"Why is there no one?" The girls muttered speechlessly as they looked at the dark office.

But they quickly set their sights on Xu Xian. After all, it was Xu Xian who brought them the news, and she was responsible for the truth or falsehood of the news.

In other words, Xu Xian was standing across from him at the moment, but if it had been any other girl, this group of people would have exploded long ago. After all, this seemed too much like playing tricks on them.

However, Xu Xian relied on the credibility she had accumulated in the past to successfully get the girls to give her a chance to explain, but that was all.

Once Xu Xian can't explain why, then Xu Xian's fate can be imagined. In short, Xu Xian himself would not dare to take such a gamble.

Quietly pinching his thigh, Xu Xian knew that he had to concentrate at this moment. Whether he could survive or not would depend on his answer.

It's just that Xu Xian doesn't have any answer here. She really wants to say that she is not lying, but in the face of the facts at this moment, she seems to have no confidence in her words.

So even if she wanted to lie, Xu Xian had to come up with a reasonable excuse, but how should she say it?

Xu Xian is really not good at this. Fortunately, the various performances of girls in daily life have given her a lot of experience, which she can learn from now.

Generally speaking, when encountering similar situations, most girls will choose to muddy the water, that is, they will make all kinds of considerations about others. In short, they will not face the core issue directly, and in the process, based on everyone's reaction, they will This black pot was pushed out smoothly.

Xu Xian, who had made up his mind, finally spoke slowly: "Yooner asked me to leave when I left. As for the quarrel between her and Li Menglong, I saw it from behind. When I left, the second floor was still full of people. !”

Yuli, who was originally very nervous, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Xu Xian's answer. She was quite nervous originally.

After all, she and Xu Xian are a grasshopper on the same rope at the moment. If Xu Xian can't give any suitable reason, she will be buried with him.

Although she still doesn't know what happened here, Yuli is really afraid that Xu Xian will tell the truth. Many times, the truth is not so easy to be believed.

Fortunately, Xu Xian's performance at this moment was quite perfect. Although he simply stated the facts, in these short words, he almost completely ignored the two of them.

Any normal person would make the same judgment after hearing Xu Xian's answer, that is, the simple and kind Xu Xian was deceived by the cooperation of Li Menglong and Yoona!

Although this conclusion itself cannot withstand scrutiny, it is good as long as it can temporarily stabilize the girls. It is said that the two of them are even more angry than them at the moment!

This scene looked like they had been betrayed. Even though Li Menglong didn't know anything about the whole process, Yoona knew that they went back to bring in reinforcements, but she took the lead and ran away?

But after thinking about this, Yuli realized that they hadn't gone upstairs to take a look yet. If Yoona was there, wouldn't it be an injustice to this little girl?

Relying on the remaining conscience in her heart, Yuli reluctantly said a few fair words for Yoona. You must know that in this case, Yuli also took a big risk.

After arriving on the third floor, there was no need to go inside. There was no light on the entire third floor. Yoona still betrayed Yuri’s trust after all!

The girls are all kinds of impatient at the moment. Originally, they were forced to come here, but then they found out it was a prank? This nature is a bit too bad.

To be on the safe side, Xu Xian went to the room on the third floor and searched around again, confirming that Yoona and Xiuying who was accompanying her were not here. How could she explain it now?

"Hmph, one of the four of you has betrayed the organization after all!" Kim Taeyeon came over and patted Xu Xian on the shoulder, saying earnestly. Those who didn't know thought it was some gangster.

It's just that Xu Xian's performance is much tougher than the soy sauce characters in the movie. After all, she is also a victim, and she also wants justice.

"If the two of us were traitors, we wouldn't have come back voluntarily!" Xu Xian tried to tell the truth, but the girls ignored it. They had always relied on their sixth sense to survive.

"You can't say for sure. Many traitors in the movie like to be smart. The most dangerous place is the safest. We are not those stupid villains!" Li Shunkyu's eyes sparkled with wisdom.

