Li Menglong couldn't remember what he and Yuli talked about in the end. After all, he was in a relaxed mood and it was too late. Anyway, Yuli seemed quite relaxed when she went upstairs. This was enough. Li Menglong simply rinsed the pot. Only then can you wash up.

In fact, the girls also felt quite sorry for him at this point. Once a group of people came back from activities together, unless the girls didn't take a shower at the first time, Li Menglong always had the last turn. This was simply worse than Xu Xianhe Yoona's status is still low.

So one day when his conscience came to light, the girls discussed this issue with him and planned to advance Lee Mong-ryong's washing sequence, not to mention directly catching up with the ruling class such as Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon-kyu, but at least he wanted to join the middle class.

But Li Menglong refused directly. The allocation of three bathrooms was good enough. If he had to step in, the last person taking a bath would be too miserable. Everyone was sleeping except for Yoona or Seohyun. She was alone in the bathroom, with no one to save her if she fell or something like that.

The girls with a selfless spirit like Li Menglong still gave some recognition. In this case, they can naturally enjoy the leisurely washing sequence with peace of mind. Anyway, they all said it when it was time to say it. It was Li Menglong himself who disagreed!

Occasionally, girls are still a little heartless, but it's no big deal. Li Menglong himself really doesn't care, and he takes a shower quickly enough. He almost rests with the girls. Otherwise, let him go to bed first, and the girls I'd be damned if I could let him go.

It was already past four o'clock when he was lying on the bed. Fortunately, the sky lit up relatively late in winter, so Li Menglong could still close his eyes in the darkness. However, he just lay down and got up uneasy, using his mobile phone. After looking at the girls' schedule for tomorrow under the bright light, he fell asleep peacefully, but there was a slight smile on his lips as he slept, as if something good was going to happen the next day.

Li Menglong is actually a quite calm person. At best, he will not let external factors affect his emotions. In other words, he can always be in a relatively calm state. This is definitely a shining point when facing big events. !

But if he has to say something inappropriate, his character is not easy to be happy. This is because he has been influenced a lot by girls in the past two years, so he will smile, but it is only a small taste.

So far, there are not many things that can make him laugh. The more common ones are related to girls. It can be said that his emotions are almost connected with them, but it is not a positive correlation!

Because when girls are unlucky, Li Menglong will often laugh unscrupulously, which makes the girls extremely annoying. Of course, Li Menglong also speaks plausibly. Isn't this a small fight? When they are really unlucky, Li Menglong will definitely be the first. Help at a moment’s notice!

But with their current status, there would be no big trouble, so every time they saw Li Menglong's mean smile, the girls wanted to find a tree to hang Li Menglong up, and then waved their little leather whips to hit him hard. Give this bastard a whipping.

But so far, their plans are only at the dream stage. If they really want to achieve this goal, they can only wait for time. When Li Menglong suffers from Alzheimer's disease, that will be the day they launch the plan. But looking at Li Menglong's The body seems to live longer than them!

"Ah! I wonder if there is a girl at home who doesn't wear clothes so early in the morning. Do you have any sense of ethics?" Kim Taeyeon seemed to still remember the bathroom incident last night, so her temper was extremely hot right after she woke up.

Li Menglong wiped his hair while admiring Kim Taeyeon's coquettish appearance. He had to say that appearance is the truth. Even though he had just woken up, his face was swollen and there were still traces of saliva on one cheek, but It’s really beautiful!

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a big star who just woke up?" Kim Taeyeon didn't think so much, thinking that Li Menglong was teasing her, so she put the hat behind her up and yawned exaggeratedly. Waking up at seven o'clock is really killing me, no matter how long I slept.

Following Kim Taeyeon's shout just now, the girls who got up hurriedly came down to watch Li Menglong without any clothes. Although this guy has a good figure and they all live together, Li Menglong is very conservative and covers himself up almost every day. , which made these female gangsters very dissatisfied.

