The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2257 Sense of Participation

If Pani just wanted to slap her twice in revenge, Li Menglong would have endured it, but it was inappropriate to use the knife. In order to prevent Pani from making an impulsive decision that she would regret for the rest of her life, Li Menglong stepped forward directly. Disarmed Pani.

Out of awe of the kitchen knife, or of course because of his body's instinct, in short, Li Menglong's knife action was extremely fast. Before the girls around him could see the action clearly, Pani was directly pressed face down to the ground. .

Li Menglong knelt on Pani's waist with one leg, and clamped Pani's hand holding the kitchen knife back with both hands: "Come over and put this kitchen knife back. This kitchen knife is used to cut vegetables alone, not meat." !”

The girls rarely refuted Li Menglong's terrible excuse. After all, they didn't want to see Li Menglong's blood splattered on the spot. Besides, Li Menglong deserved to be chopped down. If Pani went to jail for a few years because of this incident, it would be a shame. It's a bit of a loss.

In fact, Pani was just impulsively holding a kitchen knife to scare people, without intending to actually do anything. As a result, Li Menglong's reaction was so violent now, which made her feel very humiliated.

He tried to struggle on the floor, but naturally there was no possibility of escape. This action was a professional uniform action, especially if Li Menglong used more force, Pani's arm could be broken, and it was still here. struggle?

But just because the body is unable to move, it doesn't mean that Pani's mouth is also blocked: "Ah, Li Menglong, do you dare to let me go? Let's have a fair fight, the kind of life and death where each has his own destiny!"

"The kind where you go into the ring and sign a life and death certificate?" Li Menglong joked here: "Do you want to be beaten to death by me? This way of death is really painful. Do you want to consider changing to another one?"

"You fart, whoever beats you to death is another matter, let me go first!"

"I can let you go, but I must make it clear. You are not allowed to touch me. Men and women do not have sex. Haven't you heard?"

"Can you ride me now? I'm the one you're holding down!" Pani yelled here.

Although they knew that Pani's meaning was very simple, some well-informed girls were already blushing. These words were a bit too harsh. If they say a few more words, they might reach the nineteenth ban.

So under the mediation of the girls, the two finally reached a temporary peace. However, when Pani got up, he immediately kicked Li Menglong. Fortunately, he had anticipated it and avoided it in time. That’s all.

Next comes the sharing of the blame that everyone loves to see. Li Menglong does not admit that he has the main responsibility for this matter. After all, he is just a part-time worker, and everything is done according to the boss's requirements.

"Don't shirk your responsibilities. We hired you to arrest people. Who asked you to play a terrorist role?"

"It's all nonsense. I'm a man in the room arresting you women one by one. Isn't this a horror movie? Is there something wrong with my understanding?"

This is what Li Menglong is saying, but there are some truths. In fact, even if Li Menglong doesn't do so much, it will still have some terrifying effects. Strictly speaking, Li Menglong can only be regarded as being overly dedicated.

Of course, the girls were also very clear about his inner thoughts, but they really didn't want to argue with him, because they were all woken up by Pani, and they were more or less sleepy.

Without the strong support of the girls, there wasn't much that Pani could do. She looked at the group of sisters with great annoyance and felt that everyone had changed. Did the sisters agree to be of the same mind?

"The main reason is that your sisters are sleepy now. Do you think this will work? When we wake up, whether you want to cut Li Menglong into pieces or slices is fine. In short, it's up to you. This doesn't matter. ?”

Pani was naturally dissatisfied. After all, if you have a grudge, you have to avenge it on the spot. And with the procrastinating character of the girls, maybe the matter will be settled after it is over.

But she had no choice. She couldn't fight Li Menglong with a kitchen knife anymore, so she could only nodded unwillingly and made a compromise decision.

After seeing Pani's expression, the girls immediately dispersed. Kim Taeyeon subconsciously wanted to get into bed, but was pulled out by Li Menglong. Why not go back to her room to sleep? Addicted, right?

