The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2168 Real Company

The landlady was still hesitating about what to say, but she saw Li Menglong snickering across from her. How could she bear this? She thinks this is all Li Menglong's bad idea, otherwise would Xu Xian be so "bad"?

In this case, he didn't care about the camera. He raised his fist and rushed forward. Li Menglong didn't dare to fight back, so he could only run away with his head in his arms.

But he didn't run far away, he just dodged back and forth around the group of people. The cameraman naturally wanted to capture this scene, so the camera was in chaos for a while.

Xu Xian is also a little stupid. What is this? She did the interview to promote the company. Don't let this have the opposite effect. You don't think these two are fighting among themselves, do you?

"Oppa, don't run away!" Xu Xian naturally didn't dare to tell the boss's wife, so he could only come over to restrain Li Menglong, and even took the initiative to pull him when he ran over.

Li Menglong himself didn't want to run away. After all, it was still a bit embarrassing, so he stood directly behind Xu Xian, holding her shoulders with both hands, using Xu Xian as a shield.

"Yeah, Li Menglong, get out of here quickly, otherwise..."

"You are on TV, so you can't say bad words." Li Menglong kindly reminded him from behind, but this just added fuel to the fire.

The boss lady, who originally had no intention of cursing, became completely angry. After all, with this sentence as a foreshadowing, everyone would be able to figure out what she was going to say next, so her reputation was ruined like this?

"Li Menglong, you die!" As he spoke, the landlady punched him, and Li Menglong subconsciously moved his "shield" in front of him.

To be honest, he regretted it the moment he made this move. It was really a subconscious reaction of his body, otherwise he wouldn't have used Xu Xian to block it, which would be heartbreaking.

With Xu Xian screaming "Ouch", the chaotic scene finally became quiet. Everyone stared at Xu Xian, who was covering his face with his hands, until a drop of bright red liquid dripped down.

"Bleeding?" Li Menglong was really panicked. He hurriedly held his hands to catch Xu Xian's nosebleed. Is this necessary?

The boss lady should calm down, don't worry about how to deal with the aftermath, and deal with the situation on Xu Xian's side first. If it's a nose bleeding, it's a little better. Once it's a cut on the cheek, that's a big problem.

"It's okay, my nose is just a little sore." Xu Xian breathed slowly, but nosebleeds and tears still flowed uncontrollably. It wasn't that she wanted to cry, but that her nose was too sore.

After Xu Xian's words, the scene became too relaxed. Li Menglong grabbed the tissue from the side and carefully tried to wipe Xu Xian's nosebleed, but was kicked away by the landlady. He was so clumsy that he could do it What?

Whether he was beaten or Xu Xian was beaten, Li Menglong did not dare to say a word. After all, he really regarded the boss's wife as his sister. This accidental injury can only be regarded as Xu Xian's bad luck, or it was calculated. So can his head.

Naturally, Xu Xian knew this, so his attitude was always very kind, and he took the initiative to help the boss lady: "Don't worry, Ouni. I must be a little tired recently. I guess you should be dead if you don't give me this blow." Time for a nosebleed.”

"Forget it, what I hit is what I hit. I'll give it back after a while. I can't let you suffer." The boss's wife looked like a gangster, but how dare Xu Xian do it.

After a small misunderstanding, the filming was finally able to resume. Of course, I had been filming before, but I didn’t know if the other party would release it.

Naturally, Xu Xian will not be as exaggerated as on TV. For example, there are two wads of paper stuck under her nose. Now the tip of her nose is just a little red and she sniffs from time to time. She is not that fragile.

"During the filming process, we ate the fried chicken in the store more than once. They were all the freshest. Everyone was very happy eating on set. It can be said that this was a reward for our hard work, so it was very Thank you, Ernie." Xu Xian took the initiative to introduce here.

"I don't agree with this. These are gifts only after I or the fans place an order. We all spent real money. How about it be counted on others?" Li Menglong is still here. seek death.

