The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2303 The urge to confess

"Not at home?" Li Menglong murmured with his chin held up, while his eyes kept looking at the group of people opposite, trying to discern some inner truth.

But this time Li Menglong was destined to suffer a loss. After all, in his opinion, it was reasonable for the girls to abscond in fear of crime.

It would be death to stay in the dormitory, but anyone with some sense would know what to do, and besides, the girls had no reason to deceive him.

At this time, the disadvantages of information asymmetry were seen. It was difficult for Li Menglong to realize that the girls were acting together, so he hesitated for a while and nodded silently.

This action directly brought the girls present back to life. Who knows how nervous they were just now.

As expected, you can't help too much with this kind of work, otherwise your life will be shortened. If Li Menglong came to another conclusion just now, they would suffer for Kim Taeyeon and others.

"What expressions are you making? Do you think you know something?"

One sentence once again pulled the girls from the clouds to hell. The back and forth was like a roller coaster. Sure enough, they couldn't relax too much.

Fortunately, the most difficult moment has passed. The next thing the girls have to do is to be themselves and give the true reaction they should have.

"You don't need to know this. I guessed it. You will make a bad face when you come back, and they ran away early again. If you don't understand this, we don't have to mess around."

"Tell us what it is and let us be happy too."

"Would you like me to take you to your door? I know their home addresses clearly!"

Although he felt helpless towards these girls who were watching the excitement and were not afraid of getting into trouble, he had to say that these were the girls that Li Menglong was familiar with. Once he had this feeling, everything would become much more normal.

"Are you the only one who knows their addresses? While you're at it, remember to tell those people that you won't have to come back in a short time. There's no room for them in this home!"

After Li Menglong said these words, he went to take a shower. The girls were left looking at each other, obviously feeling the urge to talk to each other.

It was Xu Xian who coughed heavily at the side. The more he could not relax at this moment, what if Li Menglong was lying on the door listening to the sounds outside, this was something that needed to be guarded against.

The girls also realized this, so they hugged each other and ran upstairs, where their territory was.

Xu Xian naturally followed. To be honest, she was quite satisfied with the response of Kim Taeyeon and others. She was finally smart.

Indeed, it is not appropriate to directly conflict with Li Menglong under such circumstances. Wouldn't it be a dead end in vain? Although escaping is a bit shameful, it will work!

Just when Xu Xian was sighing secretly, she discovered that the group in front of her did not go back to their rooms. Instead, they stood at the top of the stairs and listened to what was going on below.

What's even more outrageous is that Li Shunkyu took out a tablet from nowhere, and what was displayed on it was the picture from the living room. Where is this camera?

Xu Xian already instinctively felt that something was wrong. Even if the situation was not as bad as she thought, just using a camera to secretly record Li Menglong without his knowledge was an invasion of privacy, okay?

Just because Li Menglong is a man, you can't care less. Or if Li Menglong did this in the corridor on the second floor, how would the girls react?

Just when Xu Xian was about to give a lecture, the girls may have confirmed that the environment was safe, so they didn't know which spy drama they had learned, but they were imitating the cuckoo's call here.

Xu Xian was really confused this time. People learn to use cuckoos because there are such sounds in their environment. Why don't people learn to use a motorcycle or something as a communication signal?

The girls' stereotypical code that almost revealed themselves was actually answered by someone, and the sound of a toad's cry came from the bathroom.

This is obviously someone's personal skill. Xu Xian remembers that someone might have done it when he first debuted, but he thought it was too embarrassing, so he gave it up quickly. Unexpectedly, he regained his second youth today.

Xu Xian also admired himself very much. He could still think of such a trivial matter at such a critical moment. You must know that the bathroom is a matter of life and death.

Although he already had suspicions in his mind, Xu Xian was still willing to deceive himself. For example, which Ernie really raised a frog on a whim, even if it was just for food.

It's a pity that the girls are obviously not very interested in eating frogs. How can they eat frogs when they are so cute?

