The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1872 Sex, fragrance

Blinking innocently, Xu Xian was a little shy at least at this moment. After all, she thought too much. Although it was not her fault, she still felt embarrassed. Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't seem to notice anything yet, but Just a little confused.

"You girl, did I just understand something wrong? Just tell me what you want to eat, and Oppa will cook it for you!" Li Menglong asked uncertainly.

It’s just that Xu Xian dared to let him speak. If he continued to speak, he would be exposed, so he immediately interrupted him: "No, I like to eat whatever oppa does. Make it more delicious for me. I'll go Change clothes upstairs."

After saying this, Xu Xian ran away directly, leaving Li Menglong quite confused. Fortunately, it was not a big deal, and even some misunderstandings were irrelevant. Instead, Li Menglong had some questions about how to make the ramen in front of him taste better. .

When Li Menglong was thinking downstairs, Xu Xian also ran up directly. The thumping footsteps aroused strong curiosity in the surrounding rooms. After all, these people had just changed clothes in their respective rooms, and the door was not closed. I wonder if Li Menglong will have the urge to rush forward when he hears this.

"What's wrong with the maknae? You're being chased by a dog. Squat down quickly so the dog won't chase you!" I don't know which room came from such a sentence, which made Xu Xian quite speechless after hearing it. Are you directly calling Li Menglong a dog?

Of course, Xu Xian couldn't say it directly, so he changed his focus: "Oni's views are outdated. This trick may not work every time, so it's better to be careful when encountering a dog."

"Nani? Are you lying to me? I'm warning you..." Kim Taeyeon's long-winded words were directly suppressed by Lee Soon Kyu. She always said these useless things. Can you focus on something slightly meaningful, such as What are Xu Xian and Li Menglong going to eat at night!

"It should be the braised beef. After all, I don't think there is much shrimp and fish plate left." Xu Xian responded casually, and then went into her room to change clothes. She was not as bold as her sisters. Yes, closing the door is a must.

Of course, saying this is unfair to the other girls. Xu Xian closed the door mainly because she was the only one changing clothes now. Who knows if these people will suddenly rush in or something like that. Of course, I know that taking pictures is not allowed, but look It's also weird to be shy.

But at this moment, it was obvious that everyone's attention was attracted by Xu Xian's words just now. Is Li Menglong going to make braised beef for Xu Xian this night? This doesn't just sound very tempting. You must know that Li Menglong actually made this dish, and now they are still drooling when they think about the taste.

"It's probably too late. I remember it took almost a day to stew last time!"

"Maybe he made it in advance!"

"That's not right. There was no smell at home when we came back."

"Why are you talking so much? Just go down and have a look later. If he really cooks this dish, I will definitely not be done with him. Why can't he be nicer to us? Why are we worse than the maknae?"

The conversation between the girls ends here, because there is no way to continue the conversation. If it continues, they will have to discuss how they are inferior to the maknae. Although they are very confident in appearance, there are still many There are many other aspects. Just from a study point of view, it is really a world. They don’t even have the qualifications to look up to them. If they talk about it too much, they will shed tears. The other groups will definitely not understand their pain. It’s okay if all the bad guys in a group are academics. Why would Seohyun be an idol if he’s so good at studying? He should just go get a doctorate!

When Xu Xian changed into very cartoon pajamas and walked out, he found that the corridor was a little lively. All these sisters were standing in the corridor, chatting or leaning against the wall with their eyes closed. Even Yuri was still there. There is a plank over there, which looks very magical.

Secretly leaning towards Yoona, as one of the two maknae, they are obliged to exchange news: "Unnie, what are you looking at?"

While talking, Xu Xian followed Yoona and stood at the door. It seemed that it was Pani's room. What's so strange about this? Who knows that Yoona was also curious about this. It's so hard to find an excuse, so What a weird person standing over there, insisting on asking me? Do you think Lin Yoona is easy to bully?

"Looking at the scenery?" Xu Xian repeated it loudly with her eyes widened. It wasn't that she didn't have enough concentration, but that Yoona's excuse was really bad. Xu Xian would be able to understand it if another fan came to say this, but Is there anything Yoona is curious about? You can come over anytime you want on weekdays. No one cares about sleeping with Pani in her arms. She actually wants to see the scenery?

