Pani really tried her best. The key is that she thought the whole thing was a joke. At least Li Menglong would hide away the first time. Who knew that the other party was so serious? Ni was frightened.

This is really not because Pani is timid. It would be the same for any girl who came here. Looking at his red and swollen palms and feeling the slightest pain, Pani didn't know what Li Menglong felt like opposite him. .

Even though Li Menglong's face could be as thick as a city wall, he still had to abide by some of the most basic rules. For example, when someone slaps him, his face will definitely hurt more than the other person's hands.

Sure enough, Li Menglong's cheek opposite him was already a little swollen, and a clear slap mark was clearly imprinted on it. After knowing each other for so many years, this was the first time Pani saw Li Menglong in such a mess, and it was still because of her!

The tears flowed down unsatisfactoryly. On the one hand, I was scared, and on the other hand, I felt a little distressed. I reached out my hand and tried to touch the other person's cheek: "Why don't you hide away! Are you stupid?"

Li Menglong's head is also buzzing now. To be honest, he didn't expect Pani to be so tough. Not to mention everyone cheating on each other, but it's always okay to have a little strength, right? What about fighting enemies here?

But it's meaningless to talk about it now. After all, there was a fight, and it was Li Menglong who started the fight. He should bear the main responsibility for the whole process, especially when Pani cried again, making him unable to even complain.

"It's not a big deal, just think of it as a facial massage!" Since he couldn't blame Pani, Li Menglong could only choose to act as a tough guy. At least he could gain some Pani's admiration.

It's a pity that Pani is still in such a mood now. She has already hurriedly looked for the medicine box. Of course, the more suitable ones are some anti-swelling items they used, but Pani hasn't reacted for a while.

This slap was a real slap. Now that he had been wronged, Li Menglong would not let go of those people who were chatting in the group.

First he saved the video, and then took a bunch of selfies of himself. Although he hangs out with girls every day, Li Menglong's selfie skills still haven't improved much, and the various angles of death are unbearable to watch.

However, Li Menglong didn't take any promotional photos, or even show them to his fans. He just needed to take photos of the proper details. Without any fraud, Li Menglong naturally had to give absolute evidence.

After sorting out all of this, Li Menglong started to bombard the group. To be honest, when everyone in the group saw this set of photos and videos, it was no longer a question of whether they believed it or not, but simply couldn't react. .

"Who sent this photo? Is it appropriate to come here in the middle of the night to scare people?"

"It looks like Li Menglong. Does he want us to use it to ward off evil spirits?"

"Everyone take a closer look. It seems that Li Menglong in the photo was beaten!"

After being reminded, everyone naturally became more serious, but they still didn't believe it. They didn't think highly of themselves. Why did Li Menglong send them such photos just to satisfy their bad taste?

"This photo is not photoshopped. You can watch the video. Pani is also in the photo!"

"Damn, you're actually serious? This slap makes my brain hurt!"

"No, what is this for? A slap challenge? Each of us has to record this?"

Li Menglong looked at the messages that flashed by quickly. He admired the memory of these people. He had forgotten the speeches made more than ten minutes ago, right? Fortunately, he still has evidence, so let him kindly remind these people.

So Li Menglong sent the screenshots of their euphoria just now, and named them one by one: "I won't give you overtime pay; I will donate this salary for you; the one who stood on his head, I didn't say no." It makes sense, you can wait until you have the urge to urinate before performing!"

As Li Menglong appeared again, everyone finally realized what happened. After all, Li Menglong saw their excitement, and in order to embarrass them, he did not hesitate to find someone to slap him. Why bother!

Is this really a case of injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred? Li Menglong is dragging them into the water even though he is suffering himself? Does the company lack their overtime pay and wages? But for individuals, this money will make them feel very distressed.

However, when everyone saw the last person named by Li Menglong, they suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable to spend money to eliminate disasters. Otherwise, if the promise of a Japanese five-speed electric fan was made at that time, how would they live for the rest of their lives?

As for regretting it, at least no one has thought about it yet. If Li Menglong, a company boss, can personally end his life, they shouldn't be unable to afford it.

But in a corner of their hearts, this group of people also had some dark thoughts. Everyone was eager to see what the guy who stood upside down and shit would do. If everyone kept their promise, it seemed that the other party had not broken the contract. What an excuse!

When Pani ran down with the medicine box, he saw Li Menglong giggling at the phone. Although he gasped from time to time because of the stinging in his cheeks, it still couldn't affect his good mood.

But in Pani's opinion, this was a sign of stupidity. Was her slap so powerful? Will she be responsible for Li Menglong for the rest of his life? In this way, she will have to save a double pension, so is she going to go out to accept advertisements?

Pani's thoughts flew far away for a while, but Li Menglong called her, and Pani came back to her senses again: "Oh, I'm here to deal with Oppa. Don't keep laughing, it will affect the swelling. What’s the speed!”

"How can that be done? I have suffered so much just to be happy at this moment. If you don't let me laugh, wouldn't this slap be in vain?" Li Menglong let Pani rub all kinds of things on his face Unknown drug, but still stubborn on the lips.

Anyway, this face belongs to Li Menglong, and he doesn't want to have it anymore, so there is no need for Pani to worry about him. Even though it was her fault, she is already trying her best to make up for it.

It's just that Pani is really curious about the content on the phone. Logically speaking, Li Menglong's laugh point is quite high. He can still laugh under such circumstances. This should be a particularly funny thing, so he can share it with her. Not for a moment?

"Are you curious about this kind of thing? You'll be disgusted by hearing about shit and piss!"

"You're not disgusted, so why are you guessing me? You should say it first. If you are really disgusted, then it's because I, Huang Meiying, don't have enough concentration!"

"Oh, there's just a guy who wants to perform a show of shitting in public!"

