"Are you very curious about our company? When you think of SW company, what can you think of? Movies? Yoo Jae Suk? Girls' Generation?"

Xu Xian spoke very abruptly here, which really puzzled the girls. Haven't they all said what should be said? What did Xu Xian say here? Did she collect the money alone?

Moreover, what he said was very strange. It was okay to show loyalty to the company. Although it was unnecessary, it was not impossible.

It's just that a party held by someone else's company is equivalent to Xu Xian using money given by others to promote his company, which is a bit inappropriate.

However, Xu Xian ignored the warning looks of the girls and continued her words stubbornly: "But actually, if we really want to say who can best represent our company, it's probably Li Menglong. Isn't he unfamiliar to everyone?" ?”

"Perhaps our fans are more familiar with him, or have they seen his movies? Or maybe they have seen the variety show he filmed with Jae Suk Oppa. It seems that there are not many people who don't know him. Well."

There are not many opportunities for Seohyun to say such long words on variety shows. The main reason is that what she said is boring. Just because her name is Seohyun, we can't just keep this boring scene.

But now no one can restrict her, and the more she speaks, the more fluent she becomes. Anyway, it is not against her will to praise Li Menglong, and she can even talk non-stop for more than ten minutes.

"Although it cannot be said that SW would not be what it is today without him, he has indeed made the company better. He established the company's inclusive culture and allowed us to have a freer career. I personally really respect him! "

The more the girls listen to it, the more uncomfortable it becomes. It is not new news that Xu Xian admires Li Menglong, just like Li Menglong always thinks that Xu Xian is the most beautiful one in the team.

Maybe Xu Xian didn't have other intentions at the moment, but the result was that they seemed a bit redundant, and they also gradually seemed to be ungrateful.

They are obviously in the same group, but Xu Xian respects the company and Li Menglong so much, as if he is proud of the company, but what about them?

It seems that just standing on the sidelines is not enough. They don't want to be separated from their company. They also want to retire in the company.

In this case, we can't let Xu Xian express his gratitude here alone. They also have to participate. Even if they still don't understand why Xu Xian insists on saying this, they can't care about it at the moment.

"Not only is Xiaoxian grateful to the company, but as the captain, I have a deeper understanding of this. Without SW's tolerance for me, I, Kim Taeyeon, would not be where I am today!"

Kim Taeyeon immediately started taking the "award show" route. This was not her intention, but do you expect her to come up with any new words in such an unexpected situation?

So the instinct in her mind still took over. You must know that she has several sets of templates for this kind of thank-you speech in her mind, and she spent time to memorize them all.

It's just that although she said it happily, it sounded very flattering. If Seohyun was sincere, then Kim Taeyeon was just going through the motions.

That's all. At most, the audience in the audience was a little disgusted.

But what she said simply left no way for the other girls to survive. She had said such words, what should the remaining people do? Kneel down and call the company daddy?

Fortunately, Li Menglong couldn't stand listening anymore. He himself was quite indifferent to such words. Xu Xian's words just now almost made him die from embarrassment. Kim Taeyeon's words were even more embarrassing.

It happened that news came from Pani at this moment. Now that she was ready, the scene on the stage could end smoothly.

As for how to end it, of course the person who needs to untie the bell must also tie it. Li Menglong once again conveyed his intention to Xu Xian.

Compared with before, when he had no preparation, Xu Xian was much more careful this time, so he could easily distinguish Li Menglong's voice.

If he hadn't said this to her directly, but through the other girls, she would have thought it was a prank.

However, she was still very confident in her position in Li Menglong's heart, knowing that Li Menglong would not tease her like this.

Although he still doesn’t know what happened, he probably had to do it out of necessity. Xu Xian decided to help Li Menglong stabilize the stage first, and wait until he gets off the stage to hear the rest of the explanation.

But Xu Xian had no idea how to stop the girls, especially when the girls were talking one after another, it would be bad for her to interrupt anyone.

At such critical moments, Xu Xian always seeks help from someone, and the other party rarely disappoints her, except when she doesn't want to help.

After Kim Taeyeon expressed her opinion, she retired. As for whether the other girls are dead or alive, what does that have to do with her? He didn't even know how to flatter me, so it wouldn't be an injustice to die on stage.

But just when she was in a daze, she miraculously received Xu Xian's look for help. Don't ask her how she saw and understood it, it was the tacit understanding developed over more than ten years!

Similar to what Seohyun had just thought, Kim Taeyeon was also confused throughout the whole process, but out of her trust in Seohyun, she still wanted to help solve this mess.

If Li Menglong knew that Xu Xian had subcontracted his request, he would definitely give Xu Xian a thumbs up. The child would finally grow up again.

Kim Taeyeon, as the "gonggongtou", naturally didn't have much awareness. She didn't even want to make a soft landing, so why not just fall down?

So based on this simple idea, Kim Taeyeon started her performance, and interrupted the girls without saying a word.

"This is a stage. Is it appropriate for you to talk about all this nonsense? See for yourselves. Will the audience like it?"

After hearing Kim Taeyeon's steal of the spotlight, the audience really felt that it was spoken to their hearts. Only by applauding could they express their approval.

By the way, although the girls are unrivaled in popularity and there are many fans of them in the audience, it is still good for them to talk about family affairs on stage, and it would be meaningless to brag about the company wildly.

Kim Taeyeon is undoubtedly a very positive character at the moment. Although she has said nothing less than the girls before, the audience is so forgetful.