"Tch, the bed here is not big. I will have to change it to a big bed in a few days!" Kim Taeyeon muttered with resentment, but she knew that such a thing was impossible. After all, there were a total of 100 people in the room. With a place that big, there really isn't much extra space.

The girls all walked up one after another, and Pani was at the end. She looked at Li Menglong with a very unkind look. Maybe she wanted to use this to cause some trouble for Li Menglong, for example, to scare him to sleep for a while. Nothing like that.

But what kind of big nerves did Li Menglong have? Even if Pani really pretended to be a ghost and came to scare her, maybe Li Menglong would dare to shake his fist directly. Can't ghosts be beaten? It can only be said that he has not been educated by his fists.

But at least it was enough to scare Pani. Although it was not Li Menglong's original intention, it was only right to give her some compensation, so he waved his hand to Pani mischievously, signaling her not to go up first.

Pani herself is still hesitant. After all, after the experience just now, she is afraid that Li Menglong will do evil again. Fortunately, the trust over the years is still there, and she believes that Li Menglong will not be so inappropriate.

After hearing that there was no movement upstairs, Li Menglong ran directly to the refrigerator. After rummaging through it, he found a small box of vanilla-flavored ice cream at the bottom. Pani was really stunned.

After all, it was their decision to empty the ice cream in the refrigerator together, and everyone even watched the ice cream being sent out with their own eyes. Unexpectedly, something slipped through the net, and Li Menglong knew about it.

Pani really couldn't think about it. Was this something Li Menglong had hidden himself, or was it the private collection of other girls? But no matter what, she knew that the ice cream now belonged to her.

She didn't dare to go out, otherwise it would be bad if she was discovered by the other girls, so she just sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning against the refrigerator and took a delicious bite, her eyes were like crescent moons, and she looked very special of satisfaction.

Li Menglong also scraped the tip of her nose at the right time, and then said lovingly: "Don't you be angry with me now? In fact, Oppa still loves you very much. I really didn't know it was you there, I thought it was you." Where’s Lee Soon Kyu!”

"Huh!" Pani snorted. She would be damned if she believed this. However, Li Menglong did still love her very much. Maybe Li Menglong himself didn't expect Pani to be scared like this at the time, otherwise he would definitely accept it. hand.

Since he could no longer pursue the case and accepted Li Menglong's benefits here, Pani could only passively forgive him. Of course, he would not say it out loud and let Li Menglong think for himself.

There was only a small box of ice cream, and Pani didn't dare to wait too long, so he ate it all in less than two minutes. He burped happily and put his hands in his pockets. Up there, she seemed to be able to have a good sleep.

It's just that these people all went to rest one after another, but Li Menglong felt a lot more energetic. Since he didn't really want to go to bed, he should do some work. It happened that the kitchen was also in a mess. The dishes and chopsticks they had eaten last night were all gone. Not scrubbed yet.

He spent half an hour tidying up the kitchen. He originally thought he would be a little sleepy after working, but who knew that he would become more and more energetic. This is a bit anti-human. Is this his retribution?

Looking at the time, it was just after four o'clock. This time was so embarrassing that he couldn't even go for a morning run. He had to wait until dawn before exercising, so he could only sit on the balcony and stare at the sky in a daze.

But at a certain moment, he suddenly remembered something. It seemed that there should be a group of people who were also awake. Although he didn't know who these heroes were, since he had nothing to do, he might as well go and cheer them up. Seeing that the company's senior management was accompanying them They should be very touched by staying up late together, right?

The group of people Li Menglong thought of were the people who were working on the voting website overnight. In fact, if it was just a website, it would be relatively simple, but the logic behind it is a bit complicated. The simplest one is: how to distinguish whether the person coming is a person or not. What about girls’ fans?

You must know that this incident can be regarded as a benefit to fans. Very few fans can influence idols and companies to make decisions. This behavior is really rare, and it cannot be overstated.

