The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1229 Can’t go home

When the girls learned that things had developed to this point, it was already too late to say anything. If they told Li Menglong directly now, they would first offend so many fans. The key is that Li Menglong might not appreciate it either.

So after another complicated brainstorming and five minutes of intense discussion, the girls decided to just let nature take its course. They were not optimistic about how long they could keep it secret. After all, Li Menglong was not stupid, and During the discussion, they also booked a restaurant for lunch, the most expensive hotel in Greece...

Although the girls let go, the fans were still fighting for blood one by one. And after get off work in the evening, more and more people participated. Now it is no longer just for anyone who wants to tell Li Menglong. Yes, because it is unacceptable to violate the wishes of so many people at the same time.

Besides, this is just an ordinary prank, nothing too serious. Of course, except for the larger number of people participating, given everyone's enthusiasm, the girls have already reported all the details, so now everyone is most worried about it. It's that pot of soup!

Once Li Menglong went back at night and saw that there was nothing missing in the soup pot and there were no traces of girls eating around him, his trap was immediately revealed, so for this reason he was worried about the fans, and of course he came up with all kinds of bad ideas.

It's just not very practical. The simplest thing is to find someone to fake the scene. This should be easy to do, but it is a pity that there are only ten people living in this family, and among them Nine of them are all participants in the prank, and the key is that they are still eating and drinking on the other side of the earth.

So fans can only turn their thoughts to the girls’ managers. They must know that 100% of the managers of celebrities’ dormitories know the passwords. However, something disappointing happened to them again. Ever since Li Menglong moved in, they knew There are only these ten digits for the password.

Suddenly, there was a wave of criticism on the Internet against Girls' Generation's manager, Park Sang-min. This manager is so incompetent that he doesn't even know the passwords of his artists' homes? Other managers dared to look through the artist’s cell phone casually. He was so aggrieved!

After seeing this point of view, Park Xiangmin didn't know what to say. Now he is more like the person in charge of the girls' business planning. To be more precise, he is the director of the SW artist business planning department. The role of the girls' manager should be Li Menglongcai. right.

Judging from this standard, Li Menglong's manager is quite in line with everyone's expectations. Not to mention the door password, he knows Girls' Generation's bank card password. As for reading text messages and so on, it is just a dirty trick. If Li Menglong wanted to know anything, he could just ask.

So this road is considered closed unless the girls fly back from Greece. Of course, there are fans who swear to the girls with various guarantees and try to get the girls to tell him their home passwords, but they just don't wait for the girls to answer. I was immediately surrounded by my long-cherished friends. Can I give you the password to the goddess’s home?

One road is dead. Fortunately, everyone has brainstormed and there are other ways, but it shouldn't take too long. The core idea is that since Li Menglong can immediately betray the gang when he returns home, then he should not be allowed to go home.

With the guiding program in place, everything was easy to say. Everyone began to frantically give ideas to each company around this point. They even planned to actively participate, but the method had to be secretive, but at the same time, it had to be open and aboveboard!

So the first thing Li Menglong discovered was that the work began to increase inexplicably. Although he could not finish everything every day, there were so many important things today. Almost every department in the TV station and the company had lost one or two things that needed to be done. Li Menglong is here to handle the matter.

Li Menglong already felt deep malice. Although he didn't know where the malice came from, more outrageous things kept happening. Li Menglong ordered a takeaway after seven o'clock, but it was not delivered until eight o'clock. Li Menglong almost returned the goods. .

The little girl who delivered the food was so frightened that she burst into tears, and she cried at the door of Li Menglong's office. Li Menglong had to swallow the bad breath, and had to coax the girl in turn, but the noodles were still good. , tastes great!

Just kidding, this is the restaurant that netizens picked out for him in all of Seoul. The netizens said: They are not bad people, right? Although it delayed Li Menglong’s dining time, it was the best food for him. Where’s the fried noodles!

This is not over yet. Li Menglong felt that he really had a lot of fun today. He queued up to buy coffee, queue up at the supermarket, and even made calls to others, but the lines were always busy. He really planned to find a temple to pay homage in a few days. , didn’t this hit something?

Li Menglong worked until midnight, not because he was tired, but because his work philosophy did not allow him to stay up all night, because in fact, the work efficiency was not high. If time was not very tight, he would always prefer to sleep.

So although colleagues all said that they still have a high enthusiasm for work, but what else could they say after Li Menglong, the boss, spoke, and if he continued to speak, they would be in trouble, so a group of people walked down huffing and puffing, but it was just Don't you want some midnight snack?