Encouraged, Kim Taeyeon thought she had got the right key, so she scolded the girls even harder: "I usually teach you so much but you don't listen. Now you know you regret it. Please apologize to the audience quickly!"

Xu Xian felt that he could no longer watch Kim Taeyeon commit suicide. Girls' patience also has a limit, and it was obvious that it was almost reaching the threshold now.

If Kim Taeyeon is allowed to continue talking, maybe the girls will perform an online captain change on the stage today.

It's just that Xu Xian couldn't do anything just now, but now just a few minutes later, she can do something? That's not a joke.

So Seohyun can only learn from Kim Taeyeon's previous actions. It seems that some things are better to be more direct, which will save a lot of unnecessary troubles. Of course, there may be more new troubles.

But Xu Xian couldn't care anymore. She just took it one step at a time. As for what she did, it was very simple. After knowing that it was Li Menglong who had just spoken to her, she directly ordered Li Menglong to play music.

This actually tests the mutual understanding. If it were an ordinary staff member, Xu Xian would never dare to do this, even if the other party saw it, he might not dare to do it.

But Li Menglong is not the same. Both from the perspective of courage and tacit understanding, Xu Xian has begun to quietly find his position.

Sure enough, after the music's prelude sounded suddenly, both the girls and Kim Taeyeon's words were interrupted.

Music is their starting gun on the stage. Once the music starts, unless there is an accident where they cannot persist, they will start singing.

If the song is in the wrong place, then sing the wrong one. If there is no accompaniment in the middle of the song, then sing the whole song a cappella. If you fall down, get up again. In short, you can't stop and look for trouble.

The girls naturally knew this. Although they were still a little panicked at the moment, they still knew exactly what they should do.

This is all accumulated experience on the stage for so many years. The first thing they have to do is undoubtedly to stand in a good formation. Only with the formation can they dance and move.

As for standing in place and singing the whole time, it's not impossible, but the dance itself is part of the performance, and the girls don't want to have such a big shortcoming.

Fortunately, they quickly discovered Xu Xian. Although this girl was not the one standing in the middle, her position provided a reference point so that the girls could quickly find their own position based on her.

After a brief panic, the girls finally stabilized again.

In fact, the main ones who were panicking were themselves, and the audience probably didn't see anything at all.

Of course, we must praise the girls' abilities here. Whether it is singing or dancing, there are almost no flaws, at least from the audience's senses.

Li Menglong on the side was relieved, but he knew that the time when he needed to worry had just begun, and the next stage was destined to be anything but ordinary.

Li Menglong first called those young fans and told them to hold still and take a good picture no matter what happened.

After all, there are no official cameras filming here. They may have the closest and best shots here. They can't count on the audience's mobile phone effects.

After the instructions, he found Pani again. This girl was the whole point. Once something went wrong with her, the whole stage would completely collapse.

"Please, don't be nagging like a dad. I am Huang Meiying. I have experienced more personal stages than you think, so put your heart in your stomach and enjoy what I bring to you. Surprise, okay?”

He didn't expect that he would be comforted by Pani one day, but Li Menglong was a little surprised by Pani's confidence. This was not like this girl's speaking style.

But it’s understandable when you think about it. This is the job that Pani has been working hard for for so many years. After more than ten years of hard work, if she didn’t have a little confidence, she wouldn’t be able to reach where she is today!

The girls have finished singing the first half of the song, and the atmosphere at the scene was very enthusiastic because of their leadership. Overall, it was a pretty good interaction.

But at a certain moment, the powerful song suddenly disappeared, and the scene became ridiculously quiet for a while. Was there something wrong with the music accompaniment behind it?

Although similar situations are not encountered so frequently, the girls are not new. At this time, it is best for them to sing a cappella to attract everyone's attention and buy some time for the backstage staff.

This time the girls still planned to do this, but unlike the confident girls, Xu Xian was still a little worried at this moment.

The main reason is that she knows that Li Menglong is there. He will not make such a small mistake. And it would be even more terrifying if it were not his mistake. Was this intentional?

The whole day has been spent almost in various accidents. At this moment, Xu Xian really just wants to finish singing the song honestly, and then return home safely and have a good sleep. Is this too much to ask?

It's a pity that Li Menglong can't hear her voice at all. Besides, the arrow is on the line at the moment, so she can't be controlled by him.

Just when the girls were about to speak, the audience suddenly burst into screams. Is this because the music just stopped? Is this reflex arc too long?

Because Xu Xian was always in a defensive state, he reacted the fastest. After turning around, he saw a familiar figure from the entrance. Although he hadn't seen her for a day, he still missed her.

Standing on the stage, Panic was no longer the dough that was casually kneaded in the dormitory. She was full of royal aura, scanning the audience with a lively look.

As Pani was fiddling with her poses, everyone's cheers became louder and louder. Everyone thought this was a surprise brought to them by the girls, but it was more like a shock to the girls.

No matter how slow the reaction was, the girls realized something was wrong. After all, they all signaled that everyone could stop, but it had no effect at all. You must know that the real owner behind did not speak.

When the girls turned around and saw Pani, they really had mixed feelings in their hearts. After all, they just sang just to warm up Pani, right?

They were a bunch of little stars who were busy, but the big star Huang Meiying came directly to harvest them. These were her sisters. If it were anyone else, the girls would have started swearing.

Even now, it is unknown whether the girls have greeted Pani in their hearts, but Pani probably doesn't care. After all, it is really great at this moment.

Pani raised one hand, and the whole place fell silent instantly. She squinted her eyes slightly, and then there was a shocking high note. The place was boiling again, and the girls felt a few more bottles of jealousy...

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