The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1527 A generous move

There is no shortage of self-motivation in any industry, but it is more direct in the entertainment industry. Many celebrities will not hide their eagerness to be self-motivated, and some radical ones will even make some special efforts. price.

But no matter what the means, everyone's purpose is the same. Newcomers long for a song to become popular; popular groups hope to sing a few more popular songs to maintain their status; those who have reached the peak of popularity are looking forward to transforming into actors; and they long for becoming the protagonist of a TV series. Can be the protagonist of a movie.

The biggest difference in this entire chain is status and money. It can be said that once you reach a certain level, you will immediately get the corresponding benefits. They are visible and tangible, and the reactions of the market and the audience are fair enough. Everyone cannot help but Move your mind.

This is like putting a kilogram of fish food in the bathtub. The goldfish will not give up eating even if it finally dies. This is especially true for idols. Even if the group in front of them has achieved a lot, but As the saying goes, having too many arts is not a burden.

Besides, they are all on the verge of disbanding at any time. When they were a group, they didn’t think so much about it. Only after experiencing the impending separation did they realize how difficult it is to fight alone. The popularity of those groups in the past was even more suspected of being a mirror image. .

So for the sake of their own future, the girls at the scene don’t mind learning more. Although writing scripts seems to be quite unsuitable for them, in the past, the most idols could do was write lyrics and so on. I haven’t heard of any Big enough to write a script.

But Xu Xian opened their eyes to a new door. It can be said that idols continue to add labels to themselves to maintain their popularity. However, in the past, no one thought that a writer or director would have such a big halo.

This is just like a new plot in a novel. No one can think of it until someone writes it. Although the first person to eat the crab has already reaped a lot of benefits, they don’t mind following closely to reap some remaining benefits. benefit.

And anyone with a discerning eye can see how stable Seohyun's popularity is. It can be said that Seohyun may not be the most popular person in the team now. Yoona, Kim Taeyeon and even Jung Soo-yeon can still make a profit with her. earn.

But we can responsibly say that in ten or even five years, Xu Xian will probably be far behind them in class. It’s not that there is a difference in popularity, but that Xu Xian’s reputation is really good. The road was also paved brightly by Li Menglong.

It can be said that no one will be surprised that Xu Xian will become an honorary professor at a regional university in the next few years, because Xu Xian has subconsciously made everyone accept her personality, and this personality has brought her benefits. No doubt it will be for a long time.

It's inappropriate to say that Yoona and others are engaged in manual labor and eating the food of youth, while Seohyun uses his brains to make money. He is undoubtedly the type who becomes more valuable as he gets older, and he has the status of a highly educated elite director. Seohyun is simply not too flashy.

Of course, this path is obviously not easy to copy. Leaving aside Xu Xian’s own talent and hard work, first of all, there must be someone like Li Menglong behind him who is willing to lead and support him. Not everyone will spend a lot of money to produce a movie. People who invest money to train others, even the biggest prodigal who chases girls, are not so prodigal.

So now, no one expects to reach the heights of Seohyun. If they have the opportunity to make a movie alone in the future, they are more satisfied if their name can be listed as the writer of a certain work in the future.

No matter how bad it is, even if you can use this ability to connect with a few writers, it would be good. You must know that the rights of writers in Korea are almost the same as those of directors. They have the right to recommend their favorite actors. Many opportunities are created by themselves.

As a result, everyone's script writing courses were put on the agenda. To be honest, this was not in Director Luo's plan, but being able to make a temporary project big and successful is an essential ability for a good director, and Director Luo undoubtedly It’s an excellent variety show PD!

"Since everyone is so motivated, we can't stop them, so there will be some new changes in the next study. We call this stage applying what we have learned!" Director Luo smiled as everyone was about to disperse in the afternoon. said.

It's just that the girls are almost immune to this expression. Anyway, Director Luo is not a good person in their hearts. Director Luo doesn't need to try to increase his favorability. It would be best for everyone to forget each other after the show. Never. The kind that will work together again!