As if she was a special agent, Kim Taeyeon poked her head out and looked back and forth before trotting over.

After arriving here, he didn't rush to pay attention to the other girls. Instead, he gave Xu Xian a big hug first: "Onie, I saw you right. From now on, the two of us are half-sisters!"

Obviously Kim Taeyeon was moved by Seohyun's risk-taking to inform them. They had all abandoned Seohyun herself, but she didn't expect that the little girl could come to help them regardless of her past grudges. What a great sentiment this is. .

It's just that this scene made the girls around him feel very uncomfortable. Is Xu Xian the only one who deserves to be thanked? They were almost scared to death downstairs just now!

Yoona later saw something was wrong. At this time, there should be no internal divisions. Otherwise, if she went down to report, the three of them would be gone in a matter of minutes.

As a result, a lot of good words were spread out as if they were free of charge. Yoona was really overwhelmed. Even auspicious words such as Happy New Year were thrown out. Will she have to say "Nian Nian" next? There is a present day every year, right?

When everyone fell into false flattery, only Seohyun was still calm and tried to break away from Kim Taeyeon, but she seemed to have grown on Seohyun.

Xu Xian could only use his height to force his head back, and finally he could barely meet Kim Taeyeon's eyes: "Why are you still here, Unnie? Aren't you going home?"

Xu Xian finally asked her doubts. When she learned that these people were not in the dormitory, she didn't know how happy she was. In the end, it was just an empty joy?

Faced with Xu Xian's doubts, Kim Taeyeon could only smile and said: "Isn't it that we don't have time to leave? We really want to go home."

There was no confidence in what she said. Kim Taeyeon probably knew that no one believed her, but how else could she say that they wanted to have a chance encounter with Li Menglong?

To be honest, the solution that Kim Taeyeon and the others discussed at the beginning was to go home and escape, but the more they thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became. How should they explain it when they got home?

Or later, Jessica came up with an idea. Since she couldn't really leave, she could hide upstairs. Li Menglong would hardly come up anyway. As long as they didn't run down to their own death, the chance of being discovered was very small. .

This suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone. Although there was some suspicion of committing suicide, after Kim Taeyeon showed her collective sense of honor for Girls' Generation, it seemed to be a matter of course.

So the next step was all kinds of preparations. I made good excuses in advance, and arranged the secret code here. The camera downstairs was also prepared at this time.

If Li Menglong comes back a little later, they might have to rehearse or something. If they do, I believe the response just now will be even more perfect.

Although Xu Xian had objections to the girls' approach, this was not a good time for internal strife. She could only let down Li Menglong again. Speaking of which, she had been a bad woman several times today. This was really unfair. good.

Kim Taeyeon and others also knew that Xu Xian was likely to be a breakthrough, so they immediately winked at everyone around them, and everyone gathered around Xu Xian to persuade them.

Faced with the earnest words of these Ernies, Xu Xian wanted to laugh. Of course she was willing to stand by Li Menglong, but the premise was that she could not betray these people.

"Don't worry, Ernies, but even though I won't take the initiative to say anything, I won't do anything for you either. I hope you can understand me!"

"I understand, I understand. What's not to understand? Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoxian. If there is anything you like in my wardrobe, just go and get it!" Kim Taeyeon said generously, leaving it to Xu Xian. Bowed and thanked.

How could Xu Xian take advantage of others, so he just shook his head, but the girls around him were very greedy. Kim Taeyeon had a lot of good stuff in her wardrobe.

However, Kim Taeyeon can say this to Xu Xian, firstly, because Xu Xian has indeed made great achievements, and secondly, because she is very sure that the little girl will not accept it.

But are the women in front of them the same as Xu Xian? She wanted to have the word greed written in her eyes. She, Kim Taeyeon, would not do such a thing as a meat bun beating a dog.

Just when the girls were planning how to get some benefits from Kim Taeyeon, there was movement on the camera: "I'm afraid..."

