The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1396 It’s cold

Li Menglong obviously overestimated his ability or underestimated the curiosity of the girls. There was no need to wait until noon. Does what Li Menglong wanted to eat have anything to do with them? He was taken into custody just as he got into the nanny van.

In the past, Li Menglong either drove by himself or sat in the passenger seat, but today he was thrust into the middle of the girls. Although he was surrounded by many beauties, he couldn't stand the fierce looks of these girls.

The person driving in front looked at the rearview mirror enviously, not understanding Li Menglong's depressed expression at this moment. Of course, I believe that 99% of men would not understand that playing with such a beautiful girl would be a death. Die under the peonies!

It’s just that Li Menglong really wanted to say, these people are just female ghosts. What’s the use of being beautiful, and they don’t have a good heart. They don’t even agree to eat for lunch. White wolves with empty gloves are not so cruel. Anyway Give me a smile or something.

However, he soon gave up this unrealistic idea, and if he still wanted to get off the bus alive, he could tell the truth honestly, so he spent more than ten minutes explaining the SW at least at the financial level, which made the girls happy. My horizons, I didn’t expect that my company is already so awesome, it’s almost catching up with s*m.

In fact, the girls still underestimated this company that they watched grow up. Although in some aspects, especially in terms of star-making, it is simply incomparable, SW also has things that the other party should envy.

Let’s not mention the production of movies and TV series. The most enviable thing is undoubtedly that SW’s stall is quite large and they are doing well in all aspects. The leading artists include Girls’ Generation, Yoo Jae Suk and others; movies and TV series , variety shows also have their own representative works; the live broadcast website is almost the first in the industry!

Not to mention the recently added TV station. Although it may not be able to compare with s*m in one aspect, but it is different when integrated together. This already has a trace of the background of a large company, resisting The risk capability is simply one level higher than that of ordinary entertainment companies.

Just like in s*m, if the sales of girls' albums were poor and their popularity declined, it would be a big deal. However, although sw also pays attention to it, it will never be serious. It's amazing to analyze and summarize, and to accumulate popularity. Next Come again.

Just like now, although movies are almost completely stagnant and TV series are also suppressed, the income from variety shows alone is enough for SW to maintain daily expenses, and there may even be some surplus by the end of the year.

Therefore, the company is far from the point where it needs to count on the girls to make money to support their families. Of course, if the day comes, I believe they will not refuse. Therefore, Li Enxi’s message is a complete lie. Of course, it is more likely that I feel that the girls have been too carefree recently, so I artificially add some difficulty to them.

Now that they understood Li Enxi's intention, the girls felt a lot more relaxed, and one by one they started shouting: "We're just rushing to catch up on our schedule. When we were at the height of our popularity, we didn't sleep in bed for three whole days. Compared to those days, these are trivial matters!”

"Well said! If you want our Girls' Generation to beg for mercy, then use some more skills. How much money can we make from such a small trip? We still have the rest of the night, so let us use that time!"

"What? No schedule in the second half of the night? That's because your company is not capable enough. With our popularity as Girls' Generation, why can't someone invite us to perform at two o'clock in the middle of the night?"

Seeing the indignant expressions of these girls, Li Menglong really wanted to record this and send it to Li Enxi. It is estimated that the fight between these two groups would be quite exciting, but his backpack was placed next to Xu Xian: "Oh , but there were still people looking for me in the middle of the night. I would like to ask everyone, can you accept the commercial performance of the food stall? "

"Take it! Why don't you take it! Do you look down on food stalls? You can make a lot of money in one night!" Kim Taeyeon was talking nonsense, without caring about the price of their own commercial performance. If the final balance is one hundred skewers of fish Balls, fifty skewers of chicken, etc., they can just find a place to cry!

While the girls were styling, Li Menglong made a few more phone calls to the company. He didn't dare to go to a big boss like Li Enxi, but those brats could still afford to offend him. After all, Li Enxi didn't do many things just by patting his head. The company is now becoming more and more formalized regarding the decisions that have been made, and many things are the result of consultations between various departments.

