The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1572 A witty escape

Li Menglong felt that he was not too strict in doing things. At least the downstairs was equivalent to a safe house. Not only was there always food and the like, but there were also some clothes and some cash that the girls didn't know about. A bank card or even a backup phone.

This will at least make it easier to escape when some irresistible events occur. How can it be like now, wearing a pair of long johns, even though he already knows that the upstairs is quite dangerous, but he has to bite the bullet and walk up. He can't really Wear long johns and go out on the street. Even if you don’t mind the shame, it’s still cold!

Xu Xian was really relieved when he saw Li Menglong appear. If Li Menglong disappeared again, she would not be able to grasp his location. In order to ease the conflict between the two parties, Xu Xian rarely stood up.

"Oppa, you're finally back. It's been a hard day outside!" Xu Xian tried to arouse the sympathy of the girls: "It's not very convenient even if you stay at a friend's place. It's best to stay at home, isn't it? Oppa, you said the same say something!"

Being pushed and taken away by Xu Xian, Li Menglong didn't feel offended at all. It was clear that this girl just wanted him to bow his head first. In fact, Li Menglong did this kind of thing often, but today for no reason he just wanted a man. Once.

So the pressure turned to the girls. Although these girls were worried when he was not here, after seeing the real person, especially when their complexion was quite rosy, they really didn't intend to compromise with him. Now that I can be forgiven so easily for running away from home, how can I have fun in the future?

Fortunately, just when everyone was ready for a conflict to break out, Yoona suddenly emerged as the third pole. Although Yoona is used to being a faggot on weekdays, if you want to see the benefits of this status, at least neither party rejects her, right? .

Although she doesn't really want to stand up, after all, it would be bad if she accidentally attracts the anger to her, but she can't watch Xiaoxian working hard alone. After all, she is also a member of the maknae party. So I mustered up the courage to stand up.

But don't expect her to say anything righteous. Of course, she wanted to go over and give Li Menglong a slap in the face, and then yelled at the girls: The whole family is causing trouble here, so we can't live in peace. Are you living a stable life? Are they all children?

Of course, these are just thoughts. If they are actually done, the consequences will be disastrous: "Oppa, where have you been staying today? Is it the police station? I heard that drinking coffee there is free!"

Yoona's change of topic was a bit too abrupt, especially since the girls across from her didn't particularly appreciate it: "Yooner, let him go, let me see what he is going to do today!"

I have to say that the girls are a little unruly now, but mainly because Li Menglong walked out like this for a day, the girls felt uncomfortable. As for Li Menglong himself, he could understand, after all, he was only a few steps upstairs and downstairs, but It's different with the girls. The girls' anger now is also about their concern for him.

It’s just that although I always choose to lower my head on weekdays, today my hormones are inexplicably over the top, so I just have sex with these girls, roll my eyes a few times, and then pick up a coat on the side without looking back. He returned and walked out.

Now the girls are a little stupid. This plot shouldn't develop like this. Besides, Li Menglong has no money and no mobile phone. Where can he go in the middle of the night? Even if he goes to Liu Jae Suk's place, it will ruin their girlhood. As for his reputation, I just wanted him to learn a lesson. When did Li Menglong become so strong?

The key is that girls can't accept being strong or even a bit of a man. They should be gentler and more feminine. They can act coquettishly and so on. But doesn't Li Menglong hate these things, that's why he is like this? mode of getting along.

Li Menglong has temporarily changed his personality. This cannot be blamed on their ruthlessness in their teenage years. Who knows if Li Menglong suddenly went through menopause? Just when everyone was in a daze, Yoona stood up again. This girl seems to have Some are too active.

"Onie, I'm going after Oppa. Don't worry. I will contact you from time to time. You can't let him go alone. What if something unexpected happens!" Yoona said anxiously, her whole body seemed to be They are all shrouded in a halo of the Virgin.

The girls were also a little confused. They didn't even have the intention to stop her. They just didn't think about it. It might be okay for Li Menglong to go out by himself. It would be a lot of trouble if there was a big star Yoona beside him. But what the girl said can be given to them. The fact of tipping off the information still pokes at everyone's weakness. In fact, as long as they know what Li Menglong is doing, no one is willing to take care of him. Can such an adult still be thrown away?

