"What are you looking at? I hit you today, do you still want to hit me back?" Yoona said extremely domineeringly. It would have been more realistic if she had not taken those two steps back when speaking.

In fact, Yoona herself was extremely nervous at the moment, fearing that Li Menglong would kill him if he couldn't control it.

Even though they and Li Menglong always used force, it was all based on the premise that Li Menglong was not willing to use force.

Otherwise, if they were really free fighting with their arms thrown away, the nine of them together might not be enough for Li Menglong. I guess at that time, he could only punch a child!

As for why she still said such provocative words despite knowing this, isn't it all for the sake of face? With so many people watching around her, is it possible that Yoona is going to kneel down and beg for mercy now?

Faced with Yoona's provocation, Li Menglong didn't respond for a long time, but the more he did, the more terrifying it became. The girls were a little unsure whether he was really angry.

Don't let Yoona come forward at this time. That would be pushing her into the fire pit. Girls are not that unloyal.

So Xiuying and Yuri protected Yoona behind them, while Xu Xian walked up to Li Menglong. She didn't want to see Li Menglong do anything that she would regret.

"Oppa, let's ask you to get off work together. If you have anything to do, go back to the dormitory and talk about it?" Xu Xian didn't dare to directly exonerate Yoona at this moment, but chose the tactic of procrastination.

As long as we can successfully drag this matter home, there will be a huge improvement!

Not to mention that this time along the way was enough for Li Menglong to calm down, but there are still those big sisters at home. Can they watch Yoona being beaten to death?

The plan is good, but Li Menglong doesn't intend to cooperate. He has no such obligation in the first place. What's more, Yoona wants to save face. Is Li Menglong's face so worthless?

It would be inappropriate to go directly to Yoona's trouble. Li Menglong also knew this, so he directly rejected the proposal: "No, you go back first, my work here will take a long time!"

Faced with Li Menglong's answer, Xu Xian didn't know what to say. Logically speaking, Li Menglong had already taken a step back, and they should just accept it.

It's just that their original purpose was to prevent Li Menglong from working overtime. Why did it seem like they were being asked to compromise now? Is this trip in vain?

Behind, Xiuying and Yuli also had no idea. At this moment, Yoona stood up again. She was the one who caused the trouble. She has to be responsible for cleaning it up. This is all her responsibility!

However, after she really stood up and faced Li Menglong, Yoona stumbled and couldn't say anything. It seemed that there was no point in saying anything except apologizing, but she didn't want to apologize, which was very embarrassing.

Seeing that the girls had a bad start, everyone around them was in despair. It seemed that today's night was destined to be extremely dark.

The girls have also worked hard, and everyone can see it, so I really don't want to see them make it difficult for me anymore, which will affect the relationship between them.

So it was everyone around who stood up at this time: "It is true that there is still a lot of work to do. You can't take Li Menglong away, otherwise how can we still work?"

"You guys should leave first. There's no need to leave the door open for Li Menglong at night. I guess we'll be staying all night, right?"

"Stop affecting our work here. Every minute is a loss!"

Although what everyone said was very sarcastic, the girls could hear a lot of concern from it. It turned out that they were not fighting alone!

The most touched person was undoubtedly Yoona. Although she was not fighting for everyone before, they could understand her feelings. She wanted to cry!

Seeing that Yoona's tears were about to fall, Li Menglong was really anxious because he knew clearly that he couldn't resist her tears.

Speaking of which, he was even vaguely aware that his mood was wrong at the moment. It was really not directed at Yoona and the girls. He had never taken any of the more excessive pranks in the past seriously.

Maybe it's because he stayed up late that he is now. He is very angry, and he is the kind of person who gets angry at the slightest moment, and his rationality is quite weak.

In order not to implicate the girls, or to say that he did not want to get entangled with the girls on this issue, Li Menglong stood up directly and relied on his brute strength to push the four girls out.

"Don't come here to disturb me again, otherwise I'll be really angry!" Li Menglong emphasized and then added: "You all should go home quickly. Give me a text message when you get home!"

