The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1528 Poison Scheme

Although he was abandoned by Xu Xian, Li Menglong couldn't cheer up. If he was outside, there would be no need to say it, but he was already home, so he didn't believe that Xu Xian could watch him sleep on the floor all night?

Therefore, Li Menglong was very relaxed, but he still had to be careful with Yoona in front of him. No matter how beautiful and cute she was, the things she vomited were just as disgusting. At least Li Menglong was not at all curious about what happened to her at night. What to eat.

So he pushed Yoona's head and pushed her down hard. As for him, he used this strength to jump up. As a result, Yoona came directly to his feet. As for whether Yoona would dislike him. The smell of his feet is not something he needs to consider.

At this point, Li Menglong could realize that the trouble was completely solved, so he found a comfortable position and simply fell asleep. Anyway, he had entrusted the more than 100 kilograms to Xu Xian, and the girl had to be worthy of his trust. ah.

It's just that although my thoughts were very good, when I regained consciousness again, I felt like I had been deceived. Not to mention why my body was so sore. Logically speaking, you shouldn't have these feelings when sleeping in bed.

He just wanted to sit up, but he couldn't exert any force at all. His limbs seemed to be covered with heavy objects, and as he woke up, the numbness and soreness made him feel painful. The pain was enough to make him energetic.

He raised his head slightly and looked around and realized that the heavy object was clearly the girl's body. He was like a pillow shared by everyone. Logically speaking, he had an advantage. After all, one of his hands was visible to the naked eye. In Pani's arms, it seems that any movement is a great benefit.

It's just that the premise of this kind of benefit is that Li Menglong has to be conscious. This hand is almost no longer his own. It is estimated that he will not feel pain even if he undergoes amputation surgery directly. After all this, do you still expect him to have the idea to take advantage?

It took a lot of effort to crawl out of Wenwen Township. From a distance, the girls all over the ground were still very spectacular, but why were they all sleeping in the living room? Xiaoxian, the waiter, obviously didn't work seriously. No matter what happened, he would have to pull Li Menglong out alone, and it would be in vain to hurt her!

Standing up unsteadily, he was about to go to the bathroom to wash up, but when he passed by, he found that something was not normal in his room. He was lying on the bed, tightly wrapped in quilt, with a rosy face. Who is Sleeping Beauty?

Li Menglong really couldn't figure it out. This shouldn't be Xu Xian's style. Seeing her brothers and sisters sleeping on the floor outside, she herself slept in the bed with peace of mind? Although this is not a big deal, it still deserves the revenge it deserves.

So he stumbled towards Xu Xian's direction and hit Li Menglong. Xu Xian thought at first that he was dreaming and being pressed down on the bed by a ghost. It wasn't until he could feel Li Menglong's warmth on his cheeks that he realized what was going on: " Please oppa, I'm sleeping, very sleepy!"

"Can you still sleep? I just woke up and my hands and feet were not very good. Maybe I caught a cold and my muscles were stiff and I couldn't move!" Li Menglong decisively started to cheat. Although this is not his character, after all, he usually sees too many If there are more, just learning two tricks is enough.

Li Menglong looked like this and was almost invincible, at least to Xu Xian, so she could only move to the side to prevent Li Menglong from pressing her down, it was super heavy! As for the resentment in his words, Xu Xian could naturally hear it, but could he blame her?

Fortunately, Xu Xian had foreseen this scene in advance, so he calmly took out his mobile phone from the bedside. As soon as he opened the video, there was a burst of noise. You have to listen carefully to distinguish Xu Xian's helpless voice: "Unnies, please don't It’s noisy, let’s go to bed, okay? If this goes on, the neighbors downstairs will come looking for us!”

This is undoubtedly a lie, because unless Xu Xian goes there by herself, no one will come up. However, what Xu Xian said makes sense. As the owner of the downstairs, is there anything wrong with her coming up to advise her? ?

It's just that the girls obviously ignored Seohyun's good intentions, and all of them were just talking crazy nonsense. There was even Yoona who got up after sleeping for a while and continued to have fun. It can be said that the girls were in a protracted war. .

