The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2646 Prepare backup plan

"Yeah, calm down. You kept saying you were here to repay me, but now you've changed your mind?"

Li Menglong leaned on the bed and said lazily, he really didn't want to move, Yoona had better be more honest.

But Yoona refused, and she had enough reasons: "Then you heard wrong. I obviously meant to beat you violently. Have you ever seen a fist as big as a casserole?"

Yoona waved her fist in a cute way, at least from Li Menglong's perspective. After all, when it comes to the size of her fist, he still has a considerable advantage here.

So as long as Yoona didn't take the initiative to hit someone for a moment, he would just let the little girl get high.

After all, when you wake up early in the morning, you can have an "intimate" chat with Yoona here. This is a life that many people would envy. He must know how to cherish it.

Yoona also realized the huge gap in combat power between the two. Besides, she really wanted to repay her kindness and couldn't just back out just because of Li Menglong's two words.

"Huh, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Whatever you want to eat in the morning, I'll make it for you!" Yoona almost pointed at Li Menglong with her chin, showing off her arrogance.

It's just that this kind of repayment of kindness made Li Menglong insensitive. Why don't we just forget about each other and have to retaliate against each other?

"Who said I wanted to take revenge on you? Didn't you hear clearly? I want to cook for you!" Yoona emphasized again, as if she wasn't thinking about her cooking skills.

It is said that girls are very contradictory when it comes to cooking. They obviously have a clear understanding of their cooking skills many times, but they are blindly confident!

In this case, Li Menglong couldn't talk to Yoona from a normal person's point of view: "Ordering, right? Let's eat lobster. Just steam it. Isn't it complicated?"

In a way, Li Menglong really didn't embarrass YoonA.

Are there any skills required to steam lobster? As long as you can control the time, or even the time, as long as the ingredients are fresh enough, it will be no problem to use them directly for sashimi.

But in Yoona's eyes, this is a provocation to her: "Look at the time. Where can I get lobsters for you so early in the morning? Should I raise them myself?"

This actually brought up Li Menglong’s knowledge blind spot. Why haven’t I heard of anyone raising lobsters from a young age? This would save a lot of money.

But that's not what he should explore. He himself doesn't like lobster very much. Apart from being more expensive, the taste is not as good as the boss lady's fried chicken.

Yoona has said so, and Li Menglong doesn't mind selling her a favor: "If lobster doesn't work, then king crab. If that doesn't work, then beef. That's alright, right?"

Biting her lip silently, Yoona felt that Li Menglong was making things difficult for her.

Although it was said that he was asked to order food, everyone should have a tacit understanding. At this time, there was no one to even order takeout. Where could Yoona get him such food?

Yoona's original intention was to ask Li Menglong to tell her about cooking instant noodles. This was her most realistic choice at the moment, and she was good enough at it. The instant noodles she cooked were quite delicious!

The two were deadlocked here. Li Menglong squinted his eyes slightly, as if he was reciting the menu, and listed all the things he had eaten and things he had not eaten.

Yoona, on the other hand, was just getting started, denying it one after another, until at a certain moment, she also habitually denied instant noodles.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

As if she was afraid that Li Menglong would cause trouble again, Yoona didn't give him a chance to speak: "How about we meet each other? I can do this. I'll do it now. Just wait here!"

Yoona stood up unsteadily as she spoke, but because she sat cross-legged on the ground for too long, she fell down again.

Although Li Menglong looked sleepy, he was alert in his heart and turned sideways to avoid Yoona's "attack".

"What are you doing? No one forces you to cook. Don't hurt innocent people here!"

Yoona was lying on the bed without even looking at him: "Are you sure there are innocent people here? They are all scum!"

"If you insist on describing yourself like this, I can't object to it, but I am quite upright and kind-hearted. This is well-known by everyone!"

That is to say, I just want to get the instant noodles quickly, otherwise Yoona won’t mind having a debate with Li Menglong. Is he kind? Is he honest?

With Yoona's sneer, the room finally became quiet. To be precise, the sound of various tableware clashing in the kitchen was soon heard, including Yoona's scream.