Just like men appreciate women with good figures, women don't mind looking at men's muscles. However, limited by their social circle, the only one who can allow them to watch without fear of serious consequences is Li Menglong.

It's just that this guy is still so stingy. Li Menglong is really too lazy to pay attention to the girls' fallacies. Can he be a little more logical and at least have a spirit of equality? If everyone is shirtless at home, Li Menglong will be the same. Ten thousand people agree, do these people dare?

Of course I didn’t dare, so I let Li Menglong have the upper hand. The girls started to wash up and come over to have breakfast one by one. At the same time, they started complaining about the new day. I don’t know when it started. It seemed that this had become a daily breakfast routine. It's an inherent part. As for things like eating without talking or sleeping without speaking, these girls are completely deaf to it.

"Why do you have to get up so early? Don't you know we worked so hard yesterday? Can't you just postpone the morning schedule?" Yoona took advantage of her young age and didn't have to bear any responsibility when speaking, so she started to set the pace.

Immediately, the other girls started shouting, acting like sweat workers who were exploited and squeezed by capitalists. As for the target of their accusations, they were undoubtedly Li Menglong, who was the company representative.

"Oh, you still have the face to eat bread. We all earned it by breaking our sweat into eight pieces. How can some people be embarrassed!" Kim Taeyeon said provocatively, almost touching Li Menglong's nose. .

But since he didn’t identify her, naturally Li Menglong would not admit it. If he had no shame, he would no longer have to hang out in this dormitory: “Did you hear that your captain is already dissatisfied? We have so many journeys, and in the end we have to share them evenly with you guys who are holding us back, how can you still have the nerve to eat bread?”

If possible, Kim Taeyeon really wanted to spit on Li Menglong's face. Did she, Kim Taeyeon, mean this? He is obviously talking about Li Menglong. Besides, it is appropriate to talk about this kind of topic. It is obviously sowing discord within the team!

If this was said in a s*m period, even if it was said jokingly, it would probably make everyone feel a little knotty in their hearts. Fortunately, this is what time it is. Although it must be admitted that Kim Taeyeon's popularity is indeed still very high, but everyone No one is too bad.

Just like this year, Seohyun ranks first in the team in terms of personal income, and even Hyoyeon has squeezed into the top half. After all, Seohyun has relied on his popularity and Hyoyeon has relied on his own diligence throughout the year. Everyone has done the same thing. Just make your own contribution.

Moreover, I will take half of the income from my personal trip, and the rest will be shared equally with everyone in the group. There is no complaint from everyone. After all, while others are enjoying the income they bring, sooner or later, you will also enjoy the income of others. Help each other and make progress together!

As for Li Menglong's very insidious behavior of changing the topic, the girls also gave fierce criticism. After going around in a big circle, they almost finished breakfast and then returned to the original topic: "Why did we get up?" So early? Li Menglong, are you planning to join Tara? You white-eyed wolf..."

I have to say that Kim Taeyeon's accusation still makes some sense. Not to mention that Li Menglong and Tara have a good relationship recently. If such a situation of going to bed very late happens on weekdays, Li Menglong will appropriately postpone his morning schedule. Let them sleep in.

Although the girls didn't explain this behavior, it was quite useful. It was also one of the ironclad proofs that Li Menglong loved them. But what is the situation now? Is it possible that this guy is really planning to run away?

Li Menglong naturally had no such thoughts, but the smile that had been on his lips since last night reappeared. Do you want to share such a happy thing? Seeing that they had almost eaten, and there was no risk of affecting their appetite, Li Menglong gave them today's itinerary.

As a star, there is almost no need to know today's schedule. Basically, it is whatever the company arranges. Although the girls have the right to know, they just keep coming here because of their trust in Li Menglong.

But you can’t help but be shocked when you look at it. Everyone’s face turned pale in an instant. It’s just one day, and it takes a whole sheet of A4 paper. Not to mention those densely packed activities. Just look at the time. Finally, One of the itineraries actually started at eleven o'clock at night. Was he going to perform in a nightclub?

