The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2438 Not a good person

Seeing that Xu Xian didn't refute, Li Enxi didn't continue to embarrass her. After all, Xu Xian's efforts were quite obvious.

Even Li Enxi couldn't refute this, and she even wanted to find an explanation for Xu Xian.

It is said that although Xu Xian does not have any clock-in records in the company, but after careful calculation, she comes to the company to work for no less time than ordinary employees every week.

He is also diligent in his work attitude and can be called a model employee!

However, this kind of person who should be rewarded ends up not even getting a salary. No one with any conscience can bear it.

Xu Xian is now working for the company for free, worse than an intern. After all, he can still get more or less.

And Xu Xian not only didn't receive the salary she deserved, but she also had to chip in from time to time, which was even more excessive.

There are many people who can't stand it, but who makes the two parties involved feel nothing at all.

The person who is most suitable to say this is undoubtedly Li Menglong. After all, Xu Xian came to work here because of him. Li Menglong has to give an explanation to the other party both emotionally and rationally.

But Li Menglong didn't know whether he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid. In short, he never mentioned this matter.

If it's the former, then that's it. Being stupid can be considered a physical defect, and it's hopeless!

But if it's the latter, then Li Menglong is so inhumane. The salary given to Xu Xian is the company's money. Is it possible that he still wants to save money for the company?

As for Xu Xian taking the initiative to go to Li Menglong to ask for money and treatment, that is even more of a joke. If Xu Xian can do such a thing, then she is no longer Xu Xian!

So when the two of them were in peace, even if the people around them complained about Xu Xian, it was just a side note and had no fundamental impact.

Even Li Eunxi didn't say anything now, although she also thought that Xu Xian's hard work made great achievements.

But after all, this kind of thing is just for the two of them to be happy, and outsiders can just look at it. If they really get involved, it will be easy for both parties to dislike it.

So at this moment, Li Eunxi was just complaining about the girls. Although he hinted that Xu Xian didn't need to bring herself in, was it possible?

From a long time ago, Xu Xian knew that she would have to carry the name Girls' Generation on her head for the rest of her life. The nine of them were destined to be one!

So even though Li Eun-hee took it out at this moment, Seohyun didn't have the face to accept it. She was also a member of Girls' Generation.

In this case, Xu Xian had to express something. Xu Xian stood up and bowed to Li Eun Xi solemnly to apologize.

It is said that this kind of expression is completely necessary. If it were an ordinary company and the big boss said these words in person, even if he was pleasant throughout the whole process, could it really be taken as a joke?

That is to say, everyone here at SW gets along very well, so Xu Xian can understand that the other party means exactly what he said on the surface, without any extended meaning.

In other words, Lee Eun-hee really thinks that girls have been idle recently. Since they don't plan to use this time to improve their acting skills, they might as well do something more meaningful.

No matter how uneducated Xu Xian is, he understands what he wants to say at this moment: "Just give your orders directly, and we will all obey your arrangements!"

Seo Hyun-ji's forward-backward attitude undoubtedly benefited Lee Eun-hee. Although she was sure that what she said would work, the girls still had a lot of freedom after all.

Once they really want to resist, regardless of their own little tricks, even if they directly go to Li Menglong, it will be troublesome after all.

Although Li Enxi is indeed good at dealing with Li Menglong, she doesn't want to put her precious energy into fighting with him. That would be really time-consuming and laborious!

"I also know that you are indeed entitled to rest. I don't want to squeeze you. I just want to advance the time when you have to rest in the future!" Li Enxi said the argument that he had prepared beforehand.

It took Xu Xian some time to understand what she meant, but there was something about her words that made Xu Xian feel like she was being treated as a child.

What Lee Eun Hee means is that after the filming of the film is completed and even during the filming process, corresponding publicity will be put on the agenda. This is understandable and is considered a routine operation.

As for the means of publicity, they are nothing more than appearing on some variety shows, holding a few offline meetings, etc.

The girls are very familiar with these actions. After all, they have promoted their albums too many times. Practice makes perfect!

It's just that this kind of activity will still be very tiring after all. After all, you have to run in both directions. Even after the filming is over, it should be very hard at that time.

So this is what Li Enxi is targeting. Since there is a lot of time now, why not take advantage of this moment to do this in advance.

Let’s not talk about how to do the publicity in advance. This suggestion itself is somewhat malicious. At least Xu Xian saw something wrong in it.

Just say that the time has been arranged. According to Li Eunxi, if all these are completed now, they will have a lot of rest time after the filming of the movie.

Can you believe this?

Anyway, Xu Xian didn't believe it. When that time came, let alone whether the company would put pressure on them, would they just watch helplessly?

Needless to say, if the movie's box office is poor, then it goes without saying that extra efforts will be made to promote it; and even if the movie's box office is good, they don't want to go further? Get better box office?

Even if they can really sit still, will Li Eunxi or the company just watch them rest?

If nothing unexpected happens, their popularity and exposure will undoubtedly reach a small peak at that time. If they don't take advantage of the situation to make more money, should they just let this great opportunity slip away?

Of course, the above are all Xu Xian's own guesses. She couldn't even tell them to Li Enxi. After all, it didn't happen. Speaking of it would only make them look hypocritical.

So even though he encountered "infinite" possibilities in the future, Xu Xian could only accept it honestly at this moment, even if he knew it was a trap, he still had to jump. Who told Li Enxi to use conspiracy.

"What is the specific way to promote in advance? Is it possible to record a variety show first and let them store the material for a few months?" Xu Xian asked, scratching her head. She really couldn't figure it out at this point.

"You think too highly of the company's influence!" Li Enxi responded with a smile.

