Kim Taeyeon herself is quite confused. At least her expression after being woken up is quite innocent. Combined with her good looks, it is enough to make 99% of people soften. But unfortunately, the rest may be around her. , the only one without any anger, Li Menglong, was still leaning at the door to watch the excitement. It can be said that the scene was extremely unfriendly to Kim Taeyeon.

"What are you doing? I'm sleeping!" Kim Taeyeon said with a frown. After all, anyone who sleeps well but is woken up in such a rough way will not be happy. Kim Taeyeon is also a human being. Besides, The little fairy will be angry too, right?

It's just that she is a fish. The memory of these seven seconds is a bit too forgetful, so Kim Taeyeon now has enough reasons to stay serious at least in her heart. After all, it seems that the people opposite are crazy. She We have to maintain the basic order in the dormitory. If anyone dares to fight against the eldest sister, how can we live together in the future?

But just because she forgot, it doesn't mean that the girls also forgot. With her anger rising, she didn't even bother to talk to her, and directly threw the small player that was the evidence in her hand to Kim Taeyeon, but this guy's reaction was different. It's quite funny. She ducked out of the way and shouted about hidden weapons. Did she think someone was trying to plot against her?

She took a look at the music player in her hand, and it seemed a little bit familiar, but there were a lot of these things in the dormitory. Why did you throw this to her? Wasn't it just to hit her? But Kim Taeyeon didn't say this, because she had noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, but her mind was really stiff and she couldn't think of anything.

Looking around, even Xu Xian glared at her. In the end, the only one with some kindness was Li Menglong at the far end. Although she didn't want him to watch the fun, she wanted to know the truth more now, so she could only He blinked.

Li Menglong did not embarrass her, because the hurdle today was already very high. Whether she could get over it was a question. Li Menglong did not need to artificially increase the difficulty, so at his signal, Kim Taeyeon pressed the play button. The permeating music came out immediately.

Now I can finally remember the memory before going to bed, but was it really her, Kim Taeyeon, who did this? To be honest, Kim Taeyeon doesn't really believe it. She would rather this memory was hypnotized, otherwise why would she do such a stupid thing?

After all, if a rational person comes to see it, this behavior is quite undesirable. The exposure only lasts for a few minutes, not to mention that after the previous confrontation, the level of revenge will be increased. What she does is not only Besides making his death more miserable, what are the benefits?

Not to mention scaring those girls, and she didn't see anything. Could it make her feel anything if it didn't scare her? What it brings may be pain. After all, looking at the clenched fists of the people on the opposite side, they are afraid that they will not be able to kill themselves.

It seems useless to think about this, and even explaining it is very redundant. Could it be that she was out of control when her brain got hot just now? These stupid things she did had nothing to do with her? This is only illegal if you are mentally ill. She, Kim Taeyeon, seems to be a little far behind this level.

Since this is the case, the issue to consider is survival. How on earth will she survive the anger of the girls? She doesn't want the hottest news tomorrow morning to be that the leader of Girls' Generation was beaten and maimed at home. It's not embarrassing enough for this news to be broadcast. Of.

After looking around for a while, Kim Taeyeon's first idea was to hit on Li Menglong. After all, he still had a smile on his face, but everyone was so familiar with her. She wasn't sure whether Li Menglong would call the police on her behalf. If you change positions, Kim Taeyeon will definitely not do this. It will be more comfortable to bring some peanuts and melon seeds to watch the excitement.

As a result, the only foreign aid opportunity was abandoned, which made Kim Taeyeon reflect on her daily behavior. It seems that she will have to treat Li Menglong a little better in the future, but these can be done later. , now she has to rely on herself.

You can't jump out of the window. If you had known earlier, you would have chosen the first floor. Just rush out of the door. She is not a rugby player, and girls can hug and throw her. It seems that she is destined to be beaten. , so what you have to consider is how to reduce your own harm.

In this way, the problem gradually became clear. Although the thought was very complicated, in fact, in a blink of an eye, seeing that the girls were about to take action, Kim Taeyeon immediately shouted: "Stop, everyone." , do you still want me to be the captain?"

