The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1228 One wrong step

Li Menglong was really busy, so it was midnight again when he came back. He really didn't lie to the girls on this point, so it was so late. Naturally, he had no intention of disturbing the girls' rest, not to mention that Li Shunkyu had warned them of.

Besides, Li Menglong is not crazy. What good will it do him to harass them? Or maybe these girls can let him sleep in the future? Even if it was just to let himself have a good sleep, Li Menglong would walk in quietly.

It's just that there's a little something wrong. Although it's not a big deal, it's still a little uncomfortable. No one is waiting for him in the living room. There's not even a light left. It's not appropriate. They don't have to pay the electricity bill.

After turning on the lights, the living room was extremely deserted. Logically speaking, it would be a similar environment on weekdays, but today Li Menglong felt this way alone. He took a closer look and quickly found the source. The sofa is so neat!

You must know that girls like to watch TV with a group of people in the living room, and the comfortable sofa has always been their worst disaster area, so it is not normal to find snacks and clothes on it, but today it was packed away very much It's neat.

Lee Mong-ryong's own idea is that Seohyun was bullied again, otherwise Kim Taeyeon, Lee Soon-gyu and others would not look like such hard-working people! I went to the kitchen and took a drink of water. It was extremely cold.

You must know that Li Menglong likes to drink hot water, and even girls have developed similar habits. Therefore, the kettle at home basically has hot water, but now it looks like this, which really makes Li Menglong suspicious. .

Fortunately, girls are really unreliable, so Li Menglong's guess took a big turn: "These little girls, think they can deceive me with this little trick? They are naive!"

Li Menglong stared at the boiling hot water with a smile, and picked up his phone to send a text message to Kim Taeyeon. After all, as the captain, she is definitely the leader: Are you playing this with me? I won’t go up to confirm. If you are able, you can really run away from home. It’s best to stay for a few more days. If you don’t have enough money, call me and I will send you to the second floor!

As the saying goes, hunting geese all day long will eventually get pecked by geese. Li Menglong did rely on his keen insight to expose countless cheap pranks of girls, but who doesn't allow girls to be clever for once, right? According to Lee Soon-gyu's usual saying : They are usually saving up their IQ, just to use it at critical moments!

So what Li Menglong is guessing now is that the girls create an illusion that they are not at home on the first floor. Once Li Menglong goes to the second floor to check, he will be blocked by the girls there. After all, the reasons are all ready-made, right? It's midnight. Li Menglong broke into the boudoir of nine beautiful girls at night. What was he doing?

The smart-ass Li Menglong naturally thought that everything was under control, so he sent this text message in an attempt to mock Kim Taeyeon. However, Li Menglong did not receive a reply until he went to bed, which made the very confident Li Menglong a little suspicious.

After all, girls shouldn't be so calm. He was prepared for nine girls to come down in anger and fight in a group, but it seemed that something unexpected happened in the middle. Although he didn't know what it was, it was probably Kim Taeyeon. I fell asleep, after all, it’s past one o’clock!

Facts have proved that Li Menglong really knows the girls. Kim Taeyeon is indeed sleeping. This is confirmed, but it is slightly different from what Li Menglong guessed. The most essential thing is that he guessed that Kim Taeyeon is sleeping on the second floor. , and actually Kim Taeyeon was snoring on the plane!

So it's not that Kim Taeyeon doesn't want to reply to Li Menglong's text message, but that they can't receive the text message at all. It takes more than ten hours to fly to Greece, and they slept a whole night before arriving. Now they can't even make fun of Li Menglong.

But who doesn’t know anyone? After a rather boring discussion among the nine people, they all agreed that Li Menglong would never go to the second floor to test tonight. If the work is very busy tomorrow, it might be a day later. They really wanted to Look at Li Menglong's expression when he learned the truth.

No one came to disturb Li Menglong that night, so the quality of his sleep was quite good. He stretched himself hard and looked at the stairs leading to the second floor. Li Menglong felt that it was still early and didn't believe that they would stay on the second floor for the rest of their lives. Don’t even eat it?

Li Menglong put a lot of thought into breakfast today. He actually made a large pot of beef soup. Drinking some hot soup in the morning is simply a kind of enjoyment. The key is that the flavor of the soup spreads easily, so The whole room was filled with the aroma of meat.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Li Menglong could faintly hear the quarrel on the second floor. Of course, it was very slight. Li Menglong, who didn’t know that he was hearing hallucinations, raised a confident smile on his lips and called Kim Taeyeon directly. past.

The girls were preparing to rest in the hotel when they received the call. The time difference between South Korea and Greece is seven hours, which means that it is early morning over there in Li Menglong, but it is exactly midnight here in Greece, so the time difference is quite different.

