He didn't embarrass this customer for too long, or the landlady never taught him how to embarrass customers.

People are here to consume, not to mention treating each other as God, but basic respect is still required.

It's okay to make some harmless jokes, but it's not enough if it goes too far.

So it soon became lively downstairs. After the group on the second floor finished eating all the free fried chicken, they started to order spontaneously.

Although Li Menglong did not participate, with so many people consuming together, as long as you are thick-skinned enough, you can always get some free food.

It's just that Li Menglong has this "talent", but the customer is not good at it. He refuses to eat the free food and insists on using the cash in his hand to treat him.

Although everyone did not lack his money, what they cared about was his attitude, especially when compared with Li Menglong, it was really gratifying.

So without Li Menglong's orders, everyone spontaneously found some company peripherals for him. This can be regarded as the advantage of the entertainment company.

But it’s hard to say what these peripherals are, after all, most of the ones that are left are the ones that haven’t been sold.

Looking through these things is like going on Taobao. Although many of them are "junk", you can occasionally find some excellent products.

"Is this an album by girls? It's the first edition. Didn't it sell out at the beginning?"

Everyone gathered around and murmured that they wanted to collect such a good thing themselves and were really reluctant to give it away.

In the end, it was Li Menglong who grabbed it for the customer and stuffed it directly into the other person's arms: "If you are not their fan, just go to the forum and sell it, and it will be enough to pay for your meal."

Even though he said this, after seeing the intoxicated expression on the other person's face, he knew that this person was probably going to collect it on his own.

"Are you full? Hurry up and get to work. I'm giving you so much overtime pay, so I don't want you to waste it like this!"

Faced with Li Menglong's shameless statement, everyone wanted him to spit out the fried chicken he had eaten. Are they willing to ask for overtime pay? He still didn’t force it!

Although he is not afraid of offending the public, he might as well not offend him. He is also a little worried about his physical strength after beating so many people at once.

"Ahem, let's rest for another ten minutes, no more!"

Li Menglong made a certain compromise, but he did not run up first. Instead, he found a seat near the door and sat down.

As for the purpose of doing this, everyone still understands it, but the more they understand, the more they despise it. What is he afraid of? Can they still run away?

Li Menglong didn't dare to take such a gamble. Let's not say what these people would do. Once these people ran away, what could he do to them?

In fact, the so-called suppression by leaders in the workplace is really not that abnormal. It is nothing more than the threat of dismissal.

But are SW people afraid of this?

There are still people on top of Li Menglong, who will watch him doing whatever he wants here?

Besides, these people are considered to be the ones with the best professional skills in the industry, otherwise the company would not offer them such high salaries.

So even if he is really fired, he can still find a job in minutes. In the end, it is Li Menglong who suffers the loss.

When these employees are not even afraid of being fired, then as the leader and boss, Li Menglong is in a miserable state. He has to guard the door to prevent these people from escaping, which is not easy for him!

He stayed at the door for half an hour. If these people weren't afraid that he would become angry, they probably could have delayed it for a while longer.

Eating fried chicken and chatting, it feels more comfortable than going to work.

After seeing that there was no one on the first floor, Li Menglong slowly stood up and moved his hands and feet, and carefully looked around for a place to hide people on the first floor.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for this group of people to attack in the east and west. He had to ensure that all these people went up, even if it was for the sake of fairness.

"I've eaten the fried chicken and got the gifts. Go back quickly. Maybe you can have a good dream." Li Menglong finally walked up as he spoke, with a touch of tenacity in his back.

Because Li Menglong had already foreseen the fatigue that would follow.

Not to mention staying up late, the key is that there is still a whole day tomorrow, and just thinking about it makes me want to sleep inexplicably.

And staying up late isn't just for fun, he has to work hard, otherwise what's the point of these people working overtime? Is it specifically to pay overtime pay to these people?

Even if he doesn't mention these things, he still has to fight with these people. This greatly affects his energy. Can't everyone be more conscious?

Li Menglong originally had some expectations, but he soon realized that he was too naive, and these people were all thinking about how to cause trouble for him.

This is actually everyone's helpless move. Li Menglong is too strong and they have no way to deal with him.

Forget about conventional revenge methods. You may not be able to beat this guy. Could it be that he keeps exercising all the year round because he is afraid of being beaten?

So everyone was forced to take a roundabout way. Didn't Li Menglong ask them to work overtime, so no one should take a break.

After all, there are still dozens of people here, taking turns to deal with Li Menglong, and determined not to give him any time to rest.

This method of revenge seemed very advanced. Even if Li Menglong was so tired that he vomited blood on the spot, he could not cause trouble to them. They were just working hard.

If Li Menglong is really not in good health, why does he still work overtime? Let’s all take a rest together!

But he is not easily knocked down. The method is indeed a good one, but we must also look at his strong body.

Although he has a limit after all, this group of people may not be able to see it.

To be precise, it was this group of people who couldn't resist it first. After working hard all night, they didn't even make it to the normal shift change time.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, at least half of the people in the office were already dead.

And the remaining ones are all relying on one breath to hold on. They are dissatisfied. Why is Li Menglong still so energetic when they are all exhausted?

"Why are you all looking at me? Is it time for breakfast?" Li Menglong pretended to look at the time.

In fact, he knew everything about the status of this group of people, but he just didn't intend to say it out loud.

After all, he also knows that he is not human anymore, so he should keep a low profile.

Even in the second half of the night, he didn't say a word to these people. When he was sleepy, he went directly to rest. Li Menglongquan pretended that he didn't see it.

Unexpectedly, there are still loyal ministers in the company, and they actually stayed with him for a whole night, which made him feel a little touched.

So he rarely took the initiative to mention breakfast, and he wouldn't mind making an exception to treat those who were still awake if they needed it.

This kind of opportunity to take advantage of a big player is really rare, especially for Li Menglong. Everyone immediately became more energetic.

He even woke up the sleeping group. When they heard that Li Menglong was going to treat him, they couldn't sleep anymore.

If Li Menglong hadn't watched them stay up late working all night, he would have thought those people were pretending to sleep.

You are so exhausted, and you have to force yourself to wake up and eat him. Wouldn't it be better to use this energy at work?

But after all the words were said, Li Menglong didn't regret it. Although he felt distressed, he had to keep his word.

The group of people were rubbing their sleepy eyes with big dark circles, and some people were moving their limbs because of their sleeping positions. All in all, they looked very strange.

Anyone who looks like this looks like they just got up, but their route is wrong. Why are they all walking downstairs?

Naturally, the boss lady had already received gossip, including the behavior of this group of people on the first floor last night.

But now is not the time to pursue this matter. She is also afraid that these people will overreact. If two people really die suddenly, she cannot bear the responsibility.

"Do you want to eat? There is some chicken soup in the store. You drink some first, and then go out to eat something good."

Faced with the words of the landlady, Li Menglong once thought that he was dreaming. Could it be that he didn't hold on?

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this person to say this. He didn't do the business he got, but he kicked them out. Does this make sense?

Little did I know that the landlady couldn't do anything about it. If these people eat fried chicken now, they might spit it out because it's too greasy.

So it's better to let them go out to eat. If something goes wrong, she doesn't have to take responsibility.

The boss's wife's kindness was shown here, and now it was Li Menglong's turn to be in trouble.

Once this group of people is released, it's hard to say how many will eventually come back. Anyway, he has no confidence at all.

But how to stop it now?

The landlady has made it clear that she won’t do business with these people, so Li Menglong can’t just watch these people starve to death, right?

It was fun enough to work overtime with them. Regardless of what they were thinking, at least they didn't run away.

When he thought of this, Li Menglong stopped trying to stop him, and even went a step further: "You all go back directly. Be careful on the road. It's better to take a taxi. The fare will be reimbursed by the company!"

After hearing Li Menglong's words, the eyes of these people were shining. Has he found his conscience that he didn't know where to hide?

Someone originally planned to step forward to test it out, but was stopped by everyone.

Regardless of whether Li Menglong is entangled in his heart, the most important thing now is to leave here. They are really afraid that Li Menglong will regret it.

Some of the more impulsive ones had already stepped towards the door, but of course their eyes were still on Li Menglong.

They were still afraid in their hearts. They didn't believe they were free even after standing outside the door, wandering back and forth not knowing where to go.

Is this a disease? Li Menglong asked them to go home, but he still wanted to work overtime?

Li Menglong decided to help them and strode out directly.

Now the group of people didn't hesitate any longer and immediately dispersed, running in such a panic.

The condition of these people is really bad. Not only did they stay up all night and work overtime, they didn't even eat breakfast. Even if they can run a few steps, they are in good health.

But in the end, the group of people escaped successfully, which was inseparable from Li Menglong's cooperation.

He was walking back and forth in front of the company like an old man, with his hands behind his back, otherwise he would have captured at least half of the group.

This can be regarded as his last tenderness towards this group of people.

Naturally, the landlady saw this scene clearly, and it was hard to say anything about Li Menglong, but he was more or less sick in this state.

Otherwise, he has a lot of time to treat these people gently, why must he delay it until now?

"Here is bread, do you want to eat it?" the landlady asked with a hint of concern.

Li Menglong naturally took it: "You actually hid something. Didn't you say you only have chicken soup?"

"If you don't want to eat it, give it back to me. I bought it myself!"

Li Menglong was naturally very protective of the bread. No matter how it seemed, bread was more reliable than fried chicken: "Bring me a bowl of chicken soup, too."

I soaked the bread directly in the chicken soup. Although it didn't look right, it tasted surprisingly good. Anyway, Li Menglong ate it very well.

While Li Menglong was eating breakfast, Xu Xian also sat up with his lips pursed.

She woke up because she smelled the smell. The smell was naturally not the aroma of Li Menglong's food. The two of them were far apart.

Silently pushing the foot aside, if he didn't know that the other party didn't mean it, Xu Xian would really have given her a foot massage.

The room is very messy now. A group of people are crowded into Jessica's small room. It is easy for the scene that Xu Xian experienced before to happen, that is, sleeping together holding someone's feet.

By the way, Jessica has a lot of rooms in her house. She could even sleep in the living room. Why are there so many people crowded together?

Although he didn't think of anything, Xu Xian could roughly guess what was going on. These women were probably drunk again.

I believe Mama Zheng must have had quite a headache last night. As for the next time she will have dinner with them, it may depend on when she can forget what happened last night.

It is estimated that the girls will also have a headache after getting up. How to face Mother Zheng is a problem.

He moved his shoulders slightly. Although it was possible that he had a stiff neck, it was also possible that he was kicked by a woman. The remaining smell on the tip of her nose was the best evidence.

After walking out, he didn't see the expected mess of cups and plates. Xu Xian didn't go back to sleep but just wanted to come over and clean up in advance.

But it seems that Zheng's mother is more diligent than her. She probably started cleaning last night after they went to bed. It seems that the other party may have just gone to bed not long ago.

Xu Xian still feels sorry for the other party. It seems that the next dinner party will be far away.

Pulling a chair to the window, Xu Xian looked at the scenery outside the window and began to be in a daze. This was also a kind of rest.

But she was soon interrupted again, and she took out the cell phone in her pocket. It didn't seem to be the ringtone of her phone.

You don't even have to try to open it. You can tell it's Kim Taeyeon's phone just by looking at the casing. But why is it in her pocket?

This question is destined to have no answer. Xu Xian just wants to make the phone quiet now.

Fortunately, the password is not a secret. After opening it, I found that it seemed to be a schedule reminder. Kim Taeyeon has a personal schedule today?

Logically speaking, they shouldn't. Recently, they have been preparing for a movie and their activities have been stopped.

But Kim Taeyeon is the team leader. Is this a one-way communication between her and Lee Mongryong?

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