The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1876 DJ version

Although Kim Taeyeon totally deserves to be beaten, it is better to keep her words in reserve. Besides, Kim Taeyeon has already paid the due price for her rash behavior. She should not continue to be humiliated, at least she cannot accept it herself. ah.

Of course, this is also directly related to Li Menglong's status in the dormitory. He just wants to see the excitement. If he really rushes to him, he is also a food delivery person, so he has to be more honest: "What do you say? Are you getting up to find the bathroom or not?" ready to eat?"

"What do you think? Do I, Kim Taeyeon, look like someone who got up so early to go to the bathroom?" Kim Taeyeon shouted with her eyes wide open. Xu Xian behind him actually nodded, because this is the fact. Li Menglong has never seen it before Her sister's ability to stay in bed made her want to call an ambulance. She wondered if they were suddenly paralyzed.

The tone of this reply was a bit harsh. Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't mean to be acquainted with her, so he could just talk about his own things: "Then arrange your own time. Xiaoxian and I will leave in about half an hour. You and I It’s okay if you don’t follow.”

"What do you mean? You don't want to carry me, do you?" Kim Taeyeon was like a cat with explosive hair. Did it feel like the air was full of gunpowder? It exploded with just a slight touch: "I tell you Li Menglong , there are so many people wanting to drive me, Kim Taeyeon, so just go ahead and have fun!"

"Nenene, I understand completely! I'm going to have fun now!" Li Menglong immediately raised his hands and surrendered, but his heart was slightly blocked, so when he turned around, he whispered to Xu Xian: "I'm on the street Come on, there are quite a few people who are willing to pull me over! Just pay me!"

I have to say that Li Menglong's complaint was quite incisive enough. Xu Xian blinked innocently and repeatedly told herself that the occasion was not particularly right, but these words really touched her point of laughter inexplicably, and the smile on her face was just Like a flower in bud, it slowly blooms!

Li Menglong seemed to be mentally ill. He didn't dare to talk back. Where did Xu Xian get the courage? And it was just a smile. After all, Li Menglong was blocking the front, but the more she laughed, the louder her movements became. She almost covered her stomach and started laughing. At this time, the sound could not be hidden at all, even if Li Menglong had covered her. mouth.

The explosive Kim Taeyeon naturally saw this scene. In the past, she may still have some feelings for Seohyun as a teammate. After all, this maknae always listens to her the most, but today she is disowned by Kim Taeyeon, and she didn't see Seohyun last night. Please beg for mercy for her!

"The maknae is laughing very happily. Do you think Unnie and I are particularly funny?" Kim Taeyeon said sarcastically, then she went over and pushed Li Menglong away: "Don't get in the way here, I'm going to do it today." Look what this little girl is hiding!"

Xu Xian really wanted to explain. Firstly, although she was a little angry last night, she really didn't do anything. She even pushed Li Menglong out on her own initiative. Secondly, she wasn't laughing at Kim Taeyeon now. Is she brave enough? In addition, the key point is that it is not necessary.

But the smile couldn't stop at all. She even wondered if she had been tapped on her smile point or something, otherwise why would she smile so exaggeratedly, staring at Li Menglong, after all, this was something he had caused. Ah, hurry up and finish it off!

If possible, Li Menglong really wanted to run away, but Xu Xian's eyes were too real. Seeing that Xu Xian was usually well-behaved, Li Menglong could only stand up forcefully, but this also requires a strategy. This kind of thing is totally not his style, otherwise what would Kim Taeyeon do if she tickled him?

So it was time to take a roundabout way. Li Menglong silently calculated the distance and angle, and then dodged and knocked down Kim Taeyeon. Although he was not very strong, he still made Kim Taeyeon fall to the ground.

This effect was enough to highlight, Kim Taeyeon seemed to have a spring under her butt, her whole body bounced up quickly, and then she covered her butt with both hands and kept bouncing, which made Li Menglong very suspicious of the girls last night No matter how much strength was used, it seemed to be a bit miserable.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Xian finally managed to suppress his smile, but there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, but he didn't bother to wipe it off and went over to support Kim Taeyeon. This was the wisdom of dormitory life. She and Li Menglong always helps each other move forward.