Fortunately, after traveling all over the country for so many years, girls are very good at adjusting to time differences. The core method is to work during the day and rest at night, but what about the time difference in between? The girls said it would be fine if they slept over!

Although they have slept for a long time on the plane, for the girls, sleeping for seven hours in the hotel is just like playing. There is absolutely no chance of sleeping too much and not being able to fall asleep. They are very proud of themselves for this. of confidence.

Since everyone planned the prank together, Kim Taeyeon would not enjoy this joyous moment to herself. After everyone gathered together, Kim Taeyeon called Li Menglong back, and Li Menglong did not notice that in some corners of the room Inside, the webcam they had arranged in advance slowly began to work.

Because this kind of thing is said to be hackable, girls avoid it, but it doesn’t matter if Li Menglong is the only one left at home. He doesn’t have the habit of running around naked. If hackers are willing to release the footage of Li Menglong at home, it will Li Menglong didn't do any harm, and it might even make him even more angry.

After all, it is quite rare for a man to wake up early in the morning to clean up his room and cook. Although they are thousands of miles apart, a computer screen and a mobile phone connect the two parties seamlessly. Except for the girls who hold back their laughter and compare Hard.

"Oh, are you willing to call me back? Let me guess, was it because you were asleep that you didn't hear it just now?" Li Menglong said with certainty: "But these are small things. I made soup, what should I say? Come on down. Eat some!”

Kim Taeyeon instinctively swallowed her saliva. Li Menglong was very good at making soup. This little voice made Li Menglong feel even more proud. He firmly believed that the girls had smelled the smell in the room: "I know you have run away from home. Come down here." Can you drink some soup and continue running away?"

"I'm afraid!" Kim Taeyeon shouted directly. Of course, because of the first half of the sentence, she thought that Li Menglong had seen through it. Fortunately, she felt relieved after hearing the second half of the sentence: "What do you mean?".

Kim Taeyeon is well aware that talking too much will lead to mistakes, so how can she dare to talk to Li Menglong now? Fortunately, Li Menglong has the pearl of wisdom in his hand now and feels that everything is under his control: "What's the point? You were not very tired yesterday. Well, I feel sorry for you, and besides, they all ran away from home together on the second floor, which made me panic!"

I finally figured out what Lee Menglong was thinking. If Lee Soonkyu hadn’t given Yoona and the others a lot of kicks, the scene would have burst into laughter. The way Lee Menglong looks now is really, really stupid!

"Why are you calling me when you know everything? I'm not hungry, and have you ever seen someone who ran away from home and returned home for breakfast?" Kim Taeyeon said rather forcefully. Of course, in Li Menglong's case, it was duplicity.

After all, it was impossible for Li Menglong to stay at home with them all day long, so they could wait until Li Menglong left before they came down to eat. Li Menglong, who had mastered the psychology of the girls, secretly shook his head: "Okay, then you can do whatever you want. , what are you doing now?"

"Of course we're resting. We've been preparing to run away from home all night, and we've just arrived at our destination!"

"Oh, that's really hard on you! Have a good rest, don't tire yourself out, and also take care of my sisters, I still miss them!" Li Menglong hung up the phone after saying that. But the girls were still staring at the computer screen.

I saw Li Menglong walking out with a bowl in his hand and silently shaking his head in the direction of the stairs. Just when the girls were feeling happy, Li Menglong inadvertently glanced at the camera, which was equivalent to looking at each other. The group was shocked.

What's even more terrifying is that Li Menglong stared in this direction afterward, causing the girls to subconsciously check the hotel room. Isn't there a camera here? This situation is too weird.

The distance of thousands of kilometers was shortened to the thickness of a screen. The girls watched Li Menglong slowly drinking soup. They have now confirmed that this bitch has discovered the camera and is just greedy for them!

Not to mention, it is really effective. If they were really on the second floor, they might have rushed down, but now they are powerless, so they can only watch Li Menglong being arrogant there.

In fact, Li Menglong was a little impressed. It seemed that these girls were determined this time, otherwise they would not have been able to resist the temptation for so long. Unfortunately, this camera has exposed their thoughts.

Isn't it just to confirm whether Li Menglong has left? As long as Li Menglong doesn't leave, they won't come down. So he chose to cooperate, or let the girls achieve some staged victory, so he put on his clothes and waved to the camera, while pointing to his watch to say see you in the evening.

Just when the girls heaved a sigh of relief, Li Menglong's big face actually stuck directly to the camera, scaring the girls so much that they collectively took a few steps back. Li Menglong seemed to be able to see the scene on the opposite side through the camera, and felt sorry for himself The prank was successful and he smiled happily.

Fortunately, he didn't just do it just for pranks. He pointed the girls to look at his mouth shape. Because he said it very slowly, the girls could also recognize it: "Soup, drink it while it's hot, and, Xiaoxian, Salanghey!"

