The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2189 Dormitory Camping

Li Menglong watched helplessly as the tent in front of him took shape little by little. Although the girls were very unfamiliar with their techniques, the question was not this: "Why do you have a tent? Is this also a collection?"

"How is it possible? It's not pink." Pani took the time to reply. She was looking at the extra connecting poles in her hand. The tent had been set up, so how could there be extra ones? How many extra tubes did the manufacturer send as spares?

"Idiot, of course you bought a tent to go camping." Yoona said with a fascination look: "Imagine living in the forest, warming yourself by the fire, listening to the chirping of cicadas, and looking at the stars, how romantic it is!"

"Are you not covered in dew, listening to the sound of mosquitoes buzzing in your ears, and enjoying the spectacular scenery brought by the heavy rain?" Li Menglong said very realistically.

Although these words are somewhat exaggerated, I have to say that what Li Menglong said is closer to reality. Imagine breaking away from all the conveniences brought by modern society and going camping in the mountains and old forests. This problem of a bathroom alone can be difficult Damn these girls.

And when did they go camping? Li Menglong himself didn't take them there. In this case, it was before he came.

First of all, we can exclude the trainee stage. How could they have such spare money during that period? With that money, they might as well eat, drink, and buy a tent?

Then the rest is the period after their debut, but it is unlikely no matter how you look at it. During the period when they first debuted, they were very strictly managed by the company. They even had access control hours at night, and they dared to stay up all night. Going camping?

After becoming famous, they have a certain degree of freedom and right to speak, but even if the company agrees, they themselves may not dare to do it. After all, with their popularity, accidents can easily happen when they are away from home.

"Oppa, don't think about it. Unnies haven't been there at all. They just bought these in advance and prepared them."

"How many years did it take to prepare for this?"

I have to say that Li Menglong’s words make it difficult to continue. Isn’t this exposing one’s shortcomings in person? Don’t the girls want to go camping? This is not allowed by objective conditions. They just know how to ridicule here, but don’t know how to help?

But in the end, Li Menglong didn't do anything. Firstly, he didn't have much strength, and secondly, he saw that the girls were obviously very interested. After all, setting up a tent can be considered a part of camping, right?

Although it may take some time before the camping plan of these girls can be realized, there is still no problem in trying it in the dormitory. But must these people have read the instructions?

There are obviously many kinds of tents here for the girls, single ones, double ones, and even super large tents that can accommodate four or five people, but no matter which kind they set up, they are all crooked.

This means that it is indoors where there is no wind and the temperature is suitable. If it is in the wild, these people's tents are really just decorations.

Without wind or rain protection, even if the weather is good, the tent may collapse by itself at some point. After all, everyone has a lot of spare parts left in their hands.

"What do you know? We are all geniuses at building tents. Ordinary people will use all the parts in every possible way, while geniuses will use their own creative thinking to rebuild it. You should learn from it!" Kim Taeyeon looked at it with her hands on her hips. I am very satisfied with my work.

Now that this group of people are so satisfied, it seems that Li Menglong doesn't need to go and ask for trouble. Besides, these people want to sleep in the living room because they care about him and appreciate it.

"Then I wish you all a happy camping in advance!" Li Menglong said with a smile, but there was another blessing in his heart that he didn't say: I also wish you in advance that the house collapsed in the middle of the night!

The girls didn't care at all about Li Menglong's sour words. They were all envious and jealous of them. After all, no one set up a tent for him, and no one even extended an invitation to her.

That's it for the rest of the girls. Xu Xian didn't invite Li Menglong, which was a bit surprising to the girls. After all, these two have always taken care of each other in the dormitory. Could it be that they had a falling out?

Little did he know that Xu Xian didn't want to live in the house, so how could he drag Li Menglong along to suffer the consequences? He refused to sleep on a comfortable bed and insisted on sleeping in a tent. Doesn't this mean he was sick?