Sure enough, with the two of them covering each other, Kim Taeyeon's thinking was greatly stretched. In the past, it would have been over with such fooling, but today Kim Taeyeon was extra persistent. Li Menglong knew that this was because the other party wanted to vent, and would not find it for her. If you do something, you will eventually target the two of them. In this case, you will die as a Taoist friend rather than a poor Taoist.

"Are you going to be by yourself in the morning today, and then they will come over in the afternoon?" Li Menglong asked casually during the break in talking. Xu Xian thought this topic was a bit abrupt, but Kim Taeyeon immediately followed her. Generally speaking, the whole person is extremely excited.

"Why? Yesterday, everyone worked overtime to practice, but those people had a good rest last night. Why do they have to sleep in? How can such a good thing happen?" Kim Taeyeon clenched her fists as if she wanted to bite her steel teeth into them. Broken: "Li Menglong, as our agent, you can't indulge them like this. Appropriate pressure is also necessary, what do you think?"

What can Li Menglong say? To a certain extent, his agent is just a decoration. In this case, it is better to delegate power: "I have been quite busy recently, and you know this, so their work requires you to worry a little more. Isn't it the captain's job?" That’s what you do!”

Kim Taeyeon would definitely refute this on a normal day. The captain is not the nanny of these people, so does he have to take care of everything? But it was different today. This sentence sounded quite pleasant to my ears, but there seemed to be a little hesitation in Xu Xian's eyes: "What's the look in the maknae's eyes? Do you think Unnie and I are not worthy of being the captain? Or do you think the captain is just the captain?" Can I just be your nanny?"

Leaning slightly towards Li Menglong, Xu Xian felt that she couldn't understand Kim Taeyeon today. She didn't speak during the whole process, so she was directly convicted with just this so-called look? This nonsense is not so boring. Seohyun may not even know what her eyes mean. Why is Kim Taeyeon so sure?

But she definitely can't say that. She still has such basic emotional intelligence, but how should she reply? It would be impossible to tell the truth. After all, she has never seen a "nanny" like Kim Taeyeon. Besides, if Kim Taeyeon is a nanny, who is Seohyun? Nanny’s nanny?

In this case, you can only tell lies, and the words must be as short as possible. Who knows which words will be harsh to the other party, so Xu Xian carefully chooses his words here: "No, Unnie is my heart." The best captain among them, if there is an afterlife, I will be your maknae!"

After saying this, Xu Xian saw from the corner of his eye that Li Menglong gave her a thumbs up with his hands behind his back. As expected, the atmosphere at the scene became much more relaxed after hearing this. Kim Taeyeon sniffed and looked a little proud: "Don't follow those people's example, you are a sycophant." If you tell the truth less and tell the truth more, can I still eat you? I don’t know that I, Kim Taeyeon, love hearing the truth the most!"

Xu Xian tried his best to make his expression appear sincere, otherwise the consequences would be very serious if he was seen through. He reluctantly recognized the two people below. Of course, it was more likely that the group above had attracted more hatred. In this case, it was natural to find them. Revenge by the leader is not.

After snorting coldly, Kim Taeyeon immediately walked upstairs. I don't know if it was because of the pain in her butt. The back of her walking looked so fierce, which made Li Menglong want to cheer her up, and even hesitated. I wonder if she should bring some weapons with her, otherwise she might not be able to defeat him.

It's just that he is overly worried. She, Kim Taeyeon, can really go sideways in the team without any handle. After all, what happened yesterday is over. In this new day, she, Kim Taeyeon, will use justice. Let these people know who is the king of this dormitory!

She stood in the corridor for a while, thinking about the scenes that happened here last night. Although her anger level was enough, Kim Taeyeon felt that she still had to make herself explode, otherwise it would not be enough to express her feelings towards her. What a “thank you” from these people!

Taking a deep breath, Kim Taeyeon ran down again, making Li Menglong and Li Menglong who had just breathed a sigh of relief become nervous again. Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon didn't even look here and plunged into the utility room. , rattling and rattling for a long time, and finally dragged out the huge speaker with great effort.