There is a reason why girls have such intensive schedules, and part of it is even blamed on Li Menglong. Although he is no better than those doting parents, he does the same things, although they are not particularly serious.

It has been two years since Li Menglong took over the girls. During these two years, the girls have lived a very solid life. It doesn't matter how much money they make or how famous they are. The key is to live a comfortable life.

They are supported by the great god Li Menglong. To put it bluntly, they are the kind of second-generation people in TV dramas who run rampant in the company. Most people would not dare to offend them. Of course, the girls themselves are also sensible, so they did not cause trouble. What a mess.

However, due to Li Menglong's intentional indulgence, the girls have really had fewer activities in the past two years. Although the exposure is still acceptable, you must know that the girls are not movie stars after all, so they cannot be like those movie queens. Generally, you can make a good living by making one movie in a year or even two or three years.

As idols, they are more like the legendary footless birds. They have been flying since their debut and have been growing old in the wind. The only time they land on the ground is the moment of death. This is simply the best portrayal of idols. .

The girls' comfortable life is certainly related to Li Menglong, but more importantly, they have reached the pinnacle level of idols. Although they can't compare with movie actors, just looking at the scene every time they come back, you can tell that their The popularity is still there.

Popularity is the basis of everything about idols, so the several departments in the company have put it all together, but they don’t dare to let the girls be cool for another year, otherwise there may be some trouble after three consecutive years, so there is A series of plans were made.

Now is just the initial adaptation stage. After the girls gradually adapt to the intensity of work, next year will be the year for their complete return. The nine people will either return as a group or go out as a small team. As for solo variety shows, movies, The TV series is in intensive preparation.

This means that Potian is also for the good of the girls. Li Menglong cannot be stopped, so he still leaves the choice to the girls. Facts have proved that the girls are still ambitious. Besides, after resting for a long time, they still miss the tiredness of before. The days are at least so fulfilling that one makes one want to vomit...

And everything else is fine after a busy year, but the money in your pocket is real. If next year can proceed as planned, it will not be a dream for everyone to have ten figures in their pocket by the end of this year. .

So no matter what the reason was, the girls felt that they had to fight, so they started making noisy noises in the car, just like ordinary people. Before they took action, they were already confused by the imagined future. .

"How should I spend it after making so much money? Isn't it too much to spend 100 million on my own after making so much money?" Kim Taeyeon tilted her head and smiled stupidly, stuffing Seohyun's hair into her mouth On the side, he chewed it twice subconsciously.

Kim Taeyeon's doubts completely detonated the atmosphere at the scene. Although the girls have made a lot of money over the years, they all still have a small farmer mentality. After all, they are children of ordinary families. They buy houses and subsidize their families when they earn money. Household use and the like.

The money they spend on themselves is really very little. After all, as celebrities, they basically don’t have much to spend money on. Maybe the most they spend is food and clothing. Fortunately, the people they want to help now can almost help them, right? Is it time to enjoy the benefits of making money?

Li Menglong didn't bother to talk about this group of people. Just listening to their conversation made it sound like they wanted to buy the whole world, which is only 100 million. Although it is definitely not a small amount, it is not necessarily a lot. If they go there Spending money in a luxury store is just a matter of a few bags.

Fortunately, they were already at the place. Li Menglong didn't need to hear the demonic sound anymore. He opened the car door directly. The cold air poured in, which really made the group shiver. They all hurriedly wrapped their down jackets tightly and shivered. Walking down, they looked like a bunch of old ladies.

After taking the old ladies to the temporary lounge at the back, Li Menglong went to help them confirm the scene in advance. Only then did the girls change the topic: "By the way, what kind of event is it now?"

It has to be said that the girls are very nervous. They were sold out by Li Menglong sooner or later in such a daze. Fortunately, they are still reluctant to let go. Several people working on the side hurriedly explained to them. After hearing this, these girls immediately shouted.

It's definitely not that they can't endure hardship, but at least they should be notified in advance of this kind of thing so that they can be mentally prepared. Although it is noon outside, it can't stand the cloudy weather. When there is no sun, they can dance outdoors in the temperature of minus ten degrees in winter. , based on their experience, it was a bit overwhelming because of the cold!