Obviously Xu Xian has decided to give up on this group of people. After all, they don’t look like people who can be saved. However, Li Menglong still has to take care of him. But the next conversation made Li Menglong very embarrassed: "Huh? Who are you? Huh? Find my sister, I won’t go with strangers!”

"I am your sister. I am Xiaoxian. Do you know me?"

"Xiao Xian? You're lying!" Li Menglong said this with unusual certainty: "How can my sister be as ugly as you? Your nose looks like it's been under a knife. Let me expose you!"

The screen of the phone shook while he was talking, but you can still see that Li Menglong's next action was almost like pinching Xu Xian's nose without any end. That means Xu Xian's nose is real, otherwise it would really move. He could have broken his bones even with a knife.

After watching this scene, Li Menglong has nothing to say. To be honest, Xu Xian didn't take the opportunity to beat him. It's already very good. However, the video only ends here, but Li Menglong is still a little doubtful. After all, will he be beaten next? He didn't know whether he was beaten or not, but he was in severe pain anyway.

However, these little thoughts are not easy to use when confronting Xu Xian. The girl herself obviously thinks that she is very reasonable, so she hugged her shoulders and dozed off while showing a slightly arrogant expression, which made Li Menglong couldn't help but pinch her again. up her nose.

Li Shunkyu was the first one among the girls to be sober. After all, she had a really good drinking capacity. Compared to Li Menglong's soreness when she woke up, she felt pretty good. After all, she almost slept with Pani in her arms all night. Nina’s voluptuous figure is really anyone’s guess.

He proudly slapped Pani on the butt. The yawn was only halfway replaced by her scream. It was already past ten o'clock? Is this oversleeping? You know, you have to film a show today. Being late for work is quite unqualified.

With Li Soonkyu's high-decibel alarm, everyone woke up in a daze. After searching around in a panic, they didn't find Li Menglong and Xu Xian. This group of people were completely stupid and abandoned. Yet?

Naturally, no one answered the phone call. As for calling outsiders to inquire, it was a bit embarrassing, so the girls could only start washing up and driving away in a hurry. Although they were already late, they should go there as early as possible to save the day.

Even though the girls are now regarded as the top idols, there is still nothing to say about their professionalism. To be precise, word of mouth is still very important in the entertainment industry. The girls naturally know this, so they rarely have it. News of a big name has emerged, but is it possible that an exception will be made this time?

After changing clothes, I didn’t even bother to dry my hair. As for the faint smell of alcohol on my body, I could only cover it with perfume. After calling a few taxis, I rushed directly to the filming location. However, after arriving, I found that it was a bit quiet here. That's outrageous.

You must know that on weekdays, even if you don't count the actors like them, there are a lot of staff coming and going, but today it was very quiet. When I walked in at a loss, I found that there were only three or two kittens, who were still cleaning the place. , they also looked very surprised after discovering the girls.

Kim Taeyeon already had a vague premonition. If nothing else, they must have been tricked. As for who was to blame, it was obvious. Who else could make the show stop recording for a day except that bastard?

Sure enough, the staff's words also confirmed this news. According to them, the program team needs some time to buffer due to the adjustment of the program's direction. So today is the time for everyone to rest. Didn't you receive the notice?

Kim Taeyeon tried her best to keep a polite smile, and even took the initiative to ask if the practice room was available in order to maintain her own image. "It turns out" they came here specifically to work overtime to practice. This is all a sign of professionalism!

That's all Kim Taeyeon said. She couldn't resist the fact that the person opposite her was so sincere that she nodded affirmatively to indicate that the practice room was indeed available. The colleague behind him secretly pulled it, and Kim Taeyeon's face turned pale when she didn't see it. It’s dark!

The girls simply went back with endless resentment. Of course, they didn't forget to find a restaurant to have a hangover rice soup before going back. To be honest, the food cooked on site was indeed much more delicious than the takeout, but they still didn't want to. Be willing to, it would be nice to have this time to sleep for a while!

As for the target they were about to attack, they were leisurely drinking afternoon tea with Xu Xian downstairs. He knew the movements of the girls clearly. After all, the footsteps upstairs were not too obvious, but they were all in advance. Planned.

