The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2020 Don’t be embarrassed

The process of Li Menglong waking up early in the morning was not so wonderful. Although he was in the same room with nine beauties, he actually didn't take advantage at all. After all, he should have been the last one to wake up after drinking so much. right.

But Li Menglong's inherent biological clock made him somewhat conscious at this time. If it was just like this, he might have continued to sleep in a daze, but he couldn't help but there was always an itchy feeling on the tip of his nose.

He pushed it away with his hands several times, but it felt like maggots on the tarsus. In the end, Li Menglong could only open his eyes impatiently. To be honest, he thought the girls were deliberately joking with him, but But that doesn’t seem to be the case.

As for Li Menglong's judgment, he relied on the naughty foot in front of him. Although girls love to play pranks, they have always been very good at propriety. To put it simply, rubbing their feet on each other's faces is a bit offensive. It means, they can't do this kind of thing.

So he knew what was going on without asking. Holding the restless feet in his hands, Li Menglong squinted his eyes and looked around. Generally speaking, saying "the fields are littered with corpses" is not too much. On the contrary, it is quite vivid.

Maybe this group of people haven't slept in such a big place for a long time, so they are letting their natures out, and there are all kinds of weird sleeping positions. As for the one who is kicking Li Menglong's face, of course he is the one closest to her. It’s Yoona.

He was not in a hurry to get revenge on this girl. After all, Li Menglong couldn't care about that for the time being. What he urgently needed to deal with now was his headache, but before that, he had to confirm the current situation. This was his job.

After opening the door and taking a few glances, Li Menglong recognized where it was. I have to say that it was quite wise for the girls to choose to rest here. In this case, let them continue sleeping. As for Li Menglong, he held on to the wall and staggered around. down.

It is said that he didn't sleep for long. It was just after five o'clock, which was the most unavailable time period. It was also quiet on the first floor. When Li Menglong came down, he kept thinking about what happened last night. He could remember everything. Not very much.

But I vaguely remember that the boss lady was a little impatient in the end. Thinking about it, it should be clear that with so many people last night, especially the drunkards who followed, it was really enough for the boss lady to drink a bottle. Even if it was making money, the boss lady I guess I won't be particularly happy, after all, it's not like I don't have any channels to make money.

He walked down with a slight guilty conscience, but he was afraid of something. As soon as he came down, he immediately bumped into the boss's wife. At this time, he was jealous of enemies meeting each other. Of course, it was only one side of the boss's wife. Li Menglong still had a guilty conscience. .

While the landlady was glaring at him, Li Menglong looked around with his peripheral vision. This was proved by his headache and the smell of alcohol. Otherwise, it would be no problem to say that he had lost his memory. This floor was nothing like the past. Any difference yet.

Of course, if I have to say it, it may be cleaner. After all, this was cleaned overnight, and it was just finished. The floor and table are still wet and covered with a layer of water mist, so the boss lady has only just finished it now. rest?

Li Menglong felt even more guilty when he thought of this. In this case, he must have a good attitude of admitting his mistakes: " have worked hard!"

Li Menglong held it in for a long time and only said this sentence. He really didn't know what to say, and he himself was not in a very good condition. He couldn't think straight and his voice was very hoarse, which meant that his body didn't hurt so much. Otherwise, he would have thought that someone beat him up while drunk last night.

Fortunately, although the landlady was angry, the price had not dropped to the point of arguing with a drunkard. In her eyes, Li Menglong was still in a state of unconsciousness and would undoubtedly need some hot food at this time.

Don't count on the chef. A bunch of people are catching up on sleep in the basement. After all, they have to come to work when breakfast time comes, so the only one who can go out is the proprietress herself. Although she is also tired, who can let her go? Opposite is Li Menglong.

Li Menglong knew very well how arrogant the woman opposite was, so he immediately reached over and held her arm. In fact, if he wanted to achieve results, he would have to flatter her, but he really couldn't think of anything at the moment. ah.

After all, this is a fried chicken restaurant, and there is no soup at all. Fortunately, the proprietress knows how to adapt to changes, and puts the chicken pieces that have not yet been coated with batter into the pot and stews them. After adding some seasonings and vegetables, it can barely be eaten as stewed chicken. Bar.

