The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2645 Early morning confrontation

The girls were scared, compromised, and accepted their fate!

They even regretted a little. If they had known this, why bother to resist? If they had handed over the chocolates honestly on the second floor, they wouldn't have had so many things to worry about.

It's just that they don't have the ability to predict the future. How could they have known that things would develop to this point? It's all Yoona's fault!

"Blame me? Please, you are framing me, okay? I just want to prove my innocence!" Yoona immediately jumped up from the ground.

Faced with Yoona's excitement, the girls were also very nervous, for fear of disturbing Li Menglong again, so they all raised their index fingers to their mouths to signal her to keep her voice down.

Although Yoona was very scared in her heart, she couldn't show it. The key to survival in the team is to be tough!

Especially since she is still young, if she doesn't improve herself, she will be bullied to death by these women.

Seeing the little girl looking like she was going to die together, these women didn't dare to say anything more.

Besides, they didn't really want to pursue anything. They said those words mainly to shirk responsibility, so they don't need to take it seriously!

"Huh, you guys are not taking this seriously, but don't you consider how much harm it will cause me?" Yoona was also unreasonable.

But this is a bit too much. What the girls are selling is Li Menglong's face. What does Yoona mean by pretending to be a tiger here?

What's more, if Li Menglong wakes up, he's probably going to kill someone. Will he look at Yoona with a high regard?

"What harm can you do? Please tell me in detail, and we can also reflect on ourselves!"

Facing the girls' questioning, Yoona began to roll her eyes, mainly thinking about what harm would happen to her?

Speaking of which, when she first came into contact with these women, Yoona would indeed feel resentful because of these little things.

However, as everyone got along with each other and the girls took care of her, Yoona gradually adapted to it.

Even now, she hears these words in one ear and never enters her mind.

Now she was suddenly asked to say something harmful, and she couldn't make it up for a while, which was very worrying.

Facing this "clown", the girls either sneered or stepped forward to pat Yoona on the shoulder. In short, they were equal parts threats and contempt.

Yoona was completely defeated this time. The other party clearly gave her a chance, but she failed. This made her feel extremely frustrated.

Fortunately, Xu Xian was still on her side. Not only did he not come over to taunt her, he also secretly stuffed her with a small piece of chocolate: "Unnie, remember to brush your teeth after eating. Don't let the unnies see it. Remember to secretly Eat!"

After the warning, Xu Xian quickly followed. She also wanted to see if those women had anything hidden. They would do anything just for some snacks.

After being comforted by Xu Xian, Yoona was not as happy as she imagined. It was just that she was bullied by Ernie. Even her only sister pitied her. Her life was such a failure!

Whenever Yoona dares to post this sentence online, countless fans, including passers-by and even anti-fans will teach her how to behave!

Is Yoona’s life considered a failure? So who is considered successful, or are there still successful people?

Not to mention the status and wealth that Yoona has brought with her acquired efforts, her face alone, which brings disaster to the country and the people, is wealth, the kind that countless people cannot envy!

Many anti-fans will use this point to attack celebrities, because in their opinion, celebrities only have that face. If they can have the same looks, they can also do the same thing!

There are many loopholes in this statement, and it is quite easy to refute it. After all, there are many good-looking trainees who fail to debut successfully every year.

However, this sour view is enough to illustrate the public's envy of celebrities' appearance.

As the face of the most popular girl group, Yoona actually thinks her life has failed. Does she want to force everyone to death?

I sat in the living room and sighed for a long time, but no one came down to comfort me. Do I want to go to Li Menglong for comfort?

As soon as this idea came up, Yoona quickly sealed it. There was no consolation in this. It was almost like calling her seeking death.

Shivering silently, Yoona stuffed the chocolate into her mouth. Although she was not hungry at all, she had to say that sweets really made people feel happy.

Of course, for people who are self-disciplined, they will also feel guilty. I guess Xu Xian would think so.

After replenishing her energy, Yoona's mood finally became a little more high-spirited, and she began to think about how to repay Li Menglong.