"No, Unnie himself came to deliver it twice later." Xu Xian said, and there was a slight hint here: "Friendly reminder, the proprietress will also make a guest appearance later, if you are interested If so, you must stick to the live broadcast!”

This news is really unacceptable to Li Menglong. It is very common for celebrities to occasionally make guest appearances while visiting the cast. When can amateurs also make guest appearances?

Besides, he and the landlady have known each other for so many years, and he still knows whether the other party has acting talent. Could this be Xu Xian being threatened, a power-for-money deal?

Although Li Menglong didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes was quite obvious. The landlady looked increasingly displeased with him, and of course she was a little shy.

As a good boss who is committed to selling delicious fried chicken to more people, she naturally concentrates on running her own store. It can be said that apart from the occasional star chasing, there is nothing that interests her too much.

Being a guest star as an actor is undoubtedly something she never dreamed of. It can be said that when she received the invitation from Seohyun, her first reaction was that she was joking.

But Xu Xian is quite sincere. The landlady has come alone to deliver fried chicken more than once, and she has absolutely no utilitarian intentions, she just loves her. After all, she is so lovable, and with Li Menglong’s relationship, so Love the house and the wuma.

The more this happens, the more Xu Xian naturally wants to repay the other person. Of course, emotional matters must be repaid emotionally, but it might not be possible to get some small benefits.

Xu Xian's main thought was that actors might be relatively new to ordinary people. As a sister who went to get autographs from idols on behalf of the boss's wife, she felt that the boss's wife might be interested.

Furthermore, TV dramas can also be regarded as a publicity platform. Although they cannot be given too long, there is still no problem with one or two scenes to promote fried chicken. As a director, is this considered using power for personal gain?

Xu Xian did not really care what others said. After all, her identity was here and no one would embarrass her in this regard. However, the boss lady herself was quite resistant, mainly because she felt that ordinary people would not be able to do the job of being an actress. .

There is nothing wrong with this point of view, but if actors are regarded as a profession, the threshold is actually not high. It can be said that everyone is born with the ability to perform.

However, it is difficult to find a job with this ability. It does require a certain amount of talent, hard work, and of course luck, but this all refers to real actors.

It would be much simpler if he was just a bit player, and Xu Xian stole a trick from Li Menglong, so there is no problem in playing himself, right? Just show your normal state.

Xu Xian was fooled into boarding the boat in a daze. Afterwards, the proprietress still felt that it was inappropriate, so she secretly communicated with Xu Xian and asked him to delete the scene.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xian promised well at that time, but now he told her that she had not deleted it. How could this child with thick eyebrows and big eyes start to learn to lie? It must have been taught by this bastard Li Menglong.

"Look what I'm going to do? There's no role suitable for you in my movie. I'm famous for being impartial and selfless, and I'll never give others a backdoor." Li Menglong said righteously.

It's just that you don't have to talk about yourself. It's hard to deceive outsiders. Li Menglong is famous for being willing to cooperate with people he knows, so he just said that this movie is good and asked nine girls to make it together. Protagonist, does this count as a backdoor?

Seemingly aware of the rejection from everyone around him, Li Menglong could only start to change his words: "But it's not impossible if you insist on coming, but you can't be alone on the set. When the time comes, will I scold you or hit you? , you have to endure it!"

The landlady couldn't bear it anymore, and she waved her hand towards the camera to stop filming. Then she picked up the mop from the wall, kicked the mop rod in half, and then rushed up with the mop rod in her hand. This was to Beat someone to death?

Li Menglong was not so leisurely this time. After all, he could see how angry the landlady was. If he didn't run away, he would be beaten to death, but even two hits would hurt.

So he ran away, and ran directly upstairs. Xu Xian and the waiters were comforting the boss lady downstairs. As for the camera crew, they didn’t know how to take pictures for a while, or what they would take. Can it be broadcast?