Yoona, wrapped in a coat, trotted down, but her expression was not as anxious as before. She was not sure whether she finally understood the meaning of Li Menglong's eyes correctly. To be precise, she was not sure whether that look was for her alone. , but anyway, she is the only one who has come down so far, I hope I am not wrong.

Although there are street lights in the community, there are only a handful of times when Yoona goes out alone at night, so she is as cautious as a thief. Even though she is very timid, she never underestimates her charm. .

When she realized that she was being hugged from behind, Yoona was really about to scream out. Fortunately, the other party seemed to have done this intentionally and blocked her mouth in advance: "I only rob money, I have nothing to do with you." Interested, so stop shouting!”

He took a bite of the big hand, and then Yoona spat and muttered: "Fart, you didn't see me in person, otherwise you would still want to steal money? Do you think my appearance, Lin Yuner, is fake?"

"Nenene, our Yoona is the most beautiful!" Li Menglong said flatteringly from behind: "Have you brought enough money? The happiness of the two of us tonight depends on you. Don't say that you just came out with your clothes on. of!"

"Hmph, am I that stupid?" Yoona proudly took out her wallet with a cartoon pattern. Although there was not much cash in it, there were several cards, enough for the two of them to go back and forth several times. 's: "There's a surprise!"

As she spoke, Yoona turned the car keys in her hand again. Since she planned to join forces with Li Menglong, Yoona would naturally not wrong her. She took advantage of the girls' unconsciousness to bring a lot of things, and even gave Li Menglong a few. Warm baby.

"Okay, where do we Yoona want to go tonight? Your personal butler Li Menglong is at your service 24 hours a day!" Li Menglong bent his arm at 40 degrees with one hand and made a gentleman's gesture. As for Yoona, she was naturally very happy. If she just followed this trick and took such a big risk just for this moment, her brain was already a bit exhausted.

"There are no twenty-four hours, only twelve hours are enough!" Yoona said time first. She didn't want to elope with Lee Mong-ryong, otherwise she would be easily torn into two pieces by Lee Soon-gyu: "Let's take action first. , always stay in the community and don’t get caught up again.”

Li Menglong naturally follows the good deeds. When he came out, he set his sights on the girls. No matter who came out with money, Li Menglong would cooperate unconditionally tonight. In fact, this was a big enough temptation for the girls.

After all, given their status, there is no chance of staying out all night, but it is different with Li Menglong accompanying him. This guy is simply a born scapegoat. The key is safety and guarantee, that is, the other girls did not watch Otherwise, it might not be Yoona’s turn.

Li Menglong didn’t pay attention at first. When he came to the garage and pressed the car key, he realized that Yoona had actually stolen the key to the sports car. Li Menglong himself hardly drove this car. It was so pushy. Besides, there were only two cars in total. This seat is not suitable for taking anyone with you.

But now that there is no such trouble, is it possible to ask Yoona to go back and change the key? Besides, maybe the girl did it on purpose: "Let me remind you, the probability of being recognized is very high when driving this car. You should consider the consequences yourself, and don't blame me then!"

"Hey, can you not mention this? Let's talk about tomorrow's things tomorrow. Let's go now, let's go get something to eat first, and then we can study further!" Yoona was very excited as she sat in the passenger seat, especially when she thought about the other girls. We are still staying at home stupidly. Sure enough, having a high IQ is beneficial.

But there was still a level that needed to be passed before that. Lee Soon Kyu called. Yoona looked at Lee Mong Ryong who was looking at him indifferently. She was so entangled in her heart that she asked Lee Mong Ryong to drive the sports car that Lee Soon Kyu gave him and take her out to play at night. , no matter how you look at her, Lin Yoona looks like a villain. She will probably start her career as a mistress in a TV series.

