The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1466: Investigate Hua Meixue

In the base console, after the third armored division of the Red Police Corps successfully captured the Tarawa Highlands, Cai Ruichen finally slowed down.

In the next half month, the U.S. military can't easily get the initiative in the war.

The performance of the battle fortress and peacekeepers, although not to say that they are amazing, but they also played their own advantages.

In the face of the self-propelled artillery of the US military, the calmer triumphed, and the defense of the US military, under the battle fortress, is almost imaginary.

Combining superior air forces to defeat the US Eighth Army is not a problem for the Red Police Corps.

What really worries Cai Ruichen is the situation in the Indian Ocean.

The NATO combined fleet has moved south. Although the Aurora bombers have caused considerable casualties to the NATO combined fleet, the main main force of the NATO combined fleet is still there. It is difficult to match the Baghdad and Damascus in the Indian Ocean alone.

This is the upcoming first battle of the Red Police Corps Navy. Cai Ruichen very much hopes that his army will be able to play a full house, but he himself knows very well that facing NATO's fleet, this battle will be extremely difficult.

Even Cai Ruichen is ready to lose half of the navy. This is no way. After all, the Red Police Corps is not invincible now.

And the powerful combat effectiveness of the NATO Wing Fleet has not been lost. Once it does start, the Red Police Corps is bound to fall into a disadvantage.

Especially the Lightning fighter on the Ford, the threat to the fleet is definitely not a little bit.

The most important thing is that Britain and France both have islands in the Indian Ocean, on which the air forces of the two countries are stationed, close to the Pacific and Africa, and they also have military bases of NATO member states.

Especially in Kenya and Australia, the US military can use these two countries as a springboard to dispatch reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft. In this way, the range of activities in the Indian Ocean will be very narrow.

The modern naval battle is very different from the naval battle during World War II.

Under the conditions of modern naval warfare, there are satellites, large early warning aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft. Although the Indian Ocean is very large, combined with NATO’s military bases in the Indian Ocean, the Indian Ocean is actually very small.

It is also rare to find the location of local fleets like World War II.

Once the NATO combined fleet continues to move south, the Red Police Navy in the southern Indian Ocean will inevitably face the navy descended from NATO.

This is what Cai Ruichen is more worried about, but he is not worried about the combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps, but the opponent has a huge advantage in strength and equipment.

This is also the weak point of the current Red Police Corps. The army’s weapons and equipment are far more advanced than the other, but the air force and navy are relatively inferior.

"Prepare, go to Basra early tomorrow morning."

Putting down the phone, Cai Ruichen moved his ears, and heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind, and said, "Why don't you sleep longer?"

Behind him, Hua Meixue took Cai Ruichen's coat and gently put it on him, "You haven't rested all night?"

"I can't sleep at this time." Cai Ruichen nodded, reached out and grabbed the little hand on his shoulder, and said: "This war will end soon, don't worry."

Hua Meixue leaned down and kept Cai Ruichen's arm, resting her head on his shoulder, and said quietly, "I'm just worried about you..."

"Don't worry, the United States can't help me." Cai Ruichen said confidently.

"The United States is so powerful, I also heard that Turkey will also participate in the war, will the Federation be surrounded by then?" Hua Meixue said with some worry.

"Turkey's participation in the war cannot change the current situation. At most, NATO will open up a second battlefield on the edge of Turkey, but I am afraid that NATO will not have time to open a second battlefield, and this war may be over." Cai Ruichen said.

When Hua Meixue heard the words, she didn't say anything, because she didn't understand, she was just purely worried. After all, the strength of the United States has not been a day or two. How can she not worry.

Even if you don’t pay attention to the military, you also know that the world’s boss is the United States. When she thinks that Cai Ruichen is at war with the United States, Hua Meixue is also the same. She did not sleep at night, and deep in her heart, there are endless worries.

"Promise me, you must have nothing to do!" Hua Meixue couldn't help shrinking the hands that kept Cai Ruichen tighter, and said worriedly: "If you really can't do it, don't force it, as long as you can be okay..."

"Fool, you can prepare to marry me with peace of mind. I will take care of the rest." Cai Ruichen said with a slight smile.

Hua Meixue raised her head shyly, nodded firmly, everything was silent.

Just when the atmosphere was warm and thick, Natasha walked in, and Hua Meixue shyly let go of Cai Ruichen because of the frightened little rabbit, and ran out with her head slightly lowered.

Natasha walked in with a joking expression, put the file in her hand in front of Cai Ruichen, and said, "Your good deeds have been broken again."

Cai Ruichen didn't respond to Natasha's words. She had already seen Natasha's style and flow. Once she did, she would be molested endlessly. ,

Seeing that Cai Ruichen hadn't put on the set, and focused on the information she had just brought in, Natasha seemed to be thinking of something. Looking at the focused Cai Ruichen, she stopped talking.

"What's wrong with you, just say anything." Cai Ruichen caught Natasha's expression out of the corner of his eyes and said immediately.

When Natasha heard this, she said, "There is an information about Hua Meixue, which was sent a few days ago. At that time, due to war preparations, I did not report to you. I wanted to wait until the war was over. I told you."

"Is it about her mother?" Cai Ruichen asked without lifting her After a detailed investigation by our intelligence department, it was found that there is no woman who meets the conditions mentioned by Hua Meixue in Iraq. . "Natasha said.

Closing the document in his hand, Cai Ruichen raised his head and said: "It may be because of the war. A lot of information is missing, and there are many omissions."

Natasha obviously disagrees with Cai Ruichen's words, and said: "I think there may be a problem. I suggest that if you have time, you can investigate from the future mistress's father."

"Do you think Hua Meixue has a problem?" Cai Ruichen said non-committal.

"Hua Meixue has no problem, and I am just curious about her identity." Natasha said, "Don't the commander want to figure it out?"

After hearing this, Cai Ruichen was silent for a moment, nodded, and ordered: "Secret investigation, don't let Hua Meixue know."

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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