Of course, Li Menglong has no right to dislike it. He doesn't find it unpleasant to eat. Although the taste may not be as good as the ones sold in the store, considering his taste and state at the moment, he can basically drink hot salt water. Go down.

The two of them were sitting in the empty hall. Li Menglong was charging at the chicken soup, while the landlady was much more elegant, just holding a cup of coffee and drinking it slowly. In fact, this scene looked quite magical to Li Menglong.

It is said that when he was still working in the store, he had to work all night long. At that time, there were only two of them in the store, and they were basically exhausted until the end. At that time, they were not as particular as they are now. Basically, it’s two people each holding a piece of fried chicken and eating it.

But I don't know if it's because of the money she made or because the boss lady herself has learned a lot. In short, she seems to be inexplicably more artistic. After all, he, Li Menglong, is still the same as before.

"Don't you recognize me? Do you want me to help you recall your memories?"

As expected, no one had changed. Li Menglong shook his head and continued to drink soup. As he finally had some food in his stomach, his brain seemed to be working: "Is there more than a dozen left last night?" Person number? Where are those people?"

"Let me rush to the bathroom. The boss and I have already said hello."

Li Menglong nodded, saying that after drinking too much, going to the bathroom to rest is definitely the most suitable place. Steaming in there can evaporate a lot of alcohol, and after sleeping enough there, you can still eat if you have something to eat. Take a shower by the way, perfect!

When he thought of this, Li Menglong thought about it. After all, he seemed to be sticky, but just when the two of them looked at each other in silence, another figure staggered down from the corner.

"oppa..." Xu Xian's delicate voice was still obvious enough in the quiet hall, but was it a little too weak? Does anyone believe this when it is said to be the beginning of recovery from a serious illness?

Although Xu Xian has a lot of experience in taking care of drunk people, mainly relying on Li Menglong, but just like a doctor who doesn't know how to look after himself when he is sick, Xu Xian is completely unable to take care of himself. After seeing Li Menglong, he seemed to see As if he were a relative, he stumbled towards him.

Li Menglong grabbed a handful of chicken drumsticks with quick eyes and hands, but he was still in the recovery stage, so the two of them fell to the ground together. Li Menglong immediately lowered his head to see Xu Xian's condition. , but why is this girl’s eyes focused on her chicken legs?

After helping Xu Xian up, he was in trouble. The remaining half bowl of chicken soup went directly into Xu Xian's stomach. Although Li Menglong wanted to eat some more, it was not easy to compete with Xu Xian, and he was embarrassed. I asked the boss lady to make another one, so I had to endure it.

It is said that Li Menglong has no memory of Xu Xian's drunken state last night. After all, the girls kept these two people far apart. It is already a headache to have two drunkards together. Can't?

But just by looking at Xu Xian's devouring food, I can tell that her condition is not particularly good. Not to mention her messy hair, her eyes are also red: "Girl, what's wrong with your eyes? It wasn't overwhelming when you went to bed last night, right? ?”

Xu Xian blinked her big eyes. When Li Menglong didn't say anything, she hadn't noticed yet. Now she felt unusually dry and accompanied by slight pain: "It's really uncomfortable. Did you get hit?"

After saying this, both of them looked at the landlady in a tacit understanding. After all, she was the only one here who didn't drink. Looking at the two drunken brothers and sisters, the landlady couldn't help but shake her head. Fortunately, she also knew that the situation last night was unavoidable, at least. Both of these people themselves are passive.

"No one dares to do anything, you are crying all by yourself!"

"You're crying like this, and you still say you haven't been beaten?" Li Menglong was a little bit annoyed at this time. After all, he really loved Xu Xian. He drank too much and was bullied twice, but Xu Xian couldn't do it. Woolen cloth!

"Do you want me to call up the surveillance camera for you?" I mean I'm too lazy to get another cup of coffee, otherwise I'll definitely throw this cup of coffee in Li Menglong's face. What are you pretending to be here?