She, Lin Yoona, is not the kind of person who never repays a favor, she knows how to be grateful!

Li Menglong really had nothing to say to her tonight. He had offended him several times without even being beaten.

Since Li Menglong is so loyal, Yoona must give some response so that the other party can have the same impulse next time.

Just wanting to repay Li Menglong is not easy. The girls have been worrying about this for an unknown amount of time. Li Menglong's cupboard of brand new clothes is the best proof.

Speaking of which, people like Li Menglong are really weird. He has no hobbies at all.

If it was because of money in the past, that would be fine, but now it's not just him who has money. If he feels distressed, the girls don't mind giving it to him.

But that's it. The girls couldn't find anything to give as gifts. This was very embarrassing. Couldn't he have done it on purpose?

Yoona has no intention of exploring this issue now. She just wants to let Li Menglong feel her feelings. How about going over to sleep with him for a night?

Don't ask Yoona what she thinks, she doesn't know much about it herself. Anyway, she thinks this idea is great at this moment!

After he had the idea, he started to implement it. First he tried to push down the door, but it turned out that it was not locked. Was he sure that no one would harass him tonight?

Yoona went to the utility room and dug out the bedding. There were a lot of them when they were making bedding on the first floor, and now they can all be used.

Tiptoeing into the dark room, Yoona didn't even dare to breathe too heavily.

Although Li Menglong's breath was quite long, indicating that he was in a deep sleep at the moment, Yoona didn't dare to gamble.

Now whenever she wakes up Li Menglong, she won't be able to argue, and she will probably be beaten on the spot until she is half dead.

After thinking of this, Yoona became more careful with her movements. Fortunately, she finally laid the floor smoothly.

Lying down, you can still vaguely see Li Menglong's side face, which makes Yoona very happy. Li Menglong should be able to feel his feelings, right?

If Li Menglong was awake at this moment, his expression would definitely be particularly interesting. Although he had faced the imaginative thinking of girls countless times, he still couldn't understand the weird thoughts of these women many times.

Just laying a floor in a room is considered a thank you?

Does Yoona think that being able to breathe the same air as her is a great gift, and that Li Menglong should be grateful?

Please, Yoona is not a fairy. She also has to dress and eat. What she exhales is also carbon dioxide. If you breathe in too much, it will be poisonous!

I don't know if Li Menglong was aware of this in his sleep, and his brows furrowed silently.

Correspondingly, Yoona was too relaxed here, with a smile on her lips. If you look carefully, you can even see the chocolate hidden between her teeth. She didn't follow Xu Xian's advice to brush her teeth.

But it is very likely that no one will know this secret, because the entire dormitory gradually became quiet.

It stands to reason that Jessica, as her roommate, should have realized something was wrong. After all, she was living in the same room without a big living person. She must be a little wary, right?

But it was a pity that Jessica was not in her best state today. Her mind was still in a state of confusion, so she fell asleep directly after returning to the room.

So Yoona spent the night in comfort on the first floor, and her sleep quality was quite high, so high that she didn't even react when someone stepped on her in the middle of the night.

On the contrary, it startled Li Menglong. After he got up, there was a soft feeling under his feet. The timid ones might have cried out.

Li Menglong still had some composure, but his eyes that were originally squinted were as wide as possible.

I tried to step on him twice more, but it seemed that I had stepped on a living person, because the other person turned over.

If the last few kicks were considered tests, the front kick was still very heavy and there was no reaction at all?

Li Menglong even thought he was joking for a while. After waiting for a long time and still no response, he finally confirmed the situation.

Although he didn't know who it was and why he wanted to lay the floor in his room, he was just not curious. Who knew what the trouble the women upstairs were causing.

After solving a personal problem in the bathroom, Li Menglong came back again, but stood at the door for a long time without taking any action.

When he comes, he is thinking, and when he comes, he is dozing off. Everyone who wakes up in the middle of the night looks the same.

