The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2549 Going back on one's word

Lee Soon Kyu was obviously a little too complacent. If he just quietly molested Seohyun, that would be it, and no one would be too lazy to come to enforce justice.

But Li Soonkyu shouted so loudly. You must know that everyone is only a dozen meters apart, and the door in the middle is not closed.

So who gave her the confidence to roar so loudly? Do you really think the girls will just sit back and watch?

The two of them were left to supervise the work in the kitchen to prevent Li Menglong from spitting in the food. In order to retaliate against them, this guy might do something incredible.

The remaining people swarmed into Li Menglong's room, and the scene in the room was a bit unsightly at this moment.

But since everyone is a member of the family, it’s okay for them to take a look, and there are even people who give advice to Lee Soon Kyu.

Xu Xian is really in a dilemma now. After seeing the girls arriving, she naively thought that her suffering was about to end.

Who would have thought that these women not only refused to help or say anything, but also made all kinds of gossip there, which made Xu Xian blush.

At this moment, Li Shunkyu was willing to risk everything. He was already so embarrassed anyway, so he might as well take advantage.

So Xu Xian was completely in trouble. She really didn't care about her face now and directly called Li Menglong's name. He was the only one who could save her at this moment, right?

In other words, in this situation, he is probably the only one who dares to confront Lee Soon Kyu and even so many girls. Lee Mong Ryong is Seohyun's only hope!

So don't really blame Xu Xian for always being obedient to Li Menglong, because when it was really time to die, Li Menglong really dared to stand up!

But this time, Li Menglong did not disappoint Xu Xian as always. He soon heard Li Menglong's voice: "What are you doing there? Killing pigs?"

Li Menglong's words were still quite rude, but to Xu Xian's ears they sounded like the sounds of nature. She really didn't mind being a pig for once, as long as she could be rescued.

It's just that the girls at the door didn't let him in. Firstly, it was a habitual rebellion, and secondly, both of them in the room were disheveled. If Li Menglong saw it, wouldn't he be able to take advantage of him?

So at this moment, the girls took advantage of the crowd and blocked the door, and their mouths were not idle: "Li Menglong, who are you scolding? Do you believe I am telling the fans what you said?"

"Aren't you cooking? Why would a cook want to meddle in his employer's affairs?"

"Just cook honestly and don't always think about heroes saving beauties. Do you have this life?"

The girls' complaints were still sharp, but Li Menglong didn't care. He just wanted to rescue Xu Xian now.

"Are you going to give in or not?" Li Menglong asked directly without hesitation.

How do girls answer this kind of question? If they really give way, will they still lose face?

Silence is the best answer, at least that's what Li Menglong thought. He spat into his hands, then put his hands on the heads of Kim Taeyeon and Yoona, and pushed them back hard.

The girls really didn't expect that Li Menglong would be so rough, and they seriously underestimated his strength. They originally wanted to compete, but in the end they were "defeated like a mountain"!

Xu Xian watched helplessly as the girls fell in droves. If she didn't know that in reality, she would have thought that the other party had used some kind of magic.

After successfully breaking in, Li Menglong understood why Xu Xian had summoned him. He grabbed Li Soonkyu by the collar and threw him directly to the girls, knocking down a few who tried to get up again.

Then he gently took Xu Xian's hand and motioned for her to follow him out. The scene was vaguely romantic.

It's just that the girls don't agree with this. If the two of them are the protagonists, then what's the point of stopping them? Villain?

Maybe every villain thinks that he is the most righteous. The girls obviously thought this way at this moment, so they rushed towards Li Menglong one after another.

Li Menglong, on the other hand, was like a rock, firmly protecting Xu Xian while walking resolutely outside. As for the attack on his back, he should just treat it as a free massage from the girls.

Xu Xian, who was in Li Menglong's arms, was still a little sentimental. Considering that things seemed to be unable to end at this point, she simply suggested: "Oppa, why don't the two of us elope!"