Xu Xian really regrets it. If she had known earlier, she would have been better off accepting the interview honestly. Now she is very tired, especially since the filming has just begun.

As the current temporary "host" and Li Menglong's good sister, Xu Xian consciously had to take responsibility after Li Menglong ran away.

If she hadn't stopped her, the boss's wife would have caught up with him long ago. Of course, the whole process was very tiring for Xu Xian. She was hanging tightly on the boss's body like a pendant and had to be held back.

Fortunately, the boss lady recovered her sanity relatively quickly. The main reason is that the camera flashes in front of our eyes from time to time, and everyone will subconsciously care about the image.

Realizing that the person in his arms was losing strength, Xu Xian also let out a heavy breath, and regardless of his image, he shook his arms and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He should have eaten more.

"Xiao Xian, come here. Ernie wants to tell you something." The landlady waved to Xu Xian with a slight guilty conscience.

"What's wrong Unnie?"

"Can the clip just now be deleted? Go and talk to the program team. Otherwise, you can reshoot it."

Xu Xian blinked and didn't know how to reply for a moment. Although programs can be operated in this way, similar situations are becoming increasingly rare.

After all, today's variety shows emphasize real variety shows, and many subconscious reactions will become the point of laughter. At least in Xu Xian's view, the episode just now was very exciting, although the person involved did not think so.

However, the landlady asked, Xu Xian will naturally give it a try, but the result brought back is not so perfect: "They promised to delete it as appropriate, mainly to see if there are more interesting paragraphs later, but they will definitely maintain it. of your image.”

"Is that so..." the proprietress said in a long voice, wondering if she was going to help or something, and she must push this part down.

With the high hopes placed by the landlady, Xu Xian led the camera crew up. Of course, he was still introducing to the camera along the way: "There are many departments on the second floor, but today I want to take you to the Menglong Oppa office. The place."

"Does Li Menglong also need to go to work?" PD asked curiously, perhaps because he had learned about the structure of SW in advance.

"Of course, otherwise how would everyone on the TV series and movie crew communicate and communicate?" Xu Xian said with a smile, "Even I have worked here for a long time, and I still have a seat there. .”

While talking, Xu Xian led everyone in. The people in the office were naturally familiar with Xu Xian. Xu Xian didn't lie. She had really worked here for a long time.

So even if she is a big star, but she has been working for a long time, at least everyone will not stand up excitedly when they see her. But just when she wanted to say hello, she saw the camera behind Xu Xian. What is going on?

"Isn't Menglong Oppa here? But it doesn't matter." Xu Xian looked around and explained: "This is the program team who came to shoot. The main reason is to know the stories and staff behind the scenes. You can't escape. Oh."

Different from the slightly shy atmosphere at the boss lady's place, here they are all young people, and their work is related to these, so they have no sense of awe for the camera.

As a result, a group of people immediately rushed up, and they were not idle: "What kind of program is this? What are the ratings? Will many people be able to see me?"

"Mom, I'm on TV, can you see me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you, but can you show me your work ID?"

"If the company's leaders can see it, can you please pay overtime pay?"

For a moment, everything was said here, and the contrast with the one downstairs should not be too great. The photographer was so frightened that he took a few steps back. If the group of people in front of him were not still somewhat rational, he would have turned around and ran away.

Xu Xian really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What's going on? In such a huge SW company, there isn't even one person who can accept interviews normally?

However, it is useless to talk too much. It is reasonable to deal with this group of people first: "Calm down, everyone. Because the program is limited in duration, we can only interview one person. In everyone's opinion, who is the most suitable representative."

After hearing this, the scene was quiet for a few seconds, and then there was an even louder explosion: "Of course it's me. I'm also the assistant screenwriter for your script. I'm very good at making up stories."

"I'm a cameraman. I know what angles are good for the camera. Give me a chance!"

"This is not a beauty pageant. It's me. I'm the reporter. I know a lot of behind-the-scenes gossip. What do you want to hear..."

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