The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2304 Dark Shadow

"Have you already said it?" Li Shungui's face was full of surprise. Why was the maknae so impulsive? Simply trying to please Li Menglong would not lead to good results.

After all, the dormitory is a collective life. Although Li Menglong can cover most situations, there are also many restricted areas that he cannot touch.

Unless Xu Xian moved down from the second floor and stayed with Li Menglong all the time when she went to work, otherwise she would just isolate herself from the group.

"Well, so why are you still stubbornly resisting here? If it weren't for the sake of teasing you, which is cute, I would still have the mind to chat with you here?"

Li Menglong continued to exert pressure, trying to make Li Soonkyu lose his position. He really almost succeeded.

In fact, Lee Soon Kyu was indeed in a panic and was ready to tell the truth, but at this time he saw the benefits of the combination.

Why do most entertainment companies prefer to launch groups instead of solos? In terms of pure profit sharing, solo singers undoubtedly make more for the company.

But the premise is that the two can reach the same height. On the way up, it will be too difficult for solo singers.

Although the uncertainty is extremely high, generally speaking, many companies have figured out a relatively standardized process when it comes to launching idol groups.

Take girl groups as an example. When they debut, they mostly focus on innocent songs, and they are familiar with them by appearing in variety shows and supporting roles in TV series.

After two or three innocent albums were tepid, they basically switched to a sexy style and gave it a try. If there were no more results, they basically had to give up. There are also radical methods of disbanding directly.

In this process, because the group has enough members, it increases the probability of winning prizes in a disguised manner. Once a member of the group becomes popular, he will come back to feed the team.

This is also the so-called one-to-one combination in many groups, but this is probably within the company's expectations. After all, it was just for this scene that we promoted so many people together.

Once there are more members, it is indeed beneficial in many aspects. It is easier to attract fans with different orientations, it is easier to get more opportunities to stand out, and of course it is easier to make up for the mistakes each other may make.

Now Lee Soon Kyu is undoubtedly about to commit a crime, and the one who came to save her is Jessica: "Don't always sow trouble between us here. We trust each other. I don't believe that the maknae will say anything shameful to you. Just go ahead and Just say it!"

As Jung Soo-yeon spoke, she ran directly in front of Lee Soon-kyu and blocked Lee Soon-kyu behind her with her not-so-strong body. If this was in a TV drama, Lee Soon-kyu might have given him a sweet kiss the next moment.

But to be fair, Jessica's words were indeed quite uplifting, fully revealing the friendship between the girls.

Seeing that Li Menglong didn't speak, Li Shunkyu also knew that she had almost been fooled, and the consequences were not something she could bear.

Li Shunkyu couldn't help but shuddered at the thought of Kim Taeyeon and the others knowing this, "Li Menglong, you bastard!"

"Don't curse, I'm telling the truth. Xiaoxian did tell me a lot, but I don't want to tell you!"

"Hmph, pretend, just keep pretending!" Li Shunkyu said fiercely. One look at him and he knew that Li Menglong was lusting after him.

If Xu Xian really said everything, how could he still argue with them calmly here? I had already picked up the clothes drying pole and headed upstairs.

However, from this scene, the girls also discovered Li Menglong's cunning. In order not to give him any chance, at least not to use them as a breakthrough, the group planned to escape from the first floor immediately.

"The camera was turned on when we were having a fight. We just talked a little too much. Don't worry about it!"

Girls still know right from wrong, and they still need to apologize properly where they should apologize, but that doesn't mean they have to compromise on issues of principle.

So without waiting for Li Menglong to express his opinion, everyone directly followed Xu Xian and walked all the way to the second floor.

Despite what Jessica said just now, everyone still feels a little guilty. After all, they all know the importance of Li Menglong in Xu Xian's heart.

So we still have to go through the necessary procedures. This time, the girls have to be much more careful. They have everything to look out for the wind and guard the door. As for locking the door and lowering the volume, this is even more basic.

Xu Xian sat on the chair in the center and looked at the group of people helplessly. He was not filming a spy drama, so did he need to be so nervous?