Li Menglong laughed off the idiom in Xu Xian's words. The child must have been a little flustered, which is completely understandable.

As for Xu Xian's meaning, he also understood, but the matter hadn't reached that point yet, so why did he want to drive them out based on the group of women behind him?

Li Menglong's back-up plan was nothing more than letting the girls make their own choices, choosing between beating him to death or starving to death themselves.

Faced with Li Menglong's disgusting proposal, the girls began to feel embarrassed, and the group also fell into a state of division.

Naturally, those headed by Lee Soon Kyu advocated killing this "bad guy and girl". Otherwise, how would the order within the team be maintained in the future?

But compared to this radical attitude, Kim Taeyeon and the others were much calmer, especially after seeing the ingredients that Li Menglong had prepared before. If they didn't eat it, it would really be the same as death.

In the end, everyone unanimously agreed to vote, in which Li Menglong was not eligible to vote, while Xu Xian was temporarily deprived of his rights.

It stands to reason that if only eight people vote, they may fall into the embarrassing situation of a tie vote, but this theoretical situation did not occur.

Even the final result was quite disparate. She was the only one who agreed with Lee Soon Kyu, while the other seven women all chose to eat.

In fact, the result was already determined from the beginning of the voting. That is to say, Lee Soon Kyu was not very bright at the moment, otherwise she would not have humiliated herself.

She was the only one who said Potian was wronged, and she wanted everyone to sacrifice their own interests because of her grievances. How could such a good thing happen?

Li Shunkyu pointed at these women with trembling fingers. She felt that she had been betrayed and she couldn't accept it.

Seeing that Lee Soon Kyu was about to challenge everyone's decision again, Kim Taeyeon tapped her chin directly, signaling for the two of them to come and push her down, otherwise staying here would not affect the chef's mood.

Of course, their support for Li Menglong and Li Menglong will not be in vain: "You have to cook carefully, you know. If it doesn't taste good, be careful that we release Li Shunkyu again."

Facing the threats from the girls, Li Menglong just nodded. At this time, everything they said was right. This was the proper expression.

Soon he and Xu Xian were the only ones left in the kitchen. This little girl seemed to be still deeply in shock, which made Li Menglong very suspicious of what Li Soonkyu had done to her.

"Ah? No, Ernie is still very measured." After hearing Li Menglong's doubts, Xu Xian took the initiative to explain to him: "Onie was just tickling me!"

As if he was afraid of being looked down upon by Li Menglong, Xu Xian quickly added: "It's really itchy, and you can't help it!"

Li Menglong nodded clearly, assuming that he believed it: "When you are tired, just find a place to rest by yourself. If you are not tired, come over and help. Didn't you listen to those women? If you don't cook well, you will die." !”

This time it was Xu Xian's turn to show the same expression as Li Menglong before, so she just believed it.

The cooperation between the two is quite tacit, which has been tempered through countless cooperation. If I have to say it, I might have to thank the women outside?

After all, Li Menglong didn't say this, but put all his "gratitude" into the food. I believe these women should be able to taste it, right?

"Oppa, did you put too much seasoning?" Xu Xian couldn't help but ask.

In fact, there is a reason why Xu Xian can't make relatively delicious food. Even she knows this, but she is unwilling to change it.

Xu Xian is relatively opposed to these seasonings. Firstly, they will affect the original taste of the ingredients, and secondly, they are not good for health.

So Xu Xian, who adheres to the concept of healthy eating, can imagine what the food she cooks will taste like. It's no wonder that girls don't like to eat it.

Although they knew that Xu Xian was right to do this, they were only in their twenties and were still at the peak of their physical health in their lives. At this time, if they didn't take advantage of their health to eat something they like, would they still have to eat something they like? Should you wait until you are old to eat it?

On the other hand, Li Menglong is too close to the people in this regard. After all, in terms of growing environment, he and Xu Xian are incomparable, and he does not have the conditions to pursue health.

