The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2167 The hero behind the scenes

Of course Xu Xian couldn't run away from Pani with Yoona on her back. Besides, she didn't want to run that fast. She was bullied by Yoona after all, wasn't she? Although it's hard to fight back, there is always no problem in retaliating through the hands of others. of.

With Xu Xian's deliberate humility, Pani hurriedly broke into the practice room. The room was much livelier than she imagined. The girls were chatting or playing with their mobile phones there. It seemed that everyone was busy. wake up?

"Huh? Why are you in such a mess? Are you being chased by a dog?"

Pani didn't know what to say about Kim Taeyeon's strange brain circuit. This was a company, where would there be a dog?

"That's not true. I was bullied by Yoona. You have to make the decision for me!" Pani cried here in a rather exaggerated way. Of course, forget the tears. She is not like Yoona who just wants to cry. The ability to cry.

It's just that the situation that everyone imagined swarming in to help didn't happen. This is wrong. After all, she, Huang Meiying, can be regarded as a member of the eldest sister circle in the team. Doesn't this protect the overall interests?

"At least you should tell me what happened first. Let's hear how Yoona bullied you." Lee Soon Kyu asked without raising his head.

This is somewhat out of Pani's expectation. Since when do girls need to hear the details of bullying their younger sisters? Isn't it their style to just give an excuse and take action?

But it's useless to say more. Maybe these people are kinder today. Pani can only comfort himself in this way. As for the specific story of what happened, of course it is how miserable it is.

In Pani's narration, Yoona was simply heinous, but just in the middle of the sentence, Yoona rushed over: "That's not what happened. Don't believe her, guys!"

While talking, Yoona jumped off Xu Xian's back, and Xu Xian sat down on the ground. She was really tired. If she really wanted to complain, wouldn't she be more qualified?

The next step is the war between Yoona and Pani. The girls on the other end of the listen are dazed. If both sides are not lying, then it can only be said that neither of them is a good person, and they will be punished together. rhythm.

Fortunately, Pani realized this in time, so he decisively chose to throw a big move: "Yoona wants to eat alone. This is always true. The maknae also heard it."

This was a good opportunity to add insult to injury. Besides, Xu Xian was just stating the facts. She couldn't be said to have done anything bad, so she nodded without hesitation.

Yoona glared at Xu Xian fiercely, and then ignored her. Pani had said so much before, but she couldn't match the power of this sentence. She knew the group of people in front of her too well. This kind of thing was basically Intolerable.

"Okay, Yoona. It's been hard after enduring it for so long. Do you finally want to leave us and go solo?"

"Our team is indeed holding Yoona back. You can rest assured and go, Unnies will not blame you!"

"I wish you a bright future and always sunny days!"

Yoona was almost dumbfounded. She was just going to have something to eat. Why did she feel like she was going to quit the group? No, to be precise, she was kicked out of the group. She couldn't be like this!

Of course, it is not impossible for Yoona to develop on her own. After all, she already has a foundation as an actor. By doing some variety shows and then singing songs, this can be considered an all-round development.

But the pressure would be great, and a team would naturally have its benefits. Besides, she couldn't bear to leave this group of people, even though they always bullied her.

"Onies, I'm actually not hungry at all. It was Li Menglong who deliberately tempted me. I didn't notice it for a moment and was deceived." Yoona lowered her head as if admitting her mistake.

The girls naturally have to forgive her. After all, Yoona is still young. It is okay to be tempted by a cunning and cunning person like Li Menglong occasionally. As long as she can turn around in time, she is still their maknae.

Li Menglong, who was watching the show on the side, was a little stupid. Does this have anything to do with him? He also said that he was the one who seduced Yoona, but he just mentioned that. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Yoona posted it herself.

Just explain it, it's not like these people don't know the truth of the matter, but this society is so cruel, Li Menglong should just be a bad guy.