And this afternoon they also realized the seriousness of the matter. Li Menglong almost never left. Later, Li Enxi and MBC's senior management also came a lot. In addition to constant phone calls, this group of people stayed in hiding for almost the whole afternoon. Discussion in the room.

Regardless of others, it is undoubtedly important enough to allow Li Menglong to stay here for a day, so all the girls are now extremely honest, especially those who insisted on Li Menglong starting classes in the morning. Now they regret it so much that they always feel that They have made a fool of themselves!

"Why doesn't anyone ask me what I mean? Aren't everyone curious?" Director Luo asked with a smile.

"I personally am not curious at all, so can I go first?" Kim Taeyeon immediately raised her little hand. She was quite innocent from beginning to end.

It's just that this little cleverness obviously couldn't escape Director Luo's eyes. Without giving her a chance to continue speaking, Director Luo had already begun to explain the next plan in detail. To be honest, such a plan can be changed at any time by his own mind. The show is really great.

Of course, he was not irresponsible. It can be said that the negotiations between the several parties throughout the afternoon were quite intense. After all, it involved the direction of a popular variety show and a large amount of funds. In the end, it was Li Menglong who directly came forward to finalize the decision.

In terms of money, SW naturally made some concessions, but MBC still felt the pain, but the rights were sold to Li Menglong to save face. This shows that this plan is really too big, so big that even Director Luo would not dare to do it once. Sexually speaking, he was afraid that the girls in front of him would become intimidated.

Although they know that they are used to seeing big scenes, those are just the environments they are familiar with in the past, and everything that follows is undoubtedly quite unfamiliar to them: "So, in the future, we have to independently create a script and film a regular TV series, if possible, will it be broadcast in the end? Are you sure you dare to broadcast what we filmed?"

"Why don't you dare?" Li Menglong took over the conversation from the side: "Although you are still very lacking in scripts and shooting, aren't we planning to teach you? In the future, we will invite professional writers and directors. Those who take classes, and even some other departments of the crew, you can choose in advance based on your interests!"

"As for the broadcast, we are also serious. After all, you will be the leading actor. There is no reason why the ratings will be dismal!" MBC has the final say. Of course, the subtext is that anyway, it is embarrassing for you, and your fans are also the ones who consume. Just figure it out yourself!

In such a daze, everyone was ready to get off work. Although they wanted to have a good chat with these mentally ill people, Li Menglong and the others had already gone to the dinner party, and they were not brought with them. After all, they had something to discuss. There are still some.

"Everyone, let's find a place to eat. I always feel that this is unreliable and I feel panicked!" Kim Taeyeon rarely showed a slightly hesitant look. Fortunately, there were almost too many people around.

Until everyone sat down in the private room, no one spoke because they didn't know what to say. Fortunately, someone appeared at this time. The first person to make a move in front of the table full of dishes was neither a big sister like Kim Taeyeon nor a A foodie like Yoona, but a girl like Seohyun!

Xu Xian herself was also very helpless. She had been waiting for five minutes and no one used her chopsticks. She was very hungry, but as soon as she put the dish in her mouth, she noticed that everyone around her was looking over. The emotions involved are also very complicated. What is this for?

"Ahem, I almost forgot that we have a great director here. Xiaoxian is so calm, why don't you analyze it for the Unnies?" Kim Taeyeon requested politely, but Xuxian knew that if she chose not to If you cooperate, the consequences will be serious.

So let’s just say it. Anyway, it’s our own people. What’s there to be afraid of? Seohyun’s meaning is quite simple. This is a rare opportunity. Just like when they didn’t debut, they had the opportunity to perform solo on stage at the end of last year. It’s a definite The kind to catch.

To put it bluntly, if you miss this opportunity, you may never have a similar opportunity in your entire life. Not every wealthy person is willing to joke about TV series. Not to mention the overall investment, the risk is quite uncontrollable, not to mention them. This bunch of stragglers.

It can be said that this opportunity came together at the right time and in the right place. If you don’t seize it and fight for it, how can you live up to yourself? As for the efforts required and the hardships encountered in the whole process, it is almost visible to the naked eye. Even when you finally meet the audience, you can’t tell the difference. You'll get a lot of abuse.

