The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2550: Dry belly

Facing the girls' doubts, Li Menglong remained calm. After all, he had prepared the dish from the raw materials, and he knew best whether it would be enough to eat.

As for the tastes and appetites of these women, Li Menglong can say without exaggeration that overall, he is definitely the one who knows them best, better than the girls’ parents!

After all, he has been cooking for their team for several years. If he didn't understand these knowledge points, the girls would have fired him long ago.

But forget about the explanation. No matter how much you talk, it can't compare to the peace of mind that comes from letting them see the real thing with their own eyes: "Then are you ready to witness the miracle?"

Although the girls thought that Li Menglong's words were too exaggerated, they could still endure it at such a critical moment. Otherwise, wouldn't it be causing trouble for themselves?

After thinking about this, the girls' reactions were relatively exaggerated. They all held their chins or raised their hands, praising or screaming, which greatly satisfied Li Menglong's vanity. ah.

However, if he could compare the girls' past variety show videos, he would find that these reactions were too stylized, or they were all official reactions when they recorded the show.

By the way, this can be regarded as one of the necessary abilities for artists. They were taught by specialized teachers before they debuted. Otherwise, would they really be allowed to go on the show based on their feelings? Every opportunity to appear is precious.

Fortunately, the "face" of girls is rarely shown in front of Li Menglong, not because they respect Li Menglong, but because they don't need to hide their true emotions when facing him or his show.

So it was only natural that Li Menglong didn't react at the moment. He opened the lid with a reserved smile: "Hang, huh, ladies, please scream loudly!"

As he spoke, Li Menglong compared the spoon in his hand to a microphone and passed it around in the direction of the girls, feeling a full sense of accomplishment.

If the girls before were still acting, then the screams at this moment are sincere. The stew made by Li Menglong is really good in terms of appearance and smell, at least according to the standards of late night snacks. Definitely qualified.

To be precise, what Li Menglong cooked was a pot of food similar to military hot pot. To put it simply, it was a stew mixed with instant noodles.

However, Li Menglong's advantage here is that he added a lot of expensive ingredients. This is actually partly the credit of the girls. After all, they bought the ingredients.

But the girls are still relatively modest. With their current financial resources, what they lack is really not the ingredients, but people who can cook for them at a specific time. Li Menglong obviously deserves the most credit here.

Xu Xian also recognized this. Li Menglong always performed well in this kind of "home-made" dishes, which made her very envious.

Xu Xian even secretly wrote down the making process. It seems that it is not that difficult. If the girls respond well, then she can also try to cook it for the girls.

To be honest, the cheers from the girls just now made her a little envious!

Li Menglong's cooking method is really not difficult. He prepared two pots in advance, one of which is specially used to cook various ingredients, and remove them when they are half cooked.

The other pot was used solely to blend the so-called soup stock, and Xu Xian's crazy sprinkling of seasonings that he didn't quite approve of appeared here.

Li Menglong used ramen seasoning, soy sauce, hot sauce and other things to make a pot of water taste like soup stock.

Xu Xian had tasted it herself, and it was really so magical. Even the belief that had allowed her to persist for so many years was a little shaken. How about trying to use some of these auxiliary products in the future?

The next step is very simple. Put the half-cooked ingredients such as beef, chicken wings, prawns, abalone, etc. around the pot in sequence, and stuff a few packs of instant noodles and some rice cakes into the empty space in the middle.

Is what Li Menglong did very complicated? At least Xu Xian doesn't think so. It seems that she can copy all the processes one by one.

But judging from the results, it was surprisingly good. The girls barely communicated with each other. For a while, the dining table was filled with various sounds of chewing and inhaling.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xian was a little skeptical. Is it so delicious? They must be acting at this moment, right?

Try to pick up a piece of chicken wings and take a sip. The chicken immediately melts in your mouth. The aroma of the meat mixed with the deliciousness of the soup base and the slightly spicy taste are really addictive.

The girls obviously think so too, and they go a step further, thinking that these meat dishes are actually complementary. The most delicious thing is to scoop out half a bowl of ramen and pour half a bowl of soup. The taste is really amazing. !

But while the girls were frantically grabbing ramen like starving ghosts reincarnated, Xu Xian still guarded his bottom line. He really couldn't drink the noodle soup!

In fact, it is true that ramen has no nutrition, but it is wrong to say that ramen is unhealthy. As long as ramen does not drink soup, that is, does not consume a lot of salt, it is still a relatively good staple food overall.

So no matter how delicious the soup base was, Xu Xian would not take a sip, especially since she knew exactly how much salt Li Menglong put into it!

However, the girls did not have this awareness. Almost in the blink of an eye, the originally full pot had been "cleaned", and there was no need to wash the pot.

Although this description is a bit exaggerated, this is how Xu Xian felt. After all, she just ate a chicken wing to relax during the whole process, and ended up finishing it?

It's such a big pot, and it's boiling hot. Even if a group of pigs come over, they won't eat it so quickly. Do they still want to be idols?

Anyway, Xu Xian took one look at it. If she was a fan, she would never fall in love with these women. Or should I say, are these people slumped on chairs to dry their bellies still women?

"Yeah, Oppa is still here!" Xu Xian obviously wanted to say a lot, but in the end he chose to attack in a roundabout way, so as not to disturb the interest of these women, otherwise big trouble would happen.

"It's okay. Our chef has worked hard. We should pay him well!" Kim Taeyeon said generously.

It's just that Li Menglong didn't even bother to raise his head at the moment. He was afraid of getting a needle's eye even if he took one more look at him. Are these women too confident?

Li Menglong likes them who are young and beautiful on the stage, likes them who are quirky in life, and likes them who never give up in difficult situations. He definitely does not like them who are full of food and hang out here!

