The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1873 Horrible Revenge

Xu Xian took the photo mainly because he was moved. After all, someone can cook such a big meal for himself at night. It is a must to be grateful. Secondly, he wanted to share it with his fans. As for his psychology, I don’t know why. It’s a different story, but it’s somewhat of a show off.

As for the girls behind her, it was a completely different mood. After Yoona was wronged, she was so close to dying that she almost hit the wall because she was so wronged. , even a little aggrieved.

In order to prevent the group from losing members in such a funny way, this group of people could only come here one more time. Even if they didn’t want to eat, it was okay to have a sip of soup. But as soon as they came in, they saw the amazing-looking instant noodles. Especially the pile of large pieces of beef in the middle looks very appetizing. It turns out that Yoona is really not lying.

In order to prevent Li Menglong from doing anything else, the girls subconsciously took out their mobile phones. It is always right to take pictures and save them. Even if they stand in court in the future, this will be the most direct evidence. But I don’t know if the court will Never mind these trivial matters.

Xu Xian was naturally frightened by the actions of this group of sisters. To be precise, she didn't dare to use chopsticks anymore. Who knows what these people would do, but Li Menglong had no such worries and didn't even look back. I directly picked up a piece of beef and stuffed it into my mouth, and then took a sip of the noodle soup. The taste was quite satisfying.

"Why don't you eat it? It tastes very good, try it quickly!" Li Menglong pointed at Xu Xian who was staying there. As for him, he had mixed all the ingredients thoroughly and continued to taste the noodles. Sure enough, it was still the same. The taste of instant noodles.

Despite this, what Li Menglong eats is still sweet. Not to mention that the instant noodles themselves are quite good. Even if they taste bad, they will still feel hungry after seeing Li Menglong eating like this. This seems to be Li Menglong's unique ability. It is said that if he and Lee Soon Kyu start a mukbang together, it might become very popular.

But it seems that neither of them has this idea. One is too busy and the other is too lazy. But now is obviously not the time to be curious about these things. They need an explanation: "Li Menglong, don't eat it yet. Why didn't it come when we came here just now?" See the beef?”

"Did you see why you came over to ask me? Everything is in the pot, is it my fault?" Li Menglong defended quite innocently. This is indeed unreasonable. It can only be said that they themselves are not careful.

However, girls rarely reflect on themselves when it comes to this kind of thing. Instead, they habitually think that this is all Li Menglong’s conspiracy. Otherwise, why would the beef that is just right be at the bottom? If Yoona hadn’t forced her to die. , they might have been deceived.

Just when Kim Taeyeon wanted to continue arguing with Li Menglong, she found that her sisters all had their own ideas. As expected, it became more and more difficult to lead the team as they got older. At least she could get the situation back. Come on, let's all be well. The team seems to be very scattered now, with no momentum at all. But why are they all in a hurry?

Kim Taeyeon soon knew the answer. These people are all pragmatic people. Instead of just trying to trouble Li Menglong here, it is better to get some real dry goods. You must know that this pot cannot be made. How much, and besides, Li Menglong and Xu Xian's bowls are so big, who knows how much is left in the pot, so just go and take a look first and you won't suffer.

At the beginning, the girls' goal was very clear. They kept looking for Li Menglong's beef, but most of them were fished out by Li Menglong. The remaining fish that slipped through the net couldn't help but this group of people fished desperately, so Soon they began to change their targets, from noodles to soup, and finally the whole pot looked as if it had been washed, extremely clean.

Although the whole thing is very complicated, the whole process does not last more than two minutes. Although there are only two spoons, there are so many girls. After taking turns, there is no time for Kim Taeyeon to react. When she passes by People have completely dispersed.

Kim Taeyeon blinked silently, a rather helpless emotion filling her heart. She felt that everyone was not united. If there was delicious food, they didn't even know how to show their respect to the captain and eldest sister first. How could they lead this team? She is already thinking about sealing Mai!

