The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1467: Turkey

In the luxury villa area of ​​New York, the United States, a large-scale motorcade slowly stopped in front of a certain villa.

On the front and rear cars of the convoy, the bodyguards came down one by one and surrounded the car in the middle. Security was ready, and the door in the middle opened. A middle-aged man with a slightly blessed figure walked down from the top.

The man was wearing an Arabian costume, he was almost in his early fifties, he kept an inch, and he wore glasses. He looked quite majestic.

At the entrance of the villa, a group of servants lined up in two rows to respectfully welcome the man home.

This man is probably not known to many people in the United States or the world, but if he is in Turkey, he is almost a well-known celebrity.

The Vice President who once held Turkey's military and administration has a great reputation and supporters in Turkey.

Now, he has been in exile in the United States for many years. As the most dazzling political star in Turkey, he naturally cannot interfere with loneliness.

As far away as the United States, he has been seeking opportunities to return to Turkey and regain power.

I also tried to launch a coup, but unfortunately the coup failed.

However, he did not give up, and has been working hard to find opportunities.

Inside and outside the villa, there are many bodyguards, and everyone is armed with guns. They are not inferior to any international dignitaries.

That's because Turkey has been trying to deal with him, and for this reason, he also attaches great importance to his safety work.

And these bodyguards are not hired bodyguard companies, each of them is his loyal follower, and was once a Turkish soldier.

But when he returned to his study, he was shocked to find that a bald man was sitting on the desk chair in the study.

Before he pressed the siren to call the bodyguard outside, he heard the bald man speak: "Mr. Mozabi, I am not malicious."

The bald man's voice and eyes seemed to have magical powers, so that Mozabi, who had always been extremely vigilant, naturally released the alarm in his hand.

"Who are you?" Mozabi did not completely give up his vigilance. He stepped back slightly and approached the door of the study, which was a relatively safe distance.

The bald-headed uncle showed a faint smile, got up from the swivel chair, walked to sit down on the sofa, and, like the owner of this house, gestured to Mozabi with a please gesture and said, "Mr. Mozabi, We can sit down and talk slowly."

A voice full of magnetism, to Mozabi, it was like the holy voice of God popping up in his heart, making him always unable to hold up any alertness, so he walked smoothly to the sofa in front of the uncle bald. Come down.

"What do you want me for?" Mozabi asked naturally.

"I give you an opportunity to regain control of the Turkish regime."

Every word of Uncle Bald seemed to be full of magic, and Mozabi didn't even have any thoughts of suspicion. He said directly: "How are you going to help me?" In the words, he also directly used honorifics, which seemed true. Completely believe in the uncle bald.

For Mozabi's performance, the bald-headed uncle seemed to know everything in his chest, and said naturally: "I can provide you with everything you need, even all our contacts in the Turkish military and intelligence departments."

"Then what do you need me to do?" Mozabi nodded excitedly without even knowing the details, as if he was completely convinced that the other party could definitely help him.

"Our conditions are very simple. When you take control of the Turkish regime, you will withdraw from NATO and join the Islamic Federation."

The bald-headed uncle's voice seemed to have magical powers, so that Mozambi could not bear any resistance.

In fact, all of Mozabi's actions in the United States are the result of the support of the United States.

The condition of the uncle bald, if it were under normal circumstances, Mozabi had called the guards to come in and at the same time handed the uncle bald to the American.

Unfortunately, this time it was Uncle Bald. Although Super Yuri could not control a person in an instant, he could slowly corrode and finally make him completely obedient.

This is also one of the reasons Cai Ruichen used Super Yuri, otherwise, no matter what method he uses, it will be difficult for him to agree to his terms.

However, it is not that simple for this matter to work. The reason why the United States has always kept Mozabi in the United States is to restrict the Turkish regime at this moment.

Mozabi is actually a **** used by the United States to balance the Turkish regime.

Because of this, Mozabi is actually under the control of the United States. Even if Super Yuri can control Mozabi, it is difficult for Cai Ruichen to get Mozabi to control the power of Turkey.

However, Cai Ruichen also has his own overall plan. The crux of this matter is not in Mozabi, but in the United States.

Controlling Mozabi is only the beginning of this plan, but it is not so much a plan as it is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against the United States and Turkey.

Yuri's success has made it possible for the conspiracy to continue to ferment. As for whether the conspiracy will succeed, it all depends on the will of heaven.

In fact, if it weren't for Turkey's determination to walk with the United States, Cai Ruichen had no idea about Turkey, at least for now.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen can only say that the current Turkish government will never die if it does not die.

After all, the plan to control Turkey is very dangerous, and Super Yuri needs to go out in person. Once the conspiracy leaks, or Super Yuri is exposed, it will be a fatal blow to the deployment of spies in the United States.

You know, the current Super Yuri’s presence in the United States has been semi-public ~ All personnel related to him are an important part of the intelligence network.

Of course, if this plan can be successful, it will reach a new height for the development of the Red Police Corps.

At that time, it will be possible not only to cut off NATO’s advancement of Turkey in the Middle East, but also to offset NATO’s largest army. Europe and the Middle East will face each other across the sea. Geographically speaking, the benefits and significance are very great. important.

Otherwise, with the existence of Turkey, NATO is equivalent to always having a bridgehead to attack the Middle East, and this is also an important reason why Turkey can join NATO back then.

Moreover, Turkey still guards the entrances and exits of the Black Sea. Otherwise, it will not be the turn of Turkey to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Cai Ruichen wanted to sever NATO's palm extending to the Middle East, and he had to sever NATO's small hand that had already reached in.

On the other hand, if Turkey is in hand, the uncomfortable thing is the whole of Europe. After all, part of Turkey is Europe, and the distance to the hinterland of Europe is closer.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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