The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2360 One person’s stage

Pani's appearance is really comparable to a concert level, and it's hard for her to achieve this effect in a commercial performance.

After all, the people in the audience are not all their fans, and everyone is not so cooperative with her. The girls must definitely be credited here.

Without them working so hard to warm up Pani, how could they have aroused everyone's atmosphere to this extent? Just dream.

It's just that they were forced, or that they were manipulated by Pani without knowing it, and they were really unconvinced.

It would be okay if I told them in advance. Although there may be some demands on Pani, at least everyone would be willing to take advantage of it.

How could it be like now? They all wanted to go over and devour Pani. In total, they had been singing here for so long just to welcome Queen Huang Meiying's appearance?

Moreover, Pani was posing in various poses and showing off her high notes, making it seem like it was her solo concert. Can it end quickly?

Although in theory, you can do as many things as you charge, that is, depending on the fee, the girls' singing time here has corresponding regulations.

This is not because the girls are being petty, but because they also want to make money, although it seems that they are not tired after singing for a while.

But after this time, subsequent merchants will definitely reduce their expenses accordingly. Anyway, why spend so much money if you can sing more songs.

Of course, things are not so absolute. Girls don't mind singing a little longer when they are in a good mood, but it is definitely not today.

They wanted to end the stage right now, and they didn't want to be here as a background for Pani. If she wanted to sing, she could sing here all night long, and no one would stop her.

And Pani had better not come to their place to talk about sharing the money. It was promised that she wouldn’t have her share today. Don’t think that if you finally come, you will be eligible to share the money. Let’s just dream about it.

With this rather negative thought, the girls no longer even thought about competing with Pani, they just wanted to get past the stage quickly.

It's just that Li Menglong seemed to have guessed their thoughts and didn't play music for a long time. However, the venue was not idle either. Pani's a cappella singing was quite enjoyable.

I have to say that the songs of the girls are really widely sung. Even without accompaniment, fans can actually sing along. This can be regarded as a reflection of their popularity.

However, the happy time is short-lived after all, and Pani cannot sing here by herself until the end of time. Even if she is willing, the merchants are not willing, and renting the venue also costs money.

So after receiving Li Menglong's prompt from the headset, Pani nodded clearly and strode towards the girls.

Pani actually planned the meeting scene for a while while waiting behind. Based on her understanding of the girls, she would definitely give her a look.

Pani was ready to respond with a smile, but the fans were really too awesome, and she herself was a little bit over the top.

The result is that the anger level of the girls here is much higher than she planned. This is no longer a problem that she can solve with a smile.

But she couldn't just walk back now, otherwise it would really be a stage accident, so she still walked towards the girls with a smile full of flattery.

But soon Pani encountered her first difficulty. From a distance, she had already opened her arms in advance, signaling that she wanted a big hug.

Pani also used her brain here. She also knew that she was not very popular at the moment, so she started to act from such a distance.

This is all to prevent embarrassing situations from happening. Otherwise, if the other party refuses to hug her when she passes by, then her secret will be revealed.

So this moment was a two-way choice process. There were eight people across from her, and I couldn’t believe that none of them were willing to hug her!

Pani was originally full of confidence, but the closer she got, the more uneasy she felt. This group of people either didn't look at her, or they looked like they were watching the fun, and no one took the initiative to do anything. Woolen cloth.

Isn't it just stealing their limelight? Why don't you do it so brilliantly? It's great that Pani will find an opportunity to return this favor to them in the future. Isn't it just a supporting singer? She doesn't feel embarrassed.

But she couldn't say these words. She could only desperately send signals with her eyes, but the girls were unmoved and planned to see how Pani died on the stage.

Of course, we have been sisters for so many years. Although everyone seemed a little angry, they just wanted to make her anxious for a while. Did they still want to make her cry on stage?

And their confidence naturally comes from Xu Xian, she is the one who stands up and be the good guy every time like this.

Of course the girls were dissatisfied with Xu Xian's character and behavior at first. After all, she seemed to be trying to win people's hearts, so she was the only good person in the team?

However, after living together for a long time, everyone gradually understood that Xu Xian was really not interested in the matter and the person, and had no other thoughts.

With this understanding, the girls gradually agreed with Xu Xian's actions. Sooner or later, someone would be able to save them, which would be a step forward for themselves.

It's just that they waited for a long time, and Pani was almost in front of them, but Xu Xian still didn't come forward. What's going on? Is he offline?

It's impossible to get disconnected, and he's not playing a game, but it's still possible that the line is busy. Xu Xian is concentrating on communicating with Li Menglong over there, so he can't care about Pani.

It was a little accident that Xu Xian and Li Menglong were able to communicate. She could always hear Li Menglong's voice, but she couldn't talk to him.

It was okay, after all, there was no need to call, but after Pani showed up, she thought she was going to have a chat with Li Menglong. What did he want to do?

There are not many ways to communicate. The most direct way is for her to rush directly from the stage, but this is too undesirable. She doesn't want to see herself on the headlines tomorrow because of this.

Because he was standing to the side, Xu Xian easily spotted the fans who had been filming while thinking. It seemed that they could contribute.

So after Pani attracted everyone's attention, Seohyun quietly met the fans alone.

Of course, the fans were shocked. When they turned around, Seohyun's face instantly filled the entire screen. Although she was indeed very beautiful, she also needed a certain distance.