"Then what? Are you so happy?"

"I forgot to mention that he also stood on his head!"

Pani's action of applying Li Menglong's face stopped, mainly because he was imagining the possibility of this scene appearing in his mind, but no matter how he thought about it, it felt impossible. This was overcoming the gravity of the earth, which was against common sense!

"There are all kinds of wonders in the world, how do you know this is not someone else's special function!" Li Menglong pushed Pani's head: "Don't be jealous, let alone learn it. This requires extraordinary talent, which you don't have. What a talent!”

"How do you know that I..." Pani subconsciously wanted to refute, but it seemed that there was no need to argue about this matter. After all, she really didn't want to give it a try.

At this time, Pani didn't care about Li Menglong's face. He grabbed the phone and started browsing from the beginning. The more he looked at it, the more ridiculous it became. It would be fine for these people to collectively cheer in front of Li Menglong. It would be an ordinary company. Most of the reports are handled internally, and the authority of the leader is established and so on.

But in Li Menglong's case, he suddenly played a new trick. In order to take a gamble with these employees, Li Menglong was willing to go all out. After all, the slap mark is still on his face.

Pani couldn't say whether what Li Menglong did was right, but it did make people happy, and it was very easy to shorten the distance between everyone. At least at this moment, no one regarded Li Menglong as their boss.

"You're really going to make that person..." Pani only said half of what she said, because it would make her a little nauseous to say the whole thing. She thought Li Menglong was just joking.

"A joke? I've been slapped by you, now you tell me it's a joke?" Li Menglong looked at Pani seriously: "If he wants to pull this shit out today, it's best, otherwise I will definitely shit him out Type it out!"

Pani really feels sad for that person. It’s hard to say whether it’s the other person’s happiness when he meets such a serious and relaxed boss, but in short, at least in this matter, it’s definitely everyone’s misfortune. Woolen cloth.

After the commotion here for a while, the sky began to lighten up. A group of night owls felt that chatting through mobile phones was not straightforward enough, especially when the person was diving. In this case, do they want to chat in person?

Li Menglong still valued this group of heroes enough. Not only did they work so hard, but they also gave overtime pay, one month's salary, etc. in a noble manner. If such trivial things did not satisfy everyone, Li Menglong would feel that he was an evil capitalist.

So the fried chicken shop opened directly on the first floor of the company. There were probably no customers in the shop at this time. It was just convenient for them to continue chatting. Of course, Li Menglong also paid for the corresponding fried chicken. The overtime pay for just one person was estimated to be That's enough.

Seeing that Li Menglong was about to leave, Pani really wanted to remind him that it was not suitable for him to go out to meet people now. After all, it was an eyesore.

"What is this? Besides, everyone knows what happened. This is proof of my honor!" Li Menglong said confidently: "Besides, can it be more embarrassing than the man standing on his head?"

Pani tilted her head and thought about it. If she had to compare like this, then she had nothing to say. As a passive participant in this matter, Pani felt that she should also go over and take a look, just in case she could see something. The picture of challenging the limit seems to be more complete.

Pani really didn't just want to watch the fun. Firstly, she wanted to continue taking care of Li Menglong's cheeks as a nurse. Secondly, she also wanted to see where the limits of the human body were. This challenging spirit is very admirable.

Seeing Pani's anxious look, Li Menglong stopped exposing her. Anyway, so many people had passed by, and Pani was the only one left: "If you want to leave, hurry up, I won't wait for you to put on makeup." !”

"Oh, don't be like this. There are so many people here. Why don't I dress up more nicely to save face for you?"

"No need, I, Li Menglong, didn't earn my face by you, I earned it with my own slaps!"

Despite saying this, I finally gave Pani some time. Pani also knew him very well, so he just put on light makeup. But with that natural beauty, it was not bad at all, except that his face was slightly swollen. .

"I was slapped, why did you do this?"

"What do you say!" Pani glared at him angrily. She didn't get much rest this night. She was so frightened that she cried several times. How could the condition on her face be better? What the hell!

Li Menglong spread his hands. Although he thought he didn't have much responsibility in this matter, don't try to argue with a woman, otherwise he will always suffer the loss. Li Menglong is very experienced in this.

After the two sat in the car, Pani asked about what happened in that group. After learning that this group of people stayed up late and worked overtime temporarily because of them, she felt a little bit unbearable for a while.

Not only did these people sacrifice their rest time and suffer, but the key was that they were tricked by Li Menglong. Although Li Menglong also paid a lot, it seems nothing in comparison. Is this slap worth so much?

She wanted to persuade Li Menglong to give up the bet, but Pani also knew that it was impossible. After all, Li Menglong was in a very excited state. At least she couldn't stop it alone. If the whole team was here, they could still try.

In this case, we can only attack in a roundabout way. Li Menglong keeps collecting various bets, and Pani's idea is that she will make up for these in private. Isn't it just overtime pay and wages? She should be able to afford it. Bar?

Even if it doesn't work, you can unite with the other sisters. Everyone is relatively open-minded on this kind of thing, but money can make up for it, but the handstand one is a little difficult to deal with. At least Pani really can't think of anything. What's the remedy?

In her opinion, that person can already declare social death. Needless to say, if you choose to abide by it, there will be consequences. However, if you violate it, it will not be so easy. At least you will be severely despised by the people around you for a period of time.

Thinking about this all the way, I soon arrived at the company: "Did you drive to the wrong place? How could it be so fast? It's only been ten minutes!"

"Don't you look at what time it is now? Are there any cars on the way? Get off quickly, I'm really hungry!"

"Oh!" Pani agreed, but still subconsciously tugged on Li Menglong's sleeve: "Well, we are all colleagues. If the other party is really unwilling after a while, don't force him, okay?"

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