menglong, he feels a little distressed here. This Ernie is really desperate for his life. If he doesn't go back to rest at this time, that's not how he works for his career.

It's just that it's difficult to express this kind of kindness. Li Menglong is not good at saying such disgusting words.

Even if you say it reluctantly, the effect will often be counterproductive. For example, now: "If you collapse on the bed, don't expect me to take care of you until you die!"

I don’t know how many layers of ridicule were contained in this simple sentence. Anyway, the landlady was laughed out of anger: "You came here just to say this, right? Or do you want to recall your past youth?"

While the boss lady was speaking, she had already begun to roll up her sleeves. This familiar action immediately brought back some not-so-good memories to Li Menglong. The woman in front of him was much more violent than the girls.

Being scolded by this person at the door of the company, Li Menglong couldn't afford to humiliate this person even at night, so he immediately took a few steps back and picked up the gift in his hand.

"Don't think too much about it. I came here with good intentions. This meat is precious. I came here to have a drink with you!"

Li Menglong's words echoed what the landlady said before. The memories between the two of them include not only being beaten, but also drinks after heavy work. Of course, hangovers are not uncommon.

However, most of the time it was the proprietress who got drunk, and Li Menglong was also responsible for carrying this woman back. If it weren't for the fact that she took the initiative to pay every time, he really wouldn't be accompanying her.

It's just that similar interactions gradually disappeared. It wasn't that there was something wrong with the relationship between the two, but that the environment and identity were different.

Compared with working day and night back then, although the work now is not that easy, at least I have sufficient security in life.

To put it a bit exaggerated, in fact, it is perfectly fine for the two of them not to work now. Working is more for personal pursuits.

Without so much "bitterness" to drink with, the number of times we get drunk together will naturally decrease. There is no need to share the happiness in life so frequently.

But taking a small sip occasionally can still be considered. As for the reason for Li Menglong's sudden appearance, you can also temporarily sell him some face, so I won't ask further. Anyway, he will tell you after drinking too much.

Li Menglong really brought a lot of meat, and there were not many customers at midnight. The entire company from the first floor to the third floor was called down by anyone who was panting.

It was quite lively to get together. Li Menglong didn't know there would be so many people in the company at night.

As for everyone's reasons, they all have different reasons. On the first floor, there are people who work the night shift, and there are people who work the morning shift who are too lazy to rush and come to spend the night early. On the second and third floors, some are working overtime due to work reasons.

But one person had the most special reason. It turned out that his parents-in-law came over. The room was too small and there was no place for him to sleep, so he came to the company to work on the floor for the night.

"Okay, what a good man, find an opportunity to promote it to the whole company!" Li Menglong joked and poured a drink for everyone.

After all, his identity is here, and he brought the food and drinks here. If he doesn't say anything, it won't be easy for everyone to do anything.

"Getting together is fate, it's all in the wine, cheers!"

Li Menglong's brief speech was in line with the atmosphere of the wine bureau. Everyone was already familiar with him, and after a few glasses of wine, they didn't take it too seriously.

Speaking of which, eating barbecue here at the company is also very suitable. The tableware, seasonings and even the chef are all ready-made. There is no essential difference from eating barbecue directly in the store.

In addition to the beef and red wine brought by Li Menglong, the proprietress also brought a lot of "substitute" food. Fried chicken and beer are all ready-made. You can eat and fry as you go, or you can even go to the kitchen to do it yourself.

Under the leadership of these two people, everyone had a great time eating. I don’t know who asked the question first. In short, everyone began to explore the reason why Li Menglong came here.

"They must have been kicked out by the girls. Believe me, I have experience!" The person who was praised by Li Menglong before said carelessly. After all, he is a ready-made example.

Everyone is an adult and has learned to disguise...

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