The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1415 Impulsive Revenge

She was teased by Lee Soon Kyu, but it’s hard to really argue with her. After all, if a man and a woman really fight, the process will always be a bit ambiguous. If there are only two people, that’s it, but there are so many pairs of eyes watching at home. !

"Tch, continue if you have the guts!" Li Shunkyu was guarding the stairs on the second floor and provoking like crazy. His face was flushed, it was obvious that Li Menglong had not done anything good just now: "If you have the courage, huh, drink my foot-washing water." Bar!"

Li Menglong turned sideways to pass the two slippers flying towards her. Li Menglong felt really mixed up in his heart. If he had been more impulsive and stripped her naked on the spot, he would have been honest. However, the consequences would have been quite serious. At first glance, it was estimated that Li Shunkyu would be shameless. Meet someone.

And once Li Soonkyu is a little unhappy, it will be Li Menglong who suffers in the end, not to mention that Li Menglong himself did this. In front of this lady, he can't show off any masculinity at all.

"What are you looking at? Have you ever seen a quarrel? Go to bed! You don't know how to save me from worrying every day, and you are all worried to death!"

"Hey, do you think our sisters are easy to bully?" Kim Taeyeon, who was in front of the refrigerator, wondering whether to eat half an apple or an orange, turned her head and replied. At least she was trying to defend the sisters. The dormitory cannot tolerate his rampage, Li Menglong.

"No, it's because I feel like I'm too bullied!" Li Menglong is finally done. He can't afford to offend him anyway, so he might as well be more honest. At least he can get a smile on his face before going to bed: "I wish you all the best. Everyone has a good dream, and it’s best if they all dream about me!”

"Is this a curse? Can dreaming about you be a good dream?" Kim Taeyeon ran up quickly with half an orange in her mouth. She even saw Li Menglong picking up the slippers on the ground. This hit her. It hurts.

After sending all the naughty girls away, Li Menglong had time to lie down on the bed. Sometimes he felt like a teacher in the kindergarten class. These aunts could not be beaten or scolded. To be precise, they could be scolded. But people don’t take it seriously.

So Li Menglong can only coax. Fortunately, no one is tired of this game that has lasted for two years. Both Li Menglong and the girls are still enjoying it. After all, family love is something that everyone cherishes, especially this kind of game. In a big family of ten people, everyone needs to sacrifice and compromise with each other for the sake of the family.

Everyone can see Li Menglong's sacrifice, and Li Menglong also understands the tolerance of the girls. On this basis, everyone will not make too many jokes, so it is good to relax and relax. At least he is lying down now. After coming down, the corners of his mouth were raised. I believe the girls upstairs were the same.

It's just that after lying on the bed, Li Menglong rarely had insomnia. You must know that his sleep has always been quite good, and he has been severely despised by the girls several times because they were too tired so they could sleep soundly. Li Menglong now It’s inappropriate. He fell asleep faster and more maturely than them!

But their thinking is too biased. They can think of it with just a little thought. Li Menglong was not with them when they went to bed late. This is what they should do at activities and nightclubs. They should also come when they go crazy. Together with Li Menglong.

In other words, they and Li Menglong fall asleep at basically the same time. The key is that when they get up in the morning, Li Menglong wakes them up more than once, and there is breakfast spread all over the table every time they come down. You would think it fell from the sky.

So these white-raised wolves should be grateful to him instead of all kinds of petty jealousies! But it's not because the girls can't sleep today. It's simply because Li Menglong has something on his mind, and it's a good thing. He can't help but expand this matter in his mind.

In fact, this is not Li Menglong's style at all. He has always done things cleanly and neatly, and he can put things down as soon as they are told. But today he made an exception, staring at the ceiling. Although his body was lying here, his thoughts were flying far away. .

However, he hadn't been flying for long before he was forcibly pulled back. There was really a lot of movement upstairs. It seemed like someone had fallen to the ground just now, but now they were fighting each other. The battle was quite fierce. , shouts, slaps, and rolling sounds on the floor came and went.