But when everyone was involved in the drama, the sober one felt a little pitiful. At least Xu Xian really had no other means except to cooperate.

"You guys, just tell me what you want to ask. I don't have any secrets!" Xu Xian felt helpless looking at the group of people in front of him who clearly had questions but didn't speak up.

The girls were still a little surprised that Xu Xian took the initiative. After all, in their eyes, Xu Xian had already become a suspect. How could he still be so confident?

"What else could it be because of, of course, because I have a clear conscience!"

"Yeah, can you read minds? Why did you answer my question?"

Facing the girls' questions, Xu Xian didn't even bother to answer. They just wrote the questions directly on their faces, okay? If she couldn't guess anymore, wouldn't her years of life have been in vain?

Seeing Seohyun's tendency to become impatient, Kim Taeyeon immediately became a little irritable. When will the maknae be able to become so arrogant? Do they have the potential to be a team like this?

But before she could get angry, she was immediately pulled down by the girls around her. What did Kim Taeyeon want to do at this time? Wasn't she afraid that her death was not complete enough?

If Xu Xian was really pushed into a panic, there would be no need to go down to file a complaint. He could just just pull his neck and shout here.

After all, it was just a layer away. With Xu Xian's voice, it was not easy to call Li Menglong up.

At this time, the girls have finally realized the disadvantages of being a singer. Now apart from appeasing Xu Xian, it seems that they can no longer act like the eldest sister.

As a result, Xu Xian's treatment instantly improved by more than one level. Everyone around him spoke so nicely, which made Xu Xian a little intoxicated.

Fortunately, Seohyun has learned a lot during his years as an idol, such as the ability to remain calm during compliments.

Without this ability, the careers of idols are destined to not go far. After all, fans' praise can easily make people intoxicated.

Once you are deeply involved in it, it is easy to lose your position. You must know that celebrities are also ordinary people after all. If you also take the role of celebrities in your daily life, the consequences can be imagined.

After a rather complicated negotiation, mainly because the other girls felt that Xu Xian should be trustworthy, they let Xu Xian out.

However, Xiaoyuan was left behind, and the purpose was naturally to remind her to remember to monitor Xu Xian, and if there was any trouble, she must stop him as soon as possible.

"Okay, don't you know what the maknae's character is like? Anyway, I believe her words unconditionally. If nothing happens, I will go back and rest!"

Xiaoyuan said quite shamelessly, but no one refuted it. Firstly, the words made sense, and secondly, Xiaoyuan really dared to fight, and ordinary people couldn't afford to provoke him.

As everyone on the second floor slowly returned to calm, the entire dormitory also became quiet. After all, Li Menglong didn't think about torturing these people. They were scaring themselves from the beginning to the end.

This quietness lasted until after two o'clock in the middle of the night. Li Menglong was still working wholeheartedly. After all, he had delayed some work in the past two days.

He cannot drag down the progress of the entire team because of himself, so don't be too envious of those successful people, or don't blindly worship them, because they may have worked hard behind the scenes.

Of course, Li Menglong's staying up all night here is not something to brag about. After all, there are many people like him who haven't had any rest. To be precise, they probably didn't sleep well.

For example, the people upstairs, or the colleagues in the company, it’s been a long night, and no one is in the mood to sleep.

However, among them, although Yoona did not fall asleep, her reasons were different from those of the others. Others did it out of worry, while Yoona did it purely because she was hungry.

You must know that they went to the company with the intention of having a big meal, but they went there and started working. They didn't eat a few bites of dinner, and they were dragged to dance by Li Menglong. In short, it was very hard work.

Originally, in this situation, Yoona would have clamored for some late-night snacks or something, but today's situation really didn't allow it.

So Yoona could only endure it until now. Sure enough, she couldn't help being hungry after all. She was hungry!

It is said that Yoona did not suffer too much in controlling her body shape. This may be a gift from God. Anyway, Yoona has always been very grateful.