In this case, not everyone can vote. This alone will probably make it difficult for a group of people to die. However, this is not something Li Menglong has to struggle with. As a senior executive, he can just use his mouth.

It is no longer too common for people to talk and break their legs. This time, more people worked overtime than Li Menglong imagined, because it involved power outages in some areas and various personal arrangements of employees.

Therefore, there are not that many employees who have electricity and are free. As for the departments, there are all kinds of strange things. But at this time, there is no qualification to be picky. As long as they are willing to work overtime, we will accept anyone.

Because everyone was not in the same department, they were temporarily put into a group. Even during this time, the group was still very lively.

"The front-end code has almost been written. I have to take a dump. Don't call me within half an hour. Let me die in the bathroom!"

"The fans forum has been communicating, and most of them are willing to provide registration lists. How many times have you used this trick to escape? Can you use another excuse?"

"Everyone give me another thumbs up, it should be over soon, and I have to have breakfast, half an hour is not too much, right? Is this an acceptable excuse? I hope the organization will approve it!"

After Li Menglong was pulled in, what he saw was this extremely strange dialogue. In the first half, he was still talking about business in a serious manner, and in the second half, he was just chatting and spanking. This way the work looked very efficient.

"Comrades, you have worked hard. The company will not forget your efforts. There will be bread and milk. A wonderful tomorrow is waiting for you!" Li Menglong came up and started to cook a pot of chicken soup.

I originally thought that these words could at least cheer up this group of people a little bit, but the effect was very mediocre: "Who is this new guy? He couldn't be the one who was just called to work by the company, right?"

"Did you fall asleep while pooping? There are all wage earners here. Who are you talking to?"

"If you are really the leader, can you help me give Li Menglong a slap in the face right now? I will definitely be 120% energetic and continue to contribute to the company!"

Li Menglong looked at everyone's resentment on the phone and felt that if he didn't slap himself, he would be sorry for these people: "So you all think the same way?"

This question instantly gained everyone's unanimous approval, but these people were just talking about it. Let's not talk about whether anyone dared to slap Li Menglong. This time alone was too late.

In this case, everyone seems to be talking more and more like bragging: "If you could see it, I wouldn't need overtime pay!"

"Overtime pay is nothing, I don't even want this month's salary!"

"I will stand on my head and shit for everyone to see..."

If Li Menglong still felt a little guilty just now, now he wanted to see what these people had to say after being slapped in the face. In order to prevent these people from denying their guilt, Li Menglong didn't even take photos of himself.

Pani was about to fall asleep in a daze, but there was a knock on the door. Who was this? She didn't lock the door. The girls could just come in if they wanted. Could it be that Li Menglong was scaring her again?

Perhaps because of eating ice cream, Pani felt that she was full of courage, so she opened the door and was about to confront Li Menglong. Who knew that the other party was more anxious than her and pulled her down directly.

"So you want me to slap you in the mouth now?" Pani really has a question mark on his forehead. What are you pretending to be, are you a fool?

"Yes, and it should be heavier. Don't feel sorry for me!" Li Menglong said firmly.

But did he have some wrong understanding that Pani would show mercy when he beat him? If she didn't dare to chop with a kitchen knife, but now she just slapped him, she had to use all her strength.

Pani didn't want to ask why. He should ask slowly after he finished fanning. Otherwise, what would happen if Li Menglong woke up? While Pani was warming up, Li Menglong put up the phone again.

This series of actions is really difficult for Pani to understand. Is this video going to be preserved as evidence? In order to take it out later to tarnish her image? But if that's the case, should we use some professional candid camera equipment to think that Huang Meiying is blind?

But Pani didn't want to worry so much anymore. No matter what happened, she, Huang Meiying, recognized it, as long as she could slap her out!

So Hupani took two steps back first, swung his right hand fiercely for a few times, and with the help of inertia and run-up, the whole Mount Tai rushed up. As for Li Menglong, he did not dodge, just to have a look at the group of people. He endured the shit-eating expression!

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