On normal days, Li Menglong would have endured it. After all, the people upstairs wouldn't be crazy for long. But today, wouldn't it be a delay? So he stood on the bed, picked up a clothes rack, pointed it at the ceiling, and knocked on it. It was just a drop in the bucket, and the higher ups wouldn't listen. Hearing is a problem.

You can't give up so easily. Li Menglong walked around and finally found a treasure. You must know that there are nine people in the dormitory, nine people who are not short of money, and nine people who are not short of money but have to work often. A woman who sits passively at home!

It is conceivable that the amount of their online shopping is a very scary number, which can be seen from the refrigerator that is constantly being filled, and you can't expect them to only buy food, so there are all kinds of messy things at home. , there is nothing they can’t buy except what they can’t imagine.

The audio-visual system that was silently gathering dust in the corner of the living room came into view. This thing was originally planned by the girls as a good thing. After all, they watch TV all the year round. It would be cool to have such a high-end equipment similar to a movie theater.

But the only small drawback is that the sound is too real and too loud, and one of their habits is to watch TV until they fall asleep, so they are woken up just after they feel a little sleepy. As you can imagine, this sound 's end.

Fortunately, Li Menglong took advantage of the waste today. He didn't mind the trouble. He simply used tape to stick the two speakers directly to the ceiling, and then dragged a long plug strip. When it was time to turn on the power, Li Menglong himself I couldn't help but laugh, what was he doing?

In fact, it was quiet upstairs now, and the two crazy girls were probably lying down and getting ready to sleep, but Li Menglong was very hesitant when looking at his masterpiece. After all, it was a lot of hard work, and he also wanted to see the effect.

So he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. While cheering himself up, he pressed the switch on impulse. Then he opened his mouth and prepared to watch the excitement. However, after waiting for a full minute, there was no effect. Fortunately, the root cause was very It's easy to confirm. He didn't choose music. It's simple. It's a song for girls. I guess they can be happy listening to it. I hope they can be happy!

"Humph, you damn dwarf, if you provoke me next time you won't end up like this. I'm going to rest today. You can wait until the day tomorrow to let you know why the flowers are so red!" Kim Taeyeon's cat was still in bed. He didn't forget to scream, but his voice was a little muffled through the quilt.

As for Lee Soon Kyu's sleeping posture, he is much more bold. Because his pajamas are thick enough, he simply rides sideways on the quilt. I don't know if the pants are too short or her legs are too long. In short, half of her butt is exposed. If this is Li Menglong definitely slapped him in the face when he saw it.

She was too lazy to talk to Kim Taeyeon anymore. Sleepiness was something that just came, and she had to cherish it while it came. Otherwise, she didn’t want to experience the feeling of being sleepy but unable to sleep. It was quite painful. .

Just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard a faint, distant voice, as if there was an echo in my ears: "Ayo GG!"

Because their consciousness was not particularly clear, Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon on the other end almost instinctively whispered together: "yeah yeah!"

After shouting these two words, both of them sat up subconsciously. It's not that their reactions were too unanimous, but that this sentence was the first line of their new song "I got a boy." At the beginning, Xiuying yelled and they echoed it. , this is almost imprinted in my bones.

But who shouted this first time? Judging from the loudness of the sound, it seemed that it was coming from next door, but Xiuying would have to yell so loudly if it could be transmitted so far away. Isn’t this kid crazy? Fortunately, there was no subsequent noise. They looked at each other inexplicably. The two decided to educate Xiuying well tomorrow, but it was better to go to bed early now.

As for the inexplicable interruption of the music, it was because he, Li Menglong, pressed pause. He felt that he should find a safer place to hide, otherwise he might end up being hacked to death, and stopping here would also be dangerous. Specifically, even if he didn't memorize the lyrics of the girls, he heard it too much, so the next line was imprinted in his mind, and it was just right to release it now.

"Do you want to start now?" This was the next line of Xiuying's rap. With the powerful subwoofer, Lee Soon-gyu and Li Shunkyu were shocked again, and they began to speak the next rap smoothly in time with the drum beats. I swear I have no idea what I'm talking about at this moment, it's just instinct.

