The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1571 Hide and Seek

"I don't know. I have been sleeping this morning. Hyoyeon Unni can prove it to me!" Xu Xian spread his hands and said aggrievedly. The key is why these people came to her in the first place. She is not the roundworm in Li Menglong's belly.

Although Li Menglong would tell her many things, and this matter was not something that needed to be deliberately concealed, the door was locked tightly last night, and she was afraid that two irrational people would catch her if she went out, so she kept telling her He slept until he got up, and had no chance to be alone with Li Menglong.

Judging from Xu Xian's face alone, it's hard for the girls to judge whether this sentence is true or false. After all, although this girl can't lie, girls can't afford to suffer more than once when she is evil, so they all look at it. To Hyoyeon.

Compared with Xu Xian, who has been perfectly absorbed by Li Menglong, Xiaoyuan still stands on their collective side. Although he is one of Li Menglong's best drinking friends, Xiaoyuan will occasionally come to Li Menglong for a drink when he can't sleep, but Hyoyuan can still distinguish between right and wrong.

"Everything Xiaoxian said is true. Can you guys give me some trust as sisters?" Xiaoyuan said with a slight dissatisfaction. This group of people just doubted Xuxian, but they didn't even believe her. : "Do you need me to swear?"

Seeing that Hyoyuan was about to get violent, the girls may have thought it would be better to act in unison, so they believed this statement for the time being. Then it was time to solve the case. Where was Li Menglong?

Seeing Yoona walking straight to the window, squatting there and wiping the dust on the window with her fingers, and then came to a rather profound conclusion: "There is no dust here, it seems that Oppa came from The one who jumped down, woo woo!”

Even the well-informed girls were shocked by Yoona's ghost-like inference. How could she infer that she jumped from the building because there was no dust beside the window? Do you dare to be more arbitrary? Besides, if you really jumped off the building, wouldn't it be more intuitive to just lie on the window and look down?

Yoona is still very unhappy. These ordinary people don't believe her, Lin Yoona's inference. You must know that she is a famous detective who has watched hundreds of episodes of Conan, and she can spare so much time from her extremely busy work. What a great perseverance it is to study these things!

However, Xu Xian quickly gave the reason why there was no dust on the window: "Because I have been writing scripts at Oppa's house recently at night. He joked that the room was too dirty because of me, so I just cleaned the room yesterday!"

"The truth is out, you can leave, next!" Kim Taeyeon patted her hand and signaled Yoona to drink some milk. It's best not to mix papaya in it every day. Whether that thing has any effect is another matter. It's still too much. It’s best to add some walnuts to replenish your brain.

Although Yoona's inference is very unreliable, it can be regarded as igniting everyone's enthusiasm. Anyway, it is idle to get up early in the morning, not to mention that the girls actually found something. Sure enough, the TV series , cartoons are not free to watch.

All the bank cards in the mobile wallet are at home. Don’t ask the girls why they know all about Li Menglong’s bank cards. Anyway, he didn’t take out a penny. Of course, it is not ruled out that he secretly hid some cash, but it is unlikely. .

As for the clothes, because the girls had just updated their wardrobes yesterday, it was easy to deduce what Li Menglong was wearing. In short, he didn't even have any outer trousers, just a pair of long johns before he walked out.

The most surprising thing is that although the quilt is still in the room, the pillow is missing. This is a bit weird. Imagine that Li Menglong just woke up, squinting his eyes, wearing long johns and a sweatshirt, hugging a pillow, and not having any The scene of wandering around with only mobile phones, bank cards and cash is so beautiful that people dare not look at it.

Silently taking out their mobile phones, the girls felt that Li Menglong was taking revenge on them. He wandered the streets in this extremely miserable state similar to that of a mental patient, allowing the audience to verbally criticize their girlhood. After all, a The man was driven crazy, this had to be too much.

I have to say that this move is too insidious. It will injure the enemy eight hundred and damage himself thousands. Li Menglong is going to risk his old face and die with the girls. Their hands holding the mobile phones are shaking. This How hateful and cruel!

Fortunately, everything seems to be calm on the Internet. The headline is still the news that Li Menglong had an affair with Running Man yesterday. I don't know if it is official news. In short, Liu Zaishi is verbally criticizing Li Menglong. It is very enjoyable to watch.

