The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1414 A little inspiration

Kim Taeyeon's melancholy did not last long. On the one hand, she was born with a big heart, and on the other hand, she was busy. This time, she was dragged to the backstage without even saying hello. You must know that this is a live show. It's a joke. Being late for a big name can be a serious performance mishap.

Having arrived backstage more than ten minutes early, the girls themselves were not too nervous. This kind of live broadcast is now a small scene for them, so they all commented on the performances of the juniors on the stage.

Although they themselves are not very old, they cannot stand up to this industry, especially because the average age of idols is low, especially for girl groups. If there are any newcomers in the group who are over 20 years old, they are as rare as giant pandas. .

The main theme of girl groups is youth and invincibility. If you stay on the stage at the age of thirty, you will become an aunt. However, these are still far away from girls. At their age, they can still spend a few years, but this It does not prevent them from complaining about the idols on the stage as competitors.

"Tsk tsk, don't those who are debuting now need to practice in advance? What kind of basic skills are these!" "I bet they must be half-open!" "They don't look good either, but they have a pretty good figure, Li Menglong, Take back your saliva..."

In fact, Lee Soon Kyu never looked back at all. The last sentence was just added instinctively after he said this. To be honest, Lee Menglong himself is probably used to this level of scapegoating, and the girls are naturally quite good at it, so a group of people instantly He turned around and planned to despise Li Menglong with an extremely righteous attitude.

It's just that I didn't see anyone after searching around, which is not appropriate. Although it is true that there is nothing to do with him when he reaches the edge of the stage, I still want to take a look from behind. Such a close distance, such a angle, many fans are begging to see it.

Especially when Li Menglong looked at their dancing figures, he would sometimes show a silly smile. Occasionally, when the girls were in the mood on stage, they would deliberately wink, twist their butts, etc. while turning around to dance. Anyway, just teasing him.

But now even the people are missing. Is this because their attractiveness has declined? Or is he hiding alone in the background and starting to do bad things? You know, there are many girl groups now, and they are not here, will there be some sparks or something.

Although they just thought about it, the girls did have the urge to send someone back to supervise. Anyway, eight people can dance. Fortunately, everyone is still sane. Whether Li Menglong can do such a thing is another matter. For It's a sin to make the stage imperfect because of this little thing.

For the sake of the fans, they stepped onto the stage without hesitation. Of course, they still felt a little sad in their hearts. At least when dancing, they would subconsciously think about what Li Menglong was doing. He couldn't have passed out or something like that. It's so bloody. Got it!

Bloody plots are not that easy to happen. Li Menglong is now sitting in the waiting room of the girls, tapping his legs alone and looking up at the stage of the girls on TV. It seems more appropriate to say that he is looking at the package.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the focus of his eyes is not on this at all. It is as if he is looking far away through the wall. His whole person is staring blankly. If outsiders see it, it will look a little bit... Like a pervert, like coming here to satisfy your fantasies.

Fortunately, even if Li Menglong is really a pervert, he doesn't have too many opportunities to choose. He will never take action here. His mind is just a little confused. He is eager to seize the inspiration in his mind, which is what he just said over there. It only burst out after the conversation, so he would still run around with the girls.

But even if he was sitting here alone, his mind was still empty. This feeling of powerlessness made him very unhappy. He clearly felt that he had seen a thread, a thread that could tie everything together and solve it, but how? Can't catch them.

The stage effect of the girls today was extremely good. After all, there were a lot more fans. The only thing that was not harmonious was that in the first half, the fans of both families worked together, but in the second half, Tara's fans began to give My idol came to my aid.

This is too much. You have to know that their idol is not alone at all. He shouted Tara's name to the girls. For those who don't know, they thought it was to provoke, but in fact it is almost the same. They want to fight for their idol. True to her name, Tara is about to break out of her cocoon and be reborn, girls, get ready to tremble!