Although Xu Xian's idea is not impossible to realize if she is willing to get a favor, but she still has to consider whether it is worth it. Her favor from Li Eunxi is also very valuable.

Moreover, although variety shows will have reserved backups, they are only one or two episodes after all. Such reservations, which can take several months, have to be coordinated with SW's specific time and publicity plans. I really think that the TV station is run by their company. ?

After hearing Li Enxi's answer, Xu Xian had a vague feeling. It seemed that the answer was already contained in the answer just now.

Just listen to what Lee Eun-hee said in reverse. Ordinary variety shows can't accommodate their schedule, so their own company can produce a separate show.

If ordinary TV stations cannot cooperate with the company's publicity plan, then use your own TV station. You must know that SW has a very good cooperation with JTBC and has a great say.

It seems that the problem has been solved. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is the specific content of this variety show, and how much time they can spare.

As for variety show production, is there any company that is more convenient for variety show production than SW?

From the star PD to the top production team; from the national MC to the most tacit auxiliary hosting partner; and the top influence of Girls' Generation themselves.

These factors are combined together. Although nothing has been decided yet, Xu Xian has inexplicably begun to look forward to this variety show. It should be good to watch, right?

Ignoring Xu Xian's random thoughts, Li Eunxi has said all she needs to say. As for the specific form and content of the variety show, is that something she should consider?

If she does everything, then the people below will get paid for nothing? She just needs to give her opinion.

Besides, she has helped this yet-to-be-formed team solve the most difficult problems. Do you really think Girls’ Generation is so easy to hire? It’s also difficult to get them to free up their schedules!

With a little pride, Li Enxi left the first floor directly. If she stayed any longer, the landlady would probably come to drive her away.

After all, with the presence of Li Enxi, there are far fewer people willing to sit down and have breakfast on the first floor. This is really blocking the landlady from doing business, not to mention that the two of them have been a bit dirty recently because of the coffee incident. .

Taking advantage of the breakfast time left, Xu Xian hurriedly revealed the news to Li Menglong, but the other party didn't seem surprised at all.

"Well, it's a good idea to do this. Let's wait until everyone is here tomorrow to discuss it together. I'm personally quite optimistic about it." Li Menglong said with a smile.

Xu Xian really felt that her brain was not strong enough. Although everything seemed normal from her point of view, her sixth sense told her that there was a conspiracy.

Hiding in a corner and going through the whole thing alone, Xu Xian discovered a point that she had ignored in the past: why Li Enxi didn't go to Li Menglong to talk about this, but came to talk to her, Xu Xian!

This seems normal, but it is actually very contradictory!

Out of love for girls, or to respect and protect them, in short, Li Eunxi avoids discussing work issues with girls.

This is also one of the reasons why the girls are very close to Li Eunxi. They are really like sisters, not a superior-subordinate relationship like a president or an artist.

The key to achieving this effect is Li Menglong. As the girls' manager, he plays a very important role as a bridge between the whole company.

It is said that most of their schedules are indeed arranged and informed by Li Menglong. For more serious plans, at most, the relevant departments of the company will meet together for a meeting.

Seohyun really hasn't seen this kind of thing like telling girls their itinerary in private in the past. Maybe the other party prefers to talk to Kim Taeyeon about this?

But in any case, Li Menglong was more suitable to talk to her about this, but Li Menglong, as an outsider, never participated. Does this mean something?

Thinking back to Li Menglong's subtle smile when he talked to her before, Xu Xian immediately came to a not so good conclusion. It seemed that someone wanted to treat her as a silly girl!

In order to prove that there was nothing wrong with his IQ, Xu Xian rushed upstairs. He originally wanted to confront Li Menglong loudly, but there were a lot of people here.

Xu Xian was not as reckless as girls, so he managed to calm down a little, went over and whispered in Li Menglong's ear: "Oppa, can you come out for a moment? I have something I want to tell you!"

"If you have anything to say, just tell me here. We are not outsiders!" Li Menglong said without raising his head. He really didn't care.

But this attitude undoubtedly touched Xu Xian. What does this mean? Do you really take her Xu Xian so seriously?

So Xu Xian stopped talking and just pulled Li Menglong's sleeves hard, knocking the unsuspecting Li Menglong to his knees.

Now Li Menglong also knew that Xu Xian was a little unhappy. Although he didn't know why yet, it was right to coax him quickly.

"What's going on? Did Li Enxi bully you? I'll avenge you!" Li Menglong said swornly, but there was no movement under his feet.

Xu Xian didn't care about this, he just looked at him straightly: "Oppa, are you hiding something from me?"

When a woman asks this kind of question, it is undoubtedly a big trouble, because there are so many things that are hidden, and God knows which one the other party is referring to.

If you mess up your position at this time, it will undoubtedly be a living Shura field!

Li Menglong was not that stupid, so he did not answer the question directly: "Do we two still need to beat around the bush like this? If you have anything to ask, just say it directly!"

Not sure if he was deceived by Li Menglong's frank appearance, Xu Xian simply asked directly: "You know what she said before, right? You two have communicated in advance?"

Now it was Li Menglong's turn to be at a loss, because what Xu Xian said was true!

Actually, I still have to blame him for not controlling his expression before, but it was really funny.

For such a big matter, especially related to girls, how could Xu Xian think that the other party had not communicated with him first?

To put it harshly, without Li Menglong's approval, even if Li Enxi really wanted to ask the girls to do something, he would have been able to block it directly. He was so domineering.

As for why he was laughing, because seriously, he took the initiative to bring it up with Li Enxi.

However, he thought it was not convenient to talk to the girls, so he passed it on to Li Enxi. For this reason, the two of them often blamed each other.

As for the result, it is already very obvious, but Xu Xian regards him as a "good guy", which is very interesting!

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