The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2156 Lowering Expectations

Although I have watched this episode countless times, it is no exaggeration to say that Seohyun can recite every scene and line at any time.

But this time I still have some different feelings. Maybe it’s because of the live broadcast, or maybe it’s because I’m watching it with everyone. In short, it feels weird now.

There is relief after working hard, and there is also the anxiety of looking forward to the final result, but it is more of a kind of satisfaction. She really took the work she wanted to shoot.

Xu Xian knows that she is a little willful, especially when it comes to the rhythm and plot of TV series. She is not a novice who doesn't understand anything.

After all, she has studied with Li Menglong for so long, and Li Menglong has always done a good job of balancing business and artistry. She naturally knows what the audience likes.

It is said that Li Menglong has never thought that pleasing the audience is a shameful thing. The so-called artistry also requires art that the audience can recognize. No one goes to see what kind of art it is.

So to a certain extent, Lee Mong-ryong can be regarded as one of the more utilitarian directors. For this reason, Lee Eun-hee may be my favorite. After all, this kind of director is really a treasure.

Xu Xian was naturally influenced by Li Menglong. During the filming this time, the script was changed again and again. At least the first version was as good as everyone expected.

The love story of the stars, the grievances and resentments behind it, coupled with some funny passages, not to mention the fact that there are so many stars as bonus, it is difficult to fail in this kind of script.

But this is not the story Xu Xian wants, especially as her preparations continue to deepen, she becomes more and more convinced that this is definitely not what their debut should be like.

This has been a circle of continuous survival of the fittest since the beginning of the trainees. Winner takes all is the main theme of this circle. Under every popular combination, there must be buried the bones of countless combinations of the same period.

Xu Xian is not deliberately making the audience unhappy, nor is she using this relatively depressing plot to show off her so-called style. She just wants to film something that tastes like reality.

It would be fine if she didn't know anything about this industry, but she has experienced these things personally. She feels that since she has chosen to film a TV series with such a theme, she has the responsibility and obligation to reflect a little bit of real problems.

Is Tara in the TV series miserable? This is understandable, it is indeed tragic!

Although they didn't mention the hardships they had during their trainee days, it's not easy to think about it. The life after debut was probably what supported them to persevere.

As a result, their lives have not improved since their debut, but this is not the most extreme thing. After all, they can imagine their own popular future.

Everything they suffered had at least one hope to rely on. When their hope was shattered, that was the heaviest blow to them.

They announced their disbandment immediately after one album. This was the fate Seohyun arranged for them.

Perhaps the audience felt that this kind of shooting was too "dramatic", and some deliberately performed some artistic processing in order to highlight their misery.

Xu Xian also hopes so, but reality is always more magical than TV dramas!

In order for Tara and the others to disband after one album, Xu Xian also arranged a fight scene between Park Ji Yeon and Yoona as an introduction.

But in reality, there is no need for so many reasons. It may be that the company suddenly runs out of money, it may be that the company suddenly loses confidence in them, or it may be that the company simply stops the loss and the boss changes careers...

Don't think that the entertainment industry is so complicated. If you treat the group as a commodity, it seems to be much easier to understand.

A newly opened restaurant has had no customers for two months, so closing down may not be an option; it is common for a TV series to have its ratings plummet when it first airs, and to shorten the plot and end the episodes early.

Compared with these things, the only special thing about these groups is that these "commodities" are living people, and they will have their own thoughts, emotions and persistence.

But in the eyes of the bosses, this is a business after all. Don't expect these people to have much human kindness. They only think about money. As for what to do with the idols, they don't consider it.

Not only do they not feel ashamed, but they can also plausibly say that they spent real money to produce the album, do modeling, and promote their debut. Now they can't even get the money back. They are doing good deeds in disguise, right? ?

Therefore, the plot arranged in Seohyun's TV series is really not too exaggerated. At most, it is just a concentrated arrangement of too much pain.

Because there are still a few bosses who can "stop losses in time", and their behavior is a good thing for idols to a certain extent, at least it can wake them up from their dreams in time.

More bosses still worry about gains and losses. They can't bear to give up these sunk costs, but they don't want to continue to pay, so they use dreams as an excuse to continue to let these girls persevere in the dream they weave.

Therefore, more girl groups do not have the good news of disbanding in two months. Instead, they have to endure the contract period of two, three or even seven years.

The best time of their lives was wasted here. Of course, it can also be glorified that they kept moving forward in the pursuit of their dreams, but failed in the end.

There are not so many slap-in-the-face plots in real life. Xu Xian admitted that similar stories did not happen to them that much. Of course, the pressure is the same.

After all, their company is still a big company. In fact, most of the companies that can finally break through are big companies. The combinations of those small companies have been fighting for the slightest opportunity from the beginning, using the youth of these girls. .

They have been practicing since junior high school or even elementary school, and after debuting, they have to survive the seven-year contract period. As a result, their popularity and income are completely lost. There are really many cases like this. They have similar friends around them.

It’s not that I won’t be able to survive in the future. After all, there are still some jobs that can change careers, but with so much sweat and long-term efforts, why do I have to do this?

In fact, even today's girls still feel scared when chatting in private. They were really too young at the time and didn't understand anything. They only persisted with their youthful passion.

If they were really asked to choose once, they might not dare to go through it all over again. Firstly, they were afraid that they would not be able to endure so much pain, and secondly, they were afraid that they would not have the luck they have now.

What should I do if I fail?

This may be the biggest difference in thinking between adults and youth. Teenagers will never consider the consequences of failure because they have enough youth to squander.

Seohyun can't tell what kind of emotion she wants to convey to the audience. In short, if everyone can look at this glamorous circle in a more fair and comprehensive way, she may have achieved her goal.