If only the first half of the sentence was enough, the girls would still be a little touched, and even want to fly back to drink soup immediately, but the second half of the sentence is wrong. After seeing Li Menglong close the door and walk out completely, the girls also closed their notebooks, At the same time, he pushed Xu Xian.

"Yeah, I've confessed to you, please give me a reaction!" "Your dear Menglong oppa is asking you to go back for soup, hurry up!" "Don't let the man feel cold. If you push too far, be careful not to pull him back later. !”

Faced with the unscrupulous teasing of the unscrupulous Ernies, Xu Xian did not dare to say anything, especially since he was in a foreign country and had no place to run. Fortunately, the girls were still preparing to adjust to the time difference, so there was no big fight. It's just that everyone had a smile on their lips when they slept. Being able to fool Li Menglong around is really a very fulfilling thing!

After the girls had slept for seven hours, it was time for Li Menglong to have lunch. Of course, it was lunch that was postponed due to busy work. Looking at the hard-working staff together, Li Menglong felt that he had to express his gratitude.

"Have you found a place for lunch? The vice president here invited me to dinner today. If you want to eat at a big restaurant, come with me!" Li Menglong said in a very sinister way, mainly because he would be very tired if he went alone. Yes, you have to think about every sentence you speak to those people.

But it's different when you go there with a group of people. What can you talk about when people talk so much? As for these employees, they are also very happy. Not only do they get free food, but they can also develop relationships with senior officials. It is like killing two birds with one stone.

The girls were not idle while Li Menglong was feasting. This was an extremely rare opportunity. No one knew them, and they were surrounded by the beautiful scenery of a foreign country. This feeling of freedom came so suddenly.

As for the occasional small guilt towards Li Menglong, they have long been forgotten. They are now proud of their wise decisions, and once they are proud, they will naturally show off to Li Menglong: "Hello, Mr. Li Menglong! Fuck you!" What’s up?”

When he saw Kim Taeyeon's phone call, Li Menglong walked to the single room next door. He didn't think he was okay, but it would still be bad if the girls said something and others heard it: "So cheerful? It seems that he is in a good mood. I’m having lunch here, someone’s inviting me! Rich man!”

"Tsk, tsk, it's barbecue again, right? It sounds greasy. We are having breakfast!" Kim Taeyeon couldn't wait to show off. Of course, she also wanted Li Menglong to guess it early, otherwise they would feel itchy if they were dragged along like this.

It's just that this time Li Menglong really made a mistake from beginning to end, and the dialogue in the middle was all kinds of coincidences. For example, Kim Taeyeon's reminder is obvious enough now. They are indeed having breakfast on the streets of Greece. The scenery is beautiful! Even once Li Menglong guessed it, they were all ready to send photos to Li Menglong.

But Li Menglong mistakenly thought that they were drinking the beef soup he prepared in the morning. After all, getting up at noon was not a special thing for girls. As for calling lunch breakfast, is there any problem? It’s about time!

After secretly probing Li Menglong's thoughts, Kim Taeyeon wanted to grab him by the collar and tell him the truth. She was most afraid of meeting such an idiot when playing pranks. She didn't realize that she was being pranked until the end. So what about this prank? Is there any need for it to exist? Will the girls who are the instigators feel any pleasure?

It happened that the person who was treating the guests over there came over and called Li Menglong, so the two parties could only hang up the phone in a hurry. Li Menglong even told them not to drink the soup directly from the pot, otherwise the soup would easily spoil.

At this point, the girls really have no choice but to hide it no more. Otherwise, if Li Menglong comes home at night and finds no one at home, don't scare him anymore. Besides, that would be pointless, right?

So the nine heads got together again and came up with a very reliable idea. They actually posted photos of themselves in Greece on their Instagrams, and even wrote down the complete prank with Li Menglong on it.

On the one hand, the original intention of the girls is to make the fans have fun too. Don't always think that their idol is stupid, because they don't want to be like Li Menglong. If they really use their brains, they will kill Li Menglong in minutes!

On the other hand, I plan to have a showdown with Lee Mong-ryong. The girls’ Instagram posts can be spread throughout Seoul and half of Seoul in a few hours. Although Lee Mong-ryong basically doesn’t read them, their fans, Lee Mong-ryong’s friends, and even reporters and colleagues always Someone will tell Li Menglong.

So the girls can play around with peace of mind and wait for Li Menglong's roar at any time. Of course, the first priority now is to go shopping. After making so much money, they must reward themselves well. In one word - buy!

The girls were like locusts. The place they passed by was a mess. They didn't let go of anything they could eat, wear, carry, or play with. Yoona even carried her schoolbag directly on her chest, which was filled with all kinds of Greek snacks. , you don’t even need a garbage bag, just spit it in the bag!

