Li Menglong was definitely aware of Xu Xian's kindness, and he stood up obediently and gave up the throne to Xu Xian. But this war really couldn't be carried out according to their thoughts, at least not Li Menglong.

It stands to reason that the only core person at the scene should be Seohyun. As a director, an idol and a beautiful woman, everyone is willing to come and get close to each other. I can’t say that everyone comes to toast, but basically there are representatives from every table. .

Xu Xian is really a little insensitive to the enthusiasm of these people, but she also knows that now is not a situation that can be avoided at all. The only thing that can make her feel more relaxed is her own Ernie. Several people push and give way to each other. , if you make a joke or something, the drinks at Xu Xian's side will be much less.

But Li Menglong doesn’t have the same kind of treatment as Seohyun. Kim Taeyeon and the others are crazy enough to come over to stop him from drinking. She will have to go to Seohyun’s place to change shifts soon. Now it’s time to relax, chat and eat something. That's the point.

If it was just like this, then it would be okay. Li Menglong wouldn't be afraid if a few people came to block him, but there were too many people to hold him back. It can be said that this group of people basically went to line up at Xu Xian's side first, and then turned around immediately. As for Li Menglong, he can be regarded as another core of the scene.

In fact, the girls are not surprised by this. After all, everyone has been living in the circle for many years. They know the status of these people in the circle very well. Basically, they can survive in this circle. If nothing else, basically You still need to have good eyesight.

Maybe at first, everyone didn't want to come all over. It was just some people who were familiar with Li Menglong who came over as friends to say hello. But after other people saw it, they couldn't think so. These people have all come over. If these people don't come, it will be Don't you look down on Li Menglong?

It would be fine if Li Menglong was just an ordinary person, but who gave him such a high status? Not to mention anything else, a large part of this group of people will be involved in the work of Li Menglong's movies in the future. Come and say goodbye to the dock now. Should it?

At least Li Menglong himself couldn't say anything, and face was given to each other. They came over with wine. If Li Menglong didn't drink, it would really be against common sense, and it would be easy for unnecessary misunderstandings to occur.

Taking into account all the processes in a movie, Lee Mong-ryong's biggest headache may be this kind of occasion and waiting for the box office after the movie is released. It is really impossible for him to drink like this. He is a little envious of Yoo Jae-seok. Then At least he could drink it down, but Li Menglong became more energetic as he drank.

Fortunately, not everyone in this group of people came, so after the first wave of people passed by, it was announced that the scene had officially entered a personal carnival. For a while, the surroundings were very lively, and even the girls and the groups of girls were cheering each other. Smiling very happily.

You must know that because of their status, they rarely have the opportunity to participate in such occasions, especially the situation where they can relax like this. There are many reasons that make them feel so at ease.

First of all, this location is very secure, and there is also Li Menglong, a master who can deal with various situations, sitting on the side, at least not afraid of any unnecessary accidents; secondly, everyone is familiar with each other, at least they can find each other's feet. Yes, there is no need to worry.

Just like the abuse situation on the Internet, once the real-name system is implemented, the situation will be 99% better. And now it is not just the real-name system. If there are some rumors or hooligans on the scene, it can even affect the other person's life for the rest of his life. career.

When everyone has the most basic psychological bottom line, the only thing left in getting along is happiness. A group of girls don't have to worry about hearing any dirty jokes, let alone someone taking advantage of being drunk. Instead, they can wholeheartedly I really enjoyed this lively scene, and my happiness really came from the bottom of my heart.

And the idols are happy, not to mention the rest of the ordinary people. You must know that these girls are top idols. It is difficult to meet them on ordinary days, let alone real people who are so close now. .

You can go over and chat for a few words, but they don’t recommend clinking glasses with each other. They will even stand up, dance a few times, and hum a few words after drinking. It can be said that these twenty people have become the engine of the atmosphere at the scene. Make the whole scene extra happy.