After thinking that the explanation was complete, Li Menglong walked in without looking back, and of course he did not forget to close the door.

But through the door, I can still hear Li Menglong lecturing inside, or should I say encouraging him?

"I know it's hard for everyone, so hold on. I'll cover all the supper tonight, and I'll make up for the overtime pay personally. Double overtime pay will help you suppress your dissatisfaction, right?"

Although I couldn't see the expressions of everyone inside, it seemed that everyone was really enthusiastic just from the sounds of the responses.

Of course there is a part of it because of money, but more of it is because there is no hope of getting off work. Instead of continuing to worry about this, it is better to make yourself happy. Besides, they are used to this kind of overtime work.

But then it was the girls outside the door who were dumbfounded. Even Li Menglong knew that he just threw money away. This thing always felt a bit big. Where did he get the money?

"It seems that Lee Soon Kyu gave him the company card, and today he promised to pay our appearance fee for me!" Yoona said softly.

At this moment, she really couldn't hold her head up. It was said that Li Menglong was very interested in him today. After all, he was not the one who tricked Yoon'er.

But in the end, although it was not entirely intentional, it seemed that she had offended Li Menglong and let him take the initiative to stay here. Was she repaying a favor with a grudge?

Sensing Yoon'er's depression, Yuli and the others had no choice but to comfort her. They also felt that it was difficult for them. It should be a very simple thing.

Arriving on the third floor again, they need a unified opinion at this moment!

It was Xu Xian who advocated going home. She rationally believed that there was no point in the stalemate here, so she might as well go back and discuss it with the other eldest sisters.

Yoona, on the other hand, is the one who will not go back even if she is killed. According to her, who will she become if she goes back? In short, she won’t leave until Li Menglong leaves!

Xiuying and Yuli felt that what they said was very reasonable, and it seemed that they could leave or not, so what should they do?

Fortunately, the girls have already had a mature plan for resolving such differences. Otherwise, how would they have gotten over it all these years?

As for the specific method, it is not complicated. There are many of them anyway, so they can just act separately!

So Xiuying stayed in the company to accompany Yoona, while Seohyun and Yuli hurried back home. After all, there was still so much food in the car.

Although I don’t know what the atmosphere was like in Yoona’s place, anyway, Seohyun and Yuli didn’t talk much in the car, and the atmosphere was a little depressing.

At this time, we can see Li Menglong's status in the team, or in other words, his temper is really good on weekdays, so good that if there is such a small disturbance, the girls are a little at a loss.

If this kind of thing happened to girls, Xu Xian and others would have a hundred ways to solve it, but they were at a loss when it came to Li Menglong.

Fortunately, they are all still younger sisters. If something goes wrong, they should seek help from their "parents." This is a principle that all children know, so Xu Xian is here to help.

However, when I returned home and saw a group of people posing around the takeout, I felt that they were not that reliable. Could it be because they were hungry?

It was just that I had to let them know no matter what. Simply retelling the matter did not affect the appetite of these eldest sisters at all.

Xu Xian was really speechless now. Li Menglong at the other end of the company was going to die suddenly at any moment. Yoona didn't know how she felt wronged on the third floor. But did these people only see takeaways?

At a certain moment, Xu Xian really had the urge to go up and fuck all these takeaways, but fortunately it was just an impulse, otherwise the girls might be able to fuck her!

"Didn't you two haven't eaten either? Sit down and eat first, it's the best thing in the world to eat!" Kim Taeyeon greeted her by patting the floor.

It's hard to say whether it was because they trusted these people too much or because the food was too tempting. In short, the two of them sat down half-heartedly, and then there was the usual scene of fighting.

I don’t know if this scene is too familiar. Xu Xian subconsciously wanted to cut fruit for these people after dinner. Isn’t this too inappropriate?

"What are you doing standing still? Go cut some fruit, there's a watermelon in the refrigerator!"

Faced with the urging of the girls, Xu Xian simply quit: "Unnie, Oppa and Yoona are still in the company, aren't you going to save them?"