If fans knew that Kim Taeyeon wanted to retire for a pot of instant noodles, I don’t know if they would find it ridiculous. Fortunately, Seohyun stood up as a little fairy and couldn’t make fans sad. Of course, she hadn’t thought of it yet. More, I just feel that Kim Taeyeon is a little pitiful.

"Unnie, my bowl has too much. Can you help me eat a little? I've already used chopsticks here. You won't dislike me, right?" Although Xu Xian had a sharing attitude, his tone was Almost all of them were begging for Kim Taeyeon. I have to say that this was the training given to her by the dormitory.

Sure enough, after hearing Xu Xian speak, Kim Taeyeon's eyes immediately glowed with a different look. If Xu Xian had a giving tone, Kim Taeyeon might have to think about it. After all, she still needs a bit of dignity from time to time. .

But now Xu Xian has directly paved the way for her. If she doesn't cherish it, it will be a waste of Xu Xian's feelings, so Kim Taeyeon replied quickly: "I don't dislike you. How can Unnie dislike you? Although I’ve already had dinner and I’m not hungry at all, but it’s not good to waste food after all. Ernie is here to help you today, so be careful next time!”

Li Menglong scratched his chin, and his words sounded artificial. In this case, he didn't mind standing up and saying something fair: "Don't wait until you, since Xiaoxian can't eat and you're not hungry, then I’m here to eat, and I won’t waste food!”

Xu Xian really wanted to laugh when she heard this. Fortunately, she held it back in time, otherwise Kim Taeyeon might get angry, and so would Li Menglong. At this time, she had to add fuel to the fire. In order to coax Kim Taeyeon to offer food, Lee Mongryong is going to cause trouble? But I have to say it sounds a bit enjoyable.

Compared with Xu Xian's slightly complicated emotions, Kim Taeyeon's emotions are quite simple, that is, she is angry and angry. This bastard Li Menglong is really not a human being. He just doesn't leave a portion of the food for her. Xu Xian takes the initiative Even though he has given so much, he still makes sarcastic remarks. Doesn’t it mean that Kim Taeyeon has to turn the table over to be satisfied?

Fortunately, Li Menglong knew what it meant to give up when he was ready. Besides, there were no other girls here to hear it, so Kim Taeyeon could still sit down shamelessly. In order not to cause trouble later, Li Menglong also took the initiative to hand it over. I ate a lot of beef, which made Kim Taeyeon feel very comfortable.

When she came out with a full burp, she was naturally greeted by the disdainful eyes of the girls. Just now, she could justly point out that they were not united, but what about Kim Taeyeon now? Can we talk about how she uses power for personal gain and preys on members?

I have to say that after staying in a team for a long time, everyone's personalities will affect each other. For example, just now the girls were able to shamelessly drag this problem over. Kim Taeyeon naturally has strength, and I didn't see her talking, just with a simple and honest attitude. With a silly smile, she forced herself to squeeze out a seat on the sofa, and then lay down completely satisfied. At least her life was complete today.

Although the rhythm of the meal was disrupted by the force of this group of people, Li Menglong was doing better, but Xu Xian was a little miserable: "Are you full? There is some beef left, otherwise I will cook it again for you. One portion?"

I have to say that this suggestion itself is quite tempting, but Xu Xian's strong self-control told her to exercise some restraint. Even if she did not eat enough, her fat-prone body is not suitable for eating. Too many. Although she is the director of this drama, she will still have some roles. In order to show fans a good posture, Xu Xian can only shake her head.

One of Li Menglong's advantages is that he respects the wishes of the girls. As for whether Xu Xian has eaten enough or not, it is not that important. What is important is that the girl says she doesn't want to eat, so just listen to her. Besides, it's okay to be hungry occasionally. .

"Then go watch TV and go to bed early. Your dark circles have become more and more serious recently!" Li Menglong urged while packing the dishes.

"Really? I've been wearing a facial mask every day recently!" Xu Xian rubbed his eye circles and refused to admit it. After all, it is every girl's nature to love beauty: "It's still early to rest. I'll help Oppa wash the dishes. It’s time to exercise.”