This group of people became excited, and accordingly the consumption of drinks and food increased crazily. After all, it was still in the beginning stage, and everyone had been hungry for a day. This was really enough to eat and drink.

The proprietress swallowed and moistened her dry throat. Although all the pots and stoves in the back kitchen were used, the supply speed of fried chicken could not keep up with the consumption speed of these people. That is to say, she had I had the foresight to get a lot of other snacks, otherwise the food would be out of stock now.

Although these people wouldn't say anything because of Li Menglong's relationship, the proprietress herself couldn't accept this. After all, she was the one who received the money, and she had to be worthy of every customer: "Fry the fried chicken thoroughly later, don't worry about rushing. Time affects the taste, do you know that quality comes first?”

"Got it!" The group of people in the kitchen responded in unison like an army, and the sound directly covered up the noise outside.

Kim Taeyeon looked at the atmosphere here and couldn't help but pinched Li Menglong's armpit. Although it was not impossible for her to stand up, it was not justified. Fortunately, although Li Menglong had not drank less, he had not arrived yet. To the point of being speechless.

"Everyone raise a glass to our brother who is the chef!" After Li Menglong finished speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine in his hand, looking very heroic.

At this time, someone had to take the lead, and no one was timid. The two hundred people followed Li Menglong and shouted, and then conservatively estimated that at least two boxes of soju and one box of beer were consumed by this group of people in an instant.

The proprietress looked at the empty corner of the "wine wall" on the side and couldn't help but feel a little worried. Wouldn't these people drink all of them today? If that were the case, she might have called an ambulance in advance now.

Fortunately, everyone is still somewhat restrained, and this is not the first time Li Menglong has dealt with this kind of situation, so overall it is still harmonious. However, this is the beginning, and Li Menglong is not sure what will happen to the scene after he drinks too much. At that time, we will have to rely on those sober people.

The meal lasted from seven o'clock to midnight. Of course, everyone left one after another in the meantime. As for those who could stay, most of them were single people, at least the kind that no one cared about. Li Menglong obviously did not belong to this group. Well.

He staggered to his feet, but Yoona on the side quickly held him up, otherwise Li Menglong might have suffered another concussion: "Well, what are you doing? Are you taking advantage of me? ?”

"You have the nerve to say that? I, Lin Yuner, am not blind!"

"Who knows, boys should protect themselves even if they drink too much outside! There are a lot of female hooligans in this era!" After Li Menglong said this, he was recognized by the drunkards behind him, and it was very noisy for a while.

It is said that almost all the ladies at the scene have left, either in groups or picked up by someone. After all, girls do drink less. The other groups of idols have also been picked up by their managers. As for the remaining ones, only The girls are here.

Firstly, they drank a lot to protect Xu Xian. Secondly, they still had to wait for Li Menglong, and it was not easy for Xu Xian to escape early. Fortunately, it was almost over by now, but there were still people at the scene. There are dozens of people who obviously don't want to disperse, so this is a bit troublesome.

It stands to reason that this group of people can just go outside and find a place to drink for the second round. However, everyone has already drunk a lot today. They are the kind who can fall down on the road at any time when they go out. They just want to It is obviously not realistic to discuss this topic rationally with a bunch of drunken lunatics.

"Let them drink here. I have to clean this place all night anyway. I won't let them leave until they wake up in the morning!" The proprietress took the initiative to stand up at this time, saying that she had already decided and would never do this kind of thing in the future. I started a dinner party business and made a lot of money, but it was really tiring.

The guys who make fried chicken in the kitchen have already found a place to lie down. The workload in just a few hours today is comparable to that of many days in the past. These people are really too good at eating. Yes, there are still things to pack when I leave.

Fortunately, Xu Xian laughed it off. Of course, it's hard to say whether this was her original intention. After all, Xu Xian's current condition is really not particularly good. This girl may have drank the most since she was a child.

Although the girls were helping to hold back a lot of drinks, there were so many people that they couldn’t stand it. Even Xu Xian’s body couldn’t handle it at the back. After all, she wasn’t as social as Li Menglong. , this is really just relying on the body to hold on.