Li Menglong is famous for his good temper. Generally speaking, he rarely refuses the people below who ask for things that are not excessive. Besides, he was really hungry, so he found a roadside stall near the TV station, and a group of people were there. Sat down at midnight.

Although it was already very cold at night, a thin plastic sheet blocked the cold wind, and the hot and boiling soup pot in front of me brought in the heat. Along with the chili and beer, it was really easy to warm up.

Li Menglong really never felt that he was very popular. At least he didn't regard himself as a star. He never wore a mask when he didn't go out with girls. But what happened today? Why did he suddenly gain so many fans?

"It must be because we are near the TV station, and the plastic sheets are all transparent, so it is easy to spot us from the outside!" Seemingly seeing Li Menglong's doubts, the group of people explained carefully on the side, although some were superfluous. However, Li Menglong still reluctantly accepted this argument.

While we were eating, drinking and signing autographs here, the girls called again. This time there was no place to hide, so Li Menglong took the lead and reminded: "I'm just finishing dinner with someone here, and there's me around." A bunch of little fans, be envious!"

Those are our fans, right? Kim Taeyeon muttered silently in her heart, and then adjusted her tone: "Envy you? Do you know what we are doing? You will envy us only after you hear it!"

Kim Taeyeon gently shook the red wine glass in her hand, listened to the music performed by the street performers in her ears, looked at the night view of the Kifissos River in the distance, and felt the warmth of the sisters around her. This kind of enjoyment is the most beautiful thing on the roadside of Li Menglong Can the stalls be compared?

Kim Taeyeon knows exactly what he is doing now, and she even knows several people who are asking for autographs in front of him. After all, the fans who can come out at this time are either really idle, or they are real die-hards. A fan!

But when Li Menglong asked, Kim Taeyeon couldn't say it directly, so she could only answer vaguely: "We are enjoying a wonderful nightlife, it is very graceful!"

"Tsk, tsk, your nightlife? Do you need me to list a few for you?" Li Menglong said with disdain, it's already twelve o'clock, what kind of nightlife do these people have? I don’t dare to go to nightclubs. It’s too cold to go for a walk, so watching a midnight movie is still possible.

"Hmph, people like you won't be able to figure out what we are doing now even if you try hard. I don't care about you. Just drink less. There will be no one to serve you tonight!" Kim Taeyeon said with a double entendre. .

"When did I drink too much and need you? I can do it with Xiaoxian!"

Looking at Seohyun opposite who was intoxicated with the beautiful scenery, Kim Taeyeon burst into laughter. Unless Seohyun could take the rocket back, Li Menglong would have to ask for his own blessings if he drank too much. Fortunately, there were cameras at home, so he didn't have to worry. Li Menglong bumped into something like that.

"Is it Taeyeon? You guys have a really good relationship. Where is she now?" a fan next to her asked jokingly.

"Where can I be? I'm probably playing games with Li Shunkyu on the bed. Come here and make me angry!" Li Menglong said funny: "But they told me to drink less, so don't try to convince me!"

"Look at what you said, you are also our beloved Director Li. If you don't want to part with it, let's have another drink!" The staff immediately came over. For a country that is well versed in the culture of the wine table, drinking wine is something that is just born in the mother's womb. Will do.

I got drunk with this group of people for a while, mainly because Li Menglong drank a lot. There were many women in this group of people, and even if they were tied together, it was not enough for Li Menglong to drink alone. It would be a dream to expect them to drink Li Menglong down.

It's just that when Li Menglong had just paid the bill and was about to finish going back to each house, he saw Liu Zaishi at the door. To be precise, the entire Wuchao team. Li Menglong had already started rubbing his chin. Isn't it too much to call this a coincidence?

Why did the crew of MBC's Infinite Challenge shoot near the gate of JTBC? Is the relationship between the two families so good? Or is it that Yoo Jae Suk jumped here with this group of people and the film crew?

"We finally found you, kid. We asked around before we found this place. If there's no one here, we'll go to your house!" Liu Zaishi knew Li Menglong too well, so he knew that Li Menglong could believe it if he just said it was an accidental encounter. I just saw the devil, so I simply told the matter with the words of nine truths and one lie.

After listening to their explanation, Li Menglong had to say that he already believed it. After all, the probability of Wuchao's group coming to him to record a special episode was quite high. They were a bunch of mentally ill people, but he didn't expect them. The ultimate goal is to prevent him from going home, and of course the ratings are also part of it.

Netizens felt a lot more relieved after seeing Wu Tiao take action, but what to do tomorrow is another trouble!

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