Everyone was considered acquaintances, and Xu Xian was not polite to them. He just wanted to give them some peripherals as compensation later: "Lend me your cell phone."

What happened next was much smoother. Xu Xian hid here and secretly communicated with Li Menglong. The conversation was not that complicated and time did not allow it.

The main thing is that Xu Xian severely threatened Li Menglong, telling him not to do those outrageous things, and that it was best for everyone to live in peace.

Li Menglong naturally agreed in his heart. After all, his goal had been achieved, but he was still a little curious, what exactly was Xu Xian's so-called threat?

Faced with Li Menglong's question, Xu Xian was also stunned. She had never thought about this issue at all.

In her opinion, as long as she spoke, he should agree unconditionally. Why didn't he follow the routine this time?

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't panic too much, because years of experience told her that panic could not solve any problem. What she needed at the moment was to calm down.

It's just that it's not easy to think of a way to threaten Li Menglong. After all, I almost never think about this problem on weekdays. It would be much better if girls came here instead.

Xu Xian could only recall the threats that girls usually made to Li Menglong: "If you don't promise me, I will beat you!"

In Xu Xian's opinion, this is the most common method used by girls. Regardless of whether they can beat him or not, girls are quite domineering when they say this.

If time permits, Li Menglong wouldn't mind hearing Xu Xian's threat more, it sounds very cute.

But he still has a mission here. If it really delays Pani's singing over there, neither he nor Xu Xian will end up well.

"Okay, Heroine, please forgive me. I'm afraid of you. I'm going to play music for you. Go back and get ready."

After getting Li Menglong's reply, Xu Xian was very satisfied. She felt that she had done a big thing, but why the girls looked at her with complicated eyes, especially Pani.

Of course the girls and Pani had their reasons. Without Xu Xian as a bridge, the scene just now was very funny.

This is only if the girls take the initiative to cooperate, otherwise the scene might become tragic: Pani takes the initiative to throw himself into his arms, but the girls are indifferent?

Even the next day's news headlines came out. Fortunately, the girls never wanted to take advantage of reporters, even if they were a little wronged.

So after Pani ran over, the girls instantly transformed from the icebergs a second ago into flames, but there was a slight problem with the order.

When everyone swarmed up, the scene was really joyful. Let's just say that Pani crawled out from the feet of the girls in the end. You can imagine the rest of the scene.

It's just that Xu Xian didn't see this, so she could still look at the girls without fear at this moment. After all, in her opinion, she was the one who should be praised.

The girls were too lazy to speak anymore. They thought they knew this little girl. Since she thought she was right, it was probably the truth.

As for who was wrong, who else could it be besides Li Menglong? Today, we can still include Pani. This woman is colluding with Li Menglong today.

The bad guys will naturally be punished. Li Menglong is not around, so he can wait, but Pani can't wait for a moment.

As for the means of revenge, aren't they all ready-made? As Li Menglong played the second half of the song, the girls had no intention of dancing at all.

Moreover, they did not dance and even took the initiative to distance themselves from Pani, leaving the center of the stage to Pani alone.

What does it mean? Are they not going to sing anymore? Is this childish behavior interesting?

The girls said it was very interesting. She, Huang Meiying, is willing to sing, so let her sing well enough and they won't wait for her anymore!

It's just that the girls' original intention was just to create some minor difficulties for Pani. They also knew Pani's singing ability, and it was not difficult for her to sing half a song.

But fans won't be happy. After all, everyone is watching Girls' Generation as a whole. Pani's words alone are so monotonous, and there may be a lot of audience members cheering.

As a friend and family member who has lived with this group of women for more than ten years, Pani can naturally think of any situation they can think of.

Why are you so petty? If you have the ability to take revenge on Li Menglong, what is your ability to bully her here?

It's a pity that these words can't be said at all, and there is no time for her to say these words. All Pani can do is to perform the song well, and leave the rest to the fans.

To be honest, Xu Xian couldn't bear it. She was ready to help. Even if she was teased, she would face it with Pani.

However, Xu Xian was not given the chance to "hero save the beauty" at all. When Pani spoke alone in the center of the stage, all the fans just cheered.

The fans' thinking is simple. In their opinion, this is a gift prepared by the girls. After all, this kind of stage is rare even during concerts.

Besides, haven’t we all watched the performances of the girls before? There’s nothing wrong with changing the taste now. Isn’t Pani’s performance wonderful?

As a result, the cheers at the scene became louder and louder, and Pani herself was so moved that she choked up. When her teammates openly turned against each other, she didn't expect that it was the fans who stood up. She wanted to say thank you to everyone. .

But that was all after the concert. Now she wanted to bring the perfect stage to everyone. She didn't want to let down so many people's love for her!

With the fans singing along all the way, Pani ended his singing and bent down to bow to everyone present.

The fans did not hesitate to applaud. In their opinion, this time it was really worth the price of admission. The stage brought by the girls was extremely exciting.

But the other girls on the stage didn't see it that way. At this moment, they were like classic villains. Instead of making things difficult for the protagonist, their clever moves made them become clowns themselves.

As clowns, they had no nerve to stay on the stage and accept everyone's applause, so they fled to the audience in despair, leaving the entire stage to Pani. This is the treatment this girl deserves.

However, there were people who welcomed them. Li Menglong and his staff lined up in the "human flesh" passage, sandwiching the girls in the middle.

"You have performed very well, please accept our respect!"

Li Menglong took the lead here and stretched out his hand to high-five the girls.

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