Judging from the scene, they almost succeeded, because the girls did tremble after singing the song, but they seemed to be angry. It was not entirely because of these fans, but because Li Menglong was not there even when the awards were presented at the end. Come here, what is this guy doing? Don’t you know how to follow the boss?

"I would like to thank all the fans here. Although it is not all our long-cherished wishes, we still thank you for cheering for us. We are looking forward to the arrival of Tara's new album just like you. When the time comes, our long-cherished wishes will also go to cheer together, just like It's the same today!" Kim Taeyeon said with a sinister smile, but it seemed cuter no matter what.

The fans in the audience also laughed together. Sure enough, Kim Taeyeon holds a grudge. Thinking about Tara's return, a bunch of people shouted the names of Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu. This scene is indeed quite funny. Tara will not What can I say?

After a brief thank you, the girls rushed back impatiently. They didn't even have time to chat with the juniors. They were eager to find Li Menglong to accuse him, especially when they saw Li Menglong's carefree appearance. Just plain lazy?

"Why are you looking at me? Do you miss me after not seeing me for a few minutes? I feel very honored!" Li Menglong said with a smile, and even stood up and gave up the chair. However, in the eyes of the girls, this scene was very weird. .

Specifically, Li Menglong's mood is a little too cheerful. Although he has always been in a good mood, it doesn't look like he needs to suppress his smile now. It feels cheap and makes him want to go up. Give him two slaps.

What's the point of being polite to Li Menglong? He just did it when he thought of it, so Kim Taeyeon took the lead with just a mouth. Of course it wasn't that serious, but a more surprising scene appeared. Li Menglong actually handed the other side of his face to her. Come over.

Kim Taeyeon hugged her shoulders and gasped, taking several steps back. She huddled in Pani's arms and said in horror: "Hurry up and call the hospital. This guy must be crazy. Look at this. Maybe there’s no need for resuscitation!”

"You're crazy!" Even though Li Menglong said this, he still looked up and said: "Is there anything else I want to fight? There is no store like this after passing this village!"

"Omao, you're really crazy! Me, me, me!" Yoona raised her hands and jumped over immediately. Don't worry about anything else, it won't hurt if you hit her. But before she started, she hesitated out of habit: "Oppa, Didn’t you do something sorry for us, something very serious!”

When Yoona said this, everyone felt that it was more reliable. With the way this guy behaves, it is quite possible. The first reaction of the girls was to check their wallets. After all, no matter how you look at it, he is most likely to steal money. .

It's just that this action is too neat, and the corners of Li Menglong's mouth keep twitching. Do they think he is such a villain in their eyes? He would rather rob in front of them than steal behind their backs. This is a matter of principle!

The most irritating thing is that these people stopped talking after confirming the wallet. To be precise, it was as if this incident had never happened at all, but every time Li Menglong turned his head, he could faintly detect the contemptuous eyes behind him. It was as if he had done something shameful.

The staff are used to the happy atmosphere of the girls. It is actually quite enjoyable to have this kind of working environment. If a large survey on the happiness of the staff is conducted, I believe the scores of the girls will be particularly high.

With a slightly unhappy mood, Li Menglong accompanied them to a nightclub again, and did not set foot on the journey home until after ten o'clock. The girls in the car were doing everything. Anyway, they could go to sleep when they got home, and the time on the road was just right. Used to chat or something.

As for the content of the chat, it quickly and vaguely led to Li Menglong. Everyone was still quite curious about this guy's strange behavior. At least after so long, they could still think: "Ahem, Mr. Li Menglong, if you want to say something We can reluctantly listen!”

"Haha, distinguished Ms. Li Shunkyu, I don't have any urge to communicate with you! Not at all!" Li Menglong said without looking back. Of course, he was mainly driving, otherwise he wouldn't mind giving these people a cold look. eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, you're pretty sure about it, right? Tsk, we can guess that little bit of nonsense about you in a minute! Do we need to ask you?" Li Shungui said stubbornly, but it was considered to be based on facts. Li Menglong almost completely Everyone might be able to figure out what happened to Tiandu under their eyes and what could make him so happy.

