Although Li Menglong hadn't said anything yet, Xu Xian got the answer from his expression. Li Menglong was actually colluding with Li Enxi and treating her as a fool.

In fact, Xu Xian does not object to being the mouthpiece, but it cannot be done in this way. She, Xu Xian, also needs the most basic respect.

So at this moment, she was inevitably a little emotional. She didn't even plan to talk to Li Menglong, and was about to turn around and leave.

Li Menglong couldn't care less about snickering at this moment. How could he just watch Xu Xian leave? That would be asking for death.

So he immediately held Xu Xian's hand and kept holding on. They looked like a young couple about to break up on the street, but the two of them were relatively calm here, at least they didn't yell out yet.

It's just that even if the two people's movements are very small, there are still people watching the excitement around. Speaking of which, these people on the second floor are really not afraid of death!

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a quarrel? Just stay there!" Li Menglong was afraid that Xu Xian was shy, so he scolded him first.

It is only true that Li Menglong's move was to please Xu Xian, but it might not be that he wanted to use the presence of an outsider to force Xu Xian to talk to him.

After all, compared to the thickness of his face, Xu Xian can't keep up with Li Menglong in terms of flattery. She is already a little shy.

Since she wanted to get out of this situation quickly, Xu Xian could only choose to let Li Menglong speak, although she also knew that she would easily forgive him after he spoke.

Although she still doesn’t know what Li Menglong’s excuse is, she just has this kind of confidence. Li Menglong is really a bastard!

The facts are similar to Xu Xian's guess. Li Menglong does have a theory. It's just that his relationship with the girls has been tense recently, so he had to take this step.

Of course, if you just say that, then Xu Xian can still resist. The key is that Li Menglong took the initiative to consider for Xu Xian later.

"If you don't want to talk about it, then forget about it. It's not that important in itself. It's not worth causing the two of us to misunderstand!"

Li Menglong held Xu Xian's hand and said sincerely. Although Xu Xian knew that this was all Li Menglong's excuse, what could she say?

Do you really respond in one fell swoop? This kind of thing, which the entire company clearly agrees with, has come to a standstill just because of Xu Xian's willfulness? This is not Seohyun’s style at all!

Maybe Li Menglong also knew this, so he could say these words unscrupulously, otherwise if it were the other girls who tried it, they would definitely make him unable to get off stage!

"Okay, I promise you, I will tell you guys when I get home tonight, can you let me go?" Xu Xian said helplessly.

Li Menglong felt a little pushy at this moment: "Don't say that, these are the hands of a goddess. Let me get more luck from you. I don't plan to wash my hands in the next three months!"

Seeing that there seemed to be no more surprises here, the people around him also came over: "I can go without washing my hands for three months!"

"Can I take one year? Just let me shake hands!"

"Xiao Xian, don't listen to their nonsense. I have never washed my hands since I was born..."

Facing the nonsense of these people, Xu Xian didn't know what to say, so he just shook hands one by one like a fan meeting.

Now it was Li Menglong's turn to be jealous. His handshake with Xu Xian was an emotional sublimation, but these people were just here to take advantage. How could he endure it?

"Ah, I have written down everything you just said. I will keep an eye on you. If you dare to wash your hands, I will chop off your claws!"

After Li Menglong threatened, he still felt that he was not that reliable. After all, he couldn't keep an eye on these people. In this case, just block the hand washing area in the bathroom, once and for all!

After hearing Li Menglong's vicious method, all the people around him stopped laughing. Don't think that Li Menglong can't do this kind of thing.

Fortunately, Xu Xian is still there. Although this method sounds very enjoyable, it cannot be based on sacrificing everyone's right to wash their hands.

So Xu Xian directly pushed Li Menglong, and this incident was considered in the past. This was Xu Xian's rescue of them again. Everyone was very grateful!

It’s just that Xu Xian can save everyone, but who will save her?