However, Xu Xian's drunken state is quite interesting. I have never seen this little girl drunk. As for the specific drunken behavior, I can only say that it is not annoying at all. She just likes to hold her. It's just people acting coquettishly.

Isn't it that Xu Xian is hugging Lee Soon Kyu now? This is already the fourth person he has changed in a short period of time. Speaking of which, Lee Soon Kyu is still sober enough. After all, the amount of alcohol is here: "Ah, the little girl is almost enough, and then Ernie is going to hit someone."

"Omao, why are you so willing to hit me? I'm a very obedient person. Please don't hit me. I will be very, very obedient..."

Lee Soon Kyu really had to hold back and didn't do anything. Speaking of which, this kid doesn't usually act like a spoiled child. Could it be that he is suppressing his personality every day? Is your true nature released now? So what did Li Menglong release? He just knew how to sleep!

It is said that the girls already want to withdraw, but there seems to be a slight problem. Firstly, they are too drunk to drive, and it is also difficult to take a taxi. Secondly, the two bosses One needs someone to support him, and the other needs someone to act as a human pillow. In short, this is a test for the girls.

The boss lady was about to achieve success tonight. Of course, there was still the last and biggest trouble in front of her. She looked up and saw that it was already past one o'clock. Even if she drove these girls back, it would be too late. And there are still two drunkards.

"How about you go to the third floor and spend the night? Wait until daybreak and these two people are more awake before leaving?" The landlady suggested here, and this would be beneficial. After all, she will be here all night, so can Even if she doesn't say anything about the door, she can go up if there is anything that needs help.

The girls looked at each other. Although they could sleep more comfortably back in the dormitory, considering the process of washing, changing clothes, and taking care of the two of them after going back, they felt that it would not be a bad idea to rest here for a few hours. Anyway, The place is ready.

As for the place where they rest, it is naturally their exclusive practice room. The space is large enough and the door is secure enough to lock, not to mention there are so many of them there. It is really perfect.

Of course, don’t expect too much from the bedding. Basically, it’s just a yoga mat, and the cover is a thin blanket. Fortunately, you won’t feel very cold when the air conditioner is turned up. At this time, you can lie down immediately. Coming down is already a kind of enjoyment.

But before that, we had to deal with those two people first. It was relatively easy for Li Menglong. After all, it was not the first time that the girls had to deal with him being drunk. They were familiar with the situation and only assigned Yoona to him. , who makes him strong.

Fortunately, Yoona didn't panic at all, because the drunk Li Menglong had no attack power, so she just helped him lie down: "Oppa can sleep now, is there anything else you need me to do?"

Li Menglong's thinking was still clear enough after he was drunk, but the process of speaking out his thoughts was infinitely longer. After waiting for half a minute, he said slowly: "I also need a maid to warm the bed!"

Seeing that Li Menglong drank too much and acted like a hooligan, Yoona was not going to let him go. However, going over to beat him up was called bullying. He could have used a more civilized method. Yoona stretched out his finger and pointed. Li Menglong's forehead was pushed twice provocatively.

Of course, it was impossible for Li Menglong to let Yoona tease her, but it was extremely difficult to catch Yoona's hand. After all, his entire movements seemed to be in slow motion, so Yoona shouldn't hide too easily.

The two of them were having a lot of fun here, but the people on the other end couldn't control Xu Xian. At first, this girl was just acting coquettish and talkative, but now her mood swings are not too big. A moment ago, she was... He wanted to hold them and forcefully kiss them, but the next moment he started to cry with emotion, saying that he was so grateful to them for taking care of them all these years, and she, Xu Xian, didn't deserve it.

These words and emotions are really touching. Girls have to admit this, but any emotion cannot be expressed in a short period of time, continuously, and repeatedly. If you were so moved that you wanted to cry before, you will want to laugh later. Now I can't even laugh even if I want to...

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