But this does not reassure the girls. On the one hand, they don’t know what Li Menglong is going to do, but more importantly, they are worried about him. He will not really be exactly the same as they imagined. I hope this is just Li Menglong’s story. To raise suspicion, he should at least have some extra plans.

Comparatively speaking, if the girls were brought into the identity of Li Menglong, after doing so, they would probably buy a few sets of clothes with their secretly hidden private money, and then either find a hotel to rest or simply wander around, etc. Come back leisurely in the evening when everyone is anxious, and everything will be solved in this way.

But even though he can comfort himself in this way, he still feels that Li Menglong is not this kind of person. He basically doesn't think about these little things when getting along with girls. According to him, it's not true that his family still thinks about it so much. It’s okay to find fault, so it’s better to be simple.

The girls had to set off for work with a touch of worry. The ideal situation would be for Li Menglong to come back with breakfast or simply wait for them in the car, but unfortunately nothing happened.

"Unnies, I left the book I was reading at home. Why don't you go ahead and I'll go back and get it, and then I'll take a taxi there later?" Xu Xian, who was the last to get on the bus, said embarrassedly from behind, but Blushing can be applied to many emotions, such as lying!

"What are you talking about? Can you go there by yourself? Go back and get it. We'll wait for you. It won't be long!" As the captain, Kim Taeyeon is the one who speaks in such matters, and everyone is used to her coming. Giving orders, I just subconsciously felt that Xu Xian was making a fuss. How long would it take to just get a book? But what book is so important? Will I get sick if I miss a day of reading?

"There's something wrong with this girl!" Jessica touched her chin and said subconsciously. She couldn't say anything specifically. It might be her weird sixth sense.

But the girls misunderstood what she meant. Lee Soon Kyu also defended Xu Xian: "You don't like to read, why don't you let your children study? You see, although I don't like to read either, I can be broad-minded." Learn how to treat Xiaoxian better!"

"What are you trying to show off? Did I understand it wrong? Is Lee Soon Kyu broad-minded?" Jung Soo Yeon stressed the emphasis at a strange point, as if she was afraid that Lee Soon Kyu wouldn't understand, and pressed her dirty hands on it. The fight in the car was so intense that even Jessica herself forgot her initial suspicion of Seohyun.

In fact, her suspicions are reasonable. For example, Xu Xian looked back every step of the way like a thief. He first reached their floor in the elevator, then pretended to open the door, and then ran downstairs from the emergency exit. , this is to prevent girls from turning on cameras in the dormitory. Although the possibility is very small, who can say for sure.

In fact, Xu Xian roughly knew what was going on from the moment he discovered that Li Menglong's pillow was missing. That is to say, the girls were caught up in various speculations and did not notice Xu Xian's expression, otherwise Xu Xian would have been found out long ago.

As for Xu Xian's guess, it was very simple. If it couldn't be confirmed before, the pillow was a bit too simple. Although she and Li Menglong filled some things in one after another downstairs, he was still complaining that the pillow was uncomfortable two days ago. , I had to buy a pillow to go there, so it was obvious where Li Menglong was.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Menglong sleeping soundly in the living room. The floor heating was turned on to the maximum, so the room was not only not cold but also a little hot and dry. Li Menglong was wrapped in a thin blanket and sleeping on the pillow he brought. It was quite comfortable on the floor in the living room.

Xu Xian felt sorry for his unnies for a while. It was true that Li Menglong didn't bring any money or mobile phone, and he was indeed wearing thin clothes, but none of this hindered him. It was just that the steps upstairs and downstairs were obviously freezing. If you don't kill him, as for having no money to find a place to sleep, who told Xu Xian to rent this place, can you still ask him for money?

Seeing Li Menglong sleeping soundly, Xu Xian was too embarrassed to call him. She originally came here thinking of blaming him for coming. After all, she still had some objections when she saw the worried moods of the unnies, as if her own unnies had been corrupted. Men generally cheat.

But now I can only choose to forgive. Anyway, I can't understand the matter between Ernie and Li Menglong, and they are in a state where no one is wronged if they suffer. I put the bread and milk I brought next to him, and then quietly pushed them out. , but before leaving, I felt unwilling to do so, so I simply kicked Li Menglong's butt secretly and then ran out.