In the past, this kind of role was played by Li Menglong, but this time he is one of the culprits, and there is no way he can be counted on.

Xu Xian couldn't help but feel a headache when she thought about the group of women at home. No wonder Li Menglong was unwilling to inform the girls of the news. She also had a headache.

Xu Xian couldn't help but shudder when he thought of what he would see after telling these women at night. Otherwise, he might as well test it out first, so as to see how well the girls would accept it.

After much hesitation, Seohyun decided to talk to Yoona first!

First of all, as her youngest sister, Yoona does protect her a lot of the time, which Seohyun is also very grateful for.

Besides, the other girls all sleep together, and it's not easy to communicate with each other, but Yoona on the second floor is much safer.

Because they all have special contacts set up for each other, even if their phones are muted, Xu Xian's incoming calls still have ringtones.

"What are you doing? Apologize to me? Then forget it, I just want to sleep now!" Yoona put the phone on the side of her head, still lying there, ready to fall asleep at any time.

"Unnie, don't go to sleep, it's getting late!"

"That's for you. For me, it's twelve o'clock at midnight, which is the time for skin regeneration!"

When Yoona said the words that Xu Xian often talked about, Xu Xian also laughed: "I'm begging you, it's really not a bad thing, Unni, please wake up!"

After being interrupted two and three times by Xu Xian, Yoona really lost her sleep, so she simply sat up and asked: "Tell me, it better be important news, otherwise I will be angry!"

"It's absolutely important. I came to tell you, Ernie, as soon as I found out!" Xu Xian still talked about these scenes in the same way after having been in contact with the girls, including Li Menglong, for a long time.

Next, Xu Xian recounted all the news to Yoona, but he didn't hear the voice from the other side for a long time: "Unnie? Are you listening to me?"

"Nonsense, it's just that I'm a little incompetent for a while. Why do I have to arrange a variety show for us? We are obviously very busy recently, okay? We..."

Similar to Seohyun before, Yoona still wants to be a decent person and can only deceive outsiders. How can she have the nerve to say that girls are busy in front of Seohyun?

Besides, the mess all over the floor downstairs can also explain some problems. Are they so stressed when they are so busy and still think about drinking?

It was just that they were asked to accept this work arrangement inexplicably, and Yoona couldn't accept it. After all, she was used to living a free life.

But Yoona also knows that if this kind of thing can reach Seohyun's ears, it basically means that a consensus has been reached at the company level.

Although they are not unable to refute, after all, with their current fame and size, they still have the right to refuse, but they cannot use it casually.

The company's arrangements are not unreasonable. If they have to shirk their normal work, then they might as well just retire.

So even though Yoona was extremely confused, she couldn't say anything, which made her very awkward.

"Yeah, just tell Kim Taeyeon and the others about this kind of thing. What's the use of talking to me? Do I have any say in the team?" Yoona said angrily.

It's hard for Xu Xian to reveal the changes in Yoona's attitude before and after. After all, Xu Xian did trick Yoona a little bit, and it was natural for her to yell at her a few times.

After Yoona finished venting, the two maknae began to face reality again. After some discussion, the two of them determined several key points.

First of all, there is no room for evasion in this matter. Whether the girls want it or not, they have decided on this show.

Secondly, since they can't refuse, can they participate in a more relaxed mood, or gain some powerful conditions for themselves?

Of course, there is one last point, which is to take advantage of the last moment of relaxation today to indulge.

"But didn't you guys drink wine yesterday?" Xu Xian asked in confusion.

This is a lack of discernment. Are yesterday's indulgence and today's joy the same thing? If you ate yesterday, don’t you need to eat today?

After giving Xu Xian a few words, Yoona decided not to talk to her anymore. The most important thing was to make arrangements for herself.

Of course, Yoona didn't promise Xu Xian to convey it to her. Xu Xian should handle such a big thing by herself. She, Lin Yoona, couldn't bear it on her shoulders!