But after all, he has been influenced a lot by Xu Xian. Who makes this little girl nag him every time he cooks? He must give her some face.

But this time he made an exception and sprinkled a lot of seasonings that he didn't usually see, which made Xu Xian feel distressed.

She doesn't feel sorry for the seasonings themselves, but feels sorry for the girls' bodies. If she eats this meal, if nothing else, the sodium content will definitely exceed the standard.

The consequence of exceeding the standard is that their faces will be swollen like a pig's head when they wake up tomorrow morning!

Of course, Li Menglong did it on purpose, to let the girls appreciate his full sincerity, but his explanation to Xu Xian needed to be packaged: "It's not too much, I just let it go normally."

Although I didn't see Li Menglong's eyes, from the sound of his voice alone, he was generally quite firm and his credibility was not low.

So she thinks too much?

Xu Xian also fell into self-doubt at this moment. After all, Li Menglong's movements were very fast before, but now the more he recalls, the more confused he becomes.

At the end, Xu Xian was too lazy to think anymore. She would never eat a lot anyway. As for those women, it depends on their self-control.

It is said that all artists who can become famous, apart from other aspects, are directly stretched in terms of self-control, at least during the period when they are trainees and first debut.

But it's hard to say after becoming famous. After all, it's easy to be corrupted by the environment and materials. In more serious cases, it will directly affect your acting career.

The girls are not so serious here, but they have indeed slacked off a lot compared to the time when they first debuted.

Apart from anything else, how could they dare to eat secretly at this time of night? Or would they have to drink two glasses of stew with such high calories?

If that happens, I really don’t want to live anymore. Do I have to work the next day? Are you going to meet fans or go on TV with a swollen face?

However, these problems don't seem so scary now. Let's not mention that they really don't have work tomorrow. Even if they do, they will probably just smile if they see it. Very few people will choose to go online again. .

This is the role of popularity and status. There is a reason why so many artists are desperately trying to climb up. Money is only one aspect. These invisible privileges are also part of what makes everyone addicted.

Xu Xian himself is very vigilant in this regard, and he will warn the girls from time to time, and considering their nature, he has been able to maintain it quite well.

Just having a late-night snack at night is more appropriate than going directly to a nightclub all night, right?

Of course, Xu Xian hopes that these unnies can resist the temptation of food and directly say no to Li Menglong!

If someone can set an example, Xu Xian really doesn't mind buying a super expensive gift as a reward!

It's a pity that she will never be able to spend the money. Even if these women know Xu Xian's thoughts, they probably won't do this.

After all, they can buy themselves gifts and so on, but it would be really uncomfortable not to eat a meal, especially when others are devouring it.

So when they heard Li Menglong shouting for dinner, the girls poured in from various spaces in the dormitory, and their expressions were quite expectant.

It's just other people, that's all. Lee Soon Kyu actually has the nerve to come? You really don’t care about your own face at all, right?

Seemingly sensing Li Menglong's teasing gaze, Li Soonkyu rarely blushed, and even felt a little regretful.

"If Kim Taeyeon hadn't begged me to come down, do you think I would show up here?" Lee Soon Kyu said stiffly.

Kim Taeyeon blinked and immediately realized what was going on.

Although she had the choice to prevent Lee Soon Kyu from coming to the stage, whether as a roommate or the team leader, she had to protect her sister. Since Lee Soon Kyu was five centimeters shorter than her, she had to help decide the situation.

"Ahem, it's true. I almost knelt down in front of her. Don't get involved!" Kim Taeyeon stared straight at Li Menglong when she said this. After all, the other girls didn't have that much time to spare.

Fortunately, Li Menglong also knew what the situation was, so he chose to let Li Shungui go, turned around, and took the pot of stew off the stove.

"Is this just a little bit? Do you have any misunderstanding about our food intake?" Yoona yelled, feeling that it would not be enough.

And once something like this happens, one of the unlucky people in the end will definitely be Lin Yoona. She is the second maknae, so Yoona is anxious!

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