As for taking care of Li Menglong, it's enough to send one or two people down here. It's okay to change shifts. Now it's clear that he just wants to satisfy his own selfish desires. He still has to find an excuse. It's hypocritical!

But just think about it yourself. Xu Xian didn't have the courage to say it. Even after the girls invited her, Xu Xian still showed a smile of gratitude from the bottom of her heart!

Just having a tent seems to be a lot worse. Girls have always wanted to be perfect in this kind of thing, but they have so few opportunities to truly experience it.

As a result, all kinds of express delivery they had accumulated in their daily life finally came into use. The ceiling night lights in the tent, the moisture-proof mats on the ground, and the stickers used to decorate the tent. In short, Li Menglong was dazzled by the miscellaneous items.

At the same time, he also secretly estimated over there that if the tent could originally last until midnight, its lifespan might only be one or two hours now. Even if he hung a night light, he wouldn't be afraid of it being smashed if it collapsed. To these people?

The girls didn't care about Li Menglong's opinion. They were now focused on adding camping elements, so the TV Li Menglong was watching was also taken away. The scenery of the wild was playing, and the background sound of the forest was playing around him.

After reaching this step, the girls finally stopped. It wasn't that they were satisfied, but that there was only so much they could do. They couldn't just dig a few trees down there now.

Standing in the distance and looking at the fruits of their labor, it was really gratifying. Maybe this is what real camping is like, but with so much more work added, they were getting hungrier.

"It seems like everyone will bake their own food when camping. We can't omit this most critical step!"

"Well, that makes sense. Although I'm not hungry at all and don't want to eat, I can't help it. It's all for camping!"

"It's better to sacrifice yourself. Even if you don't want to eat anymore, you still have to be considerate!"

If you just listen to the conversation of this group of people, you may think that the girls are also quite difficult, but you also need to combine their movements and expressions.

When you are talking, can you please stop taking out the meat from the refrigerator in a swarm? Can you calm down the smile on your face a little? Please don't drool over raw meat, it will look very perverted.

It is impossible to light a bonfire in the dormitory, but an electric oven can completely replace the bonfire. After all, both can provide heat and bake food. There is no difference at all.

While waiting for the pickled food to taste, the girls started the next camping activity. When it comes to camping, singing and playing games are indispensable, and there is even a so-called "blind date" session.

It's a pity that all the people here are women, but singing is still no problem. The level of professionalism here is good, it's very easy.

There was no need for a mobile phone to play the accompaniment. The girls simply beat the beat with their palms, and then the pure vocal versions of the songs slowly flowed out.

Although Li Menglong is not a fan of girls, he has to admit that at least at this moment, the charm of girls is quite great. It can only be said that this is the unique magic of music.

It's just that this extremely natural and almost heavenly sound is only appreciated by himself as an audience, which I have to say is a bit of a pity.

But in the end, Li Menglong didn't raise his phone to take pictures. The scene was really too beautiful. Whether it was the girls' singing voices or the way they sang, Li Menglong couldn't bear to disturb them. He just wanted to listen quietly.

But to Li Menglong, such a stunning scene was just a daily routine for the girls. They didn't think there was anything special about singing just now. Eating was obviously more important than singing.

"Is the temperature of the oven ready? Put the meat on it quickly, and remember to sprinkle some more chili peppers!" Kim Taeyeon urged over there impatiently.

Such a contrast really made Li Menglong unable to adapt, and he even took the initiative to ask: "Please, can you sing another song? It's really nice!"

"Nonsense, do you think our singing is good?" Kim Taeyeon rolled her eyes at him. There weren't many people who praised their singing. Li Menglong was really no less good.

As for singing another song, it is not a big problem, but as the smell of meat fills the air, the girls are busy swallowing their saliva, and they are not in such a mood at all: "I owe you for now, I will be in a good mood another day I’ll sing it to you when the time comes!”