We happened to be idle and bored, so everyone started to analyze the time backstage step by step, so the matter was locked in two aspects, one was chatting with Kim Taeyeon and the director, and the other was to take care of the vain Yoona. Come back.

"Is it possible that Yoona is too embarrassing and funny outside, so he can't help but smile every time he thinks about it?" Kim Taeyeon said quite irresponsibly. Yoona on the other end was about to get angry and hit someone, Will she, Lin Yoona, be embarrassed? How can it be!

Since Yoona strongly disagreed, they could only focus on another thing, so they gave full play to their association power: "You looked very happy when we danced Tara's dance?" "The end of the year" Sometimes you can take the opportunity to meet many other girls?" "Are you going to get involved, use your power to overwhelm others, and unspoken rules..."

"I'm hiding you..." Li Menglong couldn't hold back and almost cursed. The brains of these people are really too abnormal. If they have the energy, can they think of something useful? "You'd better be honest, I'm driving." Well, if the steering wheel is accidentally turned crooked, you are the one who will suffer!"

"Tch, who are you trying to scare? If you have the guts, do it!" Kim Taeyeon immediately retaliated with her bad temper, but she was subconsciously checking whether her seat belt was tight. Her two-faced nature was quite obvious.

"If you don't want us to guess, just confess it yourself. Just tell us who you like. We are definitely generous and won't help you matchmaking, but we will definitely not deliberately sabotage you!"

"I'm damned if I believed what you said!" Li Menglong shook his neck: "I just had some temporary inspiration. Although it's only a little bit, it's enough to make me happy!"

"That's it? You're not lying to a child, are you?" As he spoke, Li Shunkyu stood up and looked at him through the rearview mirror. It didn't seem like he was lying, but what kind of inspiration could make him happy for so long? I'm even more curious now.

"It's not over, right? I've told you everything, what if you go out and leak the secret in the end?" Li Menglong looked stingy: "Don't say I don't trust you, this inspiration is too important. Maybe it will be done after I perfect it. It’s the pinnacle of my life!”

"Hey, why do I feel that he is still crazy!" Kim Taeyeon said that she was very scared. In fact, Lee Menglong's peak in life seems to be a bit high. So far, in movies, TV series, variety shows and even in the company's career, he has The possibility of breaking through the peak seems to be low.

As for life, it is even more uncertain. He is happily living under the same roof with nine famous stars who are like girls. How can he break through this? Bring a few other girl groups over to set up a dormitory? He can do it, but those people can't do it yet!

So the conclusion is that this guy must be crazy, call the pet hospital quickly, otherwise it will be bad if he bites someone, or you can find something to cover his mouth to force it, but you can't let him do it wantonly. infect!

When he heard this, Li Menglong really had an urge to go over and bite them one by one. Of course, it was not because he was sick, but because these people were too annoying. Did they spend all their spare time? Thinking of ways to piss him off?

Although he still had doubts about this matter, life still had to go on. It was obviously not worth wasting precious rest time on this, so Li Menglong's planned counterattack had no opponent, which made him quite depressed.

"Are you not happy again now?" Li Shunkyu said frivolously as he passed by: "That's right. Your bosses are suffering from hard work, and when they come back, they see you giggling. Isn't this ridiculous? ?”

"Lee Sunkyu, give you three seconds to disappear from my eyes!" Li Menglong said with his eyes closed and gritted teeth, but he still played a trick and shouted three times, and then he started to take action. , it was just a number, Lee Soon Kyu just disappeared?

Looking at Li Menglong's self-doubting eyes above, Li Soonkyu showed a disdainful smile. He wanted to play tricks on her with such an intelligence. One second was not enough to escape and he was not enough to squat down...

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