The girls can't be said to be angry, just some subtle emotions, as if their parents are afraid of falling out of favor after having a second child. This is not Li Menglong's style. Could it be that they are not cute anymore? Are the good times over?

In fact, there is no such reality. Li Menglong's feelings for them are still the same. He was also shocked when he saw the schedule last night. It was inconvenient to make a phone call. After all, Li Enxi might have just gone to bed at four o'clock. , so I just sent a short message, and when I woke up in the morning, I received a voice message from Li Enxi.

"Now that almost all of the company's businesses have been suspended, the survival of hundreds of people depends on Girls' Generation. Therefore, the company has recently adjusted its focus to develop a series of businesses with Girls' Generation as the core!" Li Eunxi paused at this. : "So you can tell those lazy girls that their winter is coming!"

A group of people huddled together to study whether this news could be faked, but it seemed that electronic idiots like Li Menglong couldn't come up with such high-end methods, so could it be said that this was all true? Are they going to start making money to support the company during their teenage years?

You must know that the share they give to the company is very low, so how many activities do they have to accept? At this moment, they have the urge to change the contract with the company. Each one of them has their heads hanging down, and they have lost their energy due to lack of sleep. Becoming more frustrated.

Li Menglong really enjoyed this scene. Seeing the girls looking like they were mourning for their heirs, his already full stomach could eat some more, so he folded the remaining porridge from the other girls into his own bowl. , snoring and drinking this joyfully.

It’s just that this voice obviously doesn’t match the current atmosphere, especially when paired with his vague smile. This is simply a mockery of their girlhood: “Tell me, did you instigate the company! I know you can’t see us living well!”

"Tsk, you need evidence to speak. Do you have any evidence?"

"I am the evidence!" Kim Taeyeon patted her chest and said firmly: "I heard with my own ears the phone call between you and Li Eunxi last night. Do you still want to deny it?"

This is pure slander. Even the girls themselves don’t believe it. In the state she was in last night, Kim Taeyeon probably fell asleep while crawling on the bed. How could she still have the energy to go downstairs and monitor Li Menglong’s phone calls? Besides, there are no call records on this phone.

But you know it in your heart but you don’t have to say it out loud. At least that’s what the girls plan to do. Since Kim Taeyeon has said something, it is evidence. Otherwise, is it difficult to believe Li Menglong’s sophistry?

Li Menglong swallowed the last bun and leaned back on the chair lazily: "If you clean up the kitchen within five minutes, I will tell you the secret behind it!"

They looked at Li Menglong very carefully. Although their rationality told them that this was probably a scam, they couldn't hold back their curiosity. Besides, they just wanted to clean up the kitchen. But before that, they still had to give a warning: "You know how to lie to us?" The consequences! Once discovered, we will prevent you from seeing Xu Xian!"

They were involved inexplicably. In fact, Xu Xian himself was not curious at all. He even felt that the company did the right thing. They had indeed taken a break some time ago, so since they returned like this, no matter how busy they were, it was right.

However, a child with a healthy outlook on life like Xu Xian is obviously the kind of person who doesn't get along well in this dormitory. The dominant ones are her group of Ernies who believe in using force to suppress everything and believe that falsehood is the truth.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't want to trick them, it was just a simple intelligence analysis. Besides, he also wanted to make the girls feel at ease, so he took this opportunity to tell them about the company's situation, so as not to worry about him every day.

"In a nutshell, everything Li Enxi did was a lie to you!" Li Menglong sold Li Enxi out in his first sentence: "I'm not looking down on you. I want to support hundreds of people with your share of the share." People? Do you know how much their monthly salary plus insurance is?"

Using a few mathematical cells to simply calculate, the girls thought it made sense. Unless they gave all the money they earned to the company, selling them would not be enough.

But just as he was about to continue listening, Li Menglong pointed to the clock: "It's time for us to set off. As for the news, cleaning the kitchen is only enough to hear so much. I'll give you a little extra news. I'd rather say it at noon." Eat fried pork chop…”

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