Faced with the rhetoric of this group of people, Xu Xian had nothing to say, so he simply took out his mobile phone and everyone confronted him directly.

However, no one answered the other side. Yuli on the side had already realized what was going on. If nothing else happened, Yoona and Xiuying's mobile phones should be in the nanny's car, because her mobile phone was also in the car. They all came together.

It's just that Yuli doesn't plan to say it out loud. At this time, she still has to focus on self-protection!

Without her taking the initiative to explain, this scene could easily be misinterpreted as Yoona being too guilty to answer the phone.

As expected, the scales on the girls' side have slowly begun to tilt towards Yuli and the others, and Yoona has become a traitor in their mouths.

The group of people walked down again. Although they hadn't decided what to do next, it was better than staying up there.

It's just that when you come down, you can't be as indifferent as before, otherwise the boss lady will dare to pull their ears and teach them a lesson.

They greeted each other politely, even if their previous behavior might have been a little too much, but after seeing their apologetic smiles, no one would be so cruel as to argue with them.

"What are we doing here so late?" A question that Kim Taeyeon couldn't answer: "Guess what?"

That is to say, there is no way to start a bet or anything like that now, otherwise Kim Taeyeon would dare to put all her worth here. Who could have imagined such a bizarre experience?

Anyway, if Kim Taeyeon was the screenwriter herself, she wouldn't be able to write it. Even if she could really write it, she would be afraid of being scolded to death by the audience.

However, while chatting with everyone, they were able to get some information from the landlady: "They have been gone for more than half an hour, right?"

According to the boss lady's account, it seemed that not long after Xu Xian and the others left, there was a burst of cheers from upstairs.

Then the group of people on the second floor ran out like a runaway horse, as if there was a ghost above. Do you want to run so fast?

There was no surprise. The last ones to leave were Li Menglong, Yoona and Xiuying. It seemed that there was nothing special at that time, just a normal rhythm after get off work.

"Is it normal? Yoona or Li Menglong don't have that kind of intimidated expression on their faces? Unnie, please recall carefully!" Kim Taeyeon tried to recall the boss lady's memories.

But she obviously still didn't understand what the landlady meant. Li Shunkyu behind him understood it. After he stepped forward and ordered some fried chicken, the landlady's memory immediately recovered.

"If you have to say that someone is a little abnormal, it seems that Xiuying's expression has been very tangled, and the rest is nothing!"

After getting important tips from the landlady, the girls who gathered in the car immediately began to discuss: "It seems that Xiuying was forced, so it is likely that Li Menglong and Yoona were conspiring together!"

"Where do you think the three of them will be now? They won't just elope, right?"

"Before discussing this, don't you think it is a better choice to eat the fried chicken first, otherwise it will not be crispy after a while!"

I don’t know who said the last sentence, but it was unanimously recognized by everyone. As for the fact that they had just eaten before, they selectively forgot about it!

Xu Xian was also forced to eat a chicken wing. Even if she didn't want to eat it at all, it represented hush money from the girls, and she didn't dare to refuse.

Besides, her current suspicions have not been completely cleared, so she really has no confidence to speak, so she can only chew chicken wings silently.

But the "loyal minister" who was remembered by the girls had a troubled face. To be honest, Xiuying would have stayed in the company if there was any chance, but there was no way.

Yoona almost forced her with a knife. Coupled with the friendship they talked about in the past, Xiuying had to get involved.

The scene at that time was quite exciting. Yoona, who was on the third floor, felt more and more aggrieved as she thought about it, or was she angry with herself?

In short, she is eager to solve Li Menglong's matter by herself at this moment, otherwise when Xu Xian and the others come over again, Yoona will be embarrassed to see others.

There was definitely no plan, or rather a rough idea, but it was enough for Yoona.

Exactly how Yoona called Li Menglong out, Xiuying didn't know because she wasn't around, but she must bear the responsibility for her next actions.

"Everyone, let's get off work before Li Menglong comes back!" Xiuying sneaked in and shouted immediately, but no one took action.