After everyone opened the door, Yuli, who had just been woken up, actually took a few steps forward because this was her personal part: "Why? I'm so curious! Why? Tell me quickly!" "

The girls were really curious to death. Why were their songs being played in the middle of the night? The key was that they could feel the ground shaking slightly. This was really unscientific. The key was that the sound was not loud at all. to this extent.

Except for Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon, who had just fallen asleep, the rest of the girls were woken up, so they were all very depressed, so they were accompanied by singing along the way. It would be better to change the song, but this This song is their main hit this time. They have been singing it to the point of vomiting recently. Given the rhythm, they can even sing it.

Fortunately, there are still two people who are sober. If you just hit their butts twice, do you still have the time to dance? Find out the culprit quickly. As for whether to beat him first and then whip the corpse, or directly whip the corpse, it depends on the specific situation.

When the girls followed the source of the sound and found Li Menglong's room, they almost fainted from anger. The only one who was happy was Xu Xian. She mainly felt that it was slightly ridiculous. When did Li Menglong start to "become a girl"? , this is not appropriate!

"Li Menglong! You bastard, get out of here!" Kim Taeyeon almost yelled these words from her throat, but the effect didn't seem to be ideal, at least there was no response from the people around her.

They couldn't take care of him for the time being. The girls had to deal with the sound in front of them first. The trouble was that they couldn't reach it even if they were standing on the bed. Yoona, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, thought of herself as a smart person and went over to unplug the power supply. However, the sound does not seem to have any impact: "When I feel confused, what should I do..."

"Why is there this lyric in our song?" Kim Taeyeon asked angrily: "And who bought this speaker? Is there something wrong with it?"

"The lyrics were written by Xiaoxian. Every injustice has its own owner! As for the speaker, it seems that it has a built-in battery. It seems that you had to make the decision to add such a function when you bought it. Do you still remember it?"

Even if she had an impression, she couldn't say yes. Kim Taeyeon could only stand on the bed with a straight face, and then she stood up and made a show of showing off her pride. Several girls came over silently, but in her heart The anger really couldn't be suppressed.

Li Menglong could guess what was going on at home, so he hid quite quietly. He grabbed a handbag from the porch and ran out. After being blown by the cold wind outside, he laughed completely and burst into tears. It all flowed out, and he felt that he must have gone crazy just now!

Fortunately, everything has been done, so I don’t feel sorry for myself. I can just treat it as a by-product of being in a good mood today. It’s not appropriate to go anywhere after twelve o’clock, but there is a 24-hour convenience store in the community. The store, the store owner is still a fan of the girls, and the girls will leave their signatures when they come to buy things occasionally.

"Come here to buy something at this time? Are they hungry? There is low-sugar coffee and whole-wheat bread over there, which is very suitable for them to eat at night!" The store owner said it directly when he saw Li Menglong, as if he had already prepared it. This scene is average.

It just disappointed him. Li Menglong got a bucket of ramen and a bag of potato chips and came over. It seemed that he was going to stay here for a while, and he always wanted to get some snacks for a toothpaste: "I'm hungry, your goddesses." I'm probably dancing to a disco right now, so I won't be hungry for a while!"

Li Menglong was also muttering secretly in his heart. He was probably so angry now that he still had the stomach to eat. The store owner was very open-minded, and even offered Li Menglong a can of beer. Since there was no one around at night, it was nice to chat with Li Menglong: "Cash or credit card."

"Wait a minute, let me take a look!" Li Menglong then took out the women's bag in his arms. He didn't know who it was based on the appearance. Let's open it and take a look. It's just that the girls have too many bags. , unfortunately there is no wallet or change in this bag.

This is embarrassing. Not only Li Menglong, but also the corner of the boss's mouth is twitching. If he didn't know Li Menglong, he would have thought of calling the police: "Forget it, forget it, I invited you, you were not kicked out by them Right?"

"No way, we are also upright men!" Li Menglong pushed the bag over as he spoke: "Keep this with you. Someone will probably come to redeem it tomorrow. I'll ask for more money then. Their bags They’re all expensive!”

"No, don't let them hold a grudge against me. It's enough for you to be a bad person!" The boss is not fooled. It's better for mortals like them to stay away from this kind of fight between gods: "When will you go back?" ah?"

"Let's talk about it for half an hour first..."

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