Xu Xian had foreseen this outcome, so she couldn't say she was disappointed, but she didn't expect Yoona to respond like this.

However, after discharging the phone, Seohyun also felt that there was nothing wrong with Yoona's idea!

Based on SW’s staff composition and the company’s execution capabilities, we really can’t say for sure. Maybe we will start recording directly after the meeting tomorrow. This is all possible!

So it seems normal for Yoona to want to make her last day more meaningful before working hard?

As for the other girls, Xu Xian didn't want to call them one by one, so he might as well find a time in the evening.

As for how the girls will spend this day, it is not Xu Xian's responsibility. She herself is also facing a lawsuit on her forehead.

Regardless of Xu Xian's side, Yoona continued to lie in bed and use her brain.

Although she is still a little sleepy, Yoona does not allow herself to sleep. This kind of time before work needs to be cherished extra.

After all, thinking with their heels, they also know that they will be very busy for a long time in the future.

And when that time comes, today's time may be her last comfort. She wants to make today more meaningful and exciting!

She lay on the bed for a full hour. This was not a deliberate waste of time by Yoona. This was all planned by her in advance.

She thought that spending an hour in bed without thinking about anything was something that made her quite happy.

Of course, Yoona also knew that too much was too much, so the time here was very strict. As soon as the alarm went off for almost an hour, she jumped out of bed.

Yoona already has a complete plan, and she doesn't want to waste this precious time!

But after she came out, she faced the same difficulties as Li Menglong before. What should these women do? If they don't get together, will they cause trouble for Lin Yuner in the future?

This possibility cannot be said to be impossible, although it is inevitable that there will be some discounts when taking them to play together. After all, they always like to ask Yoona to run errands.

But for her own personal safety in the future, and of course her irrepressible loyalty, she had to do something, such as finding a woman to try first!

I have to say that everyone in the team has the same idea. In the morning, Seohyun chose to harass Pani, and Yoona’s choice here was the same.

In fact, if possible, Yoona would rather choose Seohyun. After all, this is truly zero risk. It is a pity that Seohyun is not here.

Yoona could only settle for the next best thing. In terms of good temper in the team, apart from the two maknae, Pani was the only one.

He cautiously approached her. Yoona didn't have any good ideas on how to wake this woman up. How about just pinching her?

Although she really wanted to do this, Yoona finally chose to shake the other person gently. After all, you can't bully an honest person.

Pani's reaction was pretty much what Yoona had expected. She opened her eyes in a daze and looked at Yoona in a cute way, as if wondering why Yoona appeared in her room.

"Am I dreaming? It's not bad to see you in my dream, but I want a handsome guy more. Can you change my look?"

Listening to Pani's harsh words, Yoona regretted it. He might as well have just pinched her directly to avoid being teased by her.

"Unnie, you're not dreaming. If you don't believe me, I'll pinch you!" Yoona was about to take action as she spoke. This could be considered as making up for the regret just now.

It’s just that even if he is not very smart, Pani has suffered too many times. He really relied on some kind of instinct to avoid Yoona’s hand, and even pinched Yoona with his backhand.

Yoona was confused by the other party's series of reactions. What is going on?

Isn't Pani just waiting here for her to take the bait without sleeping? Otherwise, why can it be so sensitive?

By the way, Yoona was not the only one who was shocked. Pani herself was obviously very surprised. What did she just do?

It's also good to put the body first. At least Pani knows which direction he should explain: "Isn't it just to make sure it's not a dream? It's okay for me to pinch you. Doesn't it hurt? Then I'll do it again!"

Yoona was really wronged now. She didn't scream before because she was afraid of waking up the other girls, but Pani thought she didn't feel any pain?

It’s hard to say whether it’s because she has a low tolerance for pain in the morning. Anyway, tears appeared in Yoona’s eyes: “Huang Meiying, you will regret it!”

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