At a certain moment, his head hit the door frame, which made him wake up again.

There was nothing to hesitate about now. Even sleeping on the ground was better than sleeping standing up.

So Li Menglong squatted down and started "fishing", and soon caught a group of feet.

Even though he was very familiar with them, Li Menglong couldn't tell who they were based on the shape of their feet.

After carrying the uninvited guest to the bed, Li Menglong lay down on the ground, and this time he knew this person's identity.

Girls each use different perfumes and shampoos, and the difference in aroma is quite obvious.

"Yoon'er, this damn girl, insists on coming over to occupy my bed. I'll settle the score with her tomorrow..."

Li Menglong murmured a few words and then fell asleep again. It is possible that he did not remember what he said, and maybe he even forgot the series of actions he took when he woke up.

And this is also true. After Li Menglong woke up, he felt that the angle of view was wrong. Was it because he rolled in his sleep that he fell?

After sitting up and rubbing his stiff neck, he found that he didn't even have a pillow, and why was there another person on the bed?

And I don’t know what kind of posture Yoona is sleeping in. Anyway, her whole body is wrapped in the quilt, and her head is exposed, but it is facing her. Is this a provocation?

If he was in a good mood on weekdays, Li Menglong might have endured it, but let it go today, just slap Yoona in the face.

Of course, Li Menglong was still gentle enough. In the end, he didn't use any force and just covered Yoona's face.

Yoona, who couldn't breathe, naturally opened her eyes quickly, her eyes also full of evil: "What are you doing, forcing your way into a girl's room so early in the morning? You..."

It's not that Yoona didn't want to talk anymore, she could still talk for several minutes. What made her silent was the environment at the moment. This didn't seem to be her room.

Isn't this embarrassing, and Li Menglong was not polite: "What are you doing, breaking into a boy so early in the morning..."

I have to say that Lee Mong-ryong's acting skills still need to be improved. Yoona's performance at least has a touch of slyness, and he is just disgusting here.

Yoona really didn't want to see this scene so early in the morning, so she just covered her head with the quilt, out of sight and out of mind.

It's just that this ostrich-like behavior is not cute, at least it has no effect on Li Menglong.

If she were the male protagonist in a TV series, he might be willing to play games with her, but Li Menglong would forget it here.

She didn't show up, right? It didn't matter. Li Menglong didn't care whether she was willing to communicate or not. He stepped forward and pulled the quilt directly to pull Yoona off.

Although the bed was not very high and there was a quilt as a buffer, it still couldn't hide the fact that Yoona was thrown to the ground.

This kind of rude behavior is really ungentlemanly. Yoona showed her head again and accused the other party. Anyway, she has nothing to lose now.

Li Menglong finally returned to his bed, especially with the pillow: "I haven't asked you yet, how did you get in? Why did I sleep on the floor?"

Faced with Li Menglong's rhetorical question, Yoona started to scratch her head. She remembered why she came in, to let Li Menglong feel her sincerity.

It's just that now it seems that the sincerity has not been felt, and it would be a bit embarrassing to say it again.

As for why she slept on the bed, Yoona really didn’t know. Could it be that Li Menglong rolled off the bed on his own?

"Let's just say I rolled down on my own, but can you explain how I rolled up?" Li Menglong asked, leaning on the head of the bed quite comfortably.

Another question that Yoona couldn't answer. It seemed that she had been at a disadvantage from the moment she appeared here.

However, Yoona could barely understand it. If Li Menglong slept on her bed early in the morning and she slept on the ground, she would probably overturn the house.

But how should I explain it now, or tell the truth?

"I'm really in need of you, so I came here to keep you company..."

"Stop! Don't talk to me like this so early in the morning. I'm a pure person and I can't bear to hear these words!"

Looking at Li Menglong's green tea look, Yoona was really disgusted.

She often encountered such people in the circle, and they were really annoying. However, Li Menglong also learned a three-dimensional image at this moment, which made Yoona want to hit people for no reason!

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