The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2629 Extreme Oppression

Li Menglong felt that he might have made the wrong decision, because the people who left seemed to be particularly energetic. Should he change with the people who stayed?

Fortunately, he is still somewhat sensible and knows why these people are excited at the moment. If they are really allowed to stay, they may not be as good as this group of people now.

After all, those left behind still have a sense of anger to support them at the moment, and they can even look forward to tomorrow's shift change. Finally, there is some hope.

In order not to let this group of people be affected too much, Li Menglong waved his hand to indicate that he should leave quickly and stop causing hatred here.

"Yeah, I'll give you one more minute. Anyone who can't get out can work overtime here!"

After hearing Li Menglong's words, everyone who was still dawdling immediately got into a hurry.

And now it’s time to pay for the sins committed a second ago, because it’s the turn of those left behind to cause trouble.

How should I describe the scene? Anyway, it looked quite miserable. A group of people seemed to be fleeing, holding their clothes and pants, and ran down in a very embarrassed state.

This scene made the waiters on the first floor dumbfounded. Is this an earthquake? Why is there no feeling at all here on the first floor?

Fortunately, due to time constraints, there were only a few customers on the first floor, and their embarrassing scene was not seen by more people.

After arriving on the first floor, I escaped from Li Menglong's clutches. Isn't this a small celebration?

If they don't have to go to work tomorrow, this group of people will go out for a drink, just in time to drink until the sun rises before going home to sleep.

But now it's not possible. Not only do they skip work, they don't even dare to be late!

They are not afraid of fines. If they can get a day off for the money, they are willing to pay half a month's salary!

It's not that they were afraid of Li Menglong. Although this guy couldn't afford to offend him, he couldn't do anything good with his group of people, so he looked at each other with disgust.

What scares them is the remaining group on the second floor!

Li Menglong is really treacherous. He divided the originally united team with just one sentence. Could he be any more disgusting?

You have to know that this team also works for him. What good will it do him to cause internal strife?

But this kind of complaint is just a thought in their hearts, because they know that there will be no so-called internal strife.

If they miss work tomorrow, internal strife may still arise, but do they dare?

If they dared to rest at home, believe it or not, the gang on the second floor would dare to go directly to their home to call for help. Do they think they don’t know each other’s addresses?

That would really be a fight to the death, and they felt horrified just thinking about that scene.

I shuddered silently and suppressed this tempting thought in my heart. If I didn't want to die, I'd better not bring it out. I was greedy just looking at it.

However, psychological problems cannot be solved, but physical problems can still be solved.

The reasons why they are so "accommodating" to Li Menglong are very complicated and may include friendship, admiration, workplace factors, etc.

But the most important thing is that he is very generous with money!

Although Li Menglong is quite stingy personally, in terms of salary, especially overtime pay, it is definitely at the rich level.

Whenever there are movies or TV series that need to be prepared, their overtime pay is often the same as their salary, and this month it may even exceed their salary.

You must know that their original salary is already higher than the average level in the industry. Even including overtime pay, executives from some small companies cannot compare with them.

Of course, this is what they paid for with their lives, but they are not willing to take the money if there is even a slight chance.

But Li Menglong insists on giving it, what can they do? If you don’t, you’d be really sorry for yourself!

So I can only reward my body. For example, it would be nice to take a fried chicken back.

Although not many people came down from the second floor, everyone wanted to order something to eat, which made the previously idle kitchen busy in an instant.

It is said that the fried chicken restaurant on the first floor has to be open 24 hours a day, part of the reason is to provide convenience for these people who work overtime.

However, the group of people on the second floor spend a lot of money in the store, so they complement each other.

Since fried chicken still had to wait for a while, the group simply sat on the first floor and chatted.

It was impossible for them to talk about work. They had just escaped from that hell. Do we still need to let them reminisce about it?

It’s just that apart from work, there seems to be no topic for a while.