She shook her head and ignored these weirdos. If she thought about it further, she would not be able to help but call the mental hospital. However, after walking a few steps, she seemed to hear the footsteps behind her. She turned around suddenly, as if The scene just now moved a little closer to her.

Those small talk and the like are better, but Yoona has gone too far. It was barely an excuse to look at Pani's room just now, but now she is directly facing the wall, not to mention the wall can also see something Flowers come.

Yoona was extremely embarrassed at the moment. Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't ask any further questions, which could be regarded as preserving a sense of friendship between them. As soon as she walked down, she could smell the aroma of meat, accompanied by the sound of the soup slurping. , it seems that you can already see large pieces of beef rolling in the soup. Even Xu Xian couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Is it possible that Li Menglong is really making braised beef?

Even people like Xu Xian who knew the inside story couldn't help but be deceived. One can imagine the psychology of the girls at this moment. They were almost scolding Li Menglong while thinking about finding some excuse to go over and have some food. Although they Already had dinner, but as we all know you won’t get fat if you eat beef!

Seeing Xu Xian strolling to the kitchen, the girls wanted to continue following him, but they still had to discuss the reasons, so they could only resist the temptation and forcefully turn to the sofa, but the peripheral vision of their eyes always kept looking at him. I'm looking towards the kitchen, don't let these two people finish it all!

The girls' curiosity is not important to the two people in the kitchen. After all, they don't know anything, so Xu Xian is more concerned about the food itself: "Is Oppa really making braised beef? It smells so delicious!" "

"How is that possible? Do you think I'm a god? I can make a dish with just a snap of my fingers?" Li Menglong replied with a smile, but his movements didn't stop. He still needed some side dishes, some shredded green onions, peppers, and some vegetables. Ye, this can be regarded as taking care of Xu Xian's taste.

"Isn't it? Then why does it taste like beef? Do you think the instant noodles nowadays are so lifelike?" Xu Xian really didn't believe it. After all, in her opinion, instant noodles are still classified as junk food. , how can it be compared with beef that is full of nutrients.

"The smell of beef is naturally because I put beef in it, silly boy!" Li Menglong pointed at the lunch box on the side and said speechlessly. Could it be that Xu Xian's IQ will drop slightly after he is hungry? It seems to have quite a scientific basis.

Xu Xian looked at the various ingredients on the chopping board and finally figured it out. It turned out to be beef in soy sauce. He didn't know who brought it from home. Li Menglong naturally didn't know how to use it lightly. It looked like the amount of beef he put was super. A lot, and when paired with instant noodles seasoning, it really seems to be braised beef.

Even Li Menglong himself is a little skeptical. After all, there is no dough yet, and the beef is frozen and needs to be heated separately, so if the beef and side dishes are added together, there is no problem in calling it beef stew, at least Girls think so.

"You two are really making beef behind our backs. You are really not human. Are you worthy of us?" As a little ace spy who was sent to spy on the enemy, Yoona saw through the truth almost at a glance. After all, she is quite devout about food, especially meat. This is clearly Li Menglong setting up a separate kitchen for Xu Xian!

"Don't make your words so ambiguous, okay? I'm not that familiar with you!" Li Menglong said rather repellingly: "Besides, this is not beef. Is there something wrong with your eyes? Do I need to take you to an ophthalmologist? "

"I'm seeing an ophthalmologist? You're telling lies with your eyes open!" Yoona really felt ridiculous. The beef in the pot was still rolling crazily. She had to go over and take out a piece of it before the other party would admit it. ?

This is simply not going back until you hit the wall. Don't blame her. Lin Yuner was heartbroken and immediately ran out and started to complain. In short, the two of them should not think about eating alone today. Xu Xian stood there blankly, she I think the misunderstanding is a bit big.

Fortunately, Li Menglong was calm enough, and he could guess a little bit about the psychology of these little girls. It happened that the time was almost up, so he might as well just make a cake, so when a large group of girls rushed in, When I arrived, all I saw was a pot of instant noodles, and the scene was quite embarrassing.