Li Menglong didn't have much extravagant expectations for this group of people, but he still had to ask symbolically. This was a sign of professionalism: "Who has no schedule for this afternoon? If you are hungry, you can go down and have something to eat."

It was a simple routine question, and Li Menglong was ready to be ridiculed, but why was the atmosphere a little weird, as all these people were looking at each other.

"Ahem, Li Shungui seems to have nothing to do in the afternoon. Otherwise, if you go and eat some first, we won't have any ideas."

"I'll forget it, but Kim Taeyeon will be doing interviews in the afternoon, so it's okay for you to eat some."

Do these two people treat everyone else as fools? Or should I perform a double act here? These two people's harmony is obviously to create reasons for each other, and the trend is getting worse.

"You are already very tired this morning. Besides, you have hypoglycemia. You will faint if you keep going."

"No matter how hard or tired I am, I can't compare to yours. How much energy you have put in for us this whole day. Go and eat quickly. None of us will have any objections."

"If this is what everyone expects, then I have no choice but to do it..." Kim Taeyeon had a tangled look on her face, as if she was making a lot of determination. If it doesn't work, she might as well just laugh out loud. It's so uncomfortable to hold it in.

But even though these two are eldest sisters, this group of people can still unite when they should resist. Especially in this situation, how can they be allowed to eat alone.

As a result, the originally quiet practice room became completely noisy. Li Menglong looked at it and it seemed that no one wanted to eat. In this case, he had better leave first, otherwise he would easily become a target if he stayed.

But as soon as he walked out, Xu Xian stopped him from behind: "Oppa is too bad. After letting the sisters quarrel, you just left by yourself?"

"Don't blame me randomly. I'm just doing it on a routine basis. Who knows these people will get into a fight."

"Huh, I know what you think anyway." Xu Xian didn't intend to continue discussing this issue. Her sisters would quarrel with each other no matter what happened. This is how relationships are strengthened.

But after walking downstairs, Li Menglong realized that Xu Xian had followed him downstairs. Doesn't this mean that the final winner was Xu Xian?

Li Menglong took a deep look at Xu Xian. This kid has been bad at learning recently. Does it mean that even good people can't be directors? Or is it easy for people to learn bad things as a director?

Xu Xiancai didn't care what Li Menglong thought, she was just struggling with what to order. She couldn't eat too much, just to satisfy her cravings, or to eat some chicken.

So five minutes later, Li Menglong was there holding the fried chicken and feasting on it, while Xu Xian tore off the fried chicken breast and then rinsed the chicken in water before eating it.

"Oh, why don't you do this? It makes me feel bad. It doesn't matter if you eat less!"

"No, it doesn't matter if you eat less now. It doesn't matter if you eat less tomorrow. Then when will it matter?" Xu Xian replied very rationally. After all, she understood this idea very well. Don't give yourself any excuses in the first place. .

As for Xu Xian's "abuse" of herself, it's not all because she has to take photos in the afternoon, but because she has been controlling her weight recently.

Who told her to gain weight during her time as a director? She also felt very speechless. She obviously worked hard, but she gained a lot of weight after the filming. Who can explain this?

As for why I got fat, it's actually very simple. It was just that I was too stressed at the time and always liked to eat sweets. Plus, I had to eat three meals a day on time during filming. Being a director doesn't involve much physical labor. It would be a shame if I didn't get fat.

In this case, if you are fat, you have to lose weight. After all, she is turning from a director to an actor. Although Li Menglong didn't say anything, she has never relaxed her requirements for herself.

Just like the girls are filming for her, Xu Xian doesn't want to embarrass Li Menglong, and doesn't want to put more pressure on Li Menglong because of herself. She is fully worthy of the opportunity given by Li Menglong!

Although he didn't know Xu Xian's inner thoughts, Li Menglong just felt very distressed. He had lost his appetite for food, and this scene was filmed by reporters around him. It was probably a small hot spot the next day. .

The work in the afternoon is easier than in the morning, mainly because the density is not so high, and there are many people here among the girls, so everyone can at least take turns to rest.