It's just that Li Menglong's skin was rough and fleshy, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito. He just changed the direction and fell asleep again, which made Xu Xian want to be kicked again. Fortunately, she had to consider what was waiting for her. Girls, this is how you let Li Menglong go.

After a near miss, we got together with the girls. Many staff members noticed that the girls were not in a good state today, and overall they seemed a little absent-minded. However, everyone understood that no one was feeling uncomfortable yet. , so Director Luo was very considerate and asked them to get off work early.

Xu Xian was really having a hard time this day, mainly because she was not particularly good at acting. Besides, this was no longer the scope of acting. This was simply deceiving, and she was deceiving the unnies who loved her the most.

After all, it’s hard for her to laugh alone when everyone is worried, but she can’t make an expression when she joins them. After all, when she thinks of Li Menglong sleeping soundly, even Xu Xian’s self-cultivation can’t stand it. past.

"Isn't Li Menglong not back yet?" The girls were still discussing in the car when they were about to get home. The more optimistic ones naturally thought that Li Menglong had returned a long time ago, otherwise where would he have stayed for so long? Of course, there were also some pessimists, such as Speaking of Yoona, she stubbornly believed that Li Menglong had either already jumped or was on the way to jump.

As soon as she opened the door, Kim Taeyeon couldn't wait to shout: "Li Menglong, if you have the ability, keep running, get out of here!"

However, although there was no response to these words, there was no response. The dormitory was still the same dormitory, but it looked very deserted. It was obvious that Li Menglong had not come back: "He didn't have money to come back by car, right?"

After careful imagination, this possibility was not impossible. The girls did not even bother to change their clothes, and began to discuss various possibilities, thinking about how to rescue Li Menglong, whether to advertise on the radio or something.

Seeing the girls like this, Xu Xian naturally felt a little distressed, so she used the excuse of leaving the book in the nanny car and left. Although she had used this excuse once in the morning, it just worked. Besides, she had her own thoughts on taking Ernie with her. They were killed directly.

"I'm back, I can hear your noisy voice!" Li Menglong was sitting on the rocking chair with his lower body covered with a blanket. Next to him was a pot of hot tea and a few snacks. He was holding a book in his hand and Xu Xian's contribution beside him. There was melodious music playing on the speakers, and everyone was enjoying themselves.

Although Xu Xian herself didn't have any feelings of jealousy, she finally understood the girls' displeasure with Li Menglong. After a hard day's work and seeing him like this, although he didn't seem to have any ill intentions, There is really a breath in this chest.

"Oppa, let's go up. The guys are worried about you all day!" Xu Xian persuaded gently while suppressing the emotions in his heart.

But Li Menglong didn't seem to appreciate it: "No, what are you going to do? Let those two crazy bitches bite me? It's better to stay here alone. You can go back by yourself. I have to stay here for a few days!"

Li Menglong definitely means it sincerely. It's not too pleasant to live here. If you need anything, you can just go upstairs and get it. You don't have to worry about their safety. It's true that distance brings beauty. It's not far but not close. It's just right.

Faced with Li Menglong's slightly shameless face, Xu Xian finally became a little angry. Among other things, this was her Xu Xian's house. Although she was not dissatisfied with Li Menglong coming to rest here, was it okay to drive people away now? Does that make sense?

Of course, what made Xu Xian the most angry was Li Menglong's relaxed attitude. Isn't this irresponsible? So he looked around for a weapon. After all, it seemed that persuasion was not very effective at the moment, so it was better to just take action.

Ten minutes later, Xu Xian came up with a satisfied smile. Seeing her like this, everyone was puzzled: "Why is the maknae smiling so horribly? Did he hit a ghost down there?"

"No, I found Menglong Oppa. He will come up right away. Don't embarrass him, guys!" Xu Xian said slightly claiming credit.

It’s just that she seemed to have misjudged the fighting power of her group of unnies. She turned on the rampage mode the moment she was worried. Kim Taeyeon patted the ground and jumped up: "Where is the bastard? If you don't bite him to death today, I will kill him." Just Kim Taeyeon..."

Xu Xian was no longer listening to what was said behind her. She was just thinking that such a loud sound could not be heard downstairs. It should be...

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