"Someday..." Li Menglong recited silently twice. It is estimated that there will be no time for this another day. At least it is not common for girls to sing so quietly.

No one cares about what Li Menglong is talking about. Anyway, he can just say what he wants. How can the girls keep his mouth shut? This meat is not even enough for them to eat!

Because the meat has been cut into thin slices in advance, it cooks very quickly. However, the electric oven is not very big, and the meat slices in the pot above are obviously not enough for everyone. This involves a matter of order.

If you're not too hungry, it's okay to go by age, but now who knows each other, they might even fight over a piece of meat, so don't count on this, it's better to rely on yourself.

Li Shunkyu had obviously made a plan for a long time. When everyone else was looking for chopsticks, she first put her fingers in her mouth to moisten them, and then used a ruthless iron hand, which really knocked Li Menglong over there. You look stupid, aren’t you just eating meat? What’s wrong?

Of course, that's it, especially if you can put the meat in your mouth first, the satisfaction is really unparalleled, but the price is that your hands are slightly burned, but you can bear it.

The other girls rarely criticized Li Shungui this time. Firstly, they had to prepare for war, so they had no energy to blame her. Secondly, Li Shunkyu also relied on his own ability, at least the girls admired her.

I have to say that the risk Li Soonkyu took was worth it. The other girls were fighting so hard that they almost knocked over the electric oven. Even Li Menglong was frightened to see it.

Of course, there is no reason for the girls to be so impulsive. On the one hand, they are indeed very hungry, and to the point of starvation. Secondly, the meat itself is not much, and each person cannot share a few slices on average.

It's not that there's no meat in the refrigerator. Girls are very generous with their food. The refrigerator is always full, and it's the type that can last for two days even if you open a barbecue restaurant.

Eating less now is entirely their request for themselves. Regardless of whether it is voluntary or not, they have worked hard to keep fit, and their sore muscles are the best proof.

Now that they have endured all the suffering, they also want to see a satisfactory result. They are not exercising so hard just to eat meat happily.

To be honest, if they were asked to choose between working out and not eating meat, they would definitely choose not to eat meat. It would be better to lie half-starved in the dormitory than to sweat like rain in the gym.

What they care about most now is undoubtedly the image that appears in front of the camera. This is the reason for them to persist. Eating meat can only be regarded as a small incidental benefit.

In this case, they will naturally not be enlarged because of their small size. They can just eat two pieces of meat to satisfy their cravings. If they want to be full, they should just dream about it. They will be ready to rest in a while.

"Do you want to eat some? If you want to eat, go to the balcony and bake it alone. Don't stay in the room. The smell is too strong." After the girls ate all the bottom of the bowl, they remembered Li Menglong and asked rudely. .

Fortunately, Li Menglong really had no appetite now, so he just waved his hand to indicate that they could clean up the mess.

To be honest, seeing them eating so many pieces of meat with so much effort, Li Menglong felt a little guilty for them, but he couldn't stop the girls from willingly doing so.

I can only say that although everyone lives under the same roof, there is still a lot of "generation gap". In this case, it is better to be out of sight and out of mind. Go back to sleep quickly, otherwise he may be blamed for the tent collapse later. on the head.

"We also have a tent upstairs. If you want to experience it, I can lend you one. Don't think about coming over in the middle of the night!" It's hard to say whether it's to show off or to threaten, but the girls have been telling him.

Li Menglong really wanted to say that he didn't want to live in such a "dangerous house" for free, but there was one thing to say: when there were girls in this tent, it was still somewhat attractive.

"How about everyone squeeze in..." Li Menglong really just said it in fun. After all, he couldn't turn a blind eye to the "performance" of the girls.

But this group of girls pretended to be confused and covered their mouths in an exaggerated manner, shouting: "I told you that you had bad intentions. Now your true colors have been exposed!"

"How can a gangster stay hidden forever?"

"I'm warning you, we all sleep with knives..."

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