Li Menglong didn't recognize it at first. After all, the speaker was a bit too loud. If Kim Taeyeon squatted down, she might be able to fit her whole body into it. Fortunately, there were wheels underneath, but it was very difficult to drag her around. Effortless.

According to this mention, it is basically only needed for large outdoor occasions. Let’s not talk about the price. He is very curious about why there is such a thing in the dormitory. It doesn’t look like they can use it.

Xu Xian seemed to hear his inner doubts, and covered his mouth and whispered to him. It turned out that this speaker was bought according to the standards of a movie theater. At that time, girls were already making a lot of money, so there was an urgent need. Some enjoyment of life.

But because of his identity, he can do very little, and even the movie theater can only wait for the midnight show. In this case, it seems that it is a good idea to turn his dormitory into a movie theater, so he came up with this speaker. As for why? Being left in the utility room to collect dust, I can only say that it makes sense to put a cinema stereo in a cinema, otherwise it wouldn't have been sold for home use long ago.

Xu Xian was half-said. Li Menglong also guessed the real reason, but he was still a little skeptical. He felt that Xu Xian and the girls were exaggerating, and even suspected of bragging. Fortunately, he would soon be able to experience it for himself. .

Kim Taeyeon was in a state of excitement. If this was placed in a martial arts novel, it might be a precursor to going crazy. It's not obvious that the sound was extremely heavy, but Kim Taeyeon directly carried it on her shoulders with a smile on her face. With a silly smile, she seemed to be carrying Mrs. Yazhai whom she had snatched.

She walked to the second floor and turned on the speaker, and at the same time took out the player from last night. This is the root of everything. Since everything started with it, it will naturally end with it. Kim Taeyeon feels that she is particularly artistic. Woolen cloth.

As for the song selection, she was still confused for a second, but soon showed a devilish smile. She really couldn't remember how the player appeared, so she was not sure about the music in it. Who put it in, but it has to be said that the taste is quite limited, but it just suits the current situation - gee! DJ version!

It is said that because this song is so popular, they have adapted several versions under their own hands. As for the various covers by outside singers, there are countless, but Kim Taeyeon has never heard such a wild version. After all, the name alone makes me resist it, but its existence is reasonable, so I guess I used it today.

Taking a deep breath, Kim Taeyeon pressed the play button with some sacred meaning, and what followed was a drum beat like a mountain roar and a tsunami, accompanied by some bass, screams, and of course them own songs.

Of course, there is another interesting point about gee's song that fans talk about, which is the two rap lines at the beginning that are played by Pani and Jessica. It is really a variety of adaptations. This song is not as natural as a DJ. Exception: "Gentlemen and ladies, you must always remind yourself that you cannot strike up a conversation. If you strike up a conversation, you will lose your power..."

The words at the beginning made Kim Taeyeon inexplicably confused, but I have to say that paired with this dynamic music, she felt a strange sense of satisfaction, and even felt very fashionable: "As expected, the fans are more wise, let me let you know in the future Pani should also learn to watch!"

While Kim Taeyeon was still swaying upstairs, Li Mongryong downstairs was already in a dazed state. This was really no exaggeration. He felt that the whole building was beating with it, and he seemed to be bouncing on the ground. , that subwoofer sounded extremely shocking.

"No wonder you threw it away after using it once. It's really disturbing to watch movies at home!" Li Menglong said sincerely.

But Xu Xian frowned, looked at him and shouted: "What did you say? Louder, I can't hear you!"

Just when Li Menglong was about to explain, the climax of the song came in an instant. As expected, he was so direct like a DJ. He immediately amplified his moves. What else could he say? Just shout along: "gee gee baby!"

Li Menglong and the other two were still mentally prepared, but those who were asleep were really confused. They thought there was going to be an earthquake, but the sound of the air defense siren was a bit weird. Why did they hear it? What about songs that are so similar to theirs?

She ran out quickly and immediately saw the culprit in the corridor. Kim Taeyeon seemed to have arrived at a nightclub. She was so excited that she was so happy that she smiled happily after seeing this group of people: "Isn't that right? Special surprise? Come on, let's have fun together, come on..."

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