Li Menglong didn't know why cooking instant noodles made such a big fuss, but he still chose to go over and have a look. He was really afraid that Yoona would ruin the house.

The moment he stood at the door of the kitchen, he wanted to turn around and leave. There was really no hope.

If he hadn't known the recipe in advance, Li Menglong would have thought that Yoona was going to make a big meal.

Not to mention anything else, there are more than a dozen dinner plates on the table alone. What is she doing? Wouldn't she clean it herself later?

"Don't look at me when you're here. Hurry up and cut some meat for me. I'm in a hurry to use it!"

Faced with Chef Lin's instructions, Li Menglong didn't resist at all. He just looked at the piece of frozen meat that was harder than the chopping board. Did she think too highly of her own strength?

"Ah? Are you sure you can't cut it open? You're not trying to hold me back on purpose. Don't be so shameless. You'll also be eating together later!"

Yoona thought she had reasonable doubts, but in Li Menglong's eyes it was quite funny. However, Yoona's last words were right, and in the end he would eat with her.

So at this moment, he must not let Yoona cook any dark dishes. He can simply cook instant noodles. Why do he put so many ingredients?

"To express my sincerity, you feel it now, right?" Yoona blinked her big eyes in anticipation of Li Menglong's answer.

But he just showed a wry smile. He felt the "sincerity", but at the same time he also felt the malice.

Simply pushing the little girl away, Li Menglong took over the follow-up work.

Yoona was quite dissatisfied with this crude method. After she had done so much work, Li Menglong actually wanted to come and harvest it?

"Anyway, I have already thanked you. We are settled now, do you understand?"

"Is this all settled? Let's not talk about so-called sincerity. How much do I give you, and how much are the instant noodles here worth?"

It's really vulgar to use money to measure friendship, but Yoona couldn't say anything because it really seemed like she was stingy.

"Then I'll treat you to a big dinner at noon. Is that okay? Don't push yourself too far!"

"That's something you can consider. You can make an appointment with me in advance and I'll see if I have time."

Faced with Li Menglong's understatement, Yoona felt that this guy was a bit pretentious.

What is Lin Yoona's identity? She still pays for the dinner out of her own pocket. Li Menglong doesn't thank her immediately, but still acts reserved here. What's wrong with this?

Fortunately, the kind-hearted Yoona did not choose to expose him. For the sake of him taking the initiative to cook instant noodles, Yoona decided to forgive her once.

It's just that the taste of instant noodles is a killer at any time. Even those who have just eaten will make their mouths water, not to mention that the women above are still hungry.

But it's not that easy to smell it. Not to mention being so far away, the women are still sleeping one by one. To be aware of it, it really requires talent and luck.

And Kim Taeyeon happens to have both of these things.

As soon as she walked out of the bathroom, Kim Taeyeon smelled the faint aroma of instant noodles.

At this moment, Kim Taeyeon's first reaction was to look at the bathroom. Did she have any special powers? Otherwise, how could she emit such a smell? It was obviously a bit smelly before.

Fortunately, she still had some sense of reason. Although her reaction was a little slow, she still turned her attention from the bathroom to downstairs.

"Oh, you two are actually carrying me..."

Facing Kim Taeyeon who suddenly jumped out, Li Menglong didn't panic at all.

It's not that he predicted her arrival in advance, it's just that he did more out of habit. What if someone comes over?

And this surplus successfully blocked Kim Taeyeon's mouth, allowing her to swallow all her complaints mixed with noodles.

Looking at the crumbling gum in the corner of Kim Taeyeon's eyes, Li Menglong was very curious about how she had such a good appetite. How could she have been awake for five minutes?

"You care about me? How do you know I just woke up? I've been awake for a long time!"

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's sophistry, Li Menglong did not refute, but just caught some loopholes: "Then why did you get up so early? Do you have any activities?"

Kim Taeyeon subconsciously wanted to say yes, but then she realized it was a trap. Wouldn't Li Menglong know about her activities?

To be precise, only Li Menglong was hiding it from her, and she couldn't hide it from Li Menglong at all.