In fact, even Xu Xian noticed Li Menglong's artificial actions, but she did not join in the teasing because she seemed to remember her state last night sporadically. She seemed to be crying hard while holding the girls.

At this time, another witness also appeared. Kim Taeyeon almost acted exactly like Seohyun just now, but she was just sleepy. After coming over, she naturally looked into Seohyun's bowl, even though there were only two mouthfuls of soup base left. , but she didn’t hesitate to grab it.

"You didn't drink too much last night, did you? Why do you look more uncomfortable than me?"

"Nonsense, you two are used to getting up early. What time is it now? Is it the time for me to get up?" Kim Taeyeon clicked her lips, saying that she came down mainly because of Xu Xian, in order to take care of this little girl Kim Taeyeon I didn't sleep well that night, and I had to get up in about half an hour to take a look.

For example, she thought Xu Xian had gone to the bathroom just now, but she vaguely felt that Xu Xian had been there for too long, so she worriedly followed him out to have a look. Of course, she could also help Xu Xian restore the memory of yesterday. late her state.

In Kim Taeyeon's version, what should I say about Seohyun's state last night? In the later stage, she basically hugged people and started kissing them, and she was still full of runny noses and tears, which made these girls really miserable. Word.

Fortunately, although the process was full of twists and turns, now it seems that it is not so annoying. After all, it can be regarded as speaking the truth after drinking. Xu Xian really had nothing to say about their feelings, but these words made Li Menglong beside him unable to help himself. Touched his cheek.

By the way, besides being intimately touched by Yoona's feet, his face was also hugged and kissed by Seohyun? At this moment, Li Menglong didn't know whether he should wash his face. This was really a happy trouble.

Kim Taeyeon originally wanted Li Menglong to go over and get her drunk, but when she saw what a pig he was, she couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, you didn't say that there were many female gangsters last night, so In order to prevent Xu Xian from taking advantage of you when you were drunk, you and Xu Xian were separated by eight us, so nothing happened like you imagined!"

Female gangster? Taking advantage? Li Menglong really wanted to say that if the female gangsters all looked like Xu Xian, he would be willing to be tortured to death by the female gangsters. Why are these girls so ignorant of flexibility? Did they do it on purpose?

"Hmph, maknae just wants to thank us. Why do you do that?"

Xu Xian has just recovered from the shock. What was originally a very embarrassing thing, why is it like an honor to the two of them? According to Kim Taeyeon, she was the girl who fucked the girl last night. They thanked each other again, regardless of the form, but missed Li Menglong?

"I don't know about this either, but Oppa should know about me. I'm very, very grateful to you. I can't thank you enough!" Xu Xian explained sincerely.

But does Li Menglong care about these words of thanks? No matter how much you talk, it's better to do more. Although it feels a bit pity, considering the state he was in last night, Xu Xian basically won't remember anything he did. It doesn't seem to be too much of a disadvantage after thinking about it.

Four people were sitting here holding coffee and chatting casually, but soon they didn't know who yawned, so the four people who were seriously sleep-deprived immediately yawned. As the only talented man here, Li Menglong naturally Be a gentleman.

"Kim Taeyeon, just go back and continue sleeping. I will take you back to the dormitory when you all wake up!" Li Menglong first arranged for Kim Taeyeon. He didn't think that if he woke up the people upstairs now, they would be arrested. call taxi.

"The boss lady should go up and catch up on some sleep, or you can just go home. I will keep an eye on the store for you today, so you won't worry about me, right?" Li Menglong turned to the boss lady and said.

It is said that the proprietress really values ​​​​the fried chicken restaurant, otherwise she would not come here every day and stay in the store for a long time. However, Li Menglong can be regarded as an old man who has started a business with her, and his skills and management are quite good. The kind of person who is excellent seems to have nothing to worry about except that he may use his power to eat and drink for free.

Xu Xian volunteered over there: "Then I'll stay here and look at the store with Oppa, to make up for my mistake last night!"

"Forget it, it's all my fault if you make any mistakes!" Li Menglong joked here with a smile. As for Xu Xian's arrangement, it seems that letting her go home is a good choice. I don't know. Will calling Mrs. Xu now be suspected of disturbing someone's dream?

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