"What should I say? Xu Xian and I cooked instant noodles. Do you want to eat some together?" Li Menglong asked preemptively, leaving the girls speechless. After all, they wanted to come over to eat beef. Who is this instant noodles for? If you eat, you will gain weight!

Everyone had already had some doubts about Yoona, but based on the principle that they were all on their own, Kim Taeyeon still asked one more question: "Then what's going on with this smell?"

Li Menglong didn't say anything, he just handed over the package of instant noodles. The words "Braised Beef Flavor" were very bright on it. Kim Taeyeon was so angry that a group of people hugged Yoona and left again. When he went out, Yoona was accompanied by a fierce defense: "I told the truth. It was really a pot of beef just now. Why don't you believe me? I, Lin Yoona, swear on my own personality! "

Yoona's domineering declaration made the scene quiet for a full ten seconds, but then there were a lot of scoldings. It is obvious that Yoona's personality is quite worthless at least in similar matters. Maybe she is the only one who is not very good at it. Be clear.

Li Menglong blinked mischievously at Xu Xian. As expected, Xu Xian was also a very shady girl. Li Menglong just didn't speak. Xu Xian, the thick-browed and big-eyed girl, didn't expect to trick Yoona without saying a word. A handful, just go over and push the noodles away, and the beef will naturally come out again.

But this is how tacit understanding is born. Neither of the two said anything. If the girls come back later, they can still say that they don't know anything. It's all a misunderstanding. As for whether the girls will believe it or not, it's their business. Anyway, both Li Menglong and Xu Xian were determined not to admit it!

After making up their minds, the two of them were about to start eating. After all, this was the root of everything. Xu Xian came up to help but was blocked by Li Menglong, which made Xu Xian very puzzled. However, Li Menglong did not explain. After all, this This is the most critical step.

Speaking of how to make instant noodles delicious, I believe everyone has different opinions on this issue. The simplest is to control the amount of water. To a certain extent, the less water, the more delicious it is. The more complicated one is to add some auxiliary ingredients. , the most common one is of course ham sausage.

Li Menglong has absorbed the essence of the above. He has really invested heavily in the auxiliary materials, and he doesn't feel distressed at all. The beef alone costs a lot of money, and it can even be said that the instant noodles are not worthy of the beef.

But in addition to this, Li Menglong feels that the presentation of the dishes can also be improved. After all, what is important when eating is a complete color, aroma and taste. Ordinary people may pay more attention to the latter two points, but I have to say that if the appearance of a dish is experienced enough, it will be certain. To a certain extent, it deceives the senses and makes you feel that food is more delicious. The simplest example of this is that when buying fruits, people will subconsciously choose some good-looking ones to buy.

It's just that Li Menglong's talent in plate presentation is very average. After all, he doesn't have any artistic talent, but he has gone to many high-end restaurants with girls. He has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away, so he can always be interesting.

He took out two huge soup bowls from the cupboard. This is the most essential thing Li Menglong learned from Western food. Let’s not talk about the quantity of food. At least the container must be big. As for why, Li Menglong didn’t understand. Maybe Is this going to make diners cherish the food?

First pick out the noodles and roll them at the bottom of the bowl, then use chopsticks to put the rest of the ingredients on top little by little. Of course, each part must be separated, just like the vegetables placed on top of the bibimbap. The most eye-catching thing It is undoubtedly the big pile of beef in the middle.

The final finishing step is to pour the soup on spoon by spoon. The process must be slow, especially the last spoon must not be put in it. Half a spoon should be left and thrown away, so as to look professional. Well, it's as if every drop of the soup was planned.

I have to say that this move really surprised Xu Xian. Although she had eaten a lot of expensive meals, this was not done by Li Menglong. She really didn’t expect that Li Menglong had this skill, so she subconsciously wanted to take it out. She took a picture with her mobile phone. She wanted to share it with fans at this time, and also helped Li Menglong improve her favorability with her long-cherished wish. But before she took action, a series of shutter sounds suddenly sounded, so she was still discovered. …

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