But this does not include Seohyun. On the one hand, Seohyun is topical as a director, and reporters are willing to interview her. On the other hand, it is Seohyun's own sense of responsibility.

As a director, she really wants to do more for this drama. Even if she is a little tired, as long as she can maintain good ratings, she feels it is worth it.

Naturally, Li Menglong couldn't stop her. After all, this was Xu Xian's responsibility as a director, and it was also his helplessness as a director.

"What's next? Is it an interview?" Xu Xian sat down against the wall and closed his eyes slightly. It was obvious that the child was very tired.

"If you really can't let Yoona and the others do it for you, I'll go talk to the show team. It should be okay."

"Program team? What kind of program is it?"

"This is an entertainment news program from MBC. This time I want you to take a tour of the company, and then briefly interview the people behind the scenes related to this TV series." Li Menglong turned over the book and introduced here.

"This idea is very good. It can not only introduce everyone behind the scenes to the audience, but also promote the company. It must not have been proposed by the program team, right?" Xu Xian said quite firmly.

After all, she is someone who has done many programs, and she knows the thoughts of the program team very well. The first thing they pursue is undoubtedly the ratings. While the ratings can be guaranteed, it would be great if they could relax a little bit.

Obviously it was enough to interview her Seohyun directly, but now it has to be extended to the entire company including many people behind the scenes. This is obviously a bit thankless, and the company must be involved in the planning.

"Such a good idea cannot be given to Yoona and Unnie." Xu Xian joked here. Of course, the real idea cannot be so utilitarian.

Mainly because of her status as a director, it would make sense for her to introduce everyone behind the scenes. Otherwise, even if Yoona had the guts to step in, Yoona wouldn't know many interesting things about the other party during the filming.

"Then this is the last one, listen to me!"

"Okay, thank you Oppa for your concern." Xu Xian said with a smile: "But has the interviewer been decided? I need to say hello to everyone in advance, otherwise everyone will be nervous."

"You're not just a passerby on the street. You don't need to ask for their consent. Just go to whoever you like. If you dare not accept an interview, your salary will be deducted!" Li Menglong said fiercely.

Xu Xian just believed that. In this case, she would start to simply plan the list. She would even be responsible for the questions to be asked and the interesting things to be revealed. It seemed that she was both the host and the planner. Woolen cloth.

Fortunately, Xu Xian really likes this itinerary. She has always believed that if this drama can have some small success, the credit cannot simply be attributed to her, she is just a part of it.

"Hello everyone, my name is Seohyun from Girls' Generation. Can you see the building behind me?" Seohyun said while standing in front of the SW door: "This is our company. You can listen to whatever you say." Did you tell me?"

Seohyun, as if reciting his lines, reported SW's artists, productions, and subsidiaries. He didn't know if it would be edited during the broadcast, but as an artist of the company, his attitude must be made clear.

"Today I'm not only going to show you the company, I'm also going to introduce you to the heroes behind the TV series. Let me lead you in now." Xu Xian waved, turned around and ran over quickly, full of youthfulness.

"On the first floor is the fried chicken restaurant that our company is proud of. We dare not say that we are the best company, but we are sure that we have the best fried chicken restaurant." Xu Xian began to brag. , which made the landlady stunned for a moment. Is this girl crazy?

You must know that there was no advance notice for this shooting. According to Li Menglong's intention, he wanted to collect everyone's most authentic reactions, so the camera was directly pointed at the boss lady at Li Menglong's suggestion, and Xu Xian also rushed to her side in time.

"This is our most beautiful and kind-hearted boss lady. She feeds our entire company by herself." Xu Xian winked playfully: "As for what the TV series has to do with her, then... Let Ernie tell you himself."

Even though the landlady is usually fearless, she is still a little shy when facing the camera. She stutters and talks, which makes Li Menglong feel secretly happy for a while. Do you have this day too?

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