After all, the contrasts around him are too strong. The most obvious one is Xu Xian. Not only is he born with a big frame, he is also the kind of person who can gain weight no matter what he eats.

That is to say, Xu Xian's willpower is strong enough and he always likes to eat healthy food. Otherwise, this girl's figure will definitely be like a balloon, inflating instantly.

Although the other girls are a little better than Xu Xian, they are just a little bit better. They still have to pay attention to their weight at all times. It is not normal to have two hungry meals from time to time.

Compared with this group of people, although Yoona would pay attention, she could only control her food intake. After all, if she really wanted to be full, she would have to eat a lot.

But the good thing is that she doesn't have to think about what to eat. Anyway, she won't gain much weight if she eats a little more. Besides, she has a thin body shape, and there are many fans who are clamoring for her to gain weight.

The above factors contribute to the fact that Yoona is unlikely to go hungry. Basically, whenever she is hungry, Yoona will always eat something. The only difference is that she eats more and eats less.

I don’t know how many times I took out my phone and checked the time. Yoona felt that it was time to start her meal journey.

To be honest, Yoona was well prepared. At least she could endure it until this time. If nothing else happened, Li Menglong should be sleeping very hard.

As for why we must venture to the first floor, of course it is because there is a refrigerator and stove here, so you can have some cold or hot food.

She tiptoed all the way down, and when she came to the stairs, Yoona paused for a while. Sure enough, she didn't hear any sound, which made her sigh in relief.

After waiting outside Li Menglong's door for a while, she didn't see any lights or hear any sounds. Now Yoona was completely relieved.

As for options like Li Menglong turning on the desk lamp and listening to soft music with headphones, Yoona was not considering it at all.

Yoona was very excited when she came to the kitchen. After all, she still had a sense of accomplishment after the adventure, so Yoona decided to reward herself. A pot of hot ramen should be a good choice.

But the one who got off to a bad start was Yoona. She hadn’t been to the kitchen for a long time, especially when she didn’t dare to turn on the light and couldn’t even find a pot.

After digging around in the kitchen for a long time like a groundhog, I finally found a copper pot. But as the saying goes, great joy brings sorrow. Just when Yoona raised the copper pot above her head and tried to twist her waist, the lid fell off.

Although the light was very dim, Yoona could clearly feel the trajectory of the pot lid falling. At this time, her years of dance practice finally came into use.

With perfect agility and flexibility, Yoona used a split motion to catch the pot lid with her toes. Although her legs and heels were a little painful, it was all worth it!

Yoona's relief only lasted for a few seconds. Before she could take back the smile on her face, she saw a dark figure leaning against the door frame.

Although I couldn't see who it was specifically, the size of the black shadow alone didn't look like that of a girl. Yoona was really convinced. How could she wander around without sleeping at this time? Sleepwalking?

Although her thoughts were a bit extreme, Yoona felt that there was nothing wrong with the direction of her thinking. Li Menglong should have fallen asleep. Now that she is here, she either wakes up or drinks water.

Besides, this was all a fool's errand. Even Yoona couldn't see clearly who was opposite. How could Li Menglong see her at a glance?

In this case, there was still room for manipulation. Yoona ignored the pain in her body and carefully curled up her body to minimize the possibility of being discovered.

It was just that she was holding the pot lid on her toes and dragging the pot with one hand. It was difficult to make any movements, especially since Li Menglong strode over.

"I remember boiling water. Where did I put the kettle?"

If possible, Yoona would like to point out the location to him, because the kettle has been misappropriated by Yoona.

But she couldn't speak, so Yoona could only pray secretly that Li Menglong would leave quickly. It didn't matter if she drank some ice water at night. Why did she have to drink hot water?

Unfortunately, it backfired. Li Menglong seemed to be determined to know the kettle and kept wandering around Yoona.

In order to prevent herself from touching him, Yoona moved around in various ways at this time. There was already a layer of sweat on her forehead, especially her hands and feet were so sore.

So at a certain moment, after noticing that the copper pot in her hand had fallen, Yoona simply closed her eyes and felt a strange sense of relief!

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