Fortunately, in reality, Yoona has never had such thoughts, otherwise she would not be able to get along with Lee Mong-ryong so shamelessly and without impatience. She has a selfless heart and a wide world, but this is not something worth showing off. Considering the current situation It didn't help at all.

"I'm in a taxi, chasing the Oppa car in front of me, and I don't know where he's going to park yet!" Yoona made up a fairly reliable excuse, mainly because Li Menglong had just forced overtaking and there was a roaring sound from the motor. , if this excuse is too early, it will almost be exposed.

"When did taxis drive so fast? It sounds like a sports car!" Lee Soon Kyu muttered without delving into it. If she knew that Li Menglong was taking Yoona for a ride in the sports car she gave him, he might be able to drive directly from the building. Jump up and down to chase the pair of bitches.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry too much. I will send you text messages at any time. You should go to bed early!" Yoona comforted the emotions of the girls on the other end. After all, she would not be able to play safely if these people don't sleep.

"Well, you should also pay attention to yourself. If you find Li Menglong, follow him. Don't be alone outside. If you can't, just come back. Do you understand?"

Listening to the care of the girls on the phone, Yoona felt that she was quite inhuman for a moment, and she had the urge to show off. Fortunately, reason quickly defeated emotions. There will be many opportunities to apologize in the future, but at night she can There are very few opportunities to hang out. After all, Li Menglong doesn't like going out at night. If other men take her out to play with her, Yoona won't do it herself.

"Tsk tsk, let's forget about it after we're disbanded. There's no one in this team who can tell lies without a blush!" Li Menglong laughed and teased Yoona over there.

This girl was in a little upset state. When she heard these words, she exploded: "I came out to help you out of kindness, are you mocking me now? Do you want me to call Ernies and let's go back together?"

"I'm just saying casually. Seeing that such an excellent artist like you has been leading such a bad group for a long time, I feel sorry for you!" Li Menglong was complimenting here carelessly, thinking that Yoona would have to refuse. , who knows maybe Yoona let herself go without the girls, anyway she just snorted and acquiesced.

Li Menglong wanted to record these words for a moment. It would be extremely powerful to threaten Yoona in the future. That is to say, he does not have any electronic equipment now: "What should we, Miss Yoona, eat now?"

"Just eating is a waste of time, let's go watch a movie!" Yoona seems to have been preparing for this day for a long time, so don't think too much.

"Cinema? Have you booked a ticket?"

"What's the point of a movie theater? Let's go to a drive-in movie theater. I heard that the burgers and fries there are also delicious!" Yoona swallowed her saliva and said excitedly. In fact, as long as she can come out at this time, no matter it is She will be happy no matter what she does.

Of course, Li Menglong didn't care. He just knew that it would be better to drive a nanny car like this. The car can also lie down. It doesn't look like a sports car. The place is so big. Fortunately, the food is really good. The burger Li Menglong ate was quite good. Sour and refreshing.

Another thing might be the sound effects. After all, Lee Soon Kyu spent a lot of money to modify them. This is no worse than the sound effects in a movie theater. The only pity is that the movie is not particularly good-looking. Of course, this is in Li Menglong's eyes.

To be honest, this can be regarded as a kind of occupational disease. As a director, he will instinctively watch movies with a critical eye. After watching it once, he will be very tired. Therefore, this is also the reason why he likes to watch variety shows. At least after watching it, his mind will be relaxed. .

Only halfway through watching Yoona, this girl wanted to go to the bathroom. Li Menglong nodded to indicate that he agreed, but Yoona gave her a hard punch. If she dared to go by herself, who would say this to him? It was so shy. of!

"You still need me to accompany you, right?" Li Menglong scratched his head, and for the sake of the fact that he ate three and a half burgers and Yoona only ate half, he went with her: "Don't expect me to go in with you. ah!"

"Bah, you want to be a hooligan and I don't agree with it!" Yoona glared at him and then hurriedly pulled him and ran away. She hugged his arm very much, mainly because the surrounding area was a bit desolate. , looking flustered.

"Yeah, can you stop using so much force? You're taking advantage of me!" Li Menglong naturally noticed Yoona's state, so he joked to ease her tension.


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