The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2190 Free replacement

Li Menglong believed that girls would carry knives with them when sleeping. Maybe they would want to stab themselves in the middle of the night, so as to reflect on why they had to do such a thankless thing.

This idea of ​​camping in the dormitory is really a bad idea. Although Li Menglong can understand girls' desire for camping, you can talk to him.

In the past, there was no time, no money, and no one was willing to take them out to play, but now Li Menglong is so easy to talk to. As long as they can please Li Menglong, anything can be discussed.

But why didn’t the girls say anything? They also have an account in their own minds. They know that the reality of camping must be different from what they imagined.

Even if you put aside these things, the road to camping alone takes several hours. Their time is also very precious. Wouldn't it be nice to sleep at home for a while? Even if it's not easy, it's good to play games. .

So today's girls are not fulfilling their dreams at all, they are clearly playing games, or they have bought things for so many years, wouldn't it be a waste if they don't use them?

Now that he has seen it clearly, Li Menglong doesn't plan to argue with these people. They can do whatever they like. As long as they don't burn down the house, it's up to them.

Without Li Menglong's restraint, the girls were obviously more relaxed. At least when Li Menglong fell asleep, it was still quite lively outside. It seemed that these people were playing games again?

Sometimes Li Menglong couldn't figure out whether these people were really tired or just pretending. They wanted to lie down on the ground when they were exercising, but now they became full of energy. Could it be because they ate meat?

With this little question, Li Menglong went to look for the answer in his dream, but he didn't know what he was dreaming about. He always felt very cold, and subconsciously wanted to pull the quilt over.

However, the corner of the quilt was touched, but no matter how hard I tried, the quilt didn't move. Could it be that I encountered the legendary ghost hitting the wall? To be honest, I was still a little confused.

But as he successfully opened his eyes, it seemed that all the mysterious things had nothing to do with him, and he immediately knew what was going on.

His quilt was pressed hard by Yoona. If that was the case, that would be fine. To be honest, it wouldn't be too cold without a quilt. After all, they were all wearing pajamas.

But now that he was sitting up, he could look straight at Yoona's back. It was obvious where he slept. He didn't even know whether he rolled down by himself or was kicked down by Yoona.

As for the fact that Yoona squeezed into his bed, it didn't surprise him at all. After all, he also knew the state of those people's tents. It would be damned if they could last all night.

He stood up and moved his stiff body a little. I have to say that if the body is strong, the recovery will be stronger. Although he is not completely normal now, he is much better than before going to bed.

I planned to go over and cover Yoona with a quilt, but then I realized that there was someone else in the bed. No wonder Yoona was just sleeping next to the bed, because there was no room inside.

After completely giving up the room to these few people, Li Menglong came to the living room and inspected it. The number of tents visible to the naked eye was much smaller. The remaining two were crooked like architectural miracles. Why is the Leaning Tower of Pisa there? They are all paediatrics in front of them.

Li Menglong was careful when he breathed, because he was afraid that the tent would be blown down by his breath, and it would be troublesome for these girls to complain.

Looking at the time, it was still a long time before these girls got up. These people really needed a good sleep in the past two days because of exercise and worry about Li Menglong.

In this case, Li Menglong reciprocated the favor. He picked through the extra parts the girls had on the ground and picked out some materials.

Fortunately, the supports of the tent were all outside, so there was no need for Li Menglong to go inside the tent to make repairs. Otherwise, this would not have been an opportunity for the girls to chop him with knives.

Although he tried his best to be gentle, someone was still woken up. Xu Xian opened the zipper of the tent and looked at Li Menglong with hazy sleepy eyes: "What is Oppa doing? Can't he sleep?"

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, just keep sleeping. I've already done it here." Li Menglong pointed at the rather strong tent and said.

Xu Xian couldn't see the whole tent because he tilted his head, but he trusted Li Menglong enough: "Well, if you need my help, be sure to call me. Good night, oppa!"

As she spoke, Xu Xian planned to retreat to the tent and continue to rest, but she always felt that she had missed something. Everyone had already lied down, but she immediately jumped up again.

"Oppa, have you recovered from your cold? Do you have the strength to do this?"

To be honest, Xu Xian's sudden move shocked Li Menglong, but then he saw the little girl's concerned eyes, and to be honest, he was still very touched.

He patted Xu Xian's head gently, and then made a strong man's movement, which made Xu Xian feel a lot more comfortable, and he showed a relaxed smile from the inside out.

After all, what she is most worried about today is Li Menglong's illness. She always feels that it is because she has not had a good relationship recently. Now it seems that she can put down all the burdens and go to bed, and there is no need to worry about the tent collapsing.

I have to say that Xu Xian's smile is really healing. It makes Li Menglong feel that he can sleep more soundly if he rests close to Xu Xian. If that's the case, then let's do it.

It was impossible to get into Xu Xian's tent directly. After all, there were other people there, but there were several tent ruins here, so he picked up a double tent and started repairing it.

After getting into the tent, especially after zipping it up, it really felt a bit like camping. Li Menglong even reflected on himself. He couldn't always regard girls as children with IQ problems. Occasionally, they are more reliable. of.

The tent had obviously been carefully decorated by its owner, and there was even a small starry sky night light projected on the tent. When you raised your head, you felt like you were seeing the starry sky, even though the starry sky was a bit watery.

Listening to the various white noises in the forest from the speakers nearby, smelling the faint aroma from the surrounding bedding, and feeling the temperature of Xu Xian not far away, Li Menglong was smiling when he fell asleep again.

But it seems that he is not suitable for sleeping today. Last time he was woken up by the cold, and this time he was woken up by being smashed. Who can bear it when he opens his eyes and the house collapses?