I have to say that Kim Taeyeon is still somewhat intimidating in the team, especially as the captain, which everyone recognizes very much, but do you expect to escape with this name? Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon is not so naive, she just wants to buy some time for herself.

While the girls were in a daze, Kim Taeyeon turned around, wrapped herself in a quilt and fell to the gap between the two beds. Because Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu always rolled around, the gap in the middle was quite small. , making it easier for the two of them to jump back and forth repeatedly, which was also a small convenience for Kim Taeyeon.

After rolling down, Kim Taeyeon immediately adjusted her posture, turned the quilt as far as possible on her back, and held her own pillow in her arms. Then she gritted her teeth and prepared to face the coming storm. As for the main reason for coming here, it was It soon became clear that although the girls wanted to take action, the position was not enough.

There is only such a small gap in the middle, so you can't lie down on the bed and shake your fists. The most appropriate way is undoubtedly to jump off the bed and step on it, but that would be too violent, and it might actually cause something to happen. Everyone was stunned for a moment, but this confirmed Kim Taeyeon's identity as a sinner. If she hadn't found the position to be beaten in advance, how could she have done this in such a short time?

If Kim Taeyeon hears these words, she might not be happy. Who are you looking down on? Can't she, Kim Taeyeon, be smarter? It's just that she should save this kind of provocation for later. Now she just wants to deal with this group of people. Seeing that the plan is almost successful, she can't help but applaud herself.

But at this moment, a rather harsh voice came over. If possible, Kim Taeyeon would like to sew Li Menglong's mouth shut. Although she, Kim Taeyeon, has made an unforgivable mistake, what does she have to do with him, Li Menglong? ah? Not to mention that he heard the music from a floor away!

"You can drag the bed out!" This was Li Menglong's suggestion. It's no wonder that Kim Taeyeon wanted to fight him desperately, but Li Menglong said you're welcome: "We are all friends, and we should help each other." It makes sense, so don’t thank me too much!”

Kim Taeyeon had already started to cover her mouth with a pillow and began to curse. After all, she had already foreseen her fate. As for why she didn't yell at her neck, it was because she was afraid that the girls would misunderstand. Now she said she was scolding Li Menglong, didn't she? Does it mean to refer to mulberry and scold huai?

Any unnecessary misunderstanding at this time will add fuel to the fire, so Kim Taeyeon could only do this, but soon she could not say anything because the girls had already started to drag her legs. Come out, there will be open space for everyone to play together.

But at this wonderful moment, Xu Xian actually walked towards him, with a slightly tired and helpless expression. Could it be that she was the only one who really wanted to sleep? But in any case, this is an internal matter among the girls, and it is not suitable for Li Menglong to watch: "Is it time for Oppa to go to bed?"

Xu Xian's words were quite euphemistic. If the other girls had come over to say something, they might have driven them away directly. As for the fact that they pulled Li Menglong up, they had naturally forgotten it. Besides, being able to be woken up by them was considered a blessing. It's a benefit, isn't it?

Although he really wanted to stay and see Kim Taeyeon's miserable condition, Xu Xian's clear eyes prevented him from saying similar words, so he could only say a pity secretly, and then walked down reluctantly, looking back three times.

No wonder Li Menglong was reluctant to part with him, the battle tonight was destined to be tragic. As soon as he returned to the room, he heard Kim Taeyeon's screams. You must know that Kim Taeyeon's room was just above him. In the past, Kim Taeyeon even deliberately danced in the room. I wanted to quarrel with him, but now it gave Li Menglong a little comfort.

Accompanied by Kim Taeyeon's various wails, Li Menglong quickly fell asleep. It seemed to be very effective in helping him sleep. If Kim Taeyeon was beaten every day, it would be really great for Li Menglong, but it seemed The possibility of realizing it is not very high. After all, the sealing of Kim Taeyeon's brain is quite good. There should not be many serious water intrusions, which is a pity!

When Li Menglong woke up in the morning, he discovered a very novel thing. He actually fell asleep with a smile on his face. In addition to his expression all morning as evidence, the soreness in his jaw muscles also proved it. It was just that Kim Taeyeon had beaten him. So happy? Is this schadenfreude?