"It's a private schedule that has nothing to do with you, so don't ask about it." Kim Taeyeon drank the instant noodle soup with satisfaction, wondering if she should go back and catch up on her sleep later.

But Li Menglong didn't give her this chance: "That must be very important. Let's go out together later. I'll see you off."

"I won't bother you, I can move on my own, I'm not disabled!"

"Okay, then we'll wait for you to set off together. I'll feel relieved when I see you get in the car!"

Seeing the "friendly" interaction between the two of them, Yoona took the last bite of noodles into her bowl. It was indeed the instant noodles she cooked, it was delicious!

As for what Li Menglong was doing, she had clearly seen it, and Kim Taeyeon probably also understood it vaguely.

However, it was then that Li Menglong's strong logical ability was revealed. He just relied on step-by-step preparation to force Kim Taeyeon into a corner.

At this moment, Kim Taeyeon only has two choices, either to act like nothing happened before, or to choose to go out together.

As for where to go specifically, Yoona was worried about Kim Taeyeon, she couldn't go to the company with them...

Yoona's originally smiling expression because she was watching the fun suddenly froze, not because she was too happy, but because she actually found some loopholes in her words.

Why did he use "we" so naturally? It was obviously a quarrel between Kim Taeyeon and Lee Mongryong, but she didn't say a word the whole time.

After thinking about it for a while, she quickly found out what the problem was. Li Menglong had actually included her in it. Who said she wanted to accompany him to the company?

"Huh? Didn't you say that in order to repay me, you wanted to treat me to a big dinner at noon?" Li Menglong said innocently.

But this expression will only make Yoona even more unhappy: "It was noon, what time is it now? Don't you recognize the clock?"

"But I may not have time, so you come directly with me. As soon as I have time, we will go to eat immediately. This is what I plan to do, what do you think?"

Although this reason sounds full of flaws at first, but when you think about it carefully, why it can be justified, it makes Yoona quite conflicted.

In order to treat Li Menglong to lunch, she had to follow him to the company early in the morning. Is this reasonable?

"It's reasonable, why is it unreasonable? Let's go now!" Kim Taeyeon made the final decision from the side!

She decided to go out. Logically speaking, it would be more in line with her character to cheat directly, but maybe she was full because she was full. Anyway, she decided happily.

Now that she has suffered as the captain, Yoona, the second youngest member, is the only one who is happy. It's time for her to show her loyalty.

With the tacit cooperation of Lee Mong-ryong and Kim Taeyeon, Yoona didn't say anything about her rejection.

It wasn't until she went upstairs to change that she finally realized that she had been tricked by these two people!

But if you refuse now, the consequences seem to be serious.

Lee Meng Yong and Kim Taeyeon can be considered the two top players in the team. On weekdays, Yoona can live a comfortable life by playing both sides of the fence.

As a result, both of them have been offended at the same time. Does she still want to live in the team?

With this realization, Yoona walked out dejectedly.

I originally thought that her appearance would disgust at least two of them, but they didn't show any reaction at all and even praised her for her spirit. Is this irony?

But since these two people are so heartless, Yoona no longer restrains herself.

Revenge against Li Menglong can wait, but Kim Taeyeon is very convenient here: "Where are you going, Unnie? I'll take a taxi for you!"

According to Kim Taeyeon's original plan, just walking around the community was enough. Anyway, they both drove away at that time, so did she need to report with them wherever she went?

But now Yoona has let her plan fail before it can be implemented. She urgently needs a location now.

"Then you don't have to worry about it, I will take care of it myself."

While answering, Kim Taeyeon was also thinking of a backup plan, sitting in a taxi and walking around twice. This seemed to be easier than walking.

But how could Yoona let her pass easily: "I don't mean to keep track of Unnie's movements, I'm just worried about you. For your safety, remember to give us the license plate of the taxi!"

Yoona didn't finish what she said, but Kim Taeyeon understood it. It was just Yoona contacting the taxi, leaving her with no way to hide.

However, this is still the default rule among girls. As the captain, she can't take the lead in breaking it. Now it will be difficult. Is there any backup plan?

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