Fortunately, these people are all too familiar with each other. If there is no topic, just stop talking and no one will feel embarrassed.

The atmosphere on the lower floor is getting even weirder now. A group of people are sitting here, either with sad faces or looking at each other in silence. Some people believe that they are filming a movie.

And just at this moment, a new customer came in. One foot had just stepped in, but the other one didn't obey the orders.

I don’t blame this person for being timid. Anyone who saw this scene in the middle of the night would be frightened, wondering if they had seen a ghost, or if some large gangs were gathering?

This group of people happened to have nothing to do, and the waiters went to the kitchen to prepare fried chicken for them. In this case, what else is there to say, they are all from the same company, and they are helping to receive them.

"Hello, please come in. What would you like to eat?" The person who stood up spoke in a decent manner. After all, many people have experience working in restaurants.

But the more enthusiastic he was, the more afraid the person at the door was to come in, especially since the group of people who were in a daze all turned their attention to him, and the pressure hit him instantly.

"Uh... I'm just passing by, so I won't disturb you anymore."

"How could this be just passing by? Our store is the only one open at this time nearby. Are you kidding me?"

The excuse was directly exposed, which is very embarrassing.

That is to say, the proprietress is not here, otherwise she might have to be severely punished. How can she talk to customers like this?

Fortunately, neither party felt anything was wrong at this moment, and the customer who was about to exit could only walk in again.

"Let's order. I personally recommend this extra large portion of fried chicken, it's so delicious!"

This is another response that makes the landlady frown. Don't easily recommend it to others when customers come, as it will cause resentment.

Besides, even the recommendations should be reliable. You don’t have to recommend the most expensive ones. Can one person eat the super large portion of fried chicken? Li Menglong is hanging!

But the customer opposite didn't seem to know, or even knew that he didn't dare to resist. The sight behind him hadn't disappeared yet. Isn't this considered a forced purchase?

Who knows, those people behind are just bored. Instead of sitting there in a daze, it is better to watch the interaction between the two people. There is absolutely no intention to put any pressure.

"Cash? Just swipe your card. It's more convenient."

"Sorry, I only brought cash."

This answer made the receptionist in front of me very embarrassed. How could he open the cashier? He was not from the same department at all.

Now that people have to pay in cash, how can I change the money? How else can I ask the other party to collect some other snacks?

As this person continued his sales pitch, the people sitting behind him couldn't stand it anymore. It was such an embarrassment to the company.

"Forget it, didn't we order a lot? Let's share some with this friend later, and treat it as our treat." The person behind him said, gaining everyone's unanimous approval.

After all, I was a little impulsive when I ordered, and now that I think about it, I probably wouldn’t be able to finish it, so it’s no problem to share some.

"You heard me. Congratulations on becoming today's lucky customer. We decided to give you a free order. Are you happy?"

The customer didn't know what expression to show. Was the decision to waive the order a bit hasty?

However, he also realized at this moment that the people behind him were probably not bad people. Otherwise, why would they treat him to fried chicken?

After having a new partner, everyone naturally started chatting, and soon it turned into a collective conversation about this person.

In the narration of this group of people, Li Menglong turned into a big bastard who did all kinds of evil. Just looking at the overtime hours, the other party should be able to understand them, right?

This person does feel the same way. After all, every worker doesn’t want to be oppressed.

Look at these people getting off work at this time, not to mention not having dinner, but having to spend their dinner at the company. How come this kind of company and this kind of boss doesn't explode on the spot?

After reaching this consensus, everyone's discussion became more and more heated, until a discordant voice appeared: "It's such a bad company and boss, why don't you resign?"

A question directly woke up the person caught in the discussion. This is right. The company is so bad, why do we still stay here and be oppressed?

If it's one person or two people, that's it. They may have their own difficulties, but when dozens of people are exploited at one time, no one in this group plans to resign?

"Whoever says no, I will..."

Some people tried to be tougher. Although they didn't dare to say it in front of Li Menglong, they still didn't dare to brag in private discussions? What's the point of living then?