After briefly reflecting on his boredom, Li Menglong couldn't help but doubt his own character, but he had to say that he was really curious. What was Kim Taeyeon's solution at the end yesterday? So facing Xu Xian who was the first to come down, Li Menglong naturally approached him: "Girl, do you need my help with something?"

Xu Xian tucked her long hair behind her ears and looked at Li Menglong in confusion. She had no idea how this question came to her, but out of her own kindness and politeness, she didn't mind answering: "Thank you, Oppa, It’s not needed right now.”

"Don't, you don't know too many people about this kind of thing. Once it's not handled well, it will be easily exposed. It's better for me to finish it for you!" Li Menglong watched Xu Xian and him pretend to be stupid, and couldn't help but say more. Be more straightforward.

"Exposed? I don't quite understand. Did I make any mistake?"

"Oh, you little girl!" Li Menglong looked around and lowered his voice again. The atmosphere was quite tense for a while: "If you are beaten to death, I will help you dispose of the body. If you are disabled, I will contact you. Hospital, this always needs to be dealt with!"

Xu Xian blinked silently. Although she understood what Li Menglong said, why didn't she know how to answer it? Why did the word corpse appear? Was she stupid after watching a movie yesterday?

Just as he was about to touch Li Menglong's forehead, Xu Xian suddenly realized what he meant. The expression on his face was quite exciting for a moment: "Oppa! What are you talking about here! According to your logic, Taeyeon Ou If Ni walked down on her own, does that mean she faked her body?"

Xu Xian was quite dissatisfied with Li Menglong's strange brain circuit. No matter how much they fought, they would never get to this level. Although the battle last night was indeed a bit tragic, Xu Xian couldn't bear to watch it later, but in the end, Jin Tae Yan is still fine. She doesn't have any missing arms or legs, and there isn't even an extra bruise on her face.

"Hoho, this is a very professional shot. Is this a blow specifically for the stomach? In fact, it would be more effective to use a book as a pad!" Li Menglong misinterpreted Xu Xian's meaning here, but it has to be said that to some extent, he He was right, Kim Taeyeon was standing behind him holding her butt.

"I know a lot, can you teach me how to do it?" Kim Taeyeon's first sentence was very low, but the next sentence went straight to the sound of a dolphin. Li Menglong was so frightened that he jumped forward, almost knocking Xu Xian He hit him, but even so, he didn't dare to look back.

"Did you hear what I just said? In the future, when you go out and sit on the ground, remember to put a book under your butt, otherwise it will be bad for your health. Do you understand?" Li Menglong quickly changed the subject here. , but doesn’t he feel a little abrupt?

At least Kim Taeyeon didn't believe a word he said. After all, she still heard a few words. Since Li Menglong was pretending to be stupid, it was up to her, Kim Taeyeon, to wake him up. She would retreat with one foot and one with the other. Lunge, make fists with both hands at your waist, a standard side kicking posture.

But when the leg was slightly raised, screams came out involuntarily. Kim Taeyeon was naturally not able to perform such an advanced move as beating a cow across the mountain, so it was naturally not Li Menglong who was in pain, but at this time he dared to look back. , it seems that some people are a bit miserable.

I saw Kim Taeyeon bouncing on the spot with one leg, the other leg slightly raised, and her hands dragging her butt. From this look, it was obvious that she had been beaten severely last night, but the girls were obviously showing mercy. , otherwise Kim Taeyeon might not even be able to stand up.

"Porcelain touches should be based on scientific evidence. Neither of us have ever encountered it!" Li Menglong backed away again with a smile. Anyway, he had made up his mind and just decided not to provoke Kim Taeyeon today. Otherwise, there is a suspicion of being a scapegoat.

"You bastard, and you bastards!" Kim Taeyeon has begun to be full of resentment towards the entire world, including herself of course. Why is there suddenly a missing string in her brain? This is unlike her, Kim Taeyeon, who is always a goddess of wisdom. The positioning of the incarnation is seriously inconsistent!

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