Yoona just glanced at the tablet subconsciously and was almost scared to death. Li Menglong seemed to be walking upstairs. What was he doing here?

Subconsciously, she wanted to shout out directly, but she reacted quickly and held back the second half of the sentence in time, but the result was that her little face was choked up like a ripe peach.

There was no time to let these people know the situation. After all, there were only a few steps in the stairs, so Yoona directly pushed Kim Taeyeon to the side room.

On a normal day, Kim Taeyeon would have asked why, but today was a special situation. Everyone's nerves were still quite tense.

So in silence, the three of them, Kim Taeyeon, immediately got into Yoona and Jung Soo-yeon's room. As for the other girls, they blocked the stairs, trying to waste time and block Li Menglong's sight.

"No one came to pick me up when I went home. Why are you suddenly sensible now?"

Facing Li Menglong's question, the girls didn't know how to answer for a while. After all, the more they spoke at this time, the more they would be exposed.

At the critical moment, the elder sisters were still able to hold the scene together. Jessica took the initiative to break the brief silence: "What are you doing here? If you don't tell us in advance, what if we are changing clothes?"

"Uh..." Li Menglong didn't think so much. Instead, he was speechless when the girls asked him: "Did you set up the camera downstairs?"

Originally, the girls thought everything was fine. After all, the opponent was suppressed by Jessica. Who knew that Li Menglong actually used a big move.

The girls who were being beaten were at a loss as to what to do. Could it be that he already knew something, so he came here to investigate?

Li Menglong didn't pay attention to the faces of the girls. He just kept talking about his purpose: "If you hadn't released it, it's probably been invaded. Why don't you call the police? Who knows what the other side saw."

Just when the girls were still thinking about whether this was Li Menglong's test, only Xu Xian realized that Li Menglong was really worried. After all, the camera at the female idol's home was turned on for no reason. This is as serious as it gets.

Xu Xian really couldn't bear to see Li Menglong being fooled, especially when the other party really cared about them at the moment, which made Xu Xian's conscience condemned.

"It's the unnies who set it off, oppa, don't worry!"

After hearing Xu Xian's confession, the girls suddenly felt cold. Is Xu Xian, a child with thick eyebrows and big eyes, planning to rebel?

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't continue to say anything. Li Menglong seemed to just want to confirm this. He didn't even ask the girls why they did what they did, and just walked quickly.

Looking at Li Menglong's hurried back, Xu Xian really felt that the girls had made a mistake this time: "What you guys just said was a little too much. Could Oppa deliberately come up to take advantage of you?"

Although he knew that the girls didn't think so, Xu Xian still said it, and then ran down to find Li Menglong regardless of the girls' reactions.

"Child, what are we talking about?" Li Shunkyu said self-deprecatingly: "Why do I feel that Xu Xian is Li Menglong's girlfriend? Am I fake?"

Although Lee Soon-gyu was deliberately trying to liven up the atmosphere, the girls really couldn't laugh. Although they wanted to help Kim Taeyeon, they didn't want to hurt Lee Mong-ryong. What he said just now was so hurtful. Could it be Seohyun? Are you a bit glassy?

The guesses of the girls were quite accurate. Li Menglong did not pay too much attention to them. After all, the girls were only objectively stating the facts. He might indeed see some inappropriate content if he went up unexpectedly.

Since the girls were right, he had nothing to say, so he just had to obey them honestly.

Therefore, when faced with Xu Xian's sudden apology, Li Menglong himself was still a little resistant: "Well, why are you apologizing? Could it be that you have done something sorry for me?"

Xu Xian's purpose of coming was relatively simple, but after Li Menglong said this, she suddenly had the urge to confess everything.

Fortunately, the girls also rushed over at this time and hurriedly pulled Xu Xian behind. Then Lee Soon Kyu came over and asked nervously: "What did the maknae say to you just now?"

"I've said everything I need to say!" Li Menglong nodded pretending to be sure. He seemed to feel that he had caught something.

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