"Why don't your sisters know how to learn from you?" Li Menglong didn't know how many times he had made similar sighs. Although he and Xu Xian no longer had any hope in their hearts, they wanted to complain about it. It's still possible.

Because the girls didn’t eat with them, there weren’t many dishes to clean. It seemed a little early after the two came out. Of course, this time is calculated based on digestion time. After all, it’s not suitable to just eat. Just rest.

According to the past rules, Xu Xian should have dragged Li Menglong to help with the work, but as the filming drew closer, although there were still many things to do, Xu Xian was not so urgent. Years of experience on stage performances told her that success depends on The most important thing is to practice for a long time before going on stage. As for the time when going on stage, it is more important to relax. At least you must show your preparations perfectly so that you will not regret it.

Although Xu Xian is still quite busy at the company, at least Xu Xian has deliberately reduced his workload after returning home. For example, watching TV with his sisters is quite good now, but the TV series these people watch are very bad. It suits her taste: "You guys can't watch a movie or something, that seems more meaningful."

The saying "eating people with short lips" is applicable everywhere, especially Kim Taeyeon who wanted to accept Seohyun's favor, so she grabbed the remote control directly: "Didn't you hear the maknae say she wanted to watch a movie? These sisters don’t know how to take care of their sisters at all, hey Yigu, is this what I taught you before?”

Although the other girls did not reply, they nodded in unison. Without her as the captain to take the lead, would the atmosphere in their team become like this? But it's hard to say it now, so Quan should just take care of his maknae.

Seeing the hateful faces of these people, Kim Taeyeon thought it was time to teach them a lesson. In this case, let them regret it: "Yoona, go and turn off the lights. Have you ever seen a movie theater with lights on?"

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone's eyes were attracted to Yoona, Kim Taeyeon quickly clicked on the movie and pulled the title. When the girls looked at the TV again, the plot of the movie had slowly unfolded. It was a little depressing to watch. In the scene, the girls asked about the name of the movie.

"I didn't pay attention. I just clicked it when I saw that the rating was a bit high." Kim Taeyeon said nonchalantly: "The style of this film is obviously that of an art film. It may also be a tragedy. Everyone is prepared." What a tissue."

Even though the girls are considered industry insiders, it has to be said that their preferences are similar to ordinary people. They all like movies such as comedy and action. They don't appreciate these artistic films that are very depressing at first sight. Coming.

But looking at Kim Taeyeon's rogue face and Seohyun's interested look, everyone forced themselves to endure it. It would be fine if they just slept. It's just that Li Menglong really wanted to say that it would be a ghost if they could fall asleep. He was I saw the scene when Kim Taeyeon was choosing a movie. This is not classified as a tragic literary film.

I have to say that literary films and horror films are somewhat similar to some extent. At least at the beginning of the film, a depressing atmosphere is deliberately created. However, the former is to highlight the pathos, while the latter is purely to scare people.

I don’t know how Kim Taeyeon chose this movie. At least in the first ten minutes, it seems that it can be regarded as a literary film. It is nothing more than explaining the background of the heroine. Of course, they are all tragic experiences, and now here comes Live temporarily in the countryside.

"There are still people filming this kind of routine? These writers really have no new ideas!" Yoona complained here: "Did you start to feel healed after coming to the country, getting close to nature and making friends? Of course the final outcome It doesn’t matter if you have to die of cancer or something like that, you can let me be the screenwriter.”

"Yeah, I don't think it's possible. Do you want to bet something?" Kim Taeyeon said while holding a pillow to relax, but she was destined to have no chance to trick Yoona, because the plot has changed seven times. In a 120-degree twist, when the protagonist began to retrieve a corpse from the basement, everyone was speechless. By the way, corpses in art movies shouldn't be so scary.

Even though the girls are usually very brave, they are really timid in front of horror movies. Pani hid behind Kim Taeyeon and asked tremblingly: "Taeyeon, are you?" Isn’t it the wrong one? Hurry up and change it!”

Kim Taeyeon's response to Pani was to continue to increase the volume. Horror movies require high volume to feel...

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