Li Menglong didn't think too much about it, because although there weren't many things like this, they still existed, and it was useless for him to feel bad. This is how idols make money. It's not easy to make even a little money. You still have to wear clothes in the winter. Shorts out.

This is understandable. It seems that it has become standard for female idols to wear shorts all year round. Of course, there are always some exceptions in the styles of nine girls. For example, two pairs of pants are included in today’s singing uniforms. .

When Li Menglong returned to the lounge, there was almost a fight. The reason was naturally who was wearing these two pairs of pants. Generally, the singing outfits of girls with similar styles can be changed on the spot. After all, they all have similar figures. .

But it doesn’t work today. These are not two pairs of pants. They are clearly two lives. Li Menglong was still a little puzzled: "I said no, those of you wearing shorts should just wear stockings, and the pants are very thin!"

"You know nothing!" Li Shunkyu almost yelled back. Of course, the stylist on the side kindly explained to him that the thickness of the pants is not the main thing. What is more important is that after wearing the pants, you can wear something underneath. This is what the girls are fighting for.

Li Menglong looked at the time and saw that there was still a while, so he simply gave them ten minutes to fight. However, the matter was resolved internally in less than eight minutes. The method was nothing more than grouping together and kicking out some of the weak ones, and then guessing the punches for the last few. , a very primitive but very useful method!

Now that the winner has been determined, Li Menglong doesn't care about it. Instead, he distributes warm babies to the girls who didn't get the pants. He gritted his teeth and endured it. It means it will be colder at the beginning and wait until the time comes. After dancing to a song on stage, you will feel much warmer.

It's just that Li Menglong's words of comfort are obviously not very effective. It would be better if he could take off his heavy down jacket. Now he is obviously making sarcastic remarks. The girls have already started jumping around in singing clothes behind the stage. Warm up, otherwise you will get into trouble if your hands and feet become stiff once you get on stage.

Today's stage is a university anniversary. Idols like to take part in this kind of event, and even offer discounts, because these people are their main financial sponsors and are willing to spend money to buy genuine albums and albums for them. Most of the people who go to the scene to support and cheer are them, so it is natural to participate in these activities more.

Li Menglong also started to make the final explanation to the girls with a simple stage process. In fact, there is nothing to say. There are four songs in total, the first one is the new song, the last one is gee, and there is a simple interview in the middle, also for the purpose of letting people know. They take a breath.

"Is there any doubt? Does anyone want to drink coffee?" Li Menglong waved the hot coffee in his hand. It was handed over by the fans at the scene just now, but it was obviously cheaper for Li Menglong.

"I'll give you a word!" Li Shunkyu said contemptuously. If there weren't strangers around, she would have cursed them. When did they drink before going on stage? The ruined lip gloss was better, in case they had to pee urgently on stage. Well, it will be them who will suffer at that time.

After following them for such a long time, it was impossible for Li Menglong not to know this, but this bitch still asked him so shamelessly, which was really abominable. However, Li Menglong also had something to say. If he didn't ask him again, where would he be? I'm so embarrassed to drink the coffee given to them by fans!

Li Menglong even waved the coffee to the fans at the other end, indicating that he had asked, but the girls didn't drink, so there was nothing we could do. As the girls came on stage, Li Menglong himself leaned to the outside. , you can just see the side of the stage.

"You are here dressed warmly and drinking hot coffee. Don't you feel ashamed when you see them on the stage?" It happened to be next to the audience, so a fan with a strong sense of justice actually asked Li Menglong.

What should Li Menglong say? He couldn't just follow suit and wear shorts in the audience just because he felt sorry for them. That would be too stupid. Besides, why didn't this crazy fan take the lead? Doesn't he feel ashamed?

Seeing the hesitant look of the fan covering his collar with both hands, Li Menglong laughed shamelessly. It was very interesting to get along with such fans who were not malicious but just impulsive. He tightened his clothes again. It was so cold!

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