It was useless to lift Li Menglong. Xu Xian didn't think that her name would be more intimidating. Since these women didn't plan to leave, all she could do was to leave on her own. Out of sight and out of mind was no problem. Bar?

"Xiao Xian, take me with you, I can't stay any longer!" Li Menglong stuffed the last bite of rice in the bowl into his mouth and followed Xu Xian's footsteps.

The girls didn't say anything about the pretentious words of these two people. After eating and drinking, they just wanted to quietly enjoy the fullness in their stomachs. This feeling was really a luxury for them.

Maybe they are a little more relaxed now, but when they first debuted, eating to excess was really a precious experience for them.

Although they are not going to starve, they do have to control too much when it comes to food. In short, they don't want to recall that memory.

Therefore, after becoming successful and famous, it is already good that the girls did not choose to retaliate to compensate themselves. Occasionally eating something to the fullest is really a reward for themselves. This feeling must be carefully recalled and treasured for a long time!

Xu Xian and Li Menglong are destined to have difficulty empathizing with the precious experiences of girls. Fortunately, everyone can still respect each other's choices.

At this moment, the kitchen was given over to the group of women, and Xu Xian and Li Menglong came to his room.

The two people looked at each other, and there was an inexplicable sense of time and space reappearing. It seemed that at some point before, they were alone in this space.

So is this all an illusion? In fact, nothing happened?

Li Menglong himself may have thought that this idea was too ridiculous, so he couldn't help shouting: "Kim Taeyeon, you will choose someone to clean up the kitchen later!"

If nothing had happened, the response from Li Menglong's words must have been quite exciting, and maybe he would even receive a few old punches as a gift.

But at this moment, Kim Taeyeon's answer was much gentler: "I know, let's not be verbose about such a trivial matter, we still have such a little conscience!"

Li Menglong looked at Xu Xian and nodded, indicating that the two people's previous feelings were an illusion. Judging from Kim Taeyeon's answer, time passed by honestly and no supernatural events occurred.

Xu Xian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but fall directly on Li Menglong's bed. Although not much time had passed, why did he feel so tired?

Li Menglong wanted to answer that he did too many push-ups, but let it go, even for Xu Xian.

Just when he thought Xu Xian would take a nap here, Xu Xian suddenly jumped up from the bed, which really shocked Li Menglong: "What's wrong? Are there any cockroaches?"

Suddenly, Li Menglong only thought of this possibility, but Xu Xiancai was not the kind of child who would be scared by bugs and scream. That kind of scene would only appear in TV dramas.

In reality, even if you are really scared, you would just run away. What is the effect of screaming on the spot? Scare the bugs away?

As for the reason why she sat up, it was very simple. Didn't she talk about the magazine interview before? Since everyone in the dormitory was aware of the trouble, wouldn't it be inappropriate for Li Menglong not to come forward?

In fact, when Xu Xian first told Li Menglong about this matter, he had the intention of pulling him over, but he just didn't say it out loud.

From Seohyun's point of view, it was a natural progression for Lee Mongryong to join her in the interview. Not to mention his help in this TV series, Seohyun's growth as a director cannot be circumvented by him.

And given Li Menglong's own status and topicality, it is estimated that the magazine would be happy to see the master and apprentice appear together, and it could even highlight a sense of inheritance.

Of course, there is also Xu Xian's intention to show off a little. She wants Li Menglong to see her growth and make him proud too.

But the development of things seriously exceeded Xu Xian's expectations. She really didn't expect that girls would be so interested in an interview in a magazine.

You must know that when girls come here for similar itineraries on weekdays, they will push it if they can. But if they can't push it, they will choose two unlucky guys to go there. I have never heard of a situation where they need to rush to go.

As a result, today was an eye-opener for Xu Xian, but their enthusiasm made Xu Xian forget his original intention. The girls could just follow them, but don't let Li Menglong escape again.

"Me? Let me forget it." Li Menglong gave an answer that did not surprise Xu Xian at all.

If girls become lazy after having too much similar work, you, Li Menglong, have not had the patience to deal with such things from the beginning.

It is said that Li Menglong has never really regarded himself as a star. If he did not still have a group of old fans to support him, it would be possible for him to retire directly.

But nowadays, Li Menglong is almost half-retired.

It’s not that the program team wanted to ask him to film something, but he didn’t want to. And with his status at this time, there was no one who could force him to participate in this.

Even Li Enxi is happy to see this scene. In her opinion, if Li Menglong really has this kind of free time, he might as well make more movies, as that is a project that can make a lot of money.

It's a pity that Li Menglong is not that enthusiastic about making money. To be precise, he is actually very satisfied with his current income.

Not counting the visible and unobtainable shares, the monthly salary paid to him by Lee Soon Kyu and the pocket money secretly given to him by the girls made him deeply satisfied.

Not to mention the amount of money, seriously speaking, Li Menglong actually has no occasion to spend money. His food, clothing, housing and transportation seem to be contracted by the girls. As long as he follows them, he will not be hungry.

In this case, why does Li Menglong need to make money? Unless the girls go bankrupt one day, but is that possible?

Even if the popularity of the girls is no longer there in the future, the popularity and image they have managed for so many years will be enough to bear the memories of a generation.

So at that time, all they have to do is have a 15th anniversary concert, a 20th anniversary comeback album, etc., and they will make a lot of money in minutes.

And once they have something to eat, does Li Menglong need to worry that he will starve to death? They are the best pension insurance for Li Menglong.

Xu Xian clearly knew what he was thinking, but he couldn't find any good way to deal with it. Could it be that he said to Li Menglong: You should work more, because we may not always support you like this in the future?

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