It's not that he would be happy after tossing the girls. Although there was a small part of revengeful selfishness in it, most of it was for the good of the girls. How could he spend such a beautiful day with a hangover?

I just told them honestly that it would 100% not work. It would be damning if I could get up after telling them the news. So I came up with this bad idea. Even Xu Xian was still looking at the girl from the balcony. There is a picture of them running out of the community.

After barely suppressing the small secret feeling in his heart, Xu Xian had time to worry about what would happen next. You must know that the revenge of the girls would be particularly violent, but Li Menglong didn't care at all: "Calm down, we'll do this in the morning I just went down to buy breakfast, but when I came back, I found that everyone was gone. Can you blame us?"

"Is this okay? I feel like they won't believe it!" Xu Xian said with disgust.

"It doesn't matter whether they believe it or not. The important thing is that the two of us believe it!" Li Menglong stretched and looked at the time. "Go up and change clothes. The two of us have to take action, otherwise we will be stuck." I can’t explain it at home!”

Xu Xian was considered to have boarded a pirate ship, and could only obey his instructions helplessly. He hoped that the girls' IQs would drop a little after being drunk, and they would never see any clues. If there is another chance to choose, , she would still choose to be with Li Menglong, for no other reason than to have fun! Relieve your anger!

I have to say that Li Menglong's ability to grasp time is quite good. Of course, it has something to do with the staff tipping him off. Anyway, Kim Taeyeon and the others were eating and drinking in the store while discussing revenge for a while. As a result, The target of their revenge walked in swaggeringly.

This scene was actually a bit scary. At least Kim Taeyeon and the others were quite surprised. However, it seemed that these two people didn't see them, so they deliberately lowered their volume. Some of the ones with temporarily lowered IQs tried to hide themselves. Under the table, is it interesting?

If they were careful enough, they would have noticed that Xu Xian's two steps were a bit stiff when he walked in, and even seemed to be a little bit smooth at one point. Xu Xian was really nervous. She was not so entangled during the filming. She was really afraid. The scene was directly exposed by her unnies.

Fortunately, everything was fine when we arrived at the counter, and we didn't dare to peek out of the corner of our eyes. After all, it would be troublesome if we looked at each other, so we could only continue to believe in Li Menglong, but compared to her, Li Menglong was really natural. Quite a few, and I don’t know how many times he has deceived me in the past.

"Bring me ten portions of soup and rice. Eight of them should have less chili pepper and more pepper. Some people drank a little too much last night. This kind of soup will be more comfortable to sober up!" Li Menglong was very serious! As he explained, his serious look almost deceived Xu Xian.

"How can I be attentive? I'm just taking care of them!" Li Menglong humbly responded to the store's praise: "As long as they are gentler to me on weekdays, I'll be satisfied. They didn't come here today, otherwise I'll let them give it to you. Signed!”

"Why didn't you come? Why can't we come if you can come?" Kim Taeyeon was already standing behind him at this time, her eyes were still full of energy. It could be seen that she was quite touched by what she just said. What a waste of Li Menglong's acting skills.

The more "private" this kind of conversation is, the more believable it is. Although people like Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona who live by their sixth sense always feel that there is something fishy in it, the other girls couldn't stand it and have already gone forward. Lee Mong Ryong and Seohyun He was welcomed over in minutes, and the things that happened in the morning disappeared in an instant.

Naturally, there was no need to pack the soup and rice. Li Menglong and Xu Xian sat in the middle and started eating together, but Yoona forced her way over, sat next to Li Menglong and asked mysteriously: "To be honest, is this true?" Did you plan it? You took Xiaoxian out to play in the morning, right?"

Yoona asked Li Menglong several times, but he just pretended to be dumbfounded, causing the girls on the side who wanted to hear some gossip to lose interest. Just when everyone diverted their attention, Li Menglong quietly winked at Yuner. The eyes, that look is quite irritating.

Yoona's back felt cold for a moment, because this scene was too much like the proud smile of a murderer at a murder scene, and it was similar to the TV series. As the only good person found, no one believed what she said. Where is this going? Reason!

"Li Menglong..." Yoona's lips trembled with anger, but she couldn't fight Li Menglong directly in public, so she could only say angrily: "You pay for the meal yourself!"

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