Although he has made enough psychological expectations that the results of the TV series may not be that good, Xu Xian still has some luck. What if the audience likes it very much?

However, the reaction of the audience made her a little overwhelmed. If she thinks the plot is exciting, she can applaud. If she thinks it's not good, it's okay to complain. What kind of attitude is it to be so silent?

As everyone knows, it’s not that everyone doesn’t speak, but that they don’t know what to say. Is this TV series good or not? It doesn't seem that bad.

But I have to say that this TV series is interesting, but that is not appropriate. In short, everyone is really entangled. Of course, the ending of the plot just echoed in their minds. What will these girls do next?

In terms of creating suspense alone, Xu Xian did a pretty good job, keeping everyone looking forward to the whole process, even though it didn't go according to everyone's ideas.

The current scene is actually a bit unfriendly. Even if these people are really not that optimistic about the show, they are still colleagues in their own company. Can't they give some friendship and encouragement?

Li Menglong was really angry when he saw this group of people, and he also believed too much in the ability of this group of people to flatter him. He should have warned him in advance.

But being upset is of no use. All Li Menglong can do is to make the scene lively as soon as possible, otherwise he may not know what Xu Xian will think.

"Ahem, everyone has not forgotten the ratings they just filled in." Li Menglong forcefully attracted everyone's attention here: "Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. It will probably take a while before the ratings come out. Now let's do it again." I’ll give you a second chance to place your bet, so take advantage of it.”

Guess the ratings will come again a second time? This is a bit new, but if this is really the case, then everyone should think about it carefully. After all, they have watched the TV series and they have basic expectations for the results.

Li Menglong didn't even need to do statistics to know that these people had generally lowered their guesses a lot compared to the first guess, but it didn't matter, as long as this period of time passed.

Taking advantage of the bustle here, Li Menglong kept peeking at Xu Xian's expression, really afraid that this little girl would be depressed.

Xu Xian also discovered this. Li Menglong wanted to lie down in front of her and stare at her. If he couldn't see it anymore, he really should go to the ophthalmologist.

However, Xu Xian was much more relaxed than he thought. After all, the TV series had been broadcast, and she no longer had to worry about gains and losses. At least the greatest pressure was gone.

The rest of the small worries were nothing in comparison. Seeing Li Menglong worry about herself so much, she was a little touched. In this case, she could just let him feel at ease.

If he directly told Li Menglong about his condition, he probably wouldn't believe it. Xu Xian thought for a while and decided to prove it with actions: "Everyone has spent real money. Don't deliberately guess the high ratings just to take care of me." As for the ratings, my second guess was only 9%!"

Xu Xian's words were not entirely polite. These were her true thoughts, especially after seeing everyone's performance at the scene.

Besides, the ratings of 9% can't be considered too low. At least it can be considered a stable start. For a new director like her, it is already considered good.

Everyone's expectations for her are so high simply because of her own aura and that of so many celebrities. In fact, as long as she corrects her mentality, Xu Xian feels that her previous worries are somewhat unnecessary.

After all, the base of fans of the four groups is here, coupled with the huge number of casual fans, it is very likely that these people can bring nearly 10% of the ratings.

If an ordinary director encountered a similar situation, he would probably be overjoyed. After all, the TV series already has basic guaranteed ratings before filming begins. What else do you want?

Now that Xu Xian is so free and easy, everyone seems to be more open-minded. In fact, seriously speaking, everyone just wants to make some money now, and they really don't mean to embarrass Xu Xian intentionally.

Then the scene completely let itself go, and the ratings reported by some people made Li Menglong want to hit someone, but fortunately Xu Xian stopped him in time.

"It doesn't matter, oppa. I've been having a hard time with you recently, right? Let's see how I perform next. I will definitely work hard!" Xu Xian comforted Li Menglong in turn.

However, these words are Xu Xian's true thoughts. It's not that the girls don't care about her, but that what they can do in terms of directing is very limited, and they are the kind of people who are powerless.

But Li Menglong is a completely professional counterpart, and he cares about Xu Xian no less than the girls, so Xu Xian, who is busy at work, also notices it.

The most obvious thing is that because of her relationship, Li Menglong's own film projects are seriously behind schedule. An ordinary company would have changed directors and held Li Menglong accountable long ago.

Fortunately, SW is still able to talk, and Li Eun-hee also expressed support. After all, it is better to let go than the two directors are absent-minded. What if two masterpieces are produced?

Of course, half of this idea has failed so far. Judging from Lee Eun-hee's many years of experience in the industry, Xu Xian's drama is not a blockbuster, but it is just a TV drama that fills the time period.

In fact, this kind of TV series is the most popular to some extent. It was a bit popular when it was broadcast, and the ratings were barely acceptable. After it was broadcast, it couldn't make any extra splash, as if this drama had never appeared.

Many times, you can actually predict something before filming starts, but you still choose to film it because there are not so many high-quality products, and the time period of the TV series is here, is it possible to choose to leave it empty?

That's probably what Seohyun's drama is about. I guess there won't be much of a reaction after it airs, so it's acceptable.

Don't think that this is a failure. To some extent, it can be regarded as a success for Seohyun. After all, she independently filmed a work that can be seen in the past. This is her qualifications!

As for people like Li Menglong who reached their peak when they debuted and can break through the peak repeatedly, this kind of talent is an exception. Seohyun should just follow the route of an ordinary director.

Li Enxi secretly made a draft, thinking about how to encourage Xu Xian, mainly to express the company's attitude. The company is still very satisfied with Xu Xian's drama, which should give Xu Xian enough confidence.

Just when Li Enxi was about to step forward, the phone in his pocket vibrated. Is this a text message for ratings?

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