Everyone's caution is actually understandable. If Xiuying was in the other party's position, she wouldn't believe such words easily. After all, the one who really controls them is Li Menglong.

But Xiuying has no choice. She has already promised Yoona. Now she may not know how long Yoona can delay. If she doesn't do better, she will be sorry for Yoona's efforts.

So Xiuying stopped being polite. She first went to Li Menglong's computer to save all the documents, and then went directly to the main power switch: "I'll give you one more minute to deal with it, and then I'll turn off the power switch directly!"

Looking at Xiuying's determined expression, everyone had to believe it. Besides, they still longed for a hero like Xiuying to save them.

Since Xiuying had made such a big sacrifice, everyone cooperated half-heartedly. After confirming that no one needed electricity, Xiuying directly turned on the power.

Darkness is indeed the best fig leaf for mankind. Many dirty and dirty things happen in the darkness, and people in the darkness are more likely to let themselves go.

In short, the entire office instantly turned into a bar, which meant that Xiuying didn't have any equipment at hand, otherwise playing a DJ on the spot would be more in line with the atmosphere.

Next, there was no need for Xiuying to give instructions. Everyone ran down in a hurry. This is what the boss lady saw. It was not that there was a ghost chasing them, and they were afraid of being caught by Li Menglong!

"Is there anyone else? I can't turn on the light if there's no one around!" Xiuying felt filled with a sense of accomplishment at this moment, as if she had done something great.

No wonder the protagonists in the movie are willing to save the world. The feeling is really indescribable, but it makes Xiuying recall it very much.

But when she subconsciously pushed the switch, Li Menglong's livid face appeared in front of her eyes.

Originally, she was not used to the sudden change of light. After being frightened again, Xiuying took several steps back until she bumped into the cabinet, and the documents on it also fell down one after another.

But at this moment, Xiuying really couldn't care about her headache. All she could see was the face that was getting bigger and bigger. After seeing Li Menglong stretched out his hand, Xiuying subconsciously protected her neck. She thought Li Menglong was He's going to strangle her to death.

Fortunately, Li Menglong is not that extreme yet. Although he is still in a depressed mood, he still wants to laugh, the kind that makes him laugh out of anger.

She gave Xiuying a hard blow on the forehead, and then she let out a little vent. Then she turned to look at the honest Yoona behind her: "Why don't you say anything? Didn't you say that when you stopped me in the bathroom just now? Are you very excited?"

"Really? I don't even remember!" Yoona still dares to say harsh words at this moment. Anyway, there are no outsiders here, so she can just apologize to Li Menglong honestly, even if she kneels down!

Faced with this kind of meat, Li Menglong couldn't think of any solution for a while. He could only point to the documents scattered on the ground irritably.

At this moment, Yoona and Xiuying really had great eyesight, so they quickly squatted down and sorted the documents. Of course, they glanced at Li Menglong from time to time.

Li Menglong himself didn't feel at all aware of being stared at. He just covered his face with his coat, out of sight and out of mind.

The depressing atmosphere lasted for a while. Yoona and Xiuying didn't dare to speak even after finishing sorting, so they gestured to each other with their eyes to hurry up and talk.

But who dares to speak first in this situation? Besides, Xiuying felt that she had fulfilled her obligations as a sister, so she couldn't just die for Yoona, right?

Yoona understands the truth, but she doesn't dare to speak now. After all, Xiuying is a few months older than her, so she needs to act like a sister!

After realizing what Yoona meant, Xiuying immediately raised her eyes. Did she, Lin Yoona, ever regard herself as her sister? Now comes the relationship, dreaming!

As the amount of information carried by their eyes was insufficient, the two eventually began to escalate to physical conflicts. Of course, they did not reach the point of fists and kicks, and were limited to small movements that did not make any sound.

But this is just what they think. In such a quiet place, to be exaggerated, anyone who breathes a little heavier can be heard. Do they think Li Menglong is deaf?

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