A group of girls who were either leaning on the sofa or lying on the floor to eat were stunned. It turned out that there were still things waiting for them to solve, but what were they about?

Originally, Xu Xian thought they had a plan in mind, but turned out they just simply wanted to eat first? Or even just forgot about it?

I don’t know if Yoona, who is in the company, will burst into tears when she hears about this scene, but at this moment Seohyun can only repeat it again, otherwise will she still have internal strife with these people?

After listening to Xu Xian's retelling, the girls finally realized the seriousness of the matter: "It should be fine. Maybe they have come back now?"

"So, what Ouni means is that I can just wait in the dormitory. If they don't come back tomorrow, will Ouni be responsible?" Xu Xian asked aggressively, and he didn't blame her for speaking rudely. The girls were at this moment It really pisses me off.

Pani waved her hands hurriedly. She just said it casually. Don't let her take the responsibility. She can just follow everyone. But does anyone stand up and come up with an idea?

It's hard to say whether everyone was conscious. In short, when Kim Taeyeon noticed it, everyone around her was looking at her. Who did she need to see?

"It all depends on what I do?" Kim Taeyeon said speechlessly. Only at this moment can they remember that they still have a captain, right?

But she couldn't shirk it, it wasn't her character: "I don't have any good ideas now, but let's go over there first and see if we can come up with any good ideas on the way."

The girls also knew that this was the last resort, so they followed him one after another, but they were secretly cursing in their hearts.

Especially Pani, she didn't want to go if there was even a slight chance, but if she was the only one staying at home, it would be too gregarious.

Besides, if she doesn’t participate in such a big thing, what if no one comes to save her when it’s her turn to be rescued?

But even though the person left, Pani left her soul in the dormitory. She planned to be a bastard silently throughout the whole process, or she could be said to be a human background.

In fact, there are many people who have similar ideas to her. That is to say, Kim Taeyeon herself cannot shirk it, otherwise she will choose this path.

But what she needs now is a way. Looking at the laziness of these people, she feels that she has to come up with a suggestion: "Everyone needs to come up with an idea, otherwise this matter is not over. I propose that I pretend to be sick." How about it?"

It's a bad idea that may work but has uncontrollable consequences. If Li Menglong rushed to the hospital and found out that he had been tricked, it wouldn't be unusual to directly slap Kim Taeyeon, who was pretending to be sick, into the hospital.

But Kim Taeyeon has said so, everyone still has to give face, otherwise she might push the one who doesn't speak out. It's not like she can't do this kind of thing.

It's just that it's obvious that Kim Taeyeon's solution has misled everyone, or maybe everyone has no good solution in the first place. In short, the girls' suggestions are getting more and more outrageous.

They knocked down the company's fire alarm to force Li Menglong to come out, and cut off the power to the company to force Li Menglong to come out. They even used radical methods to force Li Menglong to come out by jumping off the building. Aren't they afraid that Li Menglong would come and really push them down?

All in all, it was very lively, but after arriving at the company, everyone still had no good solution, which made Kim Taeyeon's head really big. At least at this moment, she really wanted to give up the position of captain.

But even if she wanted to abdicate, she would have to have a "prince" willing to ascend the throne. Now that the girls are avoiding her one by one, how could she still come up with an excuse to give up the throne to Kim Taeyeon.

She rubbed her head silently. When she saw the many hairs on her hands, she was really scared. Whenever she might be bald in the future, these women would be fully responsible.

Kim Taeyeon, who felt aggrieved, didn't bother to think about it anymore, and just went ahead and forgot about it. When the time came, she hugged Li Menglong's thigh and begged him to do it. She didn't believe that he was still indifferent!

The girls behind them walked in with murderous intent, turning a blind eye to the people around them who greeted them. They couldn't be discouraged at this moment, they had to fight to the end in one breath.

But when they arrived on the second floor, they were still dumbfounded. All the preparations they had made for so long were in vain? Why is there no one here on the second floor?

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