That is to say, Li Menglong still has some sense, otherwise he would have thought it was an earthquake. The whole tent was shaking crazily, and several figures of the culprits could be seen outside through a layer of cloth.

In fact, the girls did not hide their intentions. While they were taking action outside, they also kept talking: "I asked you to curse us last night, and your tent collapsed in the end!"

"Sisters, shake it hard. I won't want this tent after this."

"Humph, he also said that he didn't want to live in a tent, but he squeezed us out and slept here. He said, what did you do to me last night!"

Li Menglong sat in the small tent and didn't know where to start. Does Yoona's brain need to be formatted every day? Otherwise, you won’t remember what you did, right?

No matter how strong the tent was, it couldn't withstand the torture of these people. The girls finally uprooted the tent. Of course, the piece of cloth Li Menglong was sitting on was left behind. A good tent was destroyed in this way.

"I told you, you have passed it. This tent is also bought with money, don't waste it!"

"Tch, we bought it with our own money, why don't you know how to give us another one?" Yoona complained here.

To be honest, Yoona is not a wasteful child. After all, she did not grow up rich. Although she has more money now, she did not have such a lavish habit when she was a child.

I am doing this now because this tent is really too old. Even if I go camping, I have to buy a new one. I just take this opportunity to provide myself with a reasonable excuse. It seems that I don’t have to pay for it. This is considered a free replacement. ?

Seeing that Yoona could take advantage, the rest of the team were naturally unwilling to accept it. They were just thick-skinned. On this point, no one in the team was convinced by anyone.

"Did you also move our tent? Did you ask us? Did you get our consent?"

"Just tell me what you want. We are all so familiar with each other, so it's boring to do this." Li Menglong had given up resisting and lay down again, letting the girls push their terms.

I have to say that his lazy look makes people a little uncomfortable. Girls' Generation lacks the money for a few tents, and there are many fans who want to give them gifts, okay?

Now he gave Li Menglong a chance to please them, but he ended up with such an attitude, which made the girls feel quite unhappy.

"Ah, this is my quilt, why are you covering it up? You pervert!" Yoona seems to be very happy to play the vanguard role today. Was she stimulated last night?

However, Li Menglong would not fight back or scold him: "Otherwise, what would I cover? My quilt was snatched away by some gangsters. Do I deserve to freeze to death in the dormitory?"

"Whoever took it away is your target. What we are discussing now is our Yuner's quilt. Don't you know how important a quilt is to a girl? Yoona will probably not be able to get married in the future!" The girls were there to help.

It's just that after saying this, Yoona was a little embarrassed. The main reason was that the "gangster" seemed to have a surname of Lin. He couldn't scold himself and said, "It's not like I can't get married. I'm still very popular."

"If there comes a day when you cannot get married, it will definitely not be due to external reasons such as the quilt. You can analyze the specific reasons yourself. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Yoona was originally explaining to the girls, but now she had to point her finger at Li Menglong. Did these two groups have an agreement and come here specifically to cause trouble for her? Otherwise, why is there such a tacit understanding that Lin Yuner is doomed to be alone for the rest of her life in a matter of minutes?

A group of people were shouting back and forth here. If it were normal times, Xu Xian would have felt a little noisy, but today they were all watching with a smile, because Li Menglong's illness seemed to be cured. .

Now I can quarrel with the girls without falling behind. This at least proves that more than half of the disease has been cured. As for the remaining half, I still need to continue to observe it. If nothing happens, I should be able to see it soon.

"Don't stop me. Today you can choose between me or him, Li Menglong!" Yoona had already pounced on her as she spoke. She couldn't stand this grievance.

When he saw Li Menglong holding Yoona's ankle with one hand and making it impossible for Yoona to leave, Xu Xian was completely relieved. He seemed to have returned mentally and physically. It was great!

"Ah, your Ernie is being bullied, and you just know how to laugh here? Is this how we taught you?"

Sure enough, it is easy to be extremely happy and sad. Xu Xian reflected in his heart. As for the current situation, it is not difficult to deal with it: "Don't worry, Ernies. I'm going to take action right away. Just watch my performance."

Xu Xian didn't just shout a few slogans, the little girl just rammed her head into it like a bulldozer: "Li Menglong, take your life!"

This voice is still very powerful, but in Li Menglong's opinion, it is more like Xu Xian's reminder to himself. In this case, just cooperate with the little girl.

"Xiao Xian, don't wade into muddy waters. This is not something you can interfere with!"

"Yeah, don't threaten our maknae!"

"Continue, maknae, we are your strongest backing!"

"Come on Xiaoxian, be brave and hit him. It's best to die with him..."

Xu Xian didn't know who said the last sentence. Was it too revealing? Has she reached the level of being as annoying as Li Menglong in the team? This will make her a little frustrated.

But these are things that need to be considered later. The most important thing for Xu Xian now is to finish the play. With her head lowered, she could faintly see Li Menglong pointing his finger in the direction of the bathroom.

Although there was no communication, the tacit understanding was enough for her to respond. Li Menglong pressed one hand on her head, and then the two of them spun around twice like a top.

Then, following the force of Li Menglong's palm, Li Menglong was "pushed" by Xu Xian all the way to the bathroom. The other girls watched with excitement, but they were also a little suspicious. When did Xu Xian become so strong?

"Li Menglong is sick!" I don't know if he said it in a low voice. This makes sense. In other words, they were bullying the patient just now?

The girls feel a little uncomfortable when they think of this. They also call themselves heroes. They have nothing to say whether they win or lose in a fight with real swords and guns. Now they have made their own group of people very despicable. It's very similar. The villain in the TV series.

"What should I do? Or apologize to him?"

"Why? It's not like we took the initiative to provoke him. The best we can do is not let him pay for the tent!"

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