Naturally, Li Menglong didn't know anything here, and he was still eating with this group of people. He even felt a little more comfortable knowing that the girls were having lunch, and all the little doubts he had originally had disappeared.

But from a certain moment, probably after a female employee checked Instagram out of boredom, the atmosphere in the whole room changed. Everyone either received text messages occasionally or went to the bathroom together in twos and threes. In short, it was very strange.

"Director Li, I'm a fan of Girls' Generation. Can you get me a set of autographs or something?" A staff member who was privately recommended by everyone came over and said with a smile.

"It's more than just that, right?" What kind of eyesight did Li Menglong have, so he squinted his eyes and kept putting pressure on the person opposite him.

Fortunately, none of them are vegetarians, and the excuses are all ready. Seeing that Li Menglong was so shrewd, he immediately came up with another excuse: "We are all discussing, see if we can get them to come to JTBC as a group to participate." We are all our own people, so please help us!"

Li Menglong relaxed a lot now. It makes sense. These people are all middle and high-level people in jtbc. It is normal for them to want to let the girls record the program through Li Menglong privately: "Does this kind of thing need to be so obscure? You can just give it to SW. Just tell me the price and program, and I’ll say hello too!”

"Then set a time? Do you think their schedules can be matched up the day after tomorrow?" After paving the way for so long, we finally got to the point. Everyone's eyes were fixed on Li Menglong, which made Li Menglong himself feel a little stressed.

"So anxious? It should be no problem. They don't have any schedules recently, but remember to make the show more reliable!" Li Menglong agreed on behalf of the girls. If it was just a variety show, he would still dare to make the decision, so he would just give it up. The girls worked odd jobs.

As Li Menglong finished speaking, the staff started to applaud. Li Menglong was stunned. He just adjusted it a little in the middle. It shouldn't be like this. He also wanted to collect money, and he didn't want the girls to waste their time. Come on!

Fortunately, the dinner party was almost over, and Li Menglong and the gang got back to work again. However, under the girls’ Instagrams, jtbc’s official Instagram answer was directly pushed to the top: At 1:12 p.m., via me The staff tried to test it out, but Li Menglong still didn’t know. The specific details are as follows...

The girls really didn't expect that Li Menglong was so hated? It was just a small prank on their part, but in the end it turned into an interaction with millions of people participating and watching the joke. It was simply a carnival!

It was not that no one wanted to inform Li Menglong during this period. Of course, most of them were people who hated him, such as reporters and tabloids. They wanted to see his jokes. His real friends were already laughing and wanted to see more of him. It's so lively, who has time to remind him.

It's just that the power of netizens is really powerful. With long-cherished wishes as the main body and countless idle netizens as the basis, they publicly made a declaration. The general content is which media, newspapers, individual journalists, etc. maliciously leaked information to Li Menglong. They will boycott!

The statement itself was still a bit ridiculous, but when the number of signatures below exceeded 5 million within an hour, the reporters were completely dumbfounded. Moreover, it was not an exclusive news for Potian, so various factors combined, They actually managed to hide Li Menglong. This can be regarded as a big deal accomplished by netizens.

After that, it was a time for all parties to enjoy the excitement and watch the excitement. Netizens began to make suggestions one after another, coming up with one reliable idea after another and crazily recommending it to Li Menglong’s various friends and related companies, and then they binged on the girls. ins.

As a result, Li Menglong's place became lively all afternoon. He knew there was a problem, but he couldn't find any doubts, which made Li Menglong quite irritable.

Yoo Jae Suk invited him to come to his house for dinner tomorrow night, and asked him to bring Lee Soon Kyu with him by name. It was a normal suggestion. After all, men drink and women chat, otherwise Na Jung Eun would be embarrassed as a woman.

Kim Jong Kook said that he has a brother's gym opened very close to him. He doesn't expect girls to endorse anything. He just comes to exercise in the past two days, take a photo and put it on Instagram. Not to mention the money, this gym is all for them. Lifetime membership.

Li Enxi was even more confident. There was a brand that wanted to stand out tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. She asked Li Menglong if the girls here had time...

Li Menglong desperately wanted to find some common ground among these things, but as the saying goes, it's dark under the light. The more anxious he was, the more clueless he became, causing his work efficiency to plummet.

It’s just that everyone naturally can’t see Li Menglong’s various little pains. Instead, they look at the girls’ Instagrams with pride. The latest top reply has been released: At about 19:20 pm, after testing by our staff, Li Menglong is still the same. I don’t know, the specific details are as follows…

The reply person turned out to be the official Infinite Challenge. After a while, will s*m company also come to take advantage of the popularity? Netizens have begun to look forward to it, and at the same time pray that this prank can last a little longer, and a little longer...

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