But are they afraid? They are a second-generation girl group. They have gone through many ups and downs over the years. Is there anything more difficult than the time of debut? Anyway, Xu Xian herself is very optimistic about her group of sisters, and she has confidence in them!

After being poured down by Xu Xian's chicken soup, everyone felt a lot more at ease. They said that there was no harm in breaking the sky for them. It was just a shame after a while, but why did they give up the opportunity because they were afraid of being embarrassed? If you have this kind of mentality, how can you be a star?

"Xiao Xian is right. If Li Menglong and the others dare to seek death, then we dare to watch them die!" Li Shunkyu shouted while holding up his wine glass. Although there was more than a little ambiguity in his words, everyone was giving them face. There was a clamor.

In fact, she is the most suitable person to say this here. Although she often ignores the identity behind Lee Soon Kyu, when she really needs to take responsibility, Lee Soon Kyu is undoubtedly the one best suited to take the blame.

Lee Soon Kyu understands this herself. Fortunately, she is not very resistant. Everyone is so familiar with it. If you are cheated occasionally, just let it be cheated a little. As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is how Lee Soon Kyu is. Low-key and restrained!

Li Menglong didn't come back early today. After all, this was considered a business event. They just sold him some thin noodles in the afternoon. Li Menglong couldn't help but turn his back on the person so quickly, although he didn't think that a drinking party would allow him to do so. How close everyone is.

The swagger at the wine table was quite impressive. Li Enxi and Li Menglong were sitting there, keeping the MBC team in check. Director Luo, although his drinking capacity was acceptable, was just a spoiler in this situation.

"Sometimes I feel quite happy working in SW. At least I don't have to stand in front of me when I go out to drink!" Director Luo said happily. After all, theoretically, the PD of his show must be put down today, but who There are two giant Buddhas on his head.

Li Menglong went out to blow the air and swallowed hard. He drank a lot today. Fortunately, he was still sober: "So work hard and go back and think about how to improve the plan. Do you understand?"

"Okay boss, send me a text message when you get home!"

"Go away! I never send text messages to men!" Li Menglong left these slightly arrogant words and got directly into the car. After all, there are still several beautiful girls at home, it is better than facing Director Luo and these stinky men are stronger.

But there was no need to count on the gentle words he imagined. Standing swaying at the door, Li Menglong even thought that he was very drunk, because why was Yoona walking towards him swaying? It must be him. Bar!

But with her hands on the wall, why is Yoona still shaking? It wasn't until Yoona threw herself into his arms that she finally figured out the reason. The smell of alcohol in her mouth was no lighter than that of Li Menglong. These girls also went out to drink?

Although I don't object to girls drinking some wine occasionally to relieve stress, drinking too much is wrong. Just when he was about to teach him a lesson with a straight face, his feet went soft and the two of them rolled into a ball on the ground. The lunatic still had the heart to ridicule him, which made Li Menglong feel dizzy.

Xu Xian staggered out with a large basin. There were already several soaked towels in it. Needless to say, these were prepared for those drunken people. He originally hoped that Li Menglong would come back to help. After all, It was too hard for one person to serve these eight people. Getting them out of the car almost made Xu Xian want to die.

As a result, there was another trouble. Xu Xian thought that he might as well go downstairs to sleep, just think that she had run away from home, but he just thought about it and went to put the hot towel He directly covered Li Menglong's face, and then helped Yoona up.

Who knows that Yoona doesn't know the kindness of people, she seems to treat Li Menglong as a pillow, hugging him tightly and unable to get down. Xu Xian was very tired for a while: "Oppa, you can't do this to me! "

In fact, Li Menglong was still mentally alert, but he just couldn't control his body, so he held his big tongue and said honestly: "I'll help you take care of Yoona, hehe, that's fun!"

Before Li Menglong could continue to be clever, Yoona immediately retched a few times. Now Li Menglong also panicked. When he was about to ask for help, he saw Xu Xian's decisive back: "Then Yoona, I'll leave it to you, Unnie. Friendly reminder, she has already vomited once..."

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