It's just that he ignored a small fact. This place can barely be considered private, provided that no extra people come down from the second floor.

"Don't say anything else later. Are you going to resign? I agree now. Do you think it will be convenient for you to go through the resignation procedures?" Li Menglong said coldly.

If you haven't heard the first sentence, you should have a reaction now. Most people don't dare to say this kind of thing.

As one person turned around and confirmed Li Menglong's identity, the group dispersed, leaving only the customer in the middle and the one who was bragging.

It's not that these two people don't want to move, one doesn't know anything, and the other has weak legs.

He wasn't afraid that Li Menglong would really fire him, but if he was caught bragging in private, it would still be embarrassing in front of so many people!

"Why aren't you talking? Didn't you say I was exploiting you? Why don't you resign?" Li Menglong was about to lie in that person's ear.

This scene was so oppressive. As Li Menglong looked around viciously, the people around him could only barely protect themselves.

"Is the fried chicken ready? I'll get off work first. See you at noon tomorrow. I'll try to come as early as possible!"

"My fried chicken isn't ready yet? Forget it, just treat this little brother to it. We were all joking just now, did you take it seriously?"

It’s really not that the people around me are unloyal, but that they can’t afford the risk.

If Li Menglong waved his hand to get them up again, it would really be too late to cry.

So this one can only be sacrificed. Who told him to have a big mouth? Or is it simply unlucky?

Anyway, everyone is fine. All they can do is come early tomorrow and try to get this one back.

But based on their understanding of Li Menglong, this guy doesn't seem to be that easy to talk to.

So this unlucky guy had better be prepared, for example, work until everyone gets off work tomorrow.

Having Li Menglong accompany him doesn't mean he is deliberately squeezing him. After all, Li Menglong should be the one who is most tired.

Setting an example or being more ruthless to oneself may be another reason why everyone admires Li Menglong.

It didn't take a few minutes, and the first floor became empty again, but the tabletop in front of me exuded an alluring aroma.

There were more than one or two people who fled. The remaining fried chicken was cheaper for Li Menglong.

"Let's eat together. You're welcome. It doesn't cost any money anyway." Li Menglong was still quite kind to the customer. He never took his anger out on outsiders.

But when the bad guy wanted to take action, Li Menglong just broke off a wing tip and gave it to him: "After you eat, go to work quickly, everyone is still waiting for you!"

If possible, the proprietress would probably want to make this into a promotional video. One of the customers burst into tears while holding the fried chicken. Doesn’t that explain everything?

Faced with this touching scene, Li Menglong's response was much more cold-blooded, and he almost pushed this person up.

"I'm not so violent on weekdays, do you understand?" He did not forget to explain to the customer.

I learned this from girls. We should cherish every opportunity to turn passers-by into fans. What if the other party misunderstands?

"Understood, completely understood!" The man nodded hastily, and Li Menglong said whatever he said.

Any reasonable person would not confront Li Menglong on such an occasion, and even treat him to fried chicken, even though he was not the one paying.

As the unlucky man walked up, everyone upstairs got the first-hand news and ran down immediately without hesitation.

They have already made it clear that they have to work overtime all night, so is there any need to please Li Menglong? Just break the can and smash it, and see who is afraid of who.

This group of people didn't say anything after they came down, and they lined up indifferently to get fried chicken. The whole process was very natural.

Li Menglong subconsciously wanted to stop him, but then he realized that the fried chicken seemed to have little to do with him.

"Tell me, do you want to feed them?" Li Menglong threw the question to the guest.

This is really too much to embarrass the other party. They just came here to have some late-night snacks and had no intention of getting involved in SW's office fight.

"Huh? I've eaten the fried chicken, so it doesn't seem appropriate not to talk now, right?" Li Menglong added as he looked at the other person who didn't speak.

This made the other party want to cry. He